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[IC] TTG Chapter 2: Lust


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Supernova VS Mobile Suit Mommo

"Tsk, they still insist on going deeper...no good...there's only one way remaining." Tai pulled up right away by carrying the momentum the jets gave him upwards, narrowly avoiding the bombs.

(OOC: I assume those bombs act as some sort of sea mine)

Tai quickly resurfaced and reactivated the Fire Shield.

"But, before we try my Last Resort, how about we get you to stop hiding?" Tai picked the island the giant was standing on, and slammed it with his fist. He picked up one of the chunks of earth...but he didn't heat it up. He took aim and threw the chunk of earth right into the trail of bombs, setting a series of chain reaction all the way down to where the giant is deep in the water.

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Mobile Suit Mommo VS Supernova

(OOC: they work however you want them to work as long as I left it unclear, so I suppose they do work like sea mines, lol)

"Tsk." Okay, so he wasn't that stupid. And not just that, but he threw her off by throwing the island down at her and her bombs. Mommo pointed her cannons away from the bombs and launched herself up onto the third island to Supernova's left side.

"Again with the fire..." Mommo looked at him. If that was how he wanted to play, he could. He had to have lost at least some of the heat in the water, now it was time for her to put out the rest. "Loading frontal gun. Machine guns ready! Fire!" At least a dozen machine guns popped out of Mommo's skimpy armor and began firing at Supernova and following his movements if and as he moved. Meanwhile, she readied the full extent of her remaining artillery for one last stand.

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Supernova VS Mobile Suit Mommo

Tai quickly grabs another chunk of earth and took flight, avoiding the machine guns' assault while heating up the chunk of earth.

"All according to plan...if you think your guns are gonna keep you neat and safe forever, then you're up for some rude awakening!" He thought to himself. He approached the giant by moving in a spiral toward them, while avoiding the barrage of bullets.

Tension...it's all leading up to this...

Edited by IntSys
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Mobile Suit Mommo VS Supernova

Mommo saw her opponent approaching from above. "And if you think your jets are going to keep you secure from everything, then you're about to get your wings plucked. Continue firing!" The machine guns, no matter missing Supernova, definitely limited his movement and a stray bullet or two or three or four or five would definutely at least lodge themselves, chipping away at the rock he held in his one hand, 'cause his other one was blown off in such a cool way.

But then Mommo did something unexoected. She shot up from her position on the island and up towards Supernova. She couldn't reliably hit him from such a range-he'd proven that over and over again. So she would have better odds up close. Even if she lost, she was content. It was her own fault this time. No-one else to blame. No HUNTER nor anything, no laziness, no emotional detachement. Nope, it was all Mommo. But that made it easier on the girl. She could grow if she could overcome her own disadvantages.

Flying straight up towards Supernova, keeping up the machine gun fire as she did so (making it way harder to avoid too), Mommo launched and detonated two of the water grenades straight at Supernova, one directly at him and the other to the side he'd escape to to avoid the first one.

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Supernova VS Mobile Suit Mommo

[3-Point Reflex bonus: Dodges the opponent's attack once! (1/2 used)]

"Of all the things...you still manage to surprise me. Kudos to you!" Tai dropped the rock he was holding, letting it get destroyed by the bullets.

Tai immediately makes a sharp U-Turn away from the Water Grenades. Pulling the distance once again. He curved downwards and re-approached the airborne giant, going for an uppercut from below. He put his remaining hand before him as a riot shield, tackling the bullets head on.

Edited by IntSys
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Revenant vs Strider

"Your little ability won't save you now kid!" The Revenant shouted with Solomons tongue as he pressed his offense, voice hoarse and manic as the comms flooded with the sheer screeching volume of the declaration. "Ragnorok, FEED!" As if on cue, Asmodeos leapt into action, sending the parameters to the blades receptor unit and setting the Vibration frequency to it's absolute maximum capacity as the blade carved it's way out of the initial slice to the Generator, an audible hum being added to the static and crackle of unbridled lightning as the weapon's glow increased ever brighter. With so powerful a current flowing through it thanks to the unbridled might of the spheres and insane oscillation rate said current granted it, the thing could have likely sundered a lightly armored opponent's defenses like a literal hot knife through butter... put together with the raw ferocity and hellish friction of each and every one of his strokes, and even with her little trick, even with those buffed defenses, the beast operating the machine had the utmost confidence in the carnage and devastation it would inflict here.

Carnage and devastation he wasted no time in unveiling; Before he had even finished shouting for the blade to partake of it's next victim, already a fierce flurry of strikes were coming Striders way, the air snapping with ever greater intensity as it's limbs overclocked on the raw power flowing through and around them, his very body becoming even more of a blur as his speed added to the distorted light spectrum like a demon, slashes of blazing red heat and streaking electricity only furthering the chaos, making it more and more difficult to even discern what was going on or where the blows were coming from. Something which Asmodeus took full advantage of in the moment, exerting the intensity of the fields upon the girl's mech without mercy, the wave of magnetism rolling in an oppressively weighted force that attempted to pin her down to deny escape and expose her back- and the generator on it -even more to the merciless storm of strokes... with Revenant cackling maliciously all the while... He wasn't going to stop at just the generator. No, no, that wasn't enough...not by a long shot, for what she had done. No, there was but one suitable punishment: he was going to make mincemeat of the girl once that troublesome piece of gear was out of commision.

The AI knew he could not stop this. The beast was out of his hands now, answered only to itself and whatever willpower and fortitude allowed Solomon to keep it constantly chained like he did. This was a bit much though, even for Overdrive mode... if the beast kept going like it did, kept pushing and pushing in it's warpath, something was going to give soon, and whether it would be their own mech or Strider, Asmo didn't know...

But either way, this had to end, and fast... and what little control he did have over the situation, he was going to use to help speed it along.

Strider vs. The Revenant

Morgan paused every sense of movement as she heard The Revenant's voice. It was as if he was a completely different person. While the voice itself sounded very similar, the tone was completely different. It sounded as if it was full of anger and hate. Actually, it sounded closer to being psychotic. Every other sense of being just seemed to be thrown right out the window, replaced by this... this monstrous berserker who wanted nothing more than bloodshed. This match no longer feels like a competitive duel, but a battle to the death.Morgan had to act, fast! She snapped back to reality less than a second later, speaking commands while she began to put in a last-ditch effort, one that might even be riskier than what she was doing now. At least, it seems that way since she never really thought about doing this.

"...Switching control settings to advanced. System, put all of your processing power to the EAS. Do whatever you can to keep it up."

Command accepted...

Morgan's glasses lit up as they were filled up with numerous screens, symbols, and statistics. As of right now, she was in full control. Well, she was already in complete control, but this was a bit more direct. No warnings, no confirmation codes, no vocal commands. Everything was only at a thought's reach. Of course, first thing's first: there's absolutely no way that she's gonna be able to land a hit, not even with the shotgun. Too much is happening at once to tell exactly where he is at the moment. Lucky for her, she can still put it to good use.

Attempting to transfer firepower to EAS shields, which is already activated. Points to transfer: 2.

EAS stat changes: Firepower is now 0 from 2. Armor is now 7 from 6.

Final statistics: Firepower is now 0. Speed is still 3. Armor is now 7.

The shields powered up from the power transfer as the flurry of blows began to strike. On the upside, the enhanced shields will handle themselves better than a few seconds before, but on the downside, she didn't really have anything to fight back with once again. That, and Strider was still taking a lot of damage, which again, wasn't exactly a bad thing if she can retaliate. She is gaining a significant amount of energy from both Ragnarok and the intensity from the electromagnetic fields. Unfortunately, Morgan can also see that the core was nearing exposure from looking at the statistics. She noticed a small gap in the assault and put one of the mech's arms around the back, covering the heavily damaged EAS generator with it.

Meanwhile, Strider's VI was both monitoring and directing the EAS shields with ease, distributing the shields where the pressure is the highest. Obviously, a large bit of it was covering the back where The Revenant was ruthlessly striking, the rest of it was being fixated on the electromagnetic fields, the VI attempting to resist the constant flow of magnetism in order to keep the pressure off of Morgan, who has quite enough on her plate as it is. Whatever the situation, the VI was going to change the shield's flow when and where it's needed the most.

Merged the three posts - Murdoc

Edited by Adamance Ascendant
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Mobile Suit Mommo VS Supernova

This was as good as over now. Mommo looked down at Supernova as he dodged the water grenades. Out of her arsenal of grenades, 6 were now water and out of those 6, 4 have been used. Of the others, however, she still had enough. She'd only used 5 of those.

And she detonated that same one right into Supernova, dropping it downwards as he approached from the same direction and spraying a barrage of clusters at him, easily tearing through his fist like it was butter-a task her machineguns weren't able to accomplish. However, she still kept firing them as well. If Supernova wanted to dodge, he'd find himself faced with Mommo smiling at him, firing her cannon downwards to propell herself up while dropping two more of the cluster grenades at him, exploding at both his sides and launching more clusters towards him, locking him in a pinch together with the first one. Meanwhile, Mommo realized she'd run out of rockets in this suit of hers as she tried to fire a few, but smiled regardless. Silly. She'd never been silly like this...

"I will not let you win easily! If you're brave enough, come at me with everything you've got as well, Supernova!" She said to him. "Let this be our last stand..."

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Supernova VS Mobile Suit Mommo

The cluster bomb destroyed Tai's right hand, unleashing another jet of flames. "Our last stand..."

"I'm braver than you gave me credit for!"

Tai stuck both jets of flames from his arms into his chest, easily done due to the damage caused by the bullets. The Fire Shield system in his chest went awry, releasing a huge amount of flames. Last time he tried this technique, the magnetic swordsman had no choice but to back away from him...they did, however, find a way to break through the wild storm of flames.

The flames formed a greater shield than the one that used to cover Tai, expanding rapidly, looking just like an actual supernova from afar. The huge amount of fireballs easily absorbed the grenades' explosions and swallowed the rockets completely. With the distance between Tai and the giant shrinking, it may seem that the giant's going to be swallowed by the storm of fire.

He pulled out his arms, which immediately became uncontrollable machine guns of flames. He unleashed the barrage of fireballs at the giant as his quickly approaches them, covering the giant's dodging options.

Without the system keeping itself in check and the pre-done damage, the heat in Tai's mech quickly rose. If the giant manages to avoid Tai's final assault, they would've pretty much won.

Heat Capacity: 80/150 (+60 per post)

[OOC: Don't worry, there's still plenty of space to talk about. If I recall correctly, Lexi didn't yell at me for playing this Last Resort card, but that might just be her overlooking my move.] Edited by IntSys
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Mobile Suit Mommo VS What The Hell Just Happened o-o

Mommo's jaw dropped as she watched the sheer self-destructive stupidity present itself in front of her and then explode into a ginormous storm of fire. She wasn't expecting him to pull off something as mindnumbingly explosive as this and she was not initially prepared. For the first few moments, she just thought to herself whether she'd perhaps overestimated her opponent. And yes, I said overestimated, because, for a moment, she thought he wasn't as dumb as she thought he was. She now found out she was wrong.

Still, this move's stupid stupidity could only be paralleled by its destructive destructiveness. Thanks goodness that Mommo had the two water grenades still up and thank^2 god that they were in a goddamn aquatic environment, giving her a chance to escape, albeit small. She'd have to use them to momentarily protect herself from the flames then pray that she could escape underwater before completely melting up. Good thing the final layer of armor was a special alloy and that Supernova could no longer do anything but wave his stupidly stupid hands around as they've been blown off and shoot fire from them, which was, again, stupidly overdestructively explosivelicious.


On to the actual stuff Mommo ends up doing.

Mommo blasts herself downwards, first balancing herself in the air using her thrusters before using the cannons to shoot herself towards the water below. In the process, she takes direct hits from exactly five and a half fireballs (one just grazing her) before launching one of the water grenades to temporarily shield herself (which it doesn't help much with), which end up sending her systems into overload, and yes, that includes the power supply. Thrusters stop working and blow up from the heat but the cannons hold out, their power waning by the second. But Mommo is freefalling now and only using them to speed up her descent. She'd gathered up enough force at the moment so one of the cannons failing doesn't do much. The heat gets unbearable as her vision (as she's looking up since she'd blasting her cannon upwards) in completely engulfed by flames and the approaching Supernova firing fireballs at her from his flamingly flailing flamethrower hand holes. In her last moments, Mommo disengages the final layer of armor still covering her (which is also her cockpit while she's piloting the Giant, only shaped to her body contures because it never was one big piece of melded metal alloy but was made out of different sized parts, just an fyi) and uses the force created by dropping it up to propell herself down, just out of reach of the flames. She still has some armor on herself and the generator is still attached to her back. Dropping the armor reveals a fat but short turret that's been hiding beneath it, just slightly below the between of her... 'you know what's, and it dawns on everybody-oh, so that's what she meant when she said she was loading the frontal cannon several posts ago. She fires the gun up and the explosion on her frontal cannon gives her a much needed boost to escape the licks of Supernova's flames by a lick. Or not. She suddnly realizes that the second water grenade had fallen out together with the remainders of her armor she'd just dropped. Gathering her strenght and will she fires the cannon into it, it explodes and saves her from doom moments before she finds refuge in the cold embrace of the arena pool. Mommo falls into the water and sinks a bit using whatever was left in her hand-cannon to push further down. She still has her visor on, but the rest of her outfit is further skimpified. Despite that, it works, charred and dying, but works. The generator is buzzing and whirring, trying to cool itself. The water does the task for it.

And Mommo opens her eyes, thankful she didn't crash into one of the islands.

Edited by Bfroger6
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Supernova VS Mobile Suit Mommo

"Where do you think you're going?" Tai quickly gave chase to the descending giant, with his jets put to full use to send him flying downwards into the waters. The giant discarded tons of trash along with a water grenade, setting the grenade off with a blast. Unfortunately for them, the blazes aren't something to be simply quelled by mere splashes of water...it would take a sea of them! When the giant landed in the waters, he sighed.

He dived straight into the sea, the flames came in contact with the waters, creating a massive amount of steam, forming a tropical storm overhead. The mech completely cooled down...and permanently.

The giant was at melee range...further disarmed and was an easy target...

He smiled. The fight was over. He let the buoyancy carry him up and to the stormy surface. The side-effects of using the technique was breaking down everything beyond repair, except for basic melee abilities. The raindrops tapped on the surface of his mech, at first gently, but then it gets more and more ferocious. He did not care, though. It was an amazing fight, he thought he did well enough considering the odds he was up against.

"Well played."

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Mobile Suit Mommo VS Supernova

The generator couldn't handle itself anymore. Mommo saw Supernova descending into the water behind her and she let out a sigh of relief. Turns out he was too fast for her to escape that fire storm after all. She'd thought she'd managed but she hadn't. Only now had she noticed all the damage she had suffered.

Mommo's systems shut down and she slowly floated upwards...

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Revenant vs Strider

The manic Battle Persona snarled as the girl increased her defenses and attempted to block his path to the target. Even if he couldn't be bothered to do it himself, Asmodeus fed him the direct analysis with each and every strike from the barrage; the fool was redirecting the shield every time he landed a blow... the results were plain as day from what the AI had concluded from enemy damage assessment. His snarl only grew deeper, but then he saw it. There, yes, right there, the avenue to destruction... all he needed to do...

"Fuck it then, we'll do it live!" Whatever the hell the Persona even meant by that, there was no time to ponder as he seamlessly transitioned the furious barrage into a single, one-handed chop from Ragonorak bearing down directly into the joint of the Girl's arm with as much might as if it had been made with both hands. It didn't simply stop on contact either, as Revenant gave a single command and the fields redistributed themselves and put greater focus on pressing the blow, at the same time Ragonorok's Oscillation localising itself, the raw vibration and cutting force grinding against the EAS like a constant chain saw, sparks and flares of green energy flying through the air...

The beast smiled as Asmo sent the readouts to him, watching the shield do exactly as it had been all along. Without hesitation, barely a fraction of a second after the strike even hit home, the beast did the unthinkable... flattened his palm like a knife-hand strike and shot it forward and around the girl's arm into the largest of the gashes Ragonorok had made in the generator, just barely agape enough for the slimed palm to reach past. He couldn't see the core, but damn it, this one had seemed to at least make it past the armor, and it was a good a chance as he was going to get... even if there was no guarantee to what he was doing, At best, he'd probably end up short of a hand if the theory proved correct and at worse... well at worse, he wasn't entirely sure what would go down. His plan banked on Ragnorok's immense assault being enough to distract the girl... and the field working as he'd observed thus far...

Either way, there was no time like the present. the moment the hand had just barely glided past the torn metal housing, Revenant activated the laser cutter with a flick of his wrist, sending countless volts of electric current through the aparati just nano seconds afterwards, the dual forces of lightning and condensed, bundled light mingling to create an electrolaser that targeted the very innards of the Generator... even if he didn't use them often, the cutters in his palms were still a violent force to be reckoned with, and even more destructive a threat when used at point blank range... combined with the force of his electricity riding the Plasma Channel induced by the weapons raw heat output to essentially combine the effects of both into one, and well...

Now was the time for the million dollar question. The girl's ability was good at protecting her from external damage; things that had to make contact with her armor... but just how much was it worth... on the inside? Past the armor and metal and right down in those precious internal components that made everything run?

Everything he had, banking on one theory, and one theory alone. This was it. this was the end... whatever happened next. Asmodeus was still there, nagging him about how the spheres were nearing the point of mandatory recovery... if this didn't work, they were screwed. But damn it, by the seven sins of Tempest, if he had to go back to the Dream Space and tell Solomon he lost, he was at least going to say he went balls to the wall and gave it everything...

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Strider vs. The Revenant

Ragnarok cut through a large portion of the arm, leaving it nearly inoperable. The VI, realizing that it was pretty much gone anyways, began to redistribute the shields away from the arm just as the blade was making impact. Afterward, it tried to strengthen the shields around the generator once again, which didn't prove as successful as it had hoped, as the other arm still managed to pierce the armor. In retaliation, the VI distributed a large portion of the shields to the core itself, where The Revenant had been aiming for a good part of the match. Whether by miracle or otherwise, it had stopped the initial attack, but there was still a bit of damage done. On top of that, the electromagnetism began to create all sorts of mayhem in other parts of the mech. The VI was doing it's best to direct the overloading power to less vital areas around the mech.

EAS core damaged! Connection to and from all jets and arms (for the machine guns, and the melee power can no longer be boosted) has been severed!

Speed is now to 5 from 3. Firepower is now 2 from 0. Armor is now 5 from 7.
Final statistics: Firepower is now 2. Speed is now 5. Armor is now 5.

Emergency! Emergency! The VI spoke as it began to sound a dreadful alarm, various lights and screens beginning to flicker and go offline EAS generator armor has been compromised! Requesting immediate action!

Morgan's eyes widened as she scanned the readings. The EAS core was damaged. Still operable, yes, but still damaged. The Revenant was definitely not going to stop there, however. She knew this for a fact, and was not going to go down without a fight.

He had thrown Strider's own railgun shot back at her, he had knocked her around the arena, both in and out of the water, and now he was going to try to completely decimate her mech and win by domination... A complete. Fucking. Domination. An embarrassment by the likes of him in front of hundreds of thousands of people. Fucking showoff. Such an attempt at humiliation will not go unpunished. Morgan's jealousy-fueled anger began to rise, her eyes becoming bloodshot with rage, growling louder and more raucous with each passing second, hatred growing at the same time.

...And finally, she snapped.

(OOC: Caps lock, please...)

"ENOUGH!" Morgan roared, unknown to her if the comms were still online or not. Giving it everything she's got, she used the full power of both the jets and current power of the EAS to burst forward, keeping his laser cutter away from the core, swinging her good arm to try to bat away The Revenant's as she tried to gain some distance, not even caring of it landed or not. "YOU ARROGANT BASTARDS ARE ALL ALIKE, AREN'T YOU? YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE? YOU THINK YOU CAN BEAT EVERYONE ELSE DOWN? FUCKING SHOWOFF. WELL THAT'S IT! I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU POMPOUS ASSHATS AND THIS SHARK-JUMPING BULLSHIT YOU CALL 'PRIDE'!" An all too familiar cannon slung over her shoulder as if on cue, once again glowing green as if it had absorbed the rest around the mech. If the comms were still online, it was probably apparent that Morgan had some sort of monster inside of her as well. A special lock-on screen, outfitted just for the occasion where she will unleash hell on her opponent, had met it's mark. "LET'S SEE YOU DEFLECT THIS!"

Revenge Blast initiated. All EAS stats have returned to normal.​

EAS cooldown: 3 turns.​

(OOC: actually, scratch that line above...)​

One thought. One mental command was all that it took for the Revenge Blast to unload all of it's energy, unleashing every last bit of energy and rage out of one blast from the cannon. Whether it was because it had overloaded due to the damage from before or some other reason, the EAS generator exploded immediately afterward. The green laser speeding toward The Revenant with more intensity than the Railgun shot that he sent back to Morgan. The destruction and ruin waiting only for impact from the laser when it connects.

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Revenant v Strider

The machinery darkened around the beast, red emergency lights flooding his helm as the glare of emerald blazed across the field. The blazing cloak of scarlet that had covered them up until that point fading back to black. The accenting died with it's illustrious glow, Ragnorok dropping to the side and embedding herself in the earth like a knife through hot butter, singing as she cut through the air; the only piece of gear still running at full capacity, more thanks to the extensive backups the beast' master had installed than anything else. Revenant ground his teeth like a rabid wolf, a feral snarl of frustration filling the enclosed space. He'd given Everything. And it wasn't-

A massive plume of green and flame erupted in the distance, as soon as the arcing beam of decimation had started heading for them. The beast couldn't but let his jaw hang...the slightest chuckle escaping after a moment. he'd actually done it... He had destroyed the Generator, just like he'd been told... Master Sully wouldn't punish him now, he didn't need the excuse of going balls to the walls after-

Or... perhaps he did, in those fleeting moments as the beam sped towards him. He went to ask Asmo what the odds of surviving an induced Bloom would- got the answer of "fuck all" and then realized those weren't the odds the AI was quoting- it was the fact that the Mech was in recovery mode and couldn't do fuck all...he'd forgotten all about that little issue in his brief moment of celebration.

"Well...shit... 1 outta 2 objectives is good, right? 50%? I mean, I did what he ordered.... not my fault if I couldn't bring the ride home in one piece" Whether or not Sully would have the same feelings though... remained to be seen. That and the fact that... well, they had no idea the fate of the opponent, even if that explosion looked pretty nasty. In all honesty, this whole thing was up in the air as far as Asmo could tell. But either way, he had the sneaking suspicion that he was gonna have to deal with serious shit back on the train... oh the joys of being an Artificial Manservant...

"So, this is how it ends..." The AI sighed, the beam nearly upon them now. "A very interesting ability though... I can see how she got so far, even if she is only in the third seat. So simple in basic concept, yet so ingenious in applied strategy..."

And with that... it was over.

The islands, the water, the crowd... it all went away. The whole world faded around them, replaced by the searing, burning light of emerald-tinted Death.


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LOLI_HUNTER v.s Ricochet

Kagari grinned as she let go of the knife and took hold of the spear in the same action.

"Thanks for the delivery!"

As her opponent leapt into the water, Numerous cables shot out from her back and dug deeply into the ground, anchoring her firmly. Simultaneously, she released more cables to entangle Ricochet's leg. With his movements already encumbered by the existing cables, it was not within his ability to avoid the attack. Just as he entered the water, she yanked on the cables, hard.

"It's been a while since I went fishing!"

Using the leverage from her stable position and her own mechanical arm strength, she yanked her opponent out of the water as she reversed her spear grip and the spear in her hand transformed itself into a three-pronged trident. The moment he emerged, she threw it, skewering right through his mech's cockpit and handily ending the fight.

With that, she wordlessly left the arena. The number of lolis in the area were far too low to have any motivation to bask in her victory.

Edited by Code: PIRULUK
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Lust Chapter - Travel Phase

Everyone stood on the platform waiting to board the train once more. The more observant members of the group would notice there was an extra sleeping car. Adam was already on a separate train equipped with the medical equipment to care for him, in his place stood a short young woman in a golden ball gown. Hiroki might recognize her from their earlier encounter in the arena, but otherwise she just seemed completely out of place. Before anyone could approach her, however, Black Idol stepped forward and called out, "Alright, its time to get going, you all should know the rules from last time so I won't repeat them. However," She added, "We do have guests, so treat them with respect if you run into them." With that, everyone took teleporters to their rooms on the train to wait for the free roaming period

(OOC: *Idea* Accepting won't cost you any actions, but if this runs too long I may cut you short towards the end of the phase. Also you can't go to the concert)


A beeping resounded from the teleporter in Sully's room, indicating that someone had requested to enter. The request came from one of the rooms on the fourth car, and there was no name listed. He was provided two options, a red button and a green. Red to deny them and retain his solitude, green to accept and meet someone who was likely of great importance.

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Hiroki - Attend Black Idol's Concert

The competitor known as Hellfire Knight was once again in her full disguise, though lately she had been reconsidering it. . . Maybe I should listen to Kagari. She waited, pondering maneuvers and strategies, until they were allowed to freely move, then headed in the direction of the concert. What was that, anyway? Jumping out of his mech, and then. . . ugh. I won't forgive this! It's too bad I probably won't fight him again, kicking his butt once wasn't enough!

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Tai - Visit the diviner, ask him a question.

The fight really exhausted Tai, he would've gone and eat again, but then he remembered:

"But if you really feel that you cannot do it alone, then I may have a way to get you some help. After the next battle, talk to the Diviner, ask him about mental projection. If he's the same in this timeplane then he should be able to help."

The image of Cardinal begging faded into his mind. He left his room and took the teleporter to Diviner's room.


"Mr. Diviner, do you know what mental projection is?" Tai asked.

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Sully- Teleportor Entry

He sat there at the desk, eyes closed as he went over Revenant's battle for what had to have been the third time. They had been exactly right, it had all connected in the end- the Generator, the field, the cannon. Asmodeus had even managed to figure out the specifics of it by the end- the shield around her absorbed damage and turned it into power, that power went to the generator and was either used to boost her defenses or fighting power... or to power the big ass laser mounted on her back. A Clever strategy, Sully had to agree with the AI; try to withstand a withering onslaught, continuously boosting armor class, and once it was enough...

Still, even with it, they managed to eventually break through... the recovery had simply come at the worst possible time.

"Just out of curiosity, what were the odds of surviving a bloom from that thing?"

"Well... setting the sabers into overdrive production and disabling the containment fields... it would've been possible... probably. Still fucked up a bit, but capable of enough basic operation to keep going. Not like he could've done it in that moment anyway though."

"Yeah, well... maybe it's about time I actually install that specialty field like we were talking about-"

"But, the spheres-"

"I meant like an actual specialty field Asmo... we can only do so much against lasers and shit- bending the waves of the visible light spectrum is one thing, attempting to directly bend the focused photons of a high powered laser is another..."

"I guess you have a point...there's someone at the Terminal."

The AI was right, now that Solomon turned his attention to the teleporter in the corner, lights flashing yet no name displaying on the screen. He considered just telling them to buzzer off by hitting the red and be done with it, then recalled what the Idol mentioned about there being guest about... if it was one of them, someone of enough import to be able to mask their TP ID, it probably could've accounted for the lack of data. And that begged the question... what would some apparently high-ranking guest here want from him? After the spectacular fuck up of Revenant in the arena...alright, perhaps he was being a bit harsh on the Persona, he had followed the basic plan as Sully had laid out, it was simply a matter of timing when it came down to it... just another minute more in Overdrive, and that whole thing could've ended quite differently.

"Why do I feel like I'm gonna regret this?" He muttered, getting up and hitting the Green Confirmation button before standing back and off to the side. He'd prefer to get a good look at whoever it was before they did him.

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Sarah materialized in the room, her stiff way of standing giving her an intimidating presence. At first she didn't see Solomon, but it took only a quick glance around the room to spot him off to the side. "Ah, there you are." She said, "Hello Mr. Ryke, I am Future Seeker, the Second God. You know the girl Tesla, yes? Did she ever tell you about a man called Watcher?" She straightened her tie, an innocuous movement but one that concealed a lot of emotion. This simple nervous tic held years of worry and fear. Unfortunately, those years would still continue even if Solomon did know of Watcher, he would be but another piece of the puzzle--a very small piece

The Diviner

The Diviner looked up from his work to see the young boy. "Mental projection? Yes, hmm, I know of it." He said, "What would you want with it? It's a tool used in assisted meditation to help design mechs closer to the natural way. It lets you display things in your internal dimension as a hologram, or at least it will when it's perfected. Right now it can only show your mental image of people, or more specifically yourself since nobody else can get into your Dream Space." A curiosity, this boy, asking such a strange question out of the blue.

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"Tesla...how the hell would you have known her?" "Yeah..."He said gruffly, eyes glinting as memories flashed across the surface of his mind, ones that he hadn't touched in years. "Yeah... I've heard the name Watcher before. She mentioned it before, once..." He returned to the desk, bracing his palms against the hard surface with a glance back towards the woman. Asmodeus couldn't help but take notice of the sudden change in mood, though the mechanic shut him the fuck up before he could utter a single thing into his mind. "She didn't really go into much detail though, I don't know much else past just the alias. What, are you looking for him or something?"

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Hearing Solomon's affirmation, Sarah was no longer able to keep her composure. She reached out and grabbed Solomon's shoulder, tugging slightly to convince him to look at her. "Please, you have to tell me where she is." She pleaded, "She's the only one who can help me find him." Her eyes watered slightly in her distress, breaking her usually rock-solid composure. She stepped back in embarrassment, brushing away the tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry." She said normally, "It's just that I keep getting so close to him and then he's gone again. Tesla is the only person who would be able to find him. But when I went looking for her, I couldn't find her either. And that led me to you."

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"I see...don't be." he said, even more taciturn than usual. "I would tell ya where she is if I could. But not even I know where Tesla went or what she's doing right now. Haven't seen her in what, twelve, thirteen years maybe? She just... headed off into the grey one day, saying she had something to do, someone who needed her help, that it couldn't wait any longer... wouldn't say anything to me besides that. I told her to use the damn teleporter for whatever it was, or not to go, or to just forget about whatever it was, anything to keep her from going out there... it was stupid, it was suicide. But she wouldn't listen... said the Teleporter wouldn't do the job and that I didn't know what I was talking about... she just, kept on walking, left me behind; it's not like I had the power to stop her or drag her back or even help her with whatever she was doing. And that was it. That was the last I ever saw of her."

He did finally look at her, those ember eyes an unreadable mask. He just as soon returned his gaze to the table. "Why did you think she might've been able to help you though? My sis, she was always... a little bit on the weird side, but tracking down lost people wasn't exactly among her skillsets, at least, not the ones I ever saw."

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"Oh, I see. She left as well." Sarah said dejectedly. She had hoped this would be the solution, but she'd had enough failures that she was used to disappointment by now. "Did you ever see her eating moss from the wilds? Watcher said she was like him, which means she can find him. I even think he might have told her where he went." It seemed she and Solomon were in the same boat, both abandoned by loved ones who could navigate beyond their perception.

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"All the time" he answered. "Hell, it was the only thing she would eat. What do you mean 'like him' though? What, you mean... there are actually people who can find their way through that mess? Go out beyond a horizon and come back to the same place they actually left from instead of some random location in pride knows wh-" He stopped, thinking about it again for a bit more, the whole thing about the moss. Tesla had at times gone out a bit longer than she should've, there were times he'd gone after to see what had happened only to find she was nowhere in sight...

but now that the woman pointed it out... Tesla had always come back from those trips, even when he couldn't find her, hadn't she? It had to have been over the horizon...

"Son of a bitch..." he muttered, gripping the desk till his knuckles went white... a bitter chuckle escaped "You might be right... that makes it even worse then. She left me and the old man because she wanted to, I can't blame it on her getting lost somewhere anymore, not with that type of logic... great, just great..."

"You shouldn't be so quick to judge, going by your own account of how adamant she was. If this Tesla had something she was that desperate to do, she probably didn't come back because she died tryi-"

"No!" He snarled at the air, voicing hardening to dagger-like edge as just the smallest hint of Revenant's fury flooded through him and the chair was knocked over to the floor on the farthest side of the room before he even realized he had tossed it. He shoved the oncoming surge right back into the beast's prison immediately, doubling down on the mental restraints while he continued on his own... "You just shut the fuck up about that Asmo! Just stay out of it, it was before your damn time...." The AI accommodated, saying nothing more... for he knew where Sully's real anger was directed, and it was anywhere but him or the one who constantly kept flashing across his mind now. He did however, still make a point of reminding the man they weren't alone in the room.

"Oh... shiiiiit. Uh...look, sorry about that..." he said to the former god, this time actually keeping his gaze on Seeker rather than turning away "My Co-pilot, he's a bit of a dick sometimes...chiming in where he shouldn't..."

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