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i experianced hell to get these info

Might Gai

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her yveltal holds a soul stone (used knock off) and has decimation (f*ck this move), zen headbutt, disable, and heat wave (thanks Nyalicirno)

Edited by webobo
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Well, that's new.

1) What's dissimation do?


dissimation is a garanteed one hit ko move and i think it has priority cause it outsped my PRANKSTER meowstic

and to beat her (without sturdy; puchups setups and plenty of funel cakes/revives, this project of mine was hell, i used all my money pre akuwa town on funel cakes and softreset in front of rocks to get revives in the the prison; i beat neved a lot to get a fre glare from my arbok and pp stall it; by luck i was able to use knock off when she had only disable

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but the question is why does it hold a soul stone

Well the soul stone can hold the souls of the deceased perhaps it contains the soul of her father. Also Yvetal represents death and destruction so maybe there is a link to the soul stone.

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Well the soul stone can hold the souls of the deceased perhaps it contains the soul of her father. Also Yvetal represents death and destruction so maybe there is a link to the soul stone.

hmm.. is madam x futur aelita, cause we got the soul stone from her father, and she says sorry father ...

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The interesting part is: The Yveltal won't use Decimation if you're weak to Heat Wave and Zen Headbutt.

It never used Disable during my battle with it. I wonder what scenario will cause it to use that?

Decimation is an OHKO move, the reason why it feels like it always hits is most likely due to the extremely large level gap.

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but the question is why does it hold a soul stone

Here's my theory: At the beginning of the game Maria asks her Mom read her the story about the Zoroark and the Pangoro. In it, Zoroark loses Pangoro's friendship by turning into its dead mother as a really bad prank. At first I thought that this story was to foreshadow something with Melia and the MC. Maybe she uses her own Zoroark to transform into Nancy in order to try to fool the player into doing something. But that action seems way too drastic and cruel for Melia to do.

I remember reading a post somewhere on this forum which pondered why our Soul Stone didn't collect Nancy's soul. It is possible that it didn't because Nancy didn't have a soul (hence all the comments made towards her by Nastasia). But maybe our soul stone didn't collect her soul because Madame X's did. Perhaps she'll use her to try to fool or gain leverage over the MC.

By the way, good job on defeating her. I probably could never manage that as I am a scrub. And I just get way too attached to certain Pokemon (Mr. Mime insisted he come along! I gotta use him!)

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