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Am I missing something? - Demon Galvantula


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Hey, I'm up to Demon Galvantula and I'm inside the Dimensional Rift. The game was going well so far but Demon Galvantula just seems impossible to beat :/ He constantly uses Electroweb and it hits every 'mon twice. None of my team resists it and my partner's pokemon basically all get OHko'd from it. I can't seem to leave the rift by whatever means or even level up inside, so I'm basically stuck repeating this process? Is there something I can do?

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You can revert to an old save by going into your saved game folder. "C:\Users\[uSERNAME]\Saved Games\Pokemon Rejuvenation" should be the location of the savefiles, and you can delete your current Game.rxdata and rename an older savefile to Game.rxdata. That way you can revert to a previous savestate and it'll be possible to grind up a bit!

Hope that'll help!

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