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~My forum blog >.>~

Epic C

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This is my personal forum journal thing... posting how many badges i have, anything serious happening in real life..., etc.

Feel free to comment if you like ^.^

3/21/2012 Reborn Badges: 3 :feelsgd:

Gym leaders I'm going to challenging next are:

Noel, Sigmund and Shade.

Hope i can hit their weakspots where they hurt >:)

Gym leaders that i have defeated(slashed out names indicate that i have defeaten the gym leader):

First 5(3/5 currently) :







Allright... see ya.

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Long term planning. You're doing it wrong. =P

Look at my team. Sigmund is the electric leader, right? If i can beat him with my team as it is in a triple battle. You should be able to beat him.

I know, my hitmonlee and chandy make the best sweep combo, Boosted Rock Slide + Heat Wave wrecks yo.

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Got in 4th place in Reborn's Tourney Nights.. sigh.. :(

9 points

3 wins ( all 2-0's)

2 losses (one was 0-3 the other 0-2)

Better luck next time i guess.... but anyway..

I used my laptop off-league team... pretty well darn constructed too..

Also, Wolf why you know come on when i leave? D:> i miss you dude.. i miss you D:>

sigh... anyway this has been another Journal/Blog post by Epic C

This entry's Topic: Which over rules? Stalling Baton pass Ninjask or a team of stallers with Prankster?

Cya next entry.. maybe

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Sigilyph needs to be more OU

know why?

I'll tell you why..

HELL i will

My evidence is right here: http://pokemon.aesof...c-C--2012-03-24 <-- This was a battle earlier this moring... BUT

This shows have sweepingly terrifying sigi (sigilyph) can be... just skip to turn 19 to see it start sweeping...



I tried it for myself (which was against Miltank) and it last nearly over 45 turns of Stored Power + Roost spam .A.

But i did tell Potato that Sigilyph with a move set like that wouldn't do so hot against trolleye (prankster sableye).. so this form of usage of Sigilyph according to me is still a little into its Alpha stage... but it'll get there... soon i'll update about the progress of this type of Sigi.. in a future Journal Post k guys?

Ik this was a long journal entry.. but theres was just ALOT of stuff i wanted to say about this strategy...

anyway bye-bye

Discussion Question: What are some good pokemon that can stall? what would be the best currently recommended moveset for it?

Edited by Epic C
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3/25/12 10:00pm

People are mean to me in the forums... why?! WHY?!

What did i ever do to you? >: (

this makes me ticked off... especially with Neo... I EXPECT an apology from him right now.. he owes about 2 or 3 of'em.

I'm just so ticked off at how i'm being ridiculed by some people lately.. im just so sick and TIRED of it...

I just want it to stop.....






Just.. Just leave me alone....Now.

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Well, you DID post the link to your RMT and told everyone to post on it so you could reply to it and get moar rupees. So... Yeah.

Edit: This happened either yesterday or the day before. It wasn't that long ago.

Edited by A Pink Cheetah
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So >.> it was just a mistake >.>

i just want to be left alone... for like.. maybe a week?

I just.. just have lost all trust in alot of people.....

I just want to be left alone...


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  • 2 months later...


Derp, starting back up with the league tomorrow..

Its been soo long since i've had a match against a gym leader too..

also school ends tomorrow for me! WOOT! :D :feelsgd:

Anyone this was a somewhat short journal entry.. didnt have much to write anyhow!

-Epic C

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