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Dodrio and Parasect [Pokémon Rejuvenation]

Cool Girl

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Hey guys, so I know I asked this in the Rejuv chat on Showdown, but I just really need help figuring this out. I got two possible Parasect movesets. I usually put competitive movesets on my pokémon (not sure why xD), but can you guys let me know what you think of these possible Parasect movesets.

Parasect @ Leftovers
Ability: Dry Skin
Adamant Nature
Seed Bomb
Knock Off/Pursuit
Parasect @ Leftovers
Ability: Dry Skin
Impish Nature
Leech Seed
Knock Off
Also, I'm looking for a Dodrio moveset, it can be competitive or anything. I'm very patient when it comes to catching pokémon with the right nature, so please provide me with a Dodrio moveset in the format that I did with Parasect. Thanks guys! :D
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I used Spore > Leech Seed > Giga Drain very heavily on Parascet in a few locations. I would advocate those moves at all times.
Substitute seems alright, but I would rather just giga drain.

I don't have any real tips for Dodrio. Haven't had a need for many flying types outside of Jumpluff and Noivern.

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first parasect is more attractive to me ;p i remember i used that set during gen 5 on an UU team and it was fun but i think instead of knock off i had stun spore or something

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