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Living in imagination


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I don't know if I should say this, or even if I am even able to say this, but I feel like saying this... (NOTE: If this is the incorrect section to put this in, then I apologize, I simply thought this would be the best place to say this)

I have a habit if dreaming and imagining scenarios and a life I know I won't have in reality (Most of these fantasies are about Pokemon. Go figure). I can dream up a bunch of fantasies or create one to visualize based off of something that already exists.

For example, I am currently (Well, not right now, but when I'm not focused or when I'm in bed) dreaming, adventuring in...well, the realm of Pokemon Reborn itself. A new arrival, someone with experience in battling arriving and being forced to start anew from the bottom.

So far it's been for the most part exactly like in the game itself (In my dreams, I've just took out the PULSE machine in Jasper Ward), with a few embellishments (Taking a blow from a Meteor grunt's Pokemon before I could get my Pokemon out...), though I am reaching the point where I am going to start putting in some nasty scenarios for myself, to make it...colder, darker. Major poisoning or injury requiring medical attention?

To that extent, I've even avoided playing the game itself today just to give my dream self time to catch up (In the actual game I'm on my way to Shade's gym).

I wonder...maybe I could try writing some fanfiction? Though I fear I might not be a good one, literature was a weak area for me. Plus, I fear I might write a bad character...I swear the fear of being shunned and being a dissapointment is going to kill me one day.

Sometimes I genuinely wish I could truly delve into my dreams, experience everything firsthand, experience a life I know I won't have (Unless in ~50 years one will be able to upload their mind into a computer and create their own scenarios as they please...hey, a person can hope).

Anyway, I'm grateful for anyone who felt like reading through my ramblings. I...probably sound quite weird, maybe even mad, but I genuinely find solace in my mind, even through these scenarios.

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I definitely know how you feel! While I tend to imagine stories where I'm not a character myself, I find that fiction is one of the few reliably comforts in my life. I've thought a decent amount about why I like it so much, and decided that, ironically, fictional worlds are experienced more completely than the real one. When you read a story, for instance, you tend to find out a lot about the important characters. Secrets are usually revealed eventually. Not so in the real world. Many of the people who you interact with on a regular basis will appear kind of one dimensional to you because you only know them in a certain context, i.e. as a classmate or coworker. Similarly, while there may be boring parts of a story, there are also moments of jubilation, danger, and awe of the sort you so rarely find in real life. You don't have to go months or even years to run into an exceptional experience - and even experiences that would be awful if you really had them can be enjoyable or thought provoking when you're just imagining them. This is just my personal outlook, of course, but I find that fiction makes me feel more alive than life itself.

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I understand you too. At the first chance I have to "disconnect" from the real world, I start imagining my world. When I was little I tended to put a character I invented in the stories of existing anime and such, but now I tend to imagine the whole environment. Shame some people can't do this and would never understand...

By the way, have you played Final Fantasy Tactics Advance? I know it sounds out of place here, but it really treats this topic, and it made me think a lot about this.

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I understand you too. At the first chance I have to "disconnect" from the real world, I start imagining my world. When I was little I tended to put a character I invented in the stories of existing anime and such, but now I tend to imagine the whole environment. Shame some people can't do this and would never understand...

By the way, have you played Final Fantasy Tactics Advance? I know it sounds out of place here, but it really treats this topic, and it made me think a lot about this.

Only the first...20 minutes or so of the game, though I heard about the overarching storyline. I'll be honest, I wouldn't even try to escape, I would just stay and live my life there if something like what happens in FFTA happened.

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Only the first...20 minutes or so of the game, though I heard about the overarching storyline. I'll be honest, I wouldn't even try to escape, I would just stay and live my life there if something like what happens in FFTA happened.

Yes, if it were to be real, I'd stay too, but I prefer to see the game as a metaphor of the "real life" vs. "the stuff you imagine".

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