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Fire Emblem On The Forums: Ashes (OOC/Recruitment)

Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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There are stat caps boy. Look again; they're all laid out on the literally the page before their respective class roster is presented. All Traine classes are capped at 30HP and 10 in all other combat stats. First Classes are 40HP and 20 in all other combat related states. Final Promo classes are 60HP and 30 in all other.

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  On 9/11/2016 at 7:04 PM, Sutoratosu said:

There are stat caps boy. Look again; they're all laid out on the literally the page before their respective class roster is presented. All Traine classes are capped at 30HP and 10 in all other combat stats. First Classes are 40HP and 20 in all other combat related states. Final Promo classes are 60HP and 30 in all other.

Oh I must have missed it but thanks for letting me know. Also, I would appreciate it if you didn't call me boy since I'm 23 almost 24 so yeah not a boy so kindly don't call me that.

That will be all. :)

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I also haven't posted in a while so tonight I'll reply even if Terrin doesn't, so we get to move the conversation on a bit more. Tomorrow I'll start working on the next chapter's map so by the 13th we should be ready to move on. Thank you all for your wonderful patience!

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Aight friends, I said I'd move things along but there's still roleplaying going on. I am ready to jump to the next chapter though. In that same topic, when you join the next chapter you'll take three NPCs with you! I'll set up a strawpoll to vote for which one will go in. Anyone can vote on it even non players so the non players can screw over the players by picking Keagan! Won't that make it fun?

You can vote more than once but please don't vote on all four. If characters are tied I'll just make the choice for you.


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I want our own personal thief to steal shit for us before we massacre opponents like we did Soldier 4. Keep what we can use, sell everything else to Rick Harrison the merchant when he arrives, and profit.

perfect plan ya'll

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Picking Keagan wouldn't screw them over because he saved them from a game over by protecting Saffron from a killing blow last chapter and took no damage because of abilities so yeah not screwing them over at all if he is picked as one of the three :P. Just saying.

Good luck to everyone when the next chapter starts though :)

I picked Feri, Keagan (he's badass saving your behinds last chapter) and Saffron (she's pretty cool). For some reason, I just don't like Dash. Looks too kid like to me lol.

Edited by pbood2
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Something I should have actually done earlier before posting the strawpoll this is me being a derp and forgetting.


"I've scouted ahead; the next map will be balanced out with spears, swords and axes. It will have magic users so watch out! The enemies look really scary too..."

I won't scrap the votes so far though.

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I mean, cause god forbid we use strategy... and not take a character we don't really need.

Keagan really isn't that useful for us. Most of our more defensive units out stat him in every area but his Def which is his one decently exceptional stat.... further Axes don't really add to much more to our army that we're really hurting for. Our crew can take on most Lance users just fine as our Lance wielding units can pretty much shrug off most of what they can do. Keagan isn't really anything but a big wall and we really have enough wally type folk. ((Ecquis, Meredith, and even Klaren to an extent, especially with his weird growths that keep giving him Def lol.)) So we don't really need another unit that offers defense > offense.

Saffron has more innate synergy in that she adds another unit for Meredith's Spear Wall, She also has good anti-caster abilites and form the scouting we know there's magic users. Dash is important cause we get the abilities of a Thief ((which thus far we've been sorely lacking.)) and Feri adds another mage to our party. I guess one can say that our frontline is being a bit outnumbered by "mages" at this point however I personally don't count Klar as back line at this point due to Provoke.

Really, nothing against Keagan, but the guy jsut isn't very useful compared to the other NPCs you offer use way more in skills we don't have at current. The others are just simply better for us. Not to mention his level ups totally screwed him in being useful in combat. His skill is like... a 2 or 3? It's something really low with an Axe. That man is never going to hit shit lol. He did do that in Chap 1... thing is... Saffron was really never in danger if you look at that situation since Keagan would've done it literally every time. He didn't really save us from anything. It was pretty clear she wasn't ever going to go down there.

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Pyon's not that mean bruh. We probs weren't gonna be handed a GO that easily in the very battle we were supposed to keep the Lord of the story alive with them all the way on the freaking overside of the map, with, I will remind you, the only unit on our squad capable of getting there in any reasonable time being just as deathly vulnerable to the Bow Knights standing in-between us and them as Saffron was...

so yeah. Keagan saving our bacon... not that gratifying. Pyon made the npcs himself and knew the skills they had, when his guard activated and saved her, Pyon knew full well that's what would happen. I don't think anything about that particular scene was really left up to random chance as to whether she'd be saved or not.

Plus Pyon said the reason he didn't move Maris for so long was because the only logical decision for her action, up till the point Meredith got close, would've been to advance towards the river and proceed kill Saffron and the others while they were weak. He literally could've screwed this whole fight over for us at any point if he so chose.

Hence, ultimately our avoidance of Saffron's death isn't because of Keagan, so much as it is a little something called Host Restraint and Planning.

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Glad to see everyone getting along so well.

In seriousness, I'm glad that there seems to be a bit of...what's the correct word? Tension? Dysfunction despite everyone working well? Something that basically means that everyone is working together well despite some of the members not being entirely happy with some of the others. It just makes it seem more natural rather then everyone getting along perfectly, it feels like everyone has their own opinions on each other.

I had intended to post something like this during the first RP session (After the first map), but decided to hold back.

As for who I chose, I went with Saffron, Feri and Keagan, mostly because I really like knights in FE. I don't know, it's just so satisfying sending them into the middle of a huge pool of enemies and seeing most of them do not much if anything. Granted, if this is an indoors map, then a thief would be better to have because those tend to contain chests.

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I'm fine with arguments are long as there isn't any actual fighting. We are still in the Reborn forums so as long as we are all respectful and abide the rules, everything will be fine.

In other news; if you interacted with the NPCs last chapter congratulations on supporting with them. Unless you really don't want to support who ever you talked to, in that case make sure to tell me :P

A decision to make in character (Either way you know the upcoming maps will be affected by dumb weather and hard terrain) and more news to come in the next few days!

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Apologies I've not been active these last few days, won't have proper internet for a while so it's being a bit of a hassle. Gonna have Terrin actually contribute ti the IC but won't be able to do the portrait and to coloured text until I finally have internet sorted out, sorry abiut the delay on this.

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