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I can't believe I'm doing this, but AMA.


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  1. Your biological cousin is madly in love with you and has confessed 3,909 times. What is it going to take for you to finally start thinking about them romantically?
  2. What single emotion would you most like to never have to feel again?
  3. A trolley speeds down a rail with a human tied on the track. You have access only to a lever which shifts the trolley to a second rail which has a collection of Dedenne tied to it so that they will all be killed instead. How many Dedenne would it take for you to not pull the lever?
  4. After being trapped in a building for a much longer amount of time than you expected, you step outside only to find out the apocalypse occurred while you were trapped. There are still scattered human survivors but the world is now largely toxic and dangerous. What will you do now?
  5. Is there anything you'd rather learn to do on the project instead of animations?

1. My cousins are 5 and 7 years old, so nothing at all. They're also both female so extra reasons not.

2. Disgust probably.

3. I'd probably always pull the lever (although it would cause me pain).

4. Realise that I have very few practical survival skills and die a few days later.

5. I really enjoy the animations but learning a bit of coding would have been fun as well.

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Who doesn't love ethical dilemmas?
- If you saw someone slowly and painfully being crushed by a rock in the wilderness and you knew you could in no way move the rock or save the person otherwise and the person asked you to end his life, would you do it?
- Is it ethical to grow fully formed, brainless clones for harvesting organs?
* Is it ethical to grow fully formed clones with developed brains for harvesting organs?
- There is a button and if you push it there is a 60% chance all suffering on earth will instantly cease and we would live in a utopian world but there is a 40% chance everyone in earth will die painfully? Do you hit the button?
- Would you rather kill 999,999 people by shooting them individually or 1,000,000 with a button press to drop bomb?
- You are a medical doctor and 5 people around you are slowly dying from blood loss.You know that they all have matching blood types. Would you drain blood from one of them to save the other 4?
* Furthermore, in case you do so, how would you chose the one to sacrifice?

And here's a bonus question in case you've watched The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya:
- Is it ethical to decide let a being like Haruhi Suzumiya exist (like Kyon decided to do at the end of Disappearance). Since Haruhi is incredibly volatile, emotional and can potentially end all life as we know it. Was Kyon in the right when letting such a being continue to exist despite her being a danger to the whole world?

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Who doesn't love ethical dilemmas?

- If you saw someone slowly and painfully being crushed by a rock in the wilderness and you knew you could in no way move the rock or save the person otherwise and the person asked you to end his life, would you do it?

- Is it ethical to grow fully formed, brainless clones for harvesting organs?

* Is it ethical to grow fully formed clones with developed brains for harvesting organs?

- There is a button and if you push it there is a 60% chance all suffering on earth will instantly cease and we would live in a utopian world but there is a 40% chance everyone in earth will die painfully? Do you hit the button?

- Would you rather kill 999,999 people by shooting them individually or 1,000,000 with a button press to drop bomb?

- You are a medical doctor and 5 people around you are slowly dying from blood loss.You know that they all have matching blood types. Would you drain blood from one of them to save the other 4?

* Furthermore, in case you do so, how would you chose the one to sacrifice?

And here's a bonus question in case you've watched The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya:

- Is it ethical to decide let a being like Haruhi Suzumiya exist (like Kyon decided to do at the end of Disappearance). Since Haruhi is incredibly volatile, emotional and can potentially end all life as we know it. Was Kyon in the right when letting such a being continue to exist despite her being a danger to the whole world?

Oh these are hard...

1-Yes, I would end their life. It would be difficult but if they were going to die either way, I wouldn't want them to go in pain.

2- Also tricky, but in the end I think it isn't a good idea.

3-No I wouldn't. It isn't my place to put everyone's life at risk.

4- I really don't know. I'd wouldn't be able to live with myself either way, so possibly the former. But they're both way too awful.

5- If they were all certainly going to die without it, then probably yes. If not, then I couldn't do that. I guess I'd see if any of them consented to it. But if they weren't in a position to do that, maybe the oldest one. I really don't know.

6- Haven't watched it.

Well that was disturbing.

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