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Gym battles are way harder then they should be


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Its really about how well you prepare and which Pokemon you catch. The game gives you plenty of chances to catch excellent Pokémon, but unless you go out of your way to actually get those you're in for a bad time playing this game.

The problem is that if you play this game like any other and just catch random Pokémon without regard for how good they actually are, they'll find themselves not very good later in the game. Its important to actually catch competetive Pokémon and use actual strategies to surpass the gym leaders of the game.

On another note, I never actually struggled with any of the Gym Leaders besides Corey, against whom I had to specifically catch and train a Noctowl to beat. But otherwise most Gym Leaders were swept on the first try. Its all about what kind of them you have.

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I believe that in order to beat the leaders understanding their fields first is a must. Then you can try and turn that against them, which is something we can do against several of them. As for which pkmns you'll put on your team, it's not just about good pokemon, it's about some crappymons that can fulfill a role when you need them to, thus balancing your team. The greatest example, as noted by many, is Kricketune. That thing provided very decent power up until corey, and never before I have even gave it a second glance. It's not just about sheer power either, moves that you wouln't consider at first can save your ass or have a different application in this game that might give you an edge. One example? The relation between the three pledge moves. Understand that and many situations you would consider bleak and/or unfair can become a day in the field. Moves that can literally wreck some leaders and their fields, are earthquake and self destruct, so that golem that can't take a special attack, can provide some help for it's team mates as a suicide lead if it has sturdy.

Gym leaders aren't necessarily hard, they are meant to make you think, and that's the jewel of this game.

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yeah i think all of it is bullshit because i dont play for the battles

i gather shinies and go through the story but the harder the battles get the less i want to play

with regular pokemon games i never start putting things in stats until i finished the storyline because its always that after the story things like the battle maison become available

if i could mod reborn to either have easier gym battles or just remove the entire level cap id do it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

cause i really dont dig having to train stats and breed pokemon in the middle of everything just because its impossible to play this without shit i could use for competitive tours

Might as well watch somebody else play if all you're interested in is the story.

I feel Reborn's challenge is what makes it unique, it sets itself apart from other Pokemon games which you can usually breeze through in terms of battling.

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IV and EV training isn't necessary for normal Reborn in my opinion, what you need is a good team instead. If you have a full team that has good synergy, most gyms can be beaten with relative ease. Along with that, knowing how to either destroy a field, or make it work for you can change the entire battle. Going into Reborn, I raged during the forth gym, only to come back with a better understanding on how to fight a leader. Now, I can take out most gym leaders, and even managed to beat the last one available with a crippled team on my fist shot.

So long story short, take the conventional wisdom of "Use Pokemon You Like" and throw it in the trash, because Noibat isn't going to help you.

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Alright i get it some people like the gym battles, i was just pissed at noels cinccino and porygon z cause fuck those 2. i also just hate how my pokemon are always on the very edge of the level cap despite the fact that their exp is very evenly spread.

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Also noticed that the AI in Reborn(and a lot of other fan games) is set up to use certain Pokemon abilities and moves to their greatest advantage.

This is textbook Pokemon gameplay letting you know these battles were designed by somebody who actually plays and understands the game.

If you're not trying to find ways to counter and exploit the battle then you probably have to change your approach on how you handle the situation.

I think these games are unique as in the opponents are purposefully designed to use the most annoying and cheesy techniques in the game. (Kings rock & Skill Link Fuck me in the Asshole combo on Cinccino)

And on top of that, you've got field effects to take into account.

That's what sets this game apart from conventional Pokemon games where its usually just use Earthquake and GG.

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Maybe because it's because I'm decent at competitive but some of the battles I got on the first try and some of the battles took me a few tries and i got them in the end. Early battles do rely on you using the resources available to you more than using your favourite mons effectively, and even later battles do this. Knowing how to deal with or get rid of the field, or at least knowing how certain moves interact with the field, is important.

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My advice is level multiple pokemon for rotation.

Even with themed playthroughs that limit the pokemon I can use, I level up at least 12 different pokemon that provide synergy for each other.

That method requires grinding...but it's worth it when you have so many fun choices to play with throughout the game.

This is an option, but honestly it's not remotely necessary.

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This is an option, but honestly it's not remotely necessary.

How exactly? Throughout my playthrough (during the badge droughts where we have to face multiple gym leaders without badges) I had to switch in a 7th or 8th mon to feed XP to avoid overleveling. This wasn't necessary for the first and last parts of the game, but during the middle it was necessary.

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Also noticed that the AI in Reborn(and a lot of other fan games) is set up to use certain Pokemon abilities and moves to their greatest advantage.

This is textbook Pokemon gameplay letting you know these battles were designed by somebody who actually plays and understands the game.

If you're not trying to find ways to counter and exploit the battle then you probably have to change your approach on how you handle the situation.

I think these games are unique as in the opponents are purposefully designed to use the most annoying and cheesy techniques in the game. (Kings rock & Skill Link Fuck me in the Asshole combo on Cinccino)

And on top of that, you've got field effects to take into account.

That's what sets this game apart from conventional Pokemon games where its usually just use Earthquake and GG.

The AI still isn't even perfect. Because I only used the my 6 mons (I didn't switch stuff for specific gyms and stuff) I did have to end up resetting a lot and sometimes my win condition was the AI fucking up. I remember most on Aya her Drapion used CrossPoison/PoisonTail (I forget which) instead of AquaTail on my Blaziken 3 times in a row, which was the only reason why I won.

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No, actually they are nerfed compared to previous episodes. To the point that a good part of the community is a bit disappointed.

This right here. I dare say they are at a point where they'd be a disappointment if they got any more nerfed

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No, actually they are nerfed compared to previous episodes. To the point that a good part of the community is a bit disappointed.

Can confirm, have been around since before those nerfs. Was dissapointed about how easy the game is now. It's probably for the better, but I miss how there was an uber salty "how do I beat _____" thread popping up every ten minutes.

Also Shofu's 45+ minute videos that are entirely just him trying to beat one gym leader. Those were pure gold, and sometimes he wouldn't even succeed and would have to make ANOTHER 45+ minute video.

I was even around before common candies were a thing. You think the level cap system is hard now?

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If you don't like the difficulty of the game, my advice would be........ play (quite literally) ANY OTHER fan-made pokemon game. Pokemon Reborn is truly a one-of-a-kind pokemon game, both in terms of plot content and game difficulty, so if you don't like the difficulty of this game then there are dozens of other fan-made games that are just as easy as the cannon games. Play those.

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The AI still isn't even perfect. Because I only used the my 6 mons (I didn't switch stuff for specific gyms and stuff) I did have to end up resetting a lot and sometimes my win condition was the AI fucking up. I remember most on Aya her Drapion used CrossPoison/PoisonTail (I forget which) instead of AquaTail on my Blaziken 3 times in a row, which was the only reason why I won.

Yeah thats true.

Pretty much the bane of every Pokemon game ever, the AI is always going to make silly decisions that a veteran Pokemon player wouldn't dream of making.

So instead, the difficulty mainly comes from the crazy OP combos and special conditions that have been purposefully programmed to work in tangent with one another.

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I have to bring up a huge point that Noel leads with a Wigglytuff that's huge setup fodder. Noel was so easy to blast through with nothing but a Vivillon for me, as his Wigglytuff just sat there while I spammed quiver dance and used a paralyze heal before beginning the massacre of the rest of his team. Cinccino didn't stand a chance. Any Pokemon that can set up is capable of doing this against him.

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Most of the Pokemon I like are lower tier. I like to provide myself with the added challenge by using mons like Furret and Corsola, especially since I know how to work gym battles the way I want to, like with setting up on Noel's Wigglytuff. I tried using Ledian, who's my favorite Pokemon design wise, but there's just no saving that poor ladybug. All he could hope to ever accomplish was setting up a screen or two before dying.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I haven't played since...13, I think, and am now going through the game once more and yeah, I can definitely notice the nerf. I came up against Florina, dreading the boss battle because GOD I remember her Cradily oh god I don't wanna even think about how much that thing will destroy me-oh Toxic Spikes and Nidoking save the day? Huh.

Oh man, though the battle with Corey with the corrsive mist oh boy that stress induced gastritis coming in-Ampharos+Electric Terrain to turn off the mist/ruin Corey's strategy. Cool.

Aya...took her out on the first try with a three man team of Meowstic, Scrafty, and Nidoking, the latter of which has Earth Power, which mean the Wasteland doesn't effect it.

Now that's not to say I don't feel the tension in almost every other battle (Noel and that Ice Leader come to mind for me) but I remember when a lot of the enemies had ridiculous movesets, and to say nothing of Team Meteor's Admins.

Honestly, the battles are nerfed overall, and your mileage may vary whether that's a good or bad thing (personally, if I want the game harder, there's always Hardcore). Me speaking, I don't mind the nerfing, because it still is tough as nails frequently.

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I'm a huge casual fan of Pokemon, and Reborn has made me want to tear out my hair lots of times. Noel, the Ice Gym Leader, and Ciel are specific examples that come to mind.

But I beat episode 15! And I was so proud. The community here was very helpful and without their advice in some of my most frustrated, salty moments, I probably would have given up. Even though these are nerfed from previous installments, I still feel proud of myself for overcoming the challenges.

I beat Noel on pure luck honestly. I changed my date so it wasn't a windy day bc screw that, let my Manectric take care of that hell-Swellow, then abused the hell out of my Noivern and contrary Serperior. Once my good ol boy Cassius gets a few Leaf Storms up, he's basically invincible and outspeeds everything and keeps his health with Giga Drain.

It took me five days to beat Ciel. One day of mounting frustration and losing hope. Three days grinding against a single NPC in Agate to train a brand new member and buff up the rest of my team. And another day to finally catch enough luck to outspeed, crit, and whittle her down. Then the Altaria thing happened and I said screw it, and brought along Perish Song Murkrow next time and FINALLY beat her.

The point is, don't give up! I know it sucks, I know you feel like the game is unfair and treating you badly, but you can do it. Maybe I could give some team advice?

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I'm a huge casual fan of Pokemon, and Reborn has made me want to tear out my hair lots of times. Noel, the Ice Gym Leader, and Ciel are specific examples that come to mind.

But I beat episode 15! And I was so proud. The community here was very helpful and without their advice in some of my most frustrated, salty moments, I probably would have given up. Even though these are nerfed from previous installments, I still feel proud of myself for overcoming the challenges.

I beat Noel on pure luck honestly. I changed my date so it wasn't a windy day bc screw that, let my Manectric take care of that hell-Swellow, then abused the hell out of my Noivern and contrary Serperior. Once my good ol boy Cassius gets a few Leaf Storms up, he's basically invincible and outspeeds everything and keeps his health with Giga Drain.

It took me five days to beat Ciel. One day of mounting frustration and losing hope. Three days grinding against a single NPC in Agate to train a brand new member and buff up the rest of my team. And another day to finally catch enough luck to outspeed, crit, and whittle her down. Then the Altaria thing happened and I said screw it, and brought along Perish Song Murkrow next time and FINALLY beat her.

The point is, don't give up! I know it sucks, I know you feel like the game is unfair and treating you badly, but you can do it. Maybe I could give some team advice?

I recently played vs Noel on an older episode, 10 I believe, and he was a lot tougher than his 15 counterpart. Charlotte was the bane of my team back when she was on her release episode. I played a new save file and literally ran through every gym leader (guess you can say I cheated cause I went back to an earlier episode to catch a zubat early on, which pretty much made the entire game easier) I am now doing side quests and event pokemon before 16 comes out.

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charloette was the bane of manny players on relese but was easily swept by 2 mons man she was fun hate noel with my team tho on release and sara...oh dam dont start me on her, the way i play reborn make the start very hard for me as i dont like many that are at the starting areas but as the game goes on it gets progressivly easier for me abd im loving reborn because of this not to mention the stratagising how to defeat a certain leader with my team, i like my teams diverse thats why i dont do mono run which help me or try to help me out stratagise the leader some times it works others it dosent, i have a favourite type but that dosent mean ill use a full team of them if i could get a hold of them all

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I recently played vs Noel on an older episode, 10 I believe, and he was a lot tougher than his 15 counterpart. Charlotte was the bane of my team back when she was on her release episode. I played a new save file and literally ran through every gym leader (guess you can say I cheated cause I went back to an earlier episode to catch a zubat early on, which pretty much made the entire game easier) I am now doing side quests and event pokemon before 16 comes out.

Honestly I am of the group who are glad these guys got buffed. I mean, I'm sure I would have eventually beaten them anyways, but oi, Noel was a nightmare as he was now! I actually didn't have too much issues with Charlotte and beat her in like... 3 tries? I mostly fought fire with fire, and let the AI mess up so my Typhlosion could get an attack boost when they used a fire attack. Then I used explosion spam, + extrasensory and a few smoke screens.

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Honestly I am of the group who are glad these guys got buffed. I mean, I'm sure I would have eventually beaten them anyways, but oi, Noel was a nightmare as he was now! I actually didn't have too much issues with Charlotte and beat her in like... 3 tries? I mostly fought fire with fire, and let the AI mess up so my Typhlosion could get an attack boost when they used a fire attack. Then I used explosion spam, + extrasensory and a few smoke screens.

She could one shot my mons after I set up light screen. Some were neutral to fire and pretty decent in defense stats.

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Radomus and Florinia were too much for me to handle, until my Espurr became strong enough to take out her Cradily.

Boy am I excited for episode 16 and the hell I might have to endure there.

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