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[IC] TTG Chapter 2: Lust


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Silent Requiem vs. Hellfire Knight

Adam was flung backward, the pain being cut short. He landed awkwardly and slumped against the inner wall of his mech. He really couldn't do much more, he'd taken too much damage during his charge and now his mech was little more than its shell. He sat there, staring at Hellfire Knight's face, mostly obscured by her visor.

"Well, uh, this is awkward." He said, "Really am sorry about that, especially since it didn't work."

He glanced around. He didn't really want to admit it, but he was literally stuck. If he turned off his mech now he'd fall in the water below.

"So I hate to have to ask this, but would you mind catching me?" He said.

He didn't really have time to wait for an answer, the reaction between his and HK's mechs had worn away at his hull and it suddenly dematerialized, causing him to drop suddenly.

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Hellfire Knight vs Silent Requiem

Adam's answer was a cannon swinging through the air at where he would have been if not for gravity yanking him downward, followed up by a burst of plasma pellets and a wordless shout of anger from the girl. The assault lasted only a moment, however, as Hiroki shook her head and calmed herself, muttering a quick passphrase to her targeting system to put them into standby mode. No, no, I can't lose my head now, I'll lose and it'll all be for nothing, and then everyone will be right. Adam would have quite literally been in hot water, barring him catching the edge of the island as he fell. Hiroki, after she stopped attacking, simply leaned back and breathed for a moment.

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Strider vs The Revenant

Strider was pushed back, albeit not as much as she probably should've under normal circumstances, but it was enough to push her into the water, sinking into the blue instantly. Upon reaching the bottom, Morgan found herself looking directly up to the water's surface, or more specifically, the island that she was just standing on a moment ago.

"Well, this isn't good." She said. She knew that she'd made a mistake. "I can't really move since EAS is activated either... Maybe I should-"

The Mech's VI then cut in. Upon request, basic movement was not to be included in power conversion to EAS unless specifically directed to do so by default.

"Oh, yeah." Morgan was used to directing specific systems to power conversion, so "all of them" usually meant everything. Of course, she changed that once it got her seriously cornered. Afterwards, basic movement was set to power conversion only when directly mentioned to do so. That was a long while ago, however, and she completely forgot about it. Lucky for her, the entire thing became relevant.

Now she had two choices: wait for The Revenant to come to her, or to keep the fight on the surface. Either one seemed possible, but she probably shouldn't wait. The results of that can be... less than satisfactory.

"Okay, so... let's get back to the surface." She said. Although, that was easier said than done. The pillars of earth were... actually quite steep, so just walking back up probably wasn't an option. Then an idea hit her: those pillars had to be tougher than sand to hold itself up like that. The girl straightened her hands out like she was playing a game of rock-paper-scissors, jumped as high in the water as she possibly could, and shanked the pillars to get her hands, and part of her feet, to stick inside the structure.

And much to her surprise, it was a success.

"Ha! It worked!" Morgan spoke loudly in triumph. "Now let's get back up there..." She sighed. "...That sounded a lot worse than intended. Thank the Gods no one else heard that..." Her face turned red again, realizing how bad it could've been since the crowd was mainly from the Plane of Lust, where nudity and sexual innuendos are most likely smiled upon everywhere. She shook the thought out of her head and changed her focus back to the fight. Following a similar method to the one she had just used, she started to climb back up to the surface, picking up a thick cloud of dust around her as she did so.

Edited by Komodojoe
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Revenant vs Strider

"I'm not picking up anything..."

"She's down there, definitely... Looks like that field makes her a bit better anchored too. At that output level, the pulse should've sent her into the water alot more violently than it did. But it probably impedes movement too, if that's really the case and it does anchor...she didn't even try to get out of the way like with the slice."

"Then she may not be able to get back up.... unless of course, she happens to drop the field"

"Eh, I don't know, buddy. That field came on kinda quick earlier like she had the scramble to get it up in time, might be too scared to drop it... though, she doesn't really know we have the materials to do that same trick again even without her providing her own ammo, so...who knows."

"Wait, sully, somethings picking up again, moving upward from the bottom, same place she was in-"

"Does it look it propulsion of any kind?"

"No, no, this is too slow, especially compared to how quickly she was able to thrust herself back earlier. At the current rate of ascent, I think she might be... climbing?"

"Climbing, eh? Interesting. we seem to be not too far off... and we're learning more and more by the minute... why don't we complicate things abit, make the pacing our own?"

The shoulder panel opened as an armored hand reached for it, the metal sphere lurking just beyond leaping into Sully's palm like a hound eagerly greeting his master's homecoming. His visor again flashed red as he aimed his arm towards the Island in question, seeing for himself the readings on the scan as the woman continued to work her way back topside. A smirk crept across his face just as he saw how slow the ascent truly was. She was obviously not completely immobile with this Green Field of hers, but she was still easily a sitting duck... but he already knew what the outcome of aiming for her would be, she'd just sponge it like before. He adjusted the planned trajectory, poising it just a couple meters above her on the pillar's submerged face.

The Tesla Spheres whirled with their might at the same moment as he fired the ball with similar force to the one before, watching it streak across the field. He opened the comm channels for the briefest of moments as he did so, a single, cryptic phrase uttering from his mouth before the feed cut and all returned to radio silence.


The round hit barely a fraction of a second later, sending the rocky formation a few feet above Strider shattering into a thick cloud of dust and shards as a small shockwave resounded with the impact. From the surface, all Solomon had witnessed was a massive explosion of water and stone stratenal, waves radiating outwards from the site as the rocky outcropping immediately sank to the depths, ruined, destined to never return to the surface... just as he was confident his opponent was... unless she wanted to drop the little Green Screen trick of hers.

He had figured it out by now. That truly had to her ability, no other explanation. She could set that thing up to tank a few hits at the cost of mobility, as the estimated damage calc and slow rate of rising on his sensors earlier had attested to, and if she was even a little bit versed in basic strategy, she probably had someway to retaliate and counter attack as well in that state... she had thus far displayed weaponry in the form of Machine Guns, a Railgun, and some type of fist armaments when she readied her dukes... but yet the massive cannon atop her shoulder had yet to be used. It obviously was not the main armament of the mech...no, it's use had to be something special, something to be saved for the right moment, there was no sense to it otherwise; why would she hold out on unleashing her full fire power from the get-go, not attempt to pin him down with a hail of shots like so many other opponents of her build typically liked to try? That Cannon... was likely bad news just waiting to be delivered, the very moment whatever type of criteria she needed to fire it was met. Criteria he could've guessed, from the his theorizing thus far, would probably involve tanking more and more of his attacks...

And he wasn't all that eager to be delivered worse news than that around a fifth of the population of this circle was nudist, including some very old, very saggy and very wrinkled citizens...

Hence, this was his ultimatum, unspoken though it may have been. She could either rot on the sea floor, with her little defensive shielding up... or she could come back up here with it off and face him like a proper warrior. The choice was hers in the end, but either way, he wasn't going to go in like this, not right now... this whole scenario reeked of Attack Baiting all around.

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Slumbering Giant VS Supernova

Mommo expected her attack to obliterate her enemy entirely, or at the very least, put them out of commission. With them surviving the blow, losing only one of their arms but no mobility whatsoever... She sacrificed her own trump card for nothing, then. Fighting was always about conserving and conquering, the two c's. Now, she was practically a sitting target for Supernova, but a sitting target with very heavy defenses.

As much as the Giant was at its limits, Mommo had to push it a bit further... It had to last a few more minutes before completely failing her... It had to... After all, it was designed to be resistant.

For whatever reason, she found herself gripping the sphere around her neck at the same time as she grabbed the controls again with a tremble in the corner of her lips. This was her finale in this fight. Sparks danced around the rather ravaged back of the iron giant and the cannon it held in its hand. The heat from Supernova's last assault was almost unbearable and her generator was in jeopardy...

And yet, as Supernova collided with it, the Giant endured it all. The flames, as hot as the sun itself as they may be, would be stopped by the ravaged armor plating. The impact, however, would still be hard on both Mommo and her mech. She was prepared to do one more thing before ejecting, though. Seeing as her conditions were met (none of the 3 cluster grenade attacks on her opponent were successful, and the attack requires two misses), she could do it. Holding the cannon in her still moveable right hand, Mommo had her mech jump with whatever power it had left and smash it into the ground below. The small island exploded as soon as Supernova made contact and the power of the blast carried across the marine terrain, raising a circular wave across the surface from the center as the island itself crumbled and exploded in a pillar of water 5 m tall and as wide as the island that would surely encapsulate Supernova as well given the timing of her performed action.


Mommo dislodged from the mech almost immediately. The safety measures kicked in and she, in turn, was kicked out in her less armored, but just as heavily armed garments. She was, however, carried by the torrent underwater and away from Supernova's sight. With what breath she had left, she activated the cannons on her arms and the battle continued...

Armor 6 point bonus - protection against any attack (used against Nova Strike)

Using my Signature Attack to send a powerful shockwave through the arena, raising a wave and destroying the island I am currently standing on

Using my Special Ability - Mommo's stats have changed (Armor: 6 -> 3, Speed: 1 -> 4)

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Supernova VS Slumbering Giant

"They ran..." The shield dissipated. He looked at the husk of the giant's armor, sinking along with the island. The pillars of water crashed in against Tai, but it didn't matter much with the heat already used up to power Nova Strike.

When the water fell quiet, he noticed the empty airspace. "Must be underwater. Either they're taking advantage of my dislike of underwater combat, or they can't fly...or both?" Tai laughed and sent his jets whirling again. "Guess it's time for intermission. You've net yourself a lucky break." He blasted toward the outer rim of the arena. Heating his mech up rapidly again. This time, he kept a comfortable 10 meters height with the surface.

Edited by IntSys
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Ricochet vs. LOLI_HUNTER

((OOC: Hate to break it to ya, Piruluk, but LOLI_HUNTER made a BIG mistake with that move.))

Ricochet saw his opponent approaching, and spoke, already prepared to counter this bold move on LOLI_HUNTER's part. As he spoke, he retracted his chains so that they were not slack, and then let them gain some back as his opponent came towards him.

"Aren't you forgetting something, missy?"

He then cracked his mech's arm chains like a whip, hoping to knock his opponent into the ground from the maneuver. However, he was prepared to jump out of the way of his opponent, should his technique fail to work. As he did this, he continued to look at the bits, continuing to take them out of commission with his laser by moving it in broad, sweeping motions. He wasn't aiming with his eyes, but simply thinking about it making the motions, as he usually did. Him looking at his targets was only for making precise shots, but now that the targets he was trying to hit were moving erratically, he couldn't rely on accuracy to hit them, so he went for the 'spray and pray' method to hit them.

Edited by K_H
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LOLI_HUNTER v.s. Ricochet

Kagari raised an eyebrow as her opponent attempted to slam her into the ground. Good effort, but the arm servos of a mech were not quite able to exert enough force to divert a heavy, mid-motion mech in that manner. Her path through the air stayed unchanged, allowing her to aim herself on a collision course with her opponent. The moment her opponent stepped away to avoid her, with his hands still holding on to her spear, she let go of the spear, landing next to him in a crouched position. In her lowered position, taking advantage of her momentary proximity to her opponent, she sent the cables writhing outward from her left hand to ensnare her opponent's leg. As she did so, a compartment on her right calf opened and launched a knife into her waiting right hand, which she then used to strike diagonally upwards at her opponent.

While she was doing this, she wasn't really paying attention to her bits, so another three were destroyed in the spray, leaving her with only five working bits, which continued to move while dodging her opponent's erratic fire, alternating shots for the purpose of keeping up a constant stream of pressure fire.

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Strider vs The Revenant​

Morgan was climbing the pillar as fast as the mech could currently take her. Literally shanking her way back to the top, she was climbing​ higher and higher, closer and closer. Almost there...

  On 8/4/2016 at 2:28 PM, Sutoratosu said:



The rocky pillar seemed to explode from above her as the projectile crashed through it with ease, causing everything to fall down from above with a small shockwave following... all of which made her lose her grip and plummet with the debris. She found herself at the bottom of the pool again, this time with the remains of the pillar-like island that she attempted to scale. She growled, beginning to get aggravated.

"This isn't working..." Morgan was once again looking back up at the surface. The only way to get back up on dry land seemed to be to drop the EAS and boost up there. Then again, she didn't have to drop the energy that she's accumulated with it, though she should probably use it. But the question here wasn't when, but how. She could use Revenge Blast, but she'd rather not. It would probably be better to use it with more energy. There was another option, however... she spoke a different command to the system. Her brain began to formulate a plan.

"System..." She was skeptical about these next words. "Deactivate EAS and reroute energy to the jets and weapons. We're taking this fight back topside."

Command accepted...

EAS deactivated. All stats back to normal.

EAS energy used will be distributed to Speed and Firepower.

Speed gained: 1. Speed is now 6 from 5.

Firepower gained: 2. Firepower is now 8 from 6.

All stat boosts will last for two turns.

"Also, after the energy's depleted, prepare the EAS again. This time, with energy pattern S."

Warning! The following energy pattern may place you in a disadvantage in close-range combat. Do you still wish to proceed?


Command accepted... this system will await the confirmation code to activate when EAS energy is depleted.


With the discussion (however one-sided it was) being over and done with, Strider starts zipping through the water with renowned vigor and reinforced speed, hesitating to rise back to the surface at first. Judging from the direction from the projectile, she knew the general area of where The Revenant was. Morgan headed toward said direction and rose from underneath the depths of the blue. She wasn't too far off from her target, but she wasn't too close, either. She sped across the water to circle around her opponent while keeping her distance. She rose her machine guns once again and opened fire, unleashing streaks of green as the bullets were engulfed with energy from the EAS and fired away one after the other. With any luck, the energy will help dampen the effects of the electromagnetism that the SMO controlled so the bullets can actually make contact.

Edited by Komodojoe
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Revenant vs Strider

"What the hell?" He muttered as he launched himself to another island, his timing off and making the maneuver far more poorly than he should've. He had been expecting a boost in speed, but not this much, and certainly not in firepower... had he been wrong? Where did this increase come from, she had dropped the shield, it should've restored her parameters to normal, not upped them... unless...

It dawned on him."she can make the trick go both ways... Defense and Offense..."

"Solomon!" Asmo's voice caught him off guard, noticing yet another volley of green streaked lead hurtling towards them before the AI seized the fields and erected the defenses... a warning screen flashed across the man's vision as the mech sent the feedback through his neural network. They had still been hit, a few grazing shots that hadn't been entirely halted by the repulsion, but hit nonetheless. Nothing terribly serious compared to what they could've been, thanks to Asmo's quick reaction where he had failed. But that flashing beacon of scarlet alone was enough to bring him back to the battlefield.

"Sully!" More shots were incoming as she circled. Solomon's eyes gleamed in the darkness of his helm, narrowing at the readings as Asmo did his best to fight off more and more, managing to at least divert the trajectory of most, but not all. More and more damage reports came in as the grazes kept making landfall "Damn it, what are you doing you fool!? This is no time to check out!"

"They're nowhere near their full potential..." He muttered...

"Or course they fucking aren't, you fool! you blanked into space and I had to make do with the output levels as they were, or would you rather have been riddled with holes as I sat by and did nothing as well?"

"Sorry about that... enough fucking around." All he had to do was give the impulse, and within the same instant, the power of the repulsion shield jumped considerably as he held out a hand before the encroaching hail, the very bullets Asmo had been struggling to deal with at lower settings now shifting themselves like stampeding beasts avoiding an obstacle in their charge. He locked every sensor arrayed throughout his hud on Strider, flooding his vision with various reports; muzzle velocity, flight speed, distance... "I assumed too much... but I'm not gonna let her keep up the pressure. She may be able to switch them back and forth, but can she go from offense to defense fast enough to save her from us?"

"Stop asking me and fucking act!"

The AI had a valid point. So he did just that...it was time to lay down the law "Tesla's Revenge."

In the blink of an eye, their little neural conversation ended as a flood of crimson washed over Revenant's features, it's regular scarlet accenting and visor burning bright as a star, countless circles of red blooming to life all throughout it's exoskeleton and practically transforming what had once been a dark knight to a blood one. The very image of the mech and surrounding rock and stone itself began to distort as the magnetic fields surrounding it leapt to a fever pitch as their full potential was unleashed, the very waves of the visible light spectrum falling prey to their influence as haphazard static began to snap and streak throughout the air while they churned. Revenant's feet began to pick up off the ground further with each passing moment with their power. Ragnarok became little more than a pulsating length of scarlet lightning at his side, giving a shrill ring as he raised her to the ready and turned his full attention to the girl once more.

Without a single word, he moved like a wraith, shooting through the air in a blur of scarlet and audible crack of thunder as he closed the distance towards his opponent, ignoring the bullets coming his way as mere annoyances as the fields sent them flying off into crazed paths before they even got close. She may have been able to boost her firepower with her little trick... but metal was still metal at the end of the day. It mattered not how fast it traveled, how much force it had... he held nothing back as it came his way, the blade cradled in his palms carving through the tropical air like a bolt from the blue, propelled with every once of physical force he could muster, the spheres aiding it with their glorious amplification and igniting the very air with red hot friction as it streaked closer in a barely traceable line of waiting destruction, aiming to slice through the generator he still eyed on his opponent's back, rage rising within him with every passing moment.

He had no signature. No Coup De Grace, no big finisher. But he had this, he had his creations, and he had their unbridled energy. And while he couldn't rely on them at their fullest for long before they would inevitably have to drop back to their lowest settings to recover, weakened and drained with their exertion, he was going to make the absolute most of it, here and now... he had to. Because either way, this was going to end soon... be it by his own equipment becoming too feeble to fight back, fodder just waiting to be picked apart as he struggles against the tide of fare, or by this girl's destruction at his hands...

She had shot a Railgun at him... But that wasn't even the worse of the offense, hadn't even qualified as one, with how he had given just desserts... but then... she actually managed to hit him with the very material that he earned his very place from manipulating and exploiting... it was unthinkable, the mockery. He was the best damn mechanic in all of pride (as far as he was concerned), had created an artificial life form so robust it sometimes even made he himself wonder if it even had a soul, had crafted the countless constructs lining his suit and powering his vicious onslaught now with his bare hands and risen to be among the top with it, defeated foes many said he should've be decimated by, taken the various metric tons of shit spoken by countless asses over the years and tossed it right back into their faces... finally defeated the one woman who alone had served as the greatest competition in all things in life to him for literally as long as he could recall... and this girl here, this underage, meek as a mouse, not-even-legal child, was going to dare mar his pride in this way, marring his armor with of all things, as base and unworthy a metal as lead, after all he had done, all he had overcame to get here?

Such an offense deserved only the greatest and most ferocious of responses. The very type of response he sought as he unleashed the beast he had spent so long restraining... and a maddened cry of utter bloodlust sounded over the Comm Channels. And robust though his artificial life was, Asmodeus could only sigh as he took his rightful place at the defenses, monitoring the same scans and sensors his master had abandoned in his outrage.

"Here we go again... Well, I did say to do something, and... this is definitely something. I should probably get used to it, not like it's going to be the last time we have to break it out around here..."

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Hellfire Knight vs. Silent Requiem(?)

The myriad guns hummed to life again as another mech appeared on the battlefield. Hiroki activated her communication system as her weapons swiveled along with herself to face the potential foe. "Who the hell are you?" she demanded, her voice squeaking somewhat and prompting an instantaneous mental self-berating: Damnit, keep control of your voice, no one is going to take a squeaky little girl seriously. "If this is another kind of trick, Silent Requiem, I swear on my life that you'll regret it as long as yours lasts!" The girl was actually trembling slightly inside her mech, not that anyone could really tell.

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Amelia heard Hellfire Knight repositioning her guns, and inaudible sigh slipped through her lips.

"Silent Requiem?" she asked, feigning confusion, "Oh! You mean Floppy Dick here? He's out cold. Not sure but I think I gave him a concussion..."

Amelia carefully set Adam down. He was probably bleeding internally, but that was fine, if he died now she could pass it off as an accident. Then again, that wouldn't be very satisfying. She shrugged, satisfaction wasn't really a big worry of hers.

"I'm Blink, you should know me by name." She said, "And don't aim your fucking guns at me unless you wanna have a go. I won't go easy on you just because you're a little bitch."

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Hellfire Knight and Blink

Hiroki growled into her comms. She nearly took Blink up on the offer, keeping her weapons powered up and trained on the god for a moment before sighing quietly and setting them back to standby once again. "Fine," she said curtly. She was aware that she should probably attempt to be polite to Blink, but it was taking her a fair degree of her self-control to not take a few potshots at the other woman for her words. I could so take her if I was at full strength, I really could, I've come this far. . . but she's a god for a reason, right? She paced back and forth a few steps, metallic boots thumping the ground beneath her feet, waiting to leave the arena.

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Slumbering Giant VS Supernova

Mommo drifted into the water, pulled by the force created by her own attack. The attack so reckless and stupid it couldn't have worked, aimed at just escaping... She didn't know how else to act in that moment... She was scared, afraid of what had happened in her previous fight.

And what for? She was going to lose this one as well because of her irrationality. Why was she being so irrational? She'd never ever been so stupid as to assume something so illogical would happen without proper evidence. Perhaps it was her own rationality which eventually cost her her peace of mind in this battle, in this entire tournament. After all, she must've become incredibly suspectible to emotions after denying them for so long... and now that they've awakened, there was no turning back.

Maybe that was what was scaring her. Not the same thing with HUNTER happening over again, but the emotions of approval it invoked in her. She could have played angry after what Aries told her, but it would be a farce, it already was a farce. She didn't feel angry, most certainly. She felt the polar opposite of that!

So what was she doing with this fight? She had to get herself together... Her opponent, they seemed to be using flames to attack... And there were those heat reading she chose to disregard in her panic. That meant her opponent was at an disadvantage in this type of field. She was stupid not to realize that earlier. Now it was probably too late. But she wasn't going to give up... No, she had to face her opponent head on in her last stand. That was the only thing she had right now-her will...


On the surface, several minutes would pass without Mommo rising back to the surface. Just as it would seem the fight was as good as gone, though, a concentrated blast of energy would be shot at Supernova from somewhere below and in that moment, Mommo would shoot up herself from the water and stand on one of the islands away from Supernova, pointing her hand-cannon at them. Her new outfit would allow the enemy to see her face behind a blackened visor with reading on it. A suit with the power generator on the back and heavy armor around her shoulders and hips, and smaller plating across her legs. Over her hands, cannons could be activated, and there was still a dozen of weapons hidden beneath her shell. Besides, what she was piloting now was the base of the Giant, where all its systems originated from. Except now she was in better control of them. And she had come up with a plan. Three of her cluster grenades were readied on her back to be launched as she looked up with a serious expression on her face. The sphere around her neck reflected the light crashing against it.

"Apologies for the delay. I'm ready now, Supernova."

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Supernova VS Slumbering Giant

"No problem. Let's not keep the audience bored, shall we?"

The mech has been filled with heat over the past few minutes, enough heat to not get doused by a mere burst of water right away. Tai reactivated the Fire Shield, releasing the heat from his mech. The point that connected the left hand was reignited with flames.

"Let's see..." Tai landed on an island slightly closer to the Slumbering Giant, and sank his right fist right into it. The chunk of earth split into smaller, but still large chunks of rocks. He grabbed one of the chunks and used the flames from his left arm to heat it up.

A few seconds later and its insides started to melt. He then threw the chunk of rocks flying right at Slumbering Giant's waist. He knew the giant isn't going to let themselves get hit by that, but just to be safe, he wanted to see the giant's abilities outside of heavy armor.

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Strider vs. The Revenant

Morgan was a bit confused while she witnessed her opponent just standing there. A few of the bullets were hitting their mark, but the majority were still being redirected by the electromagnetism. While she was glad that a few were getting through, the entire thing seemed a bit... off to her. Why was the Revenant just standing there? Was he shocked that a few were hitting him in the first place? Was he preparing for something? Or was he just trying to intimidate her by trying to look superior to her? The latter angered her a little, but since there was no way to tell at the moment, she just continued with her assault. Still, that didn't really get her to shake the feeling that something was wrong here.

"I don't like this..." Morgan was a bit suspicious about the whole thing. "System, cancel preparations for Energy pattern S. Instead, prepare for pattern C.

Command accepted... preparations have been altered... awaiting final order.

Not even a few seconds after she made the order, The Revenant seemed to illuminate in a red color, changing it's image completely. Morgan watched as the streaks of green went in every other fucking direction. She could no longer hit her target. Her opponent's energy levels rose with each passing second and she couldn't do a damn thing about it. And then, without warning, The Revenant dashed towards her, his maddening war cry flooding the Comms.

"Dammit, dammit, dammit!" Morgan cursed as the opposing competitor sped towards her. She boosted towards the nearest island with all due haste. This was going to be a close one, she had to time this correctly. Otherwise, something could go very wrong. Actually, to be honest, something could go wrong either way. She still felt that she had to do this, though. Something about it just felt right. Strider was closing in on the island as her opponent was closing in on her. Steady... Almost there... and...

"Now!" She yelled to her VI.

Command accepted...

EAS boost has ended. All stats returning to normal.

EAS activated.

EAS stat modifications: Firepower is now 2 from 6. Speed is now 3 from 5.

Armor gained: 2 from Firepower, 1 from Speed. Total armor gained: 3. Armor is now 6 from 3.

Final statistics: Firepower is now 2. Speed is now 3. Armor is now 6.

Strider landed on the island with a thud as the EAS flared to life once again, making her mech illuminate a green color like it always had. She didn't have enough time to attack before her opponent landed a blow. While the EAS absorbed some of the damage, the rest of her opponent's attack got through far enough to carve a noticeable mark in the generator, causing her stagger forward, the alarms in her mech beginning to wail to indicate said damage.

Warning! EAS Generator taking damage!

"I know, I know!" Morgan growled. The Revenant knows. The EAS generator was her main key to victory as it was many times before, and he freaking knows it! If that gets taken out, the girl would have almost no chance of winning. "I've just gotta power through it." She thought to herself. She felt nervous. With the SMO going all out like he is, she was taking a serious gamble. If she can hold out long enough, then she could throw it all back at him with twice the force, but if she couldn't, then this match is probably as good as lost. She took a deep breath as she prepared for the assault. "I have to keep it running... No matter what happens, no matter what punishment I take, I have to keep it in working order... then he'll pay. I'll hit him with everything I've got... and everything he's got."

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Slumbering Giant Mobile Suit Mommo VS Supernova

Mommo glanced at the audience. They seemed to be entertaining themselves, honestly... Lustians were a strange kind, alien to Mommo Scary, almost, wiggling their naked bodies around like that. It made her dizzy, so she shifted her gaze back to Supernova.

"Right." She nodded and, the next moment, a big chunk of island debris was being thrown at her. It was now or never, then. She'd never really tried moving in this thing and, well, even standing around was difficult for her. Her legs felt wobbly... Not at all like the sure pillars which supported her at the audience. Her legs were back to their useless selves. But this system had been designed for situations like this. It was the final safety she had.

"Activate upwards thrusters, now!" The thrusters on her feet shot to life, launching Mommo in the air above the boulder and slightly in the direction away from Supernova, swiftly descending towards water, due to land on her butt in mere moments. But before that, she directed both her main cannons at Supernova and started firing rapidly in his direction, while, at the same time, rockets launched once again from her waist armor and encircled her opponent from all sides.

She was obviously and visually clumsy fighting like this, but as long as she could aim and shoot, that was all she needed. Because she'd prepared a certain surprise for Supernova in her grenades.

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Supernova VS Slumbering Fully-Awake Giant

"Here we go!" Tai grabbed another chunk of rock and propelled himself ten meters up high, easily dodging the rockets and the blasts thanks to the distance and his own speed.

"They're descending into water...I see. Trying to lure me into a dangerous position, eh?" Tai activated the mini-cannons on his chest and sent a rapid stream of fireballs at the giant. These fireballs, although weak, should do some light to medium damage with the giant losing their heavy armor.

"You can thrust yourself up from the ground...but what about the rest of your aerial mobility?"

In meantime, he melted up the inside of the chunk of rock he was holding like how he did before.

Edited by IntSys
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Revenant vs Strider

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"Your little ability won't save you now kid!" The Revenant shouted with Solomons tongue as he pressed his offense, voice hoarse and manic as the comms flooded with the sheer screeching volume of the declaration. "Ragnorok, FEED!" As if on cue, Asmodeos leapt into action, sending the parameters to the blades receptor unit and setting the Vibration frequency to it's absolute maximum capacity as the blade carved it's way out of the initial slice to the Generator, an audible hum being added to the static and crackle of unbridled lightning as the weapon's glow increased ever brighter. With so powerful a current flowing through it thanks to the unbridled might of the spheres and insane oscillation rate said current granted it, the thing could have likely sundered a lightly armored opponent's defenses like a literal hot knife through butter... put together with the raw ferocity and hellish friction of each and every one of his strokes, and even with her little trick, even with those buffed defenses, the beast operating the machine had the utmost confidence in the carnage and devastation it would inflict here.

Carnage and devastation he wasted no time in unveiling; Before he had even finished shouting for the blade to partake of it's next victim, already a fierce flurry of strikes were coming Striders way, the air snapping with ever greater intensity as it's limbs overclocked on the raw power flowing through and around them, his very body becoming even more of a blur as his speed added to the distorted light spectrum like a demon, slashes of blazing red heat and streaking electricity only furthering the chaos, making it more and more difficult to even discern what was going on or where the blows were coming from. Something which Asmodeus took full advantage of in the moment, exerting the intensity of the fields upon the girl's mech without mercy, the wave of magnetism rolling in an oppressively weighted force that attempted to pin her down to deny escape and expose her back- and the generator on it -even more to the merciless storm of strokes... with Revenant cackling maliciously all the while... He wasn't going to stop at just the generator. No, no, that wasn't enough...not by a long shot, for what she had done. No, there was but one suitable punishment: he was going to make mincemeat of the girl once that troublesome piece of gear was out of commision.

The AI knew he could not stop this. The beast was out of his hands now, answered only to itself and whatever willpower and fortitude allowed Solomon to keep it constantly chained like he did. This was a bit much though, even for Overdrive mode... if the beast kept going like it did, kept pushing and pushing in it's warpath, something was going to give soon, and whether it would be their own mech or Strider, Asmo didn't know...

But either way, this had to end, and fast... and what little control he did have over the situation, he was going to use to help speed it along.

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Mobile Suit Mommo VS Supernova

"It's now or never!" Mommo launched two of the grenades and then fired a laser at them to split them into two instead of having it explode. However, the contents have been made apparent-water erupted from them, creating a temporary screen between the two mechs, and dousing the fireballs. Mommo had dismantled the few grenades down under and only left their empty shells, now filled with water.

Leaving Supernova no time to relax, Mommo launched two more grenade-these ones real, showering the area in front and behind her in clusters, firing rockets at Supernova's predicted evasive maneouvers to cut off any possible route of escape as she pointed a cannon up, shooting it to propell herself towards the water to avoid any runaway fireballs. She sunk with a silent plop, but only for a moment. She had to keep it going.

Mommo launched herself up on one of the islands nearby and locked her cannons on Supernova. "Let's finish this." She still had four.

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Supernova VS Mobile Suit Mommo

Tai took advantage of the distance and his speed again to pull the distance from him to the array of rockets. While up close, these rockets are indeed nigh unavoidable without triggering the Reflex bonus, the rockets' formation would spread as they travel further, opening gaps that allow him to escape through.

He made a U-Turn and passed through the spread-out rockets. Much to his surprise, he found the giant standing on another island shortly after.

"They could make water grenades...if I had taken the offensive, I would've been doused! I must end this fight, and fast! In order to do that...I must make some sacrifices..." Tai took aim and threw the inside-melting rock at the giant in an arc. After one second of interval, he followed the rock's moving pattern. When he reached the apex of the arc, he fired a small fireball at the rock and continued following its moving pattern. The fireball was moving just a slight bit faster than the rock, so the gap between the two became closer and closer. Tai had estimated the fireball to hit the rock about half a second after the rock hit the giant.

Seeing how the giant avoided the rock last time, he did not count on the rock finishing the giant off. Him following the rock was part of the plan in stopping the giant's "Squid Tactics"...

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Mobile Suit Mommo VS Supernova

Mommo began continually firing her cannons at Supernova in flight, trying to at least slow his descent a bit. She wouldn't fire at the rock. She wasn't as stupid as to do that when she saw what he'd done to it. Mommo's expression remained unreadable as she continued firing, her enemy getting closer moment and moment... a bead of sweat appeared on her forehead.

She stopped firing at one point and began backing away to the edge of the island. In the meantime, she conjured a bomb-like device from her suit and, in desperation, threw it at Supernova. It dropped to the ground in front of her, slipping from her fingers. She was at the edge of the island, nowhere to run... "Stay away!" The girl gave off a shout, closing her eyes and raising her hands in defense...

And then, when the end would already seem in sight for Supernova, the rock mere couple of meters away from its target, Mommo smirked. "Got you."

The flash bomb she threw exploded and everything turned white. In that moment, several bombs would be released from Mommo's waist armor as she extended her arms, into the water behind her and the island in front of her. The water exploded, completely enveloping everything in sight, including Mommo, the rock and Supernova, as if the flash wasn't enough. Mommo faded into the water, hiding behind its veil. She sank momentarily, using the weak thrusters she had to evade the rock by sinking underwater along with the island. Behind her, though, she left an array of rockets all directed at the probably dazed Supernova.

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Supernova VS Mobile Suit Mommo

Tai easily dodged the cannon blasts from afar, but when he finally got close, a shining flare came out from the grenade dropped on the island, obscuring the vision above water completely, although barely dazed Tai due to the visor of the mech naturally reducing the intensity of light.

"Escaping again? Did you really think I can't touch water at all?" Tai dropped his Fire-Shield and went through the screen of water. "Knowing last time, you must have prepared a web of rockets to catch me again. But did you expect this?" Tai accelerated and dived into the water.

His vision became clear as he arrived underwater. There they are - slowly but steadily escaping with their weak thrusters. They seem to have avoided the rock with the thrusters.

He was losing heat for every second he stayed underwater. Knowing this, he purposely dropped the Fire-Shield prior entry to reduce heat loss. With the heat he had amassed from the "intermission" before, he was confident that he could reignite his shield once he left the waters.

He did not give the giant any chance to relax, either. His jets accelerated him toward the giant. With the small distance between them both and the speed difference, Tai immediately reached the giant and delivered a powerful uppercut. Should it land (Most likely, due to the major speed difference between Tai and Mommo), the giant will be sent up flying out of the water while suffering heavy damage, leaving them extremely vulnerable to a midair finishing blow.

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Ricochet v. LOLI_HUNTER

((2-point reaction bonus - Avoid any non-signature attack once per fight, no matter how unlikely))

Ricochet's leg was grabbed by the cable, but the knife was parried by the spear when Ricochet brought it in from the side, stopping the blade of the knife with the shaft of the spear. That's about when Ricochet noticed an alarm for low armor integrity go off from the steady barrage of rounds being fired at him by the bits, and snarled at his opponent.

"Lady, I haven't even begun to play!"

Then, he pushed off towards the edge of the island with his free leg, intentionally going underwater and letting himself sink to the bottom. If LOLI_HUNTER didn't detach her cables, he'd end up pulling her in as well.

Edited by K_H
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Mobile Suit Mommo VS Supernova

"No, I didn't. I salute you. But....." Mommo regarded, having avoided the rock completely, which wasn't much of a task either way. She kept her head cool despite this. She thought that, at least with his mech body so heavily damaged, Supernova wouldn't be able to directly follow her, since his machine seemed to be reliant on the whole fire and heat aspect. He didn't seem glad to be underwater, though. So perhaps...

Mommo dropped two bombs in front of her and towards Supernova. They'd explode right into his face- I mean fist- I mean whatever. They'd serve to distract him. Meanwhile, Mommo turned her cannons on and fired upwards to quickly propell herself deeper into the watery depths, leaving more bombs as breadcrubs in her way, and as hindrance to Supernova...

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