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Farewell Reborn, you will be missed. In this last approximate year, I've been having fun. I've met new friends and made new challenges, but I'm heading in a direction that I can't approve. I've been having behavioral problems recently, and I think it might be linked to this. So for the safety of me, I must bid farewell to Reborn. And here a have a list of people I'd like to thank for giving me such a great Reborn experience:

Mde2001: From the beginning, we have talked. You're probably the first
friend I have ever made here, and you're a great person. Even though we
don't share some opinions, it doesn't mean we can't be pals.
Juuzou: One of my friends I met in the predict a post. You're zany
yet grounded. In light of recent events for you, I hope you have a great time here.
Ame: A great role model (ish) for everyone here on Reborn. Thanks for
helping me make sprites.
BlueMoonIceCream: Fantastic to talk to about Yugioh and Pokemon cards. Truly a fun guy.
THRStatement: Though we haven't talked much, you're pretty radical.
Shing: I guess we're in the same boat, huh? Nah, you're pretty cool.
Zumi: The master of art. Very supportive to me with much help!
Thank you for helping me with art.
IceCreamSandWitch: Very happy, and is a good influence on me.
Always there to brighten up my day. Not really since you're not active
a lot.
The Mods: Always have been a fantastic help for me whenever I had
a stupid problem concerning the forums.
The Nations Chat: Everyone here is incredibly cool and a great help for battles.
The League Chat: Everyone here is incredibly cool and a great help. (lol, that's the same
And everyone else at Reborn, farewell!

Probably no one is going to remember me, but I'll try to keep you guys in my mind :D

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Shoot man, I'm sad to see you go. I know we haven't really talked or anything, but I always recognized you as Honchkrow's biggest fan... All sorrow aside, I wish you luck in your future endeavors, and hope you have a great time outside of Reborn!

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I was a little busy so I couldn't reply until now but you're leaving? Really? :c

We always had fun talking about stupid stuff all the time it was great half the time I even went on the showdown server was to see if you or Juu were there

If you really think it's for the best then I will show my support and wish you luck my friend ;~;

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