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And thus, the Inquisition [AMA]


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This may just be me being a narcissist, but I'm sure there are at least some of you out there curious to know a bit more about your neighborhood Sky Slayer... and seeing as how everyone and everyone's mother is doing it now- even Hukuna Sensei who I never expected in a thousand life times would hop on as well...

go ahead, shoot. With a few conditions though:

1. No more than three questions per post

2. I have the right to Plead the 5th or otherwise refuse to answer any question sent my way, with ot without any justification

3. Don't waste my time with trivial shit like what's my favorite food. Try to ask me some questions with actual substance.

So yeah... fire when ready. May your bullets land where they may.

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I suppose I'll start this. What was your most interesting experience on reborn?

Definitely my time playing as Surge during the Zero Alliance Era. Now that was some dramatic shit, let me tell ya... the backstabbing, the rivalries, the name callin', the fightin'. But especially the Backstabbing and the Fighting. And then at the end where Vermillion won by default because our foes were destroyed by a mole during the final auction and I prompted the good Lieutenant to lose his shit over it because "It wasn't a real victory"

I enjoyed it more than I should've.

1: Favourite RP?

2: Favourite OC?

3: Favourite novel?

4: Will you disregard this question?

and Damn it Dobby...

1. Probably Pokemon Academy by Chimchain, if you were there, you should have a pretty easy time guessing why. Which you definitely were. So you should.

2. Mareek Akira Sisto. I wouldn't have shelled out the big bucks to have a sprite made of the Kid otherwise.

3. The Eyes of God by John Marco. That series was the turning point for me as an adolescent- it was the book that enthralled me so much that I decided I wanted to be an author and make great stories like it someday.

4. Nah, since we cool, I'ma give you a free pass with the trolling this time...

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What... is your name?

What... is your quest?

What... is your favorite food?


Okay, so, forrealzies:

1. Do you believe in the power of hope or despair?

2. What are your thoughts on Cardinal so far?

3. Are you prepared to lose everything if it means changing the world?

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Okay, so, forrealzies:

1. Do you believe in the power of hope or despair?

2. What are your thoughts on Cardinal so far?

3. Are you prepared to lose everything if it means changing the world?

1. I think people will only be led on as far as they want to be. So long as they're either content with their lot or are convinced they have no power to change it, they will stay in their place and won't bother questioning a thing. But throughout human history, it's been shown time and time again that Man by his very nature is a creature better versed in the black arts of fear and despair than he is the sacred art of Hope-mongering. There's a reason there was only ever one Jesus, one Abraham, one Mohamad, one Moses, one Nelson Mandela, one Ghandi etc. and so many more Hitlers, Stalins, Herodus', Idi Amins, and such other infamous names.

TL;DR- the real question here isn't where or not I believe in the influence of hope or despair, but whether or not Man himself has any reason to dare dream of the former when nigh his entire past, his present, and likely his future as well has been ruled by the latter. His blood is the same as his fathers before him, their blood of their fathers, so on and so forth since the first of his name. They say no matter how consuming the darkness, there is always a glint of light... but I have yet to see the light within Man do anything but sit and fester.

Encase some of you can't get the meaning of the above, I am misanthropic as fuck and not sorry at all about it.

2. What the fuck is Cardinal? Is it an Anime? I'm a filthy casual when it comes to anime, so if it is, sorry to disappoint.

3. Only if those who come after me actually maintain and improve the changes and don't fuck it up all over again.

Hell, Jesus is probably up there in Valhalla with Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln, and everyone else who gave a damn and tried to do something, hanging their heads in utter disappointment. I can see it now...

If the human race is actually going to take advantage of a third/fourth/fifth chance if it's given to them again, then sure, I'd take a shot... but if they're just gonna waste it, like they probably will, why fucking bother?

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1. Who or what first brought you to Reborn?

2. What inspired you to start RPing here?

3. If you could change one thing about Reborn, whether is be the game or forums, what would it be?

1. Well, it's a bit of a story. Before I came to reborn my main thing was Rom Hacks such as Dark Rising, Glazed, Snakewood, Light Platinum, etc... one day I was on the Youtube looking for more when I came across a video detailing pokemon fan games.

IT took a few months before my curiosity was peaked, I came searching out Reborn, learned more about these arcane "Fan Games" which as it turned out had nothing to do with Rom Hacks... and from Late December of 2013 onward, the rest is literally history

2. Grass's Shroud Isle RP or something by that name... Big RP from years ago that, surprise, died off after a long time on life support... well, it didn't really die, just kinda faded into obscurity to never be seen again.

idk why I was so amazed by the concept of RPing and making OCs to run around and interact with others, but I was... funny story though- I only stayed in it for a short while before I went and created Surge Story and branched off to start doing my own things..

and here's a bit of irony; did you guys know that I friggin sucked at it at first? yup, even posted my opening in the OOC instead of the IC, my first attempt, and it was a total fuck up. surprising thing is, as bad as I was, I later went on to be one one of the driving forces of that section right along with the likes of Hukuna, Murdoc, Chimchain and a few others out there. But yeah, back then, I had no idea how far I would take this RPing thing, I didn't even know if I would stick around the site too much longer... but if you want to know more on that story, you'll have to pursue it in your next post.

3.Easy, I would bring the RP section back from the dead and restore us into a golden age the likes of which haven't been seen since the fall of PA original. Sadly though, that is much easier said than done, as several of us who've attempted can attest to...

Cardinal, from TTG... >_>

You're gonna have to throw me a few bones here, honey, my mind's drawing blank... the name rings no bells. That update had nothing to do with Sully so I just skimmed through and was on my way.

But fine... well, it's a bit hard to give any real thoughts on a character who literally only has a few lines of dialogue and interaction thus far. But going off the info she gave Sully's latest chew toy, new Arena Friend, Nova, I presume that somewhere along the way, things are gonna fuck up real badly with the tournament and the gods will have reason to regret their decisions thus far.

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Well, I'm knida glad to hear I wasn't the only one who sucked at first. TBH, lately I've been think back to when I first started out here and I regret a lot of decisions I've made. A lot of stupid mistakes that caused a lot of problems for people. But that's besides the point, back to the questions! :D

1. In the Shroud Isle RP, was it everything you imagined would be like or did it not meet your expectations? Also, were there any other highlights you can think of from it?

2. Have you ever completed an RP without it dying or fading off into existence?

3. When an RP does die, whether it be yours or not, how does that make you feel when it does?

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Well, I'm knida glad to hear I wasn't the only one who sucked at first. TBH, lately I've been think back to when I first started out here and I regret a lot of decisions I've made. A lot of stupid mistakes that caused a lot of problems for people. But that's besides the point, back to the questions! :D

1. In the Shroud Isle RP, was it everything you imagined would be like or did it not meet your expectations? Also, were there any other highlights you can think of from it?

2. Have you ever completed an RP without it dying or fading off into existence?

3. When an RP does die, whether it be yours or not, how does that make you feel when it does?

1. Oh no, have no misunderstandings, as soon as I realized the thing was slow as fuck, I went and filed my resignation and shifted attention to Surge Story and other RPs full time. I think I only joined it to begin with because of the shock and awe of this new and magical thing I had never tried before, but the moment I got a taste of what it was like when, you know...the host was actually around on a semi-normal basis and the story didn't stay sitting stagnant for months on end, I realized there were bigger fish in the Sea and promptly spread my wings to try and catch them.

long story short- I liked the premise and potential, I guess, but the management is what made me cut ties and go separate ways. As for highlights, I had one battle before I left, and in that fight, I called the host out on some BS with a Larvesta somehow knowing Drill Run- which just so happened to be super effective against something like the Seviper and Growlithe my PC was running... but I ended up dropping the complaint and instead did something I'm not too proud of today, but still laugh my ass off about when I think about it- I simply said, screw it, we can both play this game and proceeded to make my own ass pull by having Ethic pull a fire stone from his jacket and evolve his Growlithe right there in the middle of battle as he sent her in following Seviper getting KOd by Drill Run. Needless to say, he won that fight by the other side simply backing down when he ordered his newly evo'd beast to use Close Combat... the logs of the fight are all there in the IC somewhere if you wanna go dig em up or something.

aside from that though, shortly after that very fight, I really got bored and like I said, decided to cut ties and move on to other RPs

2. Nope. Not a single one. They all bit the dust before their time, one way or another.

3. Well it really depends... how much I liked the story, liked my OC, liked the other players, etc... if it was something I was truly fond of or thought was a really engrossing premise, like Pokemon Academy or Gaelach's Basm, then yeah, I would be a bit disappointed that the good times had to end or that it died before we got to the meat of the story and development of the original concept. If it was something like Battlegrounds that was broken as fuck, but fun as hell partially because of being broken as fuck, then it would be a bitter-sweet type of thing. I'd be glad it was over because... well, it had serious flaws that should've been addressed from the beginning, but at the same time, we had a shit ton of fun despite it being broken as hell.

So yeah, there really isn't a set answer, at least for back then. Nowadays though, I find more and more that instead of dissapointment... I just respond with well, acceptance. It's kinda gotten to the point where after so many have died on me, I've grown desensitized/ come to realize that nothing lasts forever. Sometimes it's even like watching a loved one who spent a good while on life support finally move on- in the beginning, you were going through all types of emotional crap struggling to come to terms with the fact that you were gonna lose them, but after a while, after the initial greif and everything, you come to stop thinking of your own pain on what it must like to be them. Start to think that they probably would want to just move on already instead of being tied down to this body they can't even use anymore that has become their virtual prison- after a certain point, you don't feel sad that they're gone persay, you just feel glad that they'll be able to finally be free and, hopefully, a lot happier wherever they may be.

In an RP context, this means that, after a certain point, I started to see why people killed the story... they had life things, or the plot had taken a turn they felt wasn't true to the vision they originally had, or people simply stopped being as interested or active as they once were, making it hard to continue... one way or another, I began to see that, yes, RPs can become very big burdens on a host, rather than something they do out of enjoyment... and honestly, in cases like those, I would much rather the Host just stop and say "Alright guys, it's been good, but... can't do it anymore" than force themselves to continue and ultimately suffer from it ontop of everything else they might be juggling, I mean, Hell, Chimchain is a perfect example; when Ymora 2 died out, I didn't feel disappointed or sad, I was just glad that a person who I honestly think of as a great roleplayer and dear buddy had made the decision that was right for him and ultimately all other parties involved then try to stick it out and end up running both themselves and everything they built into the ground- because I've seen that happen before too, infact, That has happened to me before.

So yeah, I might feel a bit of regret, bit of disappointment... but nowadays, I just accept it and let it be. How do you think I felt having to Kill SoA? I didn't want to... but at that time, it was the best option left for that RP honestly- give it a quick and merciful death instead of watch it limp along on life support for god knows how much longer.

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Are you getting tired of the AMA train?

What's your favorite thing about your best friend?

Do you prefer to see a Big Bad right from the start, or have them be revealed suddenly at the end? (assuming you have to choose one of those and nothing in between)

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Are you getting tired of the AMA train?

What's your favorite thing about your best friend?

Do you prefer to see a Big Bad right from the start, or have them be revealed suddenly at the end? (assuming you have to choose one of those and nothing in between)

1. yup. Infact, you kinda ruined my latest status with this batch of questions

2. Best friend? What best friend? It's hard to pin down a single quality that I like best about a friend. I tend to take people as a whole person rather than focusing on one or two specific aspects about them. Funny thing though, there was a friend who I haven't seen since I was a little kid- his dad is friends with my dad since they used to be Co-workers and what not... well, he was like, 3 or 4 years ahead of me I think, so as it turns out, he's gone off to join the military, and left his car behind because, well ya won't fucking need where he's going.

I ended up driving the very same car he himself did. It sits in the driveway even now, kinda cool, I guess you could say. Even though we hadn't spoken in years, something like this comes along and keeps some type of link between us. I tend to think of that old Car like the Buster Sword from Final Fantasy 7's universe

3. At the beginning. Too many stories these days do the whole "Surprise, Motherfuckers, I'm the real big bad!", so yeah... it may ruin a bit of the suspense or reveal later, but... I would rather have it at the beginning than the end, just to be a hipster about it. Like, stuff with the reveal that Golbez is in fact just a pawn of Zeromus at the end of FF4... and you end up fighting this giant monster thing that kinda came outta left field...

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