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Fire Emblem On The Forums: Ashes (OOC/Recruitment)

Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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Okay, who wants to bet the boss is going to start heading toward the stranger trio soon? Not necessarily at top speed, as then only Ecquis could possibly keep up, but to add a time limit to hurry up, as I don't think that Wind Sword of his is going to have much trouble felling at least one of them.

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  On 9/5/2016 at 3:23 PM, Anstane said:

Okay, who wants to bet the boss is going to start heading toward the stranger trio soon? Not necessarily at top speed, as then only Ecquis could possibly keep up, but to add a time limit to hurry up, as I don't think that Wind Sword of his is going to have much trouble felling at least one of them.

She is a lady Dame of the realm, good sir! at least have the respect to notice that simple detail...

But yeah, really, we should probably get on executing Maris soon... it's only a matter of time before shit gets real with that windsword

also Pyon where's mine and Zet's support, eh? The dodge may be useless, but the def buff could still come in handy for the bloke down the line>.>

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  On 9/5/2016 at 3:28 PM, Sutoratosu said:

She is a lady Dame of the realm, good sir! have some respect to at least notice...

I've kind of forgotten to check. I have a trouble with noticing the genders of other people that I can't see with my own eyes. Forgive my mistake.

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Alright, if we calm down, we can form a plan to get through this safely. It might be possible to get the Javelin from the Troubadour, as well as beat the boss in one turn.

First, Terrin and Hoshiko move forward to close in on the boss. Luka can dance for both of them. Hoshiko can attack the Troubadour to take their Javelin. If Terrin, Klaren, and Ecquis all attack the boss together, they can defeat her in one turn. Defeating the boss is enough to end the chapter, getting us out safely.

Edited by InnocentBoy
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Post up. I was specially mean in this last turn don't hate me because you all get to LEVEL UP!

That's great isn't it!? I haven't changed HP values yet I'll edit them after I'm done rolling.

Hoshiko the Righteous

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Terrin, Son of Lady Aisha

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Meredith "The Undying"

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Mayanna the Last

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1 HP survivals are one of the best feelings in FE along with getting that 1% crit when you'd die without it. I would say it's a shame they don't happen more often but that'd imply putting you into those situations frequently lol.

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That was definitely a close call with Meredith just barely enduring the hit. Of course, you still have a 23 health boss with a Wind Sword to deal with and, looking at positioning...yeah, this could get rough. Personally...hmm, I'd probably have everyone regroup first, tank one more round of attacks (After healing Meredith) and then overwhelm the boss.

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So first I level up 6 stats, then 5, now 4... I'm glad as long as I'm getting that HP and Def tho, whoop


"I kind of like the way it tingles~"

Also, Klaren is at 6 HP, not 11. Not gonna cheat, nyufufu

EDIT: I should be able to still survive the boss if I use that Monk skill which ups Res, tho

Edited by Bfroger6
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God dammit I use ability that sacrifices my impressiveish passive healing (something which may have been useful against a boss that hits res) to boost my skill so I don't miss, and what happens? I bloody miss. Also should Nature Spirits be 0/11? I thought it only returned the borrowed strength back to my str from skill, not my entire skill stat, so it should be 0/4, right? Also boo I was hoping 11 effective skill would give me some really good hit chances but I guess that's my fault for not doing the calcs.

On the bright side, got another pretty great leve up.

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  On 9/6/2016 at 10:47 AM, Marcello said:

God dammit I use ability that sacrifices my impressiveish passive healing (something which may have been useful against a boss that hits res) to boost my skill so I don't miss, and what happens? I bloody miss. Also should Nature Spirits be 0/11? I thought it only returned the borrowed strength back to my str from skill, not my entire skill stat, so it should be 0/4, right? Also boo I was hoping 11 effective skill would give me some really good hit chances but I guess that's my fault for not doing the calcs.

On the bright side, got another pretty great leve up.

Yeah it will stop when your STR is back at it's original level, it won't keep draining skill. I have the 11 there so I remember to math.

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Oooh... Ecquis doesn't seem to be doing so well. If Luka dances for me, Rosa can sweep the healer, vantage the cavalier, (hopefully) dodge the axe-user, and fight Maris in a glorious 3v1 to the death. Also lets everyone else catch up.

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I-I can go attack Maris (tho she Reliable Attacks the crap out of my disadvantage against her Anima sword) so that like, someone else can finish her off, though like, nobody seems available cuz I'mma need a heal after that. And Equis kinda got himself rekt too. Fun. ;-;

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