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Solaire's Quest for Gross Incandescence: A Fire/Electric Duotype run

Lord Chespin

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Hey! So, unless you're new to this forum, you might have noticed that a new version of Pokemon Rejuvenation came out today! So, I've noticed that some V5 areas were edited, but my second playthrough is past those parts. So, I've decided to do a challenge run to keep myself fresh! I've decided to do a type-restricted run, but didn't want to do a single type because most types are kind of hard to come by in the early game; thus, I've decided to use the Electric and Fire types, with a Dark Souls-esque theme for the run! Today, we'll be following Solaire, a young knight from the Lordan Region who's moved to Aevium in a quest to find his own personal sun!

Here's the team so far:

delphox.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 44

electrode.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 41

manectric.gifOrnstein (Male) - Lv. 41

camerupt-f.gifBed of Chaos (Female) - Lv. 42

houndoom.gifGrandahl (Male) - Lv 41

emolga.gifRat King (Male) - Lv. 43

Here's the Pokemon in our PC:

helioptile.gifGwynevere (Female) - Lv. 22

pyroar-f.gifRosabeth (Female) - Lv. 35

growlithe.gifSif (Female) - Lv. 27

torkoal.gifLucateil (Female) - Lv. 35

dedenne.gifRat Vanguard (Male) - Lv. 40

Here's the bosses we have to beat so far:

gyarados-mega.gifDimensional Rift Gyrados (Defeated!)

seviper.gifVenam (Defeated!)

lucario.gifKeta (Body) (Defeated!)

mewtwo.gifShadow Mewtwo (Defeated!)

hawlucha.gifKeta (Soul) (Defeated!)

slaking.gifMarianette (Defeated!)

mismagius.gifNarcissa (Defeated!)

Spr_3r_000.pngValerie (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngDimensional Rift Chandelure (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngCrawli (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngAngie (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngAmber (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngErick (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngFlorin/Flora (Undefeated)

There's also this run's theme song:

And finally, some Dark Souls X Pokemon fanart:


Time for our adventure to begin!

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Update #1: Self-Recollection

Well, Solaire's quest is off to a good start! When Solaire fought Amaria, she led with her Fennekin, and Solarie led with his Fennekin, Big Hat Logan. Big Hat Logan was able to set up a tail whip and just tackle Amaria's Fennekin to death without fainting himself!

The first fight against Ren was a little harder, but Solaire managed to beat him. Big Hat Logan was able to set up a tail whip and spammed tackle again, but Froakie had a higher physical attack than Fennekin, so Solaire had to use a potion on Big Hat Logan. This was enough for Big Hat Logan to power through and end the fight! Onward to the Undead Asylum- um. I mean, Gearen City!

The team so far:

fennekin.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 5

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Update #2: The Rotten

Well, even though Solaire only had two Pokemon, the battle against the Shiny Garbodor and its lackeys wasn't too hard. Solaire led with Big Hat Logan, Ren led with his Murkrow, and the Garbodor led with two Trubbish. The Trubbish ganged up on Murkrow and did considerable damage to it, but Big Hat Logan and Murkrow were able to team up on the first of the Trubbish and weaken it so much that Murkrow was able to finish it off on the next turn! This let Big Hat Logan dent the second Trubbish, although it did manage to poison both Logan and Murkrow with a poison gas.

The Shiny Garbodor decided to stop messing around and came out swinging, setting up toxic spikes and shrugging off a peck and an ember from Murkrow and Big Hat Logan, respectively. Trubbish, meanwhile, fired off a pound, weakening Murkrow and leaving it weak enough to faint from a pound from Garbodor. Big Hat Logan tried using an ember, but it didn't do too much; luckily, Big Hat Logan was able to tank a pound from both Trubbish and Garbodor, and Ren's Froakie was able to come out and do massive damage to the two Pokemon with a bubble! Sadly, Big Hat Logan fainted to a second pound from Trubbish, prompting Siegmeyer the Voltorb to come out and land the finishing blow on Garbodor with a spark! Froakie then paralyzed Trubbish with a lick and survived a pound, then teamed up with Siegmeyer to take out Trubbish with a bubble/spark combo! With the Trubbish defeated, it's time to make our way to Goldenleaf Forest!

The team so far:

fennekin.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 14

voltorb.gifSiegmeyer (Male) - Lv. 13

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Update #3: The Emerald Herald

Well, the first Melia fight was pretty close, but Solaire managed to pull through. On TEH URN, Solaire led with Big Hat Logan, and Melia led with her Doduo. Big Hat Logan tanked a fury attack and a rage and fired off two flame charges, then managed to burn Doduo with an ember while Doduo got healed by a potion. Melia used her second potion the next turn, but Big Hat Logan was able to set up a howl and finish off Doduo with a mighty flame charge!

Up next came Melia's Eevee... and this is where things started to fall apart a little. Big Hat Logan did some damage flame charge, but got smacked by a baby-doll eyes. He tried to buff his attack with a howl the next turn, but was knocked out by a take down. One of our newer team members, Sif the Growlithe (you don't want to know how long it took to beat that sidequest to get her), but while she was able to do some damage with an ember, she got hit by a mud-slap and missed two embers in a row, allowing Eevee to take her down with two take downs. Luckily, Eevee fainted from the recoil, but still...

Gwynevere the Helioptile came out next, and Melia sent out her Minccino (which I swear got a new shiny sprite...). Gwynevere lowered its accuracy with a mud-slap, but took massive damage from an aqua tail; while she was able to paralyze Minccino with a thundershock, she ultimately fainted to two flails after getting off another thundershock. I pretty much lost all hope of winning the battle at this point, but to my surprise, Siegmeyer the Voltorb pulled through and took out Minccino with a charge beam!

Siegmeyer's sweep continued with Melia's Teddiursa; while it did massive damage to Siegmeyer with two feint attacks and a covet, Siegmeyer was able to take it out with a few more charge beams! All that remained was Hapiness, Melia's Togepi; however, it couldn't even touch Siegmeyer, as its strongest move, echoed voice, was blocked by soundproof. This let Siegmeyer KO it with two mighty charge beams, ending the fight! With Melia defeated, it's time for a nice, relaxing walk to the train... or not, since Team Xen attacks...

The team so far:

fennekin.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 15

voltorb.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 17

helioptile.gifGwynevere (Female) - Lv. 16

growlithe.gifSif (Female) - Lv. 15

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Update #4: Vordt and Dancer of the Boreal Valley

Well, Eli and Sharon weren't terribly hard. On TEH URN, Solaire led with Gwynevere, and Eli and Sharon led with their Lunatone. Gwynevere managed to set up a charge and fire off two thundershocks, but fainted to a barrage of rock throws. Fortunately, Siegmeyer came out next, and while Eli and Sharon were able to heal it with a potion, Siegmeyer was able to KO it with two sonic booms!

Up next came Eli and Sharon's Solrock, and Solaire sent out Sif; however, he did this only to give Sif some EXP, as he quickly swapped him out for Siegmeyer again. Siegmeyer tanked a rock throw and set up a sonic boom, then barely managed to survive two psywaves with just one hit point left and Ko'd it with two final sonic booms! With the Misfortune Duo defeated. it's time to take on Zetta!

The team so far:

braixen.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 16

voltorb.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 19

helioptile.gifGwynevere (Female) - Lv. 16

growlithe.gifSif (Female) - Lv. 15

Edited by Lord Chespin
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Pro Tip, once you get eerie impulse on electrode; keep it, it is extremely useful for a lot of the boss fights.

Thanks for the tip, but I'm way ahead of you; I used an Electrode in both of my non-challenge runs. Thanks for following me, though!


Update #5: Iudex Gundyr

Well, Solaire had a relatively easy time with Zetta. Solaire led with Gwynevere, and Zetta led with his Murkrow. Murkrow managed to land a peck and a pursuit, but Gwynevere was able to fry the bird with two thundershocks!

Up next came Zetta's Shadow Duskull, so Solaire swapped out to Siegmeyer, who tanked two ominous winds and fired off a sonic boom, allowing Solaire to catch the Duskull with a Great Ball! Don't worry, I'll only use it for the Dimensional Rift Gyrados.

Zetta sent out his Sneasel next, and Sif came out. Sif got pretty dinged up by a bite, but was able to do some damage with an ember before swapping out Big Hat Logan, who was able to tank two bites and end the Sneasel with a flame charge!

All that remained was Zetta's Weezing, so Siegmeyer came out again. He took considerable damage from two assurances, but was able to deplete a huge chunk of Weezing's health with two sonic booms before landing the finishing blow with a charge beam! With Zetta defeated, poor Solaire gets sucked into the Dimensional Rift, leading directly to our next fight...

The team so far:

braixen.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 17

voltorb.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 19

helioptile.gifGwynevere (Female) - Lv. 16

growlithe.gifSif (Female) - Lv. 16

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Update #6: Asylum Demon

Well, for being a hopeless boss fight, the DImensional Rift Gyrados wasn't all that bad. Solaire led with Siegmeyer, and when the Gyrados transformed, he managed to leave Siegmeyer with only 2 hit points; however, Siegmeyer managed to hold on and do massive damage with a charge beam. Despite being in the position to one-shot Siegmeyer with... well, any attack, the Gyrados decided to use rain dance, allowing Siegmeyer to end it with two more charge beams! With the Gyrados mercy-killed and Zetta sent packing for now, it's time to take on Venam so that we can help Melia!

The team so far:

braixen.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 17

voltorb.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 20

helioptile.gifGwynevere (Female) - Lv. 16

growlithe.gifSif (Female) - Lv. 16

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Wait, you actually beat the gyarados! Great job!

Thanks! It wasn't too hard, actually; Voltorb pretty much destroys it. Anyway...

Update #7: Daughters of Chaos

Well, Venam was a really close battle, but Solaire managed to beat her on his first try! On TEH URN, Solaire led with Gwynevere, and Venam led with her Trubbish. Gwynevere managed to set up two mud-slaps and dodge a payback, but then things started to go south when Trubbish managed to set up two layers of toxic spikes. I was considering restarting the fight, but Solaire pressed on, having Gwynevere set up a charge and fire off a thundershock, which actually managed to paralyze Trubbish! Trubbish then missed a payback and a Venam's kiss while Gwynevere started spamming thundershock, and even though it got healed by a potion and an oran berry and fired off a payback, Gwynevere was able to take it out with a few more thundershocks!

Up next came Venam's Tentacool, and Gwynevere stayed on the field. She managed to paralyze Tentacool with a thundershock, causing it to be immobilized by paralysis, but when she set up a charge she got slammed by a water pulse and was confused, injuring herself and getting KO'd by a Fell Stinger. Siegmeyer came out next, and fortunately, the Tentacool was immobilized by paralysis, allowing Siegmeyer to get cured of his poison by an antidote and KO it with three charge beams, using up Venam's last potion in the process!

Venam sent her Ivysaur out next, and Solaire decided to keep Siegmeyer on the field. Siegmeyer was able to do some serious damage to Siegmeyer with a swift and a sonic boom, but he ended up fainting to a razor leaf and a Venam's kiss. Big Hat Logan rushed in to avenge him, and he managed to KO it with a single ember! Kind of anticlimactic, but eh...

Venam, now down to only half her team, sent out her Stunky while Solaire sent out Rosabeth the Litleo, our newest team member. Rosabeth did massive damage with two headbutts, but failed to KO Stunky and ended up fainting to two Venam's kisses and poison damage. Sif was swapped in, and she managed to KO Stunky with a single flame wheel after tanking a shadow claw!

Venam's Haunter was sent in, and Sif stayed on the field. She managed to barely survive a poison gem-boosted Venam's kiss, and got off one last flame wheel before she fainted. All that Solaire had left was Big Hat Logan, and he quickly healed Big Hat Logan with an antidote and a soda pop, allowing him to tank two Venam's kisses and end Haunter with a psybeam!

All that remained was Venam's ace, Seviper. Seviper was able to do massive damage to Big Hat Logan with a Venam's kiss, but Big Hat Logan was able to hang on with 7 HP and KO'd it with two psybeams! With Venam defeated, it's time to head to Amethyst Cave and save Melia!

The team so far:

braixen.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 21

voltorb.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 20

helioptile.gifGwynevere (Female) - Lv. 19

growlithe.gifSif (Female) - Lv. 19

litleo.gifRosabeth (Female) - Lv. 19

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Update #8: Witch Beatrice

Well, Nim was way harder than I expected, mostly because I underestimated her Solrock and Lunatone. On TEH URN, Solaire led with Siegemyer and our newest team member: Rat Vanguard the Dedenne! Rat Vanguard lowered Solrock's attack with a charm while Siegmeyer lowered Lunatone's special attack with an eerie impulse; Solrock and Lunatone then did quite a bit of damage with a rock slide and a confusion, but it was significantly less than what they would have done normally. Rat Vanguard and Siegmeyer repeated the same tactics, but Siegmeyer was knocked down to only a sliver of health from a psywave; luckily, Lunatone chose to target Rat Vanguard with an ancientpower, allowing Siegmeyer to live and get healed by a Chinese food. Rat Vanguard set up a charge while Siegmeyer was healed, and Siegmeyer tanked a psywave and an ancientpower. The two then decided to finally go on the offensive, with Rat Vanguard hitting everybody with a parabolic charge while Siegmeyer injured Solrock with a charge beam; sadly, Siegmeyer fainted to a psywave, and Lunatone was able to dent Rat Vanguard with a confusion. Rosabeth came out, but she fell flinched to a rock slide and fainted to a critical-hit confusion before she could even attack; Rat Vanguard was, however, able to fire off another parabolic charge. Gwynevere was sent out next, and she tanked a fire spin to seriously injure Lunatone with a confuse ray while Rat Vanguard tanked a confusion and injured Solrock with a parabolic charge. Rat Vanguard was able to take out both Solrock and Lunatone the next turn with a parabolic charge, learning nuzzle in the process and letting Gwynevere set up a charge!

Out next came Nim's Espurr and Inkay. Rat Vanguard sacrificed his turn to heal Gwynevere with a fresh water, and Gwynevere fired off a thundershock while Espurr dented Rat Vanguard with a psybeam and Inkay injured Gwynevere with a feint attack. Rat Vanguard then took advantage of his newly-learned nuzzle to paralyze Espurr, and Gwynevere managed to knock Inkay down to the red with a second thundershock; however, both of them were knocked down to the red themselves with a psybeam and a feint attack. Gwynevere tried to hurt Espurr with a thundershock while Rat Vanguard paralyzed Inkay, but Inkay managed to knock out Gwynevere with a feint attack (although Espurr was immobilized by paralysis, saving Rat Vanguard's life. Sif and Rat Vanguard teamed up to fire off a flame wheel/parabolic charge combo, taking out Inkay and shaving off a huge chunk of Espurr's health; Rat Vanguard then survived a psybeam and took down Espurr with a nuzzle, ending the fight! With Nim defeated, it's time to take out Zetta!

The team so far:

braixen.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 21

voltorb.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 21

helioptile.gifGwynevere (Female) - Lv. 22

growlithe.gifSif (Female) - Lv. 20

litleo.gifRosabeth (Female) - Lv. 20

dedenne.gifRat Vanguard (Male) - Lv. 20

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I just noticed a little error in your list; you listed the 9th gym leader as "Nick" when it's Erick.

Anyway, glad to see this is going better than my monoflying (rip in galvantula) and that you're having fun :D

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I just noticed a little error in your list; you listed the 9th gym leader as "Nick" when it's Erick.

Anyway, glad to see this is going better than my monoflying (rip in galvantula) and that you're having fun :D

Fixed the list. Thanks for the feedback! Also, I understand how hard the Galvantula is; it nearly stopped my water monotype back in V5 in its tracks. Good luck with any future runs you might do!

Update #9: Dragonrider

Well, Solaire had a pretty easy time with the rematch against Zetta. Solaire teamed up with Venam, who led with her Whirlipede while he led with Sif; Zetta, meanwhile, led with his Croagunk and Sneasel. Sif got hit hard by a night slash from Sneasel, but she was able to survive and dodge a mud bomb from Croagunk. She then unleashed a mighty fire fang on Sneasel after Sneasel got hit by a Venam's kiss by Whirlipede; this was enough to take it out!

Up next came Zetta's Absol, and it managed to outspeed Sif and take her down with a bite. Fortunately, Whirlipede was able to avenge her with a Venam's kiss, seriously injuring Absol. Big Hat Logan came out swinging to avenge Sif, and he managed to KO Croagunk with a psybeam before Whirlipede tanked a feint attack and ended Absol with a Venam's kiss!

All that remained was Zetta's Quilladin, but it wasn't too much of a threat; while Big Hat Logan did miss a fire spin, all it was able to do was fire off a mega drain on Whirlipede (which did jack diddly squat) and set up a leech seed on Big Hat Logan before fainting to an ember and two Venam's kisses! With Zetta down, it's time to finish off the Dimensional Rift!

The team so far:

braixen.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 23

voltorb.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 21

helioptile.gifGwynevere (Female) - Lv. 22

growlithe.gifSif (Female) - Lv. 21

litleo.gifRosabeth (Female) - Lv. 21

dedenne.gifRat Vanguard (Male) - Lv. 21

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Update #10: Capra Demon

Unlike Zetta (who took all of one and a half minutes to beat), the Dimensional Rift Galvantula was pretty hard. On TEH URN, Solaire led with Sif, Venam led with her Whirlipede, and the Rift led with two Joltik. One of the Joltik suppressed Sif's ability with a gastro acid while the other hit both Sif and Venam's Whirlipede with an electroweb; fortunately, Sif and Whirlipede were able to KO the stronger of the two Joltik with a mighty fire fang/Venam's kiss combo!

Up next came an even stronger Joltik, and it teamed up with the weaker Joltik to seriously injure Sif with two electrowebs; however, unlike the last turn, Sif and Whirlipede attacked two different Pokemon, allowing the two Joltik to stay alive and allowing one of them to KO Sif the next turn with an electroweb while the weaker Joltik swapped out for a stronger Joltik. Whirlipede was able to dent the stronger Joltik with a Venam's kiss, but nothing else useful happened that turn. On the next turn, Rosabeth came out, and she was able to tank a slash while Whirlipede tanked a bug bite; the two Pokemon on Solaire's side then took out a Joltik with an ember/Venam's kiss combo, causing the Galvantula to come out.

After the Galvantula was corrupted into a Dimensional Rift Galvantula, it set up an agility, allowing Rosabeth to lower its attack and special attack with a noble roar while Whirlipede injured the Joltik with a venoshock. Unfortunately, the Galvantula and Joltik then wiped out Rosabeth and left Whirlipede barely hanging on with an electroweb each; fortunately, Whirlipede was able to end the Joltik with a bug bite.

Siegmeyer came out to replace Rosabeth, and while he was able to survive an electroweb from each Pokemon, he was only able to do pitiful damage with a swift; to make matters worse, Whirlipede fainted from the electrowebs. Venam sent out her Weezing next, and while it took out the Joltik with a mighty venoshock, Siegmeyer was able to dodge a sucker punch and lower the Galvantula's special attack with an eerie impulse, but the next turn he fell to a sucker punch.

Rat Vanguard came out while Weezing fired off a venoshock, and the two of them survived an electroweb to set up a charge beam and badly poison the Galvantula with a toxic. Rat Vanguard then took pretty heavy damage from a sucker punch, but was able to heal back some HP using a parabolic charge; Weezing, meanwhile, was able to do insane damage with a venoshock, and after Rat Vanguard fainted the next turn to a sucker punch, the Weezing blew itself up with an explosion, taking out the Galvantula! And so, with Zetta incapacitated and the way to Sheidan clear, Solarie continues on his quest (not before stopping to mourn Melia's hollowing, though).

The team so far:

braixen.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 23

voltorb.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 21

helioptile.gifGwynevere (Female) - Lv. 22

growlithe.gifSif (Female) - Lv. 22

litleo.gifRosabeth (Female) - Lv. 22

dedenne.gifRat Vanguard (Male) - Lv. 21

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Update #11: Crestfallen Warrior

Well, Solaire had a close call with the first fight against Keta, but he managed to get through on his first try (albeit barely). On TEH URN, Keta led with his Hawlucha, and Solaire led with Ornstein the Manectric. Ornstein managed to paralyze Hawlucha with a thunder wave, and Hawlucha remained immobilized by paralysis for the rest of the turn. Unfortunately, after Ornstein did massive damage to Hawlucha with a thunder fang, Keta healed Hawlucha and Ornstein missed a thunder fang, essentially giving Keta a free turn to heal his Hawlucha. Fortunately, Keta's Hawlucha managed to fall to two more thunder fangs, not even getting a hit in due to paralysis!

Up next came Keta's Hariyama... and this is where things started to go downhill. Solaire sent out Rat Vanguard, and he set up a charm while tanking a rock tomb. He then pivoted out with his newly-learned volt switch to Siegmeyer, who ended up only getting off a single charge beam before fainting to a gale strike (to add insult to injury, the Hariyama got an attack boost from the gale strike). Sif came out next, but she ended up fainting to two more gale strikes while only landing a single fire fang. Big Hat Logan came out swinging to avenge his teammates, and amazingly, he managed to KO it with a psybeam!

Up next came Keta's most frustrating Pokemon: his Gurdurr with the freaking quick claw. I swapped out to Rat Vanguard, and he tanked a drain punch to set up a charm. Rat Vanguard then set up a charge and tanked a gale strike, but before he could use volt switch, the stupid quick claw activated, letting Gurdurr KO him! Our other newest team member, Grandahl the Houndoom, came out, but he only got off a single ember before fainting to a gale strike and a low kick, the latter of which got priority thanks to- you guessed it- Gurdurr's quick claw. [sCREEEEEEEE *cough* Um, anyway, Big Hat Logan came back out, and he managed to tank a drain punch, do massive damage with a psybeam, set up a flame charge while Gurdurr got healed by Keta, and tanked a gale strike to KO Gurdurr with a psybeam! ...That was way too much effort for a friggin' Gurdurr.

Ornstein came back out, and up next came Keta's Medicham. For some bizarre reason, despite being choice-locked and having many more useful moves in its arsenal, it used thunder punch, of all moves, which Ornstein was able to shrug off. He then retaliated with a thunder wave, and the two began trading thunder punches and thunder fangs. A couple dozen turns, one super potion on Keta's side, and one soda pop on Solarie's side later, Medicham finally fell!

Ornstein stayed on the field while Keta's Meinshao came out, and Ornstein paralyzed it with a thunder wave; sadly, he fainted to a gale strike immediately afterwards. Big Hat Logan came out next, and while Meinshao missed a gale strike, Solaire healed him with a fresh water. Big Hat Logan then tanked a glae strike from the Meinshao, and ended it with two psybeams!

All that remained was Keta's ace, his Shiny Lucario. Big Hat Logan managed to tank an ice punch and a gale strike, then set up a flame charge and KO'd Lucario with an ember! With that over with, Keta doesn't give us our badge, but instead runs off into Caratos Mountain. Time to follow him!

The team so far:

braixen.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 28

voltorb.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 26

manectric.gifOrnstein (Male) - Lv. 27

growlithe.gifSif (Female) - Lv. 24

houndoom.gifGrandahl (Male) - Lv 25

dedenne.gifRat Vanguard (Male) - Lv. 26

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Update #12: Duke's Dear Freja

Well. the fight against Shadow Mewtwo was actually fairly easy! Seriously, this was the first time I didn't cheese the fight out with detect or protect. On TEH URN, Solaire led with Siegmeyer, and he set up three eerie impulses while tanking a shadow chill and a shadow fire. He fainted to a second shadow fire, but by this point the Mewtwo was doing nothing in terms of damage. Rat Vanguard came out next, and he paralyzed the Mewtwo with a nuzzle, then set up a charge; sadly, he got hit by a lucky critical hit shadow blast, and fainted. Fortunately, by this point, the Mewtwo entered Hyper Mode, and it started taking serious damage; thus, Ornstein was able to come out, tank a shadow fire, and take out the Mewtwo with three thunder fangs! Unfortunately, the Mewtwo then activated its cutscene powers, forcing Keta to sacrifice himself to stop it; now to stop the generator and make sure his sacrifice wasn't in vain!

The team so far:

braixen.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 28

electrode.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 30

manectric.gifOrnstein (Male) - Lv. 27

growlithe.gifSif (Female) - Lv. 27

houndoom.gifGrandahl (Male) - Lv 27

dedenne.gifRat Vanguard (Male) - Lv. 27

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Update #13: Firesage Demon

Well, the Dimensional Rift Volcanion was... kind of anticlimactic. Solaire led with Ornstein, and he managed to paralyze it with a thunder wave; unfortunately, he fainted to a water pulse immediately afterwards. Rat Vanguard came out next, and he set up a charge while Volcanion was immobilized by paralysis, then did massive damage with a volt switch. He pivoted out to Grandahl, who sadly fainted instantly to a water pulse, but this let Rat Vanguard come back out and KO it with a nuzzle! Yes, a tiny rat killed an almighty corrupted god by rubbings its cheeks against it! And so, with the base in ruins, it's time to fulfill our promise to Keta's soul!

The team so far:

braixen.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 28

electrode.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 30

manectric.gifOrnstein (Male) - Lv. 27

growlithe.gifSif (Female) - Lv. 27

houndoom.gifGrandahl (Male) - Lv 27

dedenne.gifRat Vanguard (Male) - Lv. 28

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will you ever brink helioptile back for amaria since it has the water immunity?

Yeah, I'll bring Gwynevere back for Valerie. There's a reason I didn't do just fire-types, after all. =P


Update #14: Pinwheel

Well, Keta's Soul was actually pretty anticlimactic. On TEH URN, Solaire led with Big Hat Logan, and Keta's Soul led with his Primape. It used thrash, taking off a large chunk of Big Hat Logan's health, but before Big Hat Logan fainted to a second thrash, he did serious damage to Primape with a psybeam. Siegmeyer came out next, and took it out with a charge beam...

...Then the sweep happened.

Keta sent out his Hitmontop, and Siegmeyer stayed on the field, firing off another charge beam while dodging three counters. After missing a third charge beam and landing a fourth, I decided that he had enough boosts and had him use electro ball, which (thanks to his godly speed) managed to take out Hitmontop and eat through all of the super potions that Keta's Soul had. Despite Siegmeyer getting overleveled, he then proceeded to tank a cross chop from Keta's Pangoro, and wiped the floor with it with two electro balls. Keta's Scrafty and Hawlucha fell to an electro ball each, leaving only Keta's Sawk!

Sadly, Keta's Sawk managed to survive an electro ball and took out Siegmeyer with a brick break, forcing Solaire to use other Pokemon. Our newest team member, Lucatiel the Torkoal, was able to come out and do some damage with a body slam, but fainted to a brick break and a reversal. Sif tied coming out next, but she fainted to a reversal. Luckily, Ornstein was able to swoop in and end Keta's Sawk with a thunder fang, finally soothing his soul! Time to move on out to Route 3!

The team so far:

braixen.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 28

electrode.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 32

manectric.gifOrnstein (Male) - Lv. 28

growlithe.gifSif (Female) - Lv. 27

torkoal.gifLucateil (Female) - Lv. 27

dedenne.gifRat Vanguard (Male) - Lv. 28

Edited by Lord Chespin
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Oh this is interesting..... You may had inspired me to do something like this. :)

Yay, my moxie is infectious! WOOO! Anyway, good luck if you decide to do a similar run!

Update #15: Jester Thomas

Well, Amaria was surprisingly tricky. On TEH URN, Solaire led with Lucatiel, and Amaria led with her Ninetails. Lucatiel managed to paralyze it with a body slam, but it set up a nasty plot; as a result, even though Lucatiel managed to get off two more body slams, she fainted to two incinerates. Solaire sent out Bed of Chaos the Numel, his newest team member, and she managed to constantly spam earth power while Amaria tried healing Ninetails; this, combined with a lucky paralysis immobilization, let Bed of Chaos KO Ninetails!

Up next came Amaria's Ponyta. Ornstein did some damage with a thunder fang, but then Ponyta set up a solarbeam; Ornstein tried to immobilize it by paralyzing it with a thunder wave, but the Ponyta still managed to land the solarbeam... which only took off roughly two-fifths of Ornstein's health. Welp. Unfortunately, Ornstein used thunder wave again because I'm a jumpy idiot with clumsy fingers, and Ponyta was able to land a second solarbeam; it didn't really matter, though, since Ornstein lived with 13 HP and took it out with a thunder fang!

With Ponyta down, Amaria sent out her Magmar, and Solaire swapped out to Rat Vanguard. Frustratingly, Rat vanguard got confused and hurt himself twice, allowing Magmar to land a thunder punch and KO him with a flame burst. Ornstein came out next, but he was too slow, and fell to a flame burst. Amazingly, though, Bed of Chaos, despite having the lowest Base Stat Total of the team, was able to survive a hidden power and a flame burst, and KO Magmar with two earth powers!

All that remained was Amaria's Braixen, so Solaire swapped out to his own Braixen, Big Hat Logan. Unfortunately, Big Hat Logan got confused by a psybeam, injured himself, and was only able to do a little bit of damage with a psybeam before fainting to two flamethrowers. Siegmeyer came out, and he got off to an amazing start by missing a charge beam and getting smacked by an eerie impulse. Luckily, he was able to land three eerie impulses and tanked three flamethrowers, then got healed by a soda pop; this allowed him to set up a charge beam and fire off two electro balls while shrugging off flamethrowers, ending the Braixen and defeating Amaria! Onwards to Route 3!

The team so far:

braixen.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 28

electrode.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 32

manectric.gifOrnstein (Male) - Lv. 28

numel-f.gifBed of Chaos (Female) - Lv. 30

torkoal.gifLucateil (Female) - Lv. 28

dedenne.gifRat Vanguard (Male) - Lv. 28

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Update #16: Ancient Dragon

Well, the Kingdra Statue was tricky, but I think Solaire managed to best it with a little bit of luck. On TEH URN, Solaire led with Rat Vanguard, and he managed to paralyze the Kingdra with a nuzzle after barely surviving a surf. The Kingdra then proceeded to get immobilized by paralysis for four turns, allowing Rat Vanguard to chisel away at it with four field-boosted cuts before getting washed away with a surf. Siegmeyer came out next, and he set up three eerie impulses while shrugging off surfs, then got off three electro balls! This seriously weakened Kingdra, but it still managed to take him down with a barrage of surfs. Fortunately, Ornstein was able to come out next, and he was able to abuse two turns of the Kingdra being immobilized to KO it with three thunder fangs! With the Kingdra defeated, it's time to stock up on Moomoo milk!

The team so far:

braixen.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 28

electrode.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 32

manectric.gifOrnstein (Male) - Lv. 31

numel-f.gifBed of Chaos (Female) - Lv. 30

torkoal.gifLucateil (Female) - Lv. 29

dedenne.gifRat Vanguard (Male) - Lv. 29

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Update #17: Manscorpion Tark

Well, it took me a try to get past Rirrom B.'s Yanmega, but once I did he was kind of anticlimactic. On TEH URN, Solaire led with Rat Vanguard, and Rirrom B. led with his Yanmega. Rat Vanguard tanked an ancientpower and paralyzed it with a nuzzle, then pivoted out to Ornstein with a volt switch (luckily, Ornstein didn't take damage, since Yanmega was immobilized by paralysis). Ornstein then took it out with a discharge, leaving only the rest of Rirrom B.'s comparatively wimpy team.

Big Hat Logan took the baton from Ornstein, and Wormadam came out on Rirrom B.'s side. Despite being his strongest Pokemon, it wasn't too hard to deal with; just two embers and down it went. All it could do was dent Big Hat Logan with a confusion.

Up next came Rirrom B.'s Shadow Vivillon. Siegmeyer came out, and he shrugged off two shadow rushes (the first of which caused Vivillon to enter hyper mode), and Siegmeyer took it out with three electro balls!

All that remained was Rirrom B.'s Accelgor. Solaire sent out Lucateil, and while the Accelgor was able to set up an agility and do some damage to Lucatiel with a me first-turned-flame burst, Lucatiel was still able to KO it with two flame bursts! And so, with Rirrom B. sent away, it's time to continue to explore Route 3!

The team so far:

braixen.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 30

electrode.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 33

manectric.gifOrnstein (Male) - Lv. 31

numel-f.gifBed of Chaos (Female) - Lv. 31

torkoal.gifLucateil (Female) - Lv. 31

dedenne.gifRat Vanguard (Male) - Lv. 30

Edited by Lord Chespin
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Update #18: Black Iron Tarkus

Well, Ren was a lot harder than I expected. On TEH URN, Solarie led with the now-evolved Bed of Chaos, and Ren led with his Sableye. Ren's Sableye did some massive damage to Bed of Chaos with a shadow claw, but she survived and managed to burn it with a lava plume! She then got healed by a fresh water while Ren used his first hyper potion, followed by Bed of Chaos landing an earth power; unfortunately, she ended up getting confused, and hurt herself in confusion while the Sableye was able to trap her with a mean look. The self-flagellation continued the next turn, allowing Ren to heal his Sableye. Fortunately, a critical-hit shadow claw was able to snap her out of it, and she seriously dented the Sableye with a mighty earth power! She got healed again by a fresh water, and tanked a shadow claw to... get confused and injure herself. Fortunately, she snapped out of confusion a turn later, and although the Sableye tried to extend its life by spamming recover, she was able to take it out with a few lava plumes!

Up next came Ren's ace, Frogadier, so Solaire swapped out to Rat Vanguard. Rat Vanguard was hit pretty hard by a water pulse, but he survived and paralyzed it with a nuzzle, then pivoted out to Big Hat Logan, who got a free switch thanks to Frogadier's paralysis. He then took massive damage from a water pulse, but was able to hold on with one HP and took it out using two psybeams!

After Ren's Frogadier came his Scraggy, and Solaire sent out Siegmeyer. I have to admit, I let my guard down around it, and had Siegmeyer just injure it with a electro ball... only for it to shrug off the damage and OHKO Siegmeyer with a high jump kick. Uh-oh. Lucatiel came out next, and she managed to protect herself from a smack down, then barely survived a high jump kick with 5 HP. Fortunately, her prediction was better the next turn, as she managed to do some damage with a body slam and blocked a high jump kick, causing Scraggy to KO itself from recoil!

Ren sent out what was arguably his weakest Pokemon, his Houndour, next, and Solaire swapped out for Ornstein. Ornstein, unfortunately, fainted to two incinerates, but was at least able to get off two discharges, which weakened Houndour enough for Rat Vanguard to swoop in and nuzzle it to death!

All that remained was Ren's Murkrow, and it did impressive damage to Rat Vanguard with a dark pulse; fortunately, thanks to his fairy-typing, he lived, and paralyzed it with a nuzzle, followed by pivoting out to Big Hat Logan with a volt switch. Big Hat Logan took the bullet for Rat Vanguard and fainted to a dark pulse, but Bed of Chaos was able to KO Murkrow with a mighty flame burst! With Ren defeated, we get access to Goldenleaf Town... or not, since he pulls a giant gate out of hammerspace, blocks the door, and runs. Oh well, better find Venam...

The team so far:

braixen.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 32

electrode.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 33

manectric.gifOrnstein (Male) - Lv. 32

camerupt-f.gifBed of Chaos (Female) - Lv. 33

torkoal.gifLucateil (Female) - Lv. 32

dedenne.gifRat Vanguard (Male) - Lv. 32

Edited by Lord Chespin
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