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You know you're a noob when...


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Ever been matched up against that guy who bitches when you land a crit? Like YOU somehow manipulated the random number generator in your favor. Or what about the Admin who kicks you because you're whooping his ass in a ranked match? Yeah Acid Trip, I'm talking about YOU.

Here's your chance to post all the stupid, laughable or downright pathetic antics you've encountered in your battles. The unusually unique or pervasive ones will be added to the Hall of Shame.

Reader, if you exhibit any or all of the symptoms described below, then Shame. On. You. Take this as an opportunity not only to improve your character, but as a way of improving the general atmosphere of the Pokemon community.

Top 10 Signs that You're a Noob

1. Crying a river over a crit. Not only are they a naturally occuring part of the game, but the crit rate for standard damaging moves is 1 in 16. What, have you never landed a crit yourself before? Suck it the hell up.

2. Trash talking before or during a battle, but end up having your ass handed to you. These noobs typically cover up their embarassment by "l0l"ing or, in extreme cases, exiting the server because they can't bear the shame.

3. Purposely stalling with the intention of pissing your opponent off or praying he'll forfeit. Sure, maybe you'll succeed with goal #1, but if you're opponent is sufficiently ticked, you can kiss your hopes of a free win goodbye. Experienced battlers see through such acts of desperation and enjoy extending your torment. What does not kill you only prolongs the inevitable.

4. Typing :) or :D after a fortuitous event in your favor (such as landing a crit, a miss by your opponent, etc.) with the intention of angering your opponent. A clever disguise, but that's still a dick move.

5. Joining a tournament which you do not have a valid team for. This is one of my personal pet peeves. Not only are you holding up the entire tournament, but it undermines the importance of tiers other than OU.

6. Poppers. These are the people who join the server spam up obscene crap for as long as they can before being spored by Breloombot or mega kicked by an Admin. You're not funny, and the people who do laugh are laughing at you, not with you.

7. People with gray pokeballs who ask you to challenge them. Not sure if troll or just plain stupid.

8. Saying "GG I lose" at the start of a battle. Many who do this will often follow up with a "See? Told you" after you kick their ass. I guess saying it is their way of compensating for how much they suck, or as an anti-jinx they believe will actually, in some convoluted way, help them win. Evidence from psychology studies on superstition have actually shown the opposite to be true. If you think you're going to lose, then yeah - you probably will.

9. Following a high ranked player into his or her battles and trash talking their opponent. Such fanboys will typically lololololol at regular intervals throughout the battle, punctuated with shouts of "OWNED!" every time their superstar makes a good move. My guess on why they do this is not to cheer on their idol, but to gain similar recognition through association. It's a tough call, but I suppose it's better to be know as "the champ's fanboy" than "that guy who always loses".

10. Bitching about other people bitching. Losers who display this disgraceful trait make threads about it on the server's forums. Good thing Poke-Place Reborn don't have any of these idiots on their server.

Submissions by other Users

1. Team Stealers. Original quote by The Rock: I hate team stealers with a passion.

2. Battling other people while your tournament round has not yet been completed. Original quote by Shirinui: You know you're a noob when you enter a tourney and battle random people when it has started.

3. Using originality for the sake of originality. Original quote by Bullet: I'm not talking about using original things because they work for you, I'm talking about people who use random shit and take a superior attitude because they're not using OU Pokemon and pretend they're better than you just because they're not using OUs.

Got any stories or examples of your own? Post them here!

Edited by Valkyria
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Trash talking before or during a battle, but end up having your ass handed to you.

It's even worse when they win. :c

Saying "GG I lose" at the start of a battle.

Sadly, I'm very guilty of this, usually as soon as Ferrothorn or Serperior come into play. Granted, they destroy my whole team, and while sometimes I AM able to come back, more of then than not- ded. Nonetheless, coming from someone who, in his younger days, used to think saying "good game" before the end of the battle was pompous and rude, and, when younger still, used to think saying "good game" at all was a trite and overused phrase (instead opting for comments like, "nice battle", or "well done")... Well, how I've fallen...

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This one was't exactly covered by any of those, but guys who say that they are "the best there is" and then, when they get their ass handed to them in an obvious victory by someone who clearly knows what they are doing, calls them a noob and then leaves the server.

Also, people who claim that they are the best there is out there and has a team composed entirely of.... Hyper Beam and Giga Impact spamming Pokemon.

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You know you're a noob when you rage before the battle is over, and forfeit on your last Pokemon to stop the sweep. Like a certain poster in this topic.

(Yeah, Dom gave me the log.)

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People who spam Drizzle and Swift Swim, then call you a noob for having a team that you designed using an original idea, that you're still working the flaws out of.

This, but also when people somehow think they are superior for using more original teams.

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