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Figured I just make one. Is it a silly trend? Yes. But it's a trend I feel has got at least a little heart in it. After all, you are asking folks to I would hope... get to know them better. I know around here I'm kinda a stranger to a lot of folks and I can be a little intimidating or seem like I'm really stand-offish but, I'm really pretty chill XD. Or so I'm told by the people that truly get to know me. I'm just not very comfortable in a server environment os that why not a lot of folks get to see me at anything other than my absolute worst, or when I'm just very on edge.

I'm just not a people person. And the more folks there are around the moooore uncomfortable I am. Just like... I really don't do so hot in groups of people I'm not close to in anyway. I do a bit better in ones that I've really gotten to know the people involved.

Anyway, enough about me... cause, eh, you'll be asking about me so... first a few ground rules because I'd rather people not cross boundaries and you can't if I don't lay them out. So, here we go.

1. Try not to go too crazy with the amount of questions you blow out at one time. It's not really fair to the other people that will come into the thread if you ask like 50 at a time as it dwindles out their options. I won't be policing this, ((cause I can't)), but if a post is unreasonable in it's amount imo... I might just choose to skip it so that other people actually have a shot of me answering their questions... instead of you know... them not getting any.

2. I have the right to not answer a question for any reason and I don't have to explain why I don't want to answer it. I'll just skip the question.

3. Please no question that are Rule 7 in nature((even if only borderline etc..,)). Those subjects make me uncomfortable and I'd prefer they not be asked. I will skip over any questions of this nature.

4. Remember, this is for fun. Yours and mine and so you can learn a bit about me in the process.~

Anyway, for anyone who decides to ask me some stuffs... do enjoy. Also, no I don't feel bad about this, and no, your joke question isn't funny. :P

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Flower or Corn torillas for tacos?
Paper or Plastic?
Coke, Dr.Pepper or Pespiman?
Do you prefer Darker or lighter colors?
Favorite number?
Favorite toppings on pizza?
Favorite color?
Favorite Gem?
Favorite pokemon?
Favorite type?
Favorite gym leader?
Favorite Champion?
Favorite Starter?
Would you eat a taco sandwich?
If you had to eat any pokemon which one would you eat?
Who's your favorite character from Thomas the tank engine?
Favorite video game?
Are you getting tired of these questions?
Faucet/fridge or bottled water?
Have you killed anyone?
Do you want me to help hide the body?
Favorite type of cheese?
Spears, Axes or Swords?
Favorite magical element?
Favorite suit in a deck of cards?
Favorite card in a deck of cards?
Hamburger or Hotdog?
Ketchup or mustard?
Do you like spicy food?
Favorite food?
Do you enjoy rainy days?
Do you prefer dry or humid heat?
Are you glad I'm out of questions?

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1. Try not to go too crazy with the amount of questions you blow out at one time. It's not really fair to the other people that will come into the thread if you ask like 50 at a time as it dwindles out their options. I won't be policing this, ((cause I can't)), but if a post is unreasonable in it's amount imo... I might just choose to skip it so that other people actually have a shot of me answering their questions... instead of you know... them not getting any.

P.S. I wrote this for a reason.

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Well, I guess I'll ask the only question that makes sense to asks you...

When was the first time you ever roleplayed/ When did Roleplaying become a major hobby of yours?

(I don't know if both of those might or might not be directly tied to each other, so I just included both.)

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What is so special about Undyne?

Figured I'd get this question at some point honestly. However, there's not a shit load to it in honesty. She is just a character that really clicks with me on a personal level. I just see a lot of commonalities in her that are part of my personality etc... and just what I'm like. I feel that it might not be as noticeable to some due to how more or less subdued my personality is when I'm in uncomfortable situations though. But, if one gets to know me they probably easily see the parallels that I see. So, she's jsut a character that I personally connect with in a way that makes her a special character to me lol. She in and of herself isn't crazy special I don't imagine. Just the expereinces I ahd with playing the game and the way she was written etc... really struck a cord with me. lol.

Do you prefer Darker or lighter colors? Depends on mood. Like entirely. However, I am more drawn to dark colours especially reds.

Favorite number? 3.

Favorite toppings on pizza? I prefer to be adventurous and try new stuff. I don't have a above all favourite here.

Favorite color? Red.

Favorite Gem? Garnet, Birthstone.

Favorite pokemon? Farfetch'd and Houndoom. They are tied for me. Houndoom cause Dog. Farfetch'd because I love the inspiration for his design.

Favorite type? Dark/Bug/Fighting/Flying, no particular order.

Favorite gym leader? None, they all suck and are totally just not memorable characters at all to me. I could probably neame them if pressed but... otherwise I don't really give them any thought. Most are just really boring one dimensional cliches.

Favorite Champion? Alder. Because he's actually a character throughout the story of BW. I know you don't fight him the first time cause story shit, but I still like him a lot. Also, his design is friggin' sweet.

Favorite Starter? Totodile, cause overly hyper gator is best gator.

Favorite video game? Depends. Like widely depends. I'll just chalk it up to Crash Bandicoot 2 Wrath of Cortex for now. That game my chiiiildhood.

Favorite type of cheese? Depends on the sandwich I'm putting it on. Provolone I'll say just because it's the easiest general cheese, can go with mostly anything.

Spears, Axes or Swords? Spears. Duuuuh. Undyne brah.

Favorite magical element? Water or Lightning. Because... storms. And water is great and lightning is great.

Ketchup The Devil's... special sauce or mustard? Mustard. 100% I will not even speak of that other vile substance.

Do you like spicy food? Uuuuh. Yes. It's good for clearing out the sinuses.

Favorite food? If it's edible probably fine by me. If I ahd to say anything Pizza, the lord of all social foods. The only thing that's truly made for sharin'.

Do you enjoy rainy days? replace enjoy with irrational love. Look... I try to find out when it's raining ahead of time to know when I can go sit outside and just enjoy the rain. I really really really love rain okay?

Do you prefer dry or humid heat? I prefer no heat. Gimme below 30 weather all year.

and I skipped ones that I didn't care to give an answer to.

Well, I guess I'll ask the only question that makes sense to asks you...

When was the first time you ever roleplayed/ When did Roleplaying become a major hobby of yours?

(I don't know if both of those might or might not be directly tied to each other, so I just included both.)

This one might take a bit to answer honestly... because the latter part I don't really remember like at all. The first time isn't a big standout moment to me for whatever reason. There's jsut been to many first times with different groups etc that it blurs together for me. I will say though WHen I came to Reborn that was the first time I ever forum RPed. For the latter half of the question hard to say. My interest in RP has always been strong though it wanes and waxes. At times I'm super into it, watching all sorts of shows on it etc... and other times my interest jsut dies out for awhile. I"m pretty fickle of a person honestly. Right now I'm cureently on a bit of a hiatus of it... it's not crazy important to me right now, but it's cause I've been busy etc... I do plan on trying to be more proactive in it. To truly answer your question though my most recent streak just so happened to be around when I joined Rebron once again. I also did a lot of it throughout High School with a few bubs of mine. It's been an off and on affair, but I'd say it's safe to say it's msotly been a part of my hobbies ever since I could understand the concept. It's always appealed to me. (( I mean, I am one of those that does it in games that I paly so...))

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What Pokemon would you see yourself as?

Favorite LoL champ?

What is the velocity of an unladen swallow?

uuuuuuuh, honestly not sure on the first. I've never really considered it. I'm sure I'd be something either odd, one of the doggo mons or probably soemthing big and scary. I would reckon I could also be something like Cubone or any other pokemon really know for being extremely lonely and forlorn. If I had to say one, I'd go with Arcanine though. Big ol' dog, quite majestic to the point people think it's a lion ((though due to it being based on the Chinese guardian lions partially... really not far off.)) and is The Legendary Pokemon. Cleeeeeeeearly, I'm a living legend so... it's a clear fit.

for Lol Champ. Character alone, easy, Shyvana. I love her she's great lol. ((gimme SUper Galaxy skin plox.)) Just a character I really dig. Gameplay wise I suuuuuuuuuper duper vary. However, really any Champion with an AA reset is high on my list because I love how satisfying that mechanic feels. to pull off. Otherwise, gameplay wise, Aurelion Sol is my fav. He jsut insantly clicked with me.

About the same velocity at which a Woodchuck chucks wood.

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Why do you think your a boring person?

Don't take me too seriously when I say that stuff lol. I mean a little bit... though. I just don't think I'm very good company or really all that interesting to talk to. I just more or less have a bad view of myself moreso than it probably being true. ((Since I'm told by quite a few that I'm a pretty great conversationalist.)) I think it's jsut due to the way I take things cause I'm... just dumb. People don't really ever strike up conversations with me often... and I gotta do it but bleeeeeeeeeh. I don't know how to start them... think I'm being a pest for doing so etc.. I've kinda strayed from the original question at this point so I'll hush for now lol.

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