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Pink Floyd, Purple Rain (Yay, comment on my team!)


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Yeah, so. I've trained this group of Pokés. Some are newer acquisitions, and some have been with me for a long time. I'm a little bit of a show off when it comes to teambuilding, so obviously I'd like to hear your comments, praises, suggestions and critique.

I'll start by saying that I don't necessarily use the strongest individuals available, as I love to play with my favorites. It doesn't mean you can't suggest something different - I'm always open to new ideas.

So, without further ado...

Here we go.


Heffalump @ Flying Gem
Unburden / Jolly
IV's (HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe): 29/31/29/31/31/31
EV's: 6 HP, 252 Attack, 252 Speed
- Stockpile
- Acrobatics
- Baton Pass
- Destiny Bond

Drifblim is reeeeealllllly great. Design-wise and gameplay-wise. Flying Gem + Acrobatics + Unburden combo is absolutely filthy. Since the Gem is consumed before attacking, when hitting neutrally your base power will be: 55 x 1,5 (STAB) x 1,3 (gem) x 2,0 (having no held item) = 214,5 (!!!)
... yeah
This, with +1 boost to speed from Unburden, makes Drifblim an arbor wrecking ball. You can Pass your speed boost with potential Stockpile boosts to someone else after the amazing balloon is near fainting, or you can take your foe with you using Destiny Bond - you're pretty sure to go first after the boost to your speed.

I've got a good hundred of Flying Gems in the bag, too...


Charlotte @ SilverPowder
Flame Body / Timid
IV's (HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe): 31/28/31/31/13/31
EV's: 72 HP, 252 Sp Attack, 186 Speed
- Quiver Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Heat Wave
- Hidden Power (Grass)

Shoutout to Flower Garden for trading me this beauty as a baby Larvesta approx a year ago. She's all grown up now and melts anything that stands on her way. I sincerely love the fire moth, absolutely adore her. Set is pretty straightforward, Quiver up and watch everything burn. Some investment into HP for a slightly better bulk.


Toulouse @ Pixie Plate
Pixilate / Calm
IV's (HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe): 26/21/30/24/31/22
EV's: 252 HP, 6 Sp Attack, 252 Sp Defense
- Light Screen
- Moonblast
- Wish
- Trump Card

This little guy has been with me since I first figured out how to enter Mysidia Cave in the late 2014. His parent Espeon whom I there got was great and raised me this cute boy. Looks can deceive though, this sweetie packs a punch. With his massive Special Defense he laughs at everything, even at super effective hits. Light Screen and Wish for team support and longevity, Pixelate Trump Card for that crazy last resort move that destroys pretty much anything. Waiting for Hyper Voice. You just can't faint him, no way.


Phillip (Props for the one recognising the right Disney reference) @ Silk Scarf
Thick Fat / Careful
IV's (HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe): 29/31/31/4/31/31
EV's: 198 HP, 136 Defense, 176 Sp Defense
- Curse
- Body Slam
- Crunch
- Rest

A newcomer to the club. I've always wanted an excuse to use Snorlax in an ingame team, and when I noticed I had quite a good Munchlax waiting from the ingame trade in Calcenon I wasted no time and started preparing this guy. I LOVE the Shiny sprite Snorlax has gotten in Reborn. Can't wait for him to crush Meteor butt. Trained to have some good mixed bulk, no investment in Attack because it's already great and him sporting Curse. Lackluster physical Defense needed some shoring up, even with the forementioned Curse. When we get to buy Chesto / Lum berries (if ever), he'll have a neverending supply of those.


King Stefan @ NeverMeltIce
Refrigerate / Modest
IV's (HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe): 29/9/31/26/29/6
EV's: 252 HP, 252 Sp Attack, 6 Sp Defense
- Rock Polish
- Ice Beam
- Freeze Dry
- Ancient Power

Bow before your king. He's come back to life from being extinct to rule Reborn with a powerful and firm, yet righteous paw. I love Aurorus' design and I pretty much had to use it here when I've never played generation 6 games on the handheld. Waiting for TM's (Thunderbolt!!!) and a Stealth Rock + Hyper Voice move tutor. Look at him, he's just the cuddliest overlord ever... and when you're almost hypnotised from looking at his cutesy face, he'll freeze you up and smash your bones with flying magical rocks. Because that's the king he is.


D'Artagnan @ Scope Lens
Justified / Jolly
IV's (HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe): 29/31/29/8/26/31
EV's: 6 HP, 252 Attack, 252 Speed
- Swords Dance
- Close Combat
- Psycho Cut
- Destiny Bond

The future Mega of the team. One of my favorite Pokémon (okay well all in this team are), with great Shiny colors and an amazing Mega design. He's a Kirlia right now, since we've only found one Dawn Stone so far. I've got a feeling we'll find more when we return to Reborn City. There he will also remember the old swordsmanship skills once known in his family, I'm sure of it. He is a descendant of my loyal Gallade, who retired after a long journey through Reborn region with me. A master swordsman, he had amazing techniques, now passed forward in his blood. Knows the same Destiny Bond technique for a last resort as my Heffalump, wonder how that happened? Those two seem to connect on a higher level, too... Heffalump, what actually happened in the Day Care earlier this year!? Maybe she's actually a little bit more than just a foster mother to little D'Artagnan...!

And there you have it. The crown jewels of my Reborn squad. I've also got quite a bunch of reserves waiting for the call to battle, namely Anna (Castform), Beauty (Cinccino), Beast (Tyrantrum), Sebastian (Crawdaunt), Clayton (Typhlosion), Maleficent (Shiny Vileplume), Jetsam (Eelektross) and Stitch (Sableye). Feel free to ask details about them too, if you're interested.

I guess I'm ready for whatever Ame and the crew decides to throw at us in Episode 16, don't you think?

Ta ta.

Edited by Chilibunny
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1. Drifblim is amazing at what she does. There's little more to say apart from that. The acrobatics/unburden/flying gem combo is amazing. You might wanna consider using type resistance berries, the ones that halve super-effective damage, if you know what move they will hit you with and that might let you set -up a stockpile while still giving you the speed boost! Just a heads up, it's a +2 boost ;) it doubles the speed. Only I know how many times destiny bond as helped me. My mismaguis died three times in the same battle because of that

2. It's nature lets it outspeed fully invested in speed pokemon with base 105 speed that don't have that nature and I'm sure that's what you meant to do! Quiver Dance is amazing and that HP grass tops it perfectly. Be sure to replace it with Giga Drain whenever we get it though as it has higher base power and it is a form of recovery! You can also trade the field effect manipulation Heat Wave allows for the Sweep potential of Fiery Dance (You can get it through the move relearner as it is a level 1 move as well as a level 100 one)

3. Sylveon is a fantastic tank and one of my favourite pokes too. Trump Card is hard to be useful tho as it takes a lot of turns to get a good use of and you'll use it in just one pokemon. I might recomend a literal Last Resort that's available in the Move tutors! If you wanna go full tank, you could try Heal Bell or yawn shenenigans as it might just help you switch a pokemon in or set-up with volcarona for example. Hyper voice is obviously a must when it becomes available.

4. Now, Snorlax! It is a very good tank and I think it might leave you with a decision in hands. Snorlax gets Heavy Slam. And it is 10x heavier than the heaviest fairies, which are Gardevoir and Grandbull. As such, regarding fairies (and most pokemon you'll find, honestly, since Snorlax is one of the heaviest pokemon in-game only surpassed by Metagross and Mega Steelix, along with some legendaries) you've got a 120 base power move that hits super-effectively, all the time. Just something to consider, taking into account the lack of super-effective moves against fairies. That does leave you in a hard spot as crunch makes Snorlax a very good counter to Ghost types being able to switch in on them and deal great damage. Curse and Resto Chesto might just be the dream although after some curses you can just use a healing item (without need for Sleep and allowing you to use an held item as well as giving you that precious spot for Heavy slam instead of rest). Thick Fat is definitely the way to go!

5. Aurorus is my favourite fossil pokemon. It's just so majestic. I did consider one but the lack of Hyper Voice, Thunder and Stealth Rocks and it's typing made made me reconsider. It should really get more rock moves as ancient power is really weak. I think you should for sure use frost breath instead of Ice beam if possible since it breaks through set-up's as it walways crits and it has, effectively the same base power because of the power boost from crits. Shell armour and Battle armour pokemon will not be crited but still. You just have to really look out for anger point pokemon, so be careful against Primeapes, Tauros and Krookodiles (and Camerupt but meh). I really hope you get Hyper voice for it as it will be very useful. Do use it though, if you like it! Make it work for me too!!

6. I really love D'Artagnan's story here! I hope he finds his musketeers and deals with the awkward relationship it has with his ballon mother. That max spoed might just come in really handy since Close Combat makes the defenses lower; you won't want him taking a lot of hits. Move set wise it seems really good, nothing to point out! Just one thing, I could give you my dawn stone since I won't be using it (making a trade of a pokemon holding one for example)

So, I guess I can conclude you'll have a great journey in the next episode. Your team is solid and I think Heavy Slam would really benefit it, if you re willing to get it! It is really well thought through and you should have few problems although we know how Ame can be. Lots of work seem to have gone into this and I can say that for sure you made it work very well!

1. The idea with type resistance berries sounds great! I'll have to try that one in practice. And thanks for pointing out that Unburden boost doubles the speed, somehow I've always thought it being only a 1,5x modifier.

2. Yes, I'm definitely ditching Hidden Power as soon as we get our hands on Giga Drain. Thank you for making me aware of Volcarona actually learning Fiery Dance at level one, too; It is undoubtedly Volcarona's greatest attacking move. I thiiiiiink, however, that I'm going to hang onto Heat Wave for the time being, since we have a lot of Meteor double battles ahead of us, with most likely at least one Double Battle gym too.

3. Trump Card's power is actually quite easy to manipulate to your liking: when you know there is a big battle coming up, you waste three or four PP's to weak mons. With the last PP, your power is 200 x Pixilate 1,3 x STAB 1,5 = Boom, 390 power! Without even being super effective or counting Pixie Plate! Talk about almost surefire One-Hit KO's...! One PP of it will also pretty much destroy anything Saphira/Lin can throw at us.

I once had Heal Bell in the place of Light Screen, but found myself almost never actually using it. Light Screen supports the whole crew better in my opinion, but if I find myself in need of Heal Bell, it's always teachable at the 7th Street.

4. This one we already talked about in messenger- I thought about it before but didn't realise Heavy Slam's potential against upcoming featherweight Fairies. I'm definitely teaching it to him now. Yeah, getting Resto Chesto might be a pipe dream, but one can hope, right? I don't really like using healing items in battle (well, I allow myself two or three potions per Gym Leader / "Boss" fight to be on even ground against them, since they use healing too). That's actually why I had Heal Bell on Sylveon before, and it's why I'm using Rest. Crunch is the most ditchable move, since we've already fought the Ghost & Psychic type Gym Leaders.

5. High five! Yes, I can't but wait for better Move Tutors and the possible Thunderbolt TM for now. There's pretty much nothing I can do to make him better in the meantime. Frost Breath, however, sounds like a viable alternative for Ice Beam. I -COULD- give him Nature Power for further shenanigans, though. I'll make him work, trust me! I just have to be reeeeeeeeallly against Titania...

6. Glad that you like it. I'll just point out that Drifblim actually isn't his mother, but his distant relative, obviously. If she was his mother then he'd be a Drifloon. :P But she has pretty much adopted him as her own, hopefully when Kirlia finds out he doesn't flip and start thrashing about... Aaand we already talked about the Dawn Stone offer, a big thank-you but polite declining from me in the fear of possible future save corruption.

Thanks a lot!

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It seems like you got yourself a nice team of threats, but you do have a glaring weakness to fire and rock which are slightly common in Reborn.

- Your Driftblim seems like a one trick pony with it's flying gem and acrobatics combo and then either baton passing out to other 'mons or destiny bonding, but I would swap it out for either a Mismagius or Gengar if you go back a few episodes to get it for a more offensive presence.

- Your Volcarona set is solid, relearning Fiery Dance would be a smart option for damage + that 50% chance to get a +1 to special attack, but if you can be bothered to breed for a new one, I would get HP ground instead of grass to counter fire types which checks your Volcarona set, but replacing it with Giga Drain once we get access to it.

- Your Aurorus set is decent, but I would swap it for a Mamoswine to counter your fire and rock weakness, making your entire team more balanced. Also, Mamoswine gets access to the coveted Stealth Rocks and Icicle Crash via breeding with Smeargle, and it learns Earthquake and Ice Shard to complete the moveset with Thick Fat as it's ability to take neutral hits from fire and resists ice. Furthermore, Mamoswine is really fast in a Jolly nature, so you getting rocks up is nearly guarenteed.

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It seems like you got yourself a nice team of threats, but you do have a glaring weakness to fire and rock which are slightly common in Reborn.

- Your Driftblim seems like a one trick pony with it's flying gem and acrobatics combo and then either baton passing out to other 'mons or destiny bonding, but I would swap it out for either a Mismagius or Gengar if you go back a few episodes to get it for a more offensive presence.

- Your Volcarona set is solid, relearning Fiery Dance would be a smart option for damage + that 50% chance to get a +1 to special attack, but if you can be bothered to breed for a new one, I would get HP ground instead of grass to counter fire types which checks your Volcarona set, but replacing it with Giga Drain once we get access to it.

- Your Aurorus set is decent, but I would swap it for a Mamoswine to counter your fire and rock weakness, making your entire team more balanced. Also, Mamoswine gets access to the coveted Stealth Rocks and Icicle Crash via breeding with Smeargle, and it learns Earthquake and Ice Shard to complete the moveset with Thick Fat as it's ability to take neutral hits from fire and resists ice. Furthermore, Mamoswine is really fast in a Jolly nature, so you getting rocks up is nearly guarenteed.

Hey! Thanks for commenting. I recognise the weakness to Rock types, and I'll be sure to prepare for Hardy. None of my Pokés are weak to Fire though, and I can't say I've had much trouble with battling them so far. Even if I don't really have many Pokés that can attack them super effectively.

Yeah, Drifblim definitely is kind of a one trick pony. I've been thinking about replacing Stockpile with Phantom Force, but haven't gotten myself to do it. Stockpile seems like the superior choice for now. Mismagius and Gengar are great suggestions, but I don't -really- like either, design-wise that is. Drifblim is also funnier to use with it's original stat spread, abilities and movepool, so I'll stick to her for now. It's much nicer to outwit your enemy through gimmicky actions, than beating them by brute force. At least for me.

In Reborn the choice between Heat Wave and Fiery Dance is hard. For now I'm sticking with Heat Wave for the inevitable Meteor double battles, but I'll be sure to switch it up later on. I know that Ground would be the best Hidden Power for Volcarona, but I can't be bothered to breed a new (Shiny) one when I'm going to replace the move with Giga Drain anyway. At least there's something for the inevitable Water-Ground Poké Amaria will have.

About Aurorus...

I know that Mamoswine would be more effective than it, especially when we don't have the Move Tutor moves needed to make Aurorus good available. I just prefer it's looks over Mamoswine's. I also wouldn't like to go back to older episodes to breed TM moves, since that could add to the save file corruption chance (even if it never happened there is always a possibility). Mamoswine is a great Poké with a lot going for it, but I just cannot ditch my awesome King Stefan for one.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is a beautiful and well constructed team. I love that you're using a legacy mon, I have a legacy Gardevoir on my team and a legacy Mawile waiting on Mega Stone access.

I do have a few questions and comments for you though:

You can buy Chesto Berries on the 2nd floor of the Department Store for 400 a pop.

I'm also waiting on access to Hyper Voice. Fingers crossed for episode 16.

Did you breed this team for IVs? I breed my episode 16 team for IVs and it would be nice to know I'm not the only one psychotic enough to do so.

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This is a beautiful and well constructed team. I love that you're using a legacy mon, I have a legacy Gardevoir on my team and a legacy Mawile waiting on Mega Stone access.

I do have a few questions and comments for you though:

You can buy Chesto Berries on the 2nd floor of the Department Store for 400 a pop.

I'm also waiting on access to Hyper Voice. Fingers crossed for episode 16.

Did you breed this team for IVs? I breed my episode 16 team for IVs and it would be nice to know I'm not the only one psychotic enough to do so.

Hey! Thanks for your comments and praise. Glad you like it! :)

Great piece of information about the berry availability! Had no idea of this, weirdly enough. Gotta pay a visit to the second floor...

I DID breed all of them for IVs. Well, not for perfect ones across the table, but like you can see from the numbers I posted, they've got some pretty great genes. Only one not bred is my Aurorus, which I had the luck of getting resurrected randomly from the first Sail Fossil I took to the Spinel Museum. I definitely am psychotic enough to breed them well, it's calming somehow and brings me memories from when I used to play Pokémon on the handhelds and played somewhat competitively in early Generation 4.

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