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Really indecisive on my team right now. Help please!


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I've beaten Ciel so I can do whatever sidequests/breeding if i want to with the easy travel from Tauros on Route 1. Here's my team: http://imgur.com/a/QTyxa . I kind of feel like replacing Honchkrow and Gastrodon but they've been so useful throughout the journey. Gastrodon is kind of being my HM slave though. :/ Gastrodon doesn't really get many good moves. Earth Power is from a move tutor, but I don't think the Earth Power tutor is in the game yet? Correct me if I'm wrong on that though. Surf and Recover is really all I can think of. Honchkrow also doesn't get the greatest moves from level up but she has Moxie so that's really good.

Gastrodon: Surf, Dive, Recover, Strength. If I keep using him I'll have to remove those 2 HM's except for Surf.

Infernape: Close Combat, Rock Smash, Flare Blitz, Acrobatics. Can replace Rock Smash with Strenghth if I feel like it.

Magnezone: Discharge, Electro Ball, Mirror Shot, Flash Cannon. I should've kept thunder wave...

Roserade: Giga Drain, Growth, Petal Dance, Synthesis. Might breed for Sludge Bomb, Leaf Storm, Extrasensory? But I think that requires EP. 13, doesn't it?

Gardevoir: Moonblast, Draining Kiss, Psychic, Calm Mind. Is Energy Ball or Focus Blast breedable?

Honchkrow: Brave Bird, Foul Play, Sucker Punch, Night Shade.

So, help appreciated with my team. Rhydon is currently the only one being swapped out. Although I did use Walrein for Charlotte. Training up Prinplup that was going to replace Gastro but I also need to breed for Ice Beam and Scald so... Thank you in advance! :}

EDIT: http://imgur.com/a/VShAf this is my first box of mons I have caught. Litwick, Dwebble, Smoochum, Sneasel, Prinplup, Rhydon, and a cacnea egg are in the second box though.

Edited by LunarAzumarill
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The issue with those two Pokemon are their rather shallow move-pools. You'll have to get rather creative to use them effectively. That is not to say that they are bad Pokemon.


~ Curse

~ Waterfall

~ Bulldoze --> Earthquake

~ Body Slam --> Rock Slide / Stone Edge


~ Brave Bird / Drill Peck

~ Sucker Punch

~ Night Slash

~ Swagger --> Superpower

These are just my ideas. The Pokemon on your Team all work well together for a Reborn play-through. I'll give you some other Move-Set recommendations


Close Combat

Flamethrower / Flare Blitz --> Fire Blast

Grass Knot

Mach Punch --> Gunk Shot


Magnet Rise / Thunder Wave

Flash Cannon

Hidden Power Fire

Discharge --> Thunderbolt


Calm Mind


Grass Knot --> Shadow Ball / Focus Blast



Toxic Spikes / Leech Seed

Leaf Storm / Giga Drain / Magical Leaf

Hidden Power Fire / Extrasensory

Venoshock --> Sludge Bomb

You can go back to Episode 12 or so to breed TMs but you can craft good Move-Sets without that.

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If you want a dedicated HM slave get a Tropius from Rhodochrine Jungle, it learns Cut, Fly, Strength, Flash and Rock Smash. Everything you could ever want.

If you want a flying type to replace Honchkrow there is always Archen which evolves into the amazing Archeops which you can get from the Spinel Museum event. And as for Gastrodon, the only really good bulky defensive Pokémon in the game right now are Metagross, you can get a Beldum from the event in The Wasteland, and Mamoswine, you can catch a Swinub in Ameritine Cave. Both are really strong.

Otherwise you should definitely do the Mystery Egg event if you haven't done it, most of the really amazing Pokémon in the game (Azumarill, Haxorus, Excadrill, Starmie) are only available through that event.

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If you want a dedicated HM slave get a Tropius from Rhodochrine Jungle, it learns Cut, Fly, Strength, Flash and Rock Smash. Everything you could ever want.

If you want a flying type to replace Honchkrow there is always Archen which evolves into the amazing Archeops which you can get from the Spinel Museum event. And as for Gastrodon, the only really good bulky defensive Pokémon in the game right now are Metagross, you can get a Beldum from the event in The Wasteland, and Mamoswine, you can catch a Swinub in Ameritine Cave. Both are really strong.

Otherwise you should definitely do the Mystery Egg event if you haven't done it, most of the really amazing Pokémon in the game (Azumarill, Haxorus, Excadrill, Starmie) are only available through that event.

Yeah I did the egg event. I got Phantump from it unfortunately. I was hoping for Azurill for obvious reasons. Thanks for the recommendations though!

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