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You know you're a noob when...


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  • 2 months later...

When you switch Espeon into a Spiker which is known for having access to a powerful U-turn. Seriously, I have killed so many Espeons with my Greninja this way... Use Spike as they use an electric move with the slower Rotom-W, becoming immune to their attack in the process, then use U-turn as they switch in Espeon, and laugh...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well... beating noobs has its pros and cons. For instance, when you beat the shit out of someone who doesn't know how to play well on any online game, well... he or she helps you to high up your rank easily, peace of cake right? and it's even funnier when they bitch about their ass kicking and how about you cheated them to win and stuff, some of you sure had experienced something like this, lol. But well on the other hand, when they quit the game when you're all inspired to kick some asses... or to even do something to enjoy the fight... well in my opinion, when they leave, they take with them your inspiration and all the hypes you had before getting into the real fight... (pussies) it's such a shame, man. But hey! We all have been in that position, nobody it's perfect at the beggining, but still some people just doesn't know how to mature and become real badasses in games...

Edited by Arom
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