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Fire Emblem On The Forums: Ashes (OOC/Recruitment)

Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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  On 10/2/2016 at 9:11 PM, Zetaark said:

Also, Klaren may indeed be getting something in post-chap. Whether its something he wants is another matter entirely.

You two are actually planning this out, aren't you?

Also, Pyon, Klaren has Vulnerary (2/3), not full, cuz he'd used it once this fight~

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  On 10/2/2016 at 9:04 PM, Stalkerkain said:

When I get home, I''ll get a post out. Hopefully using my iron sword will let me hit twice (and dodge)

Also Rosa why won't you doooooooooooooooodge

The Iron Blade won't make you strike twice. Mr. Ignexus has 9 AS.

  On 10/2/2016 at 9:19 PM, Bfroger6 said:

You two are actually planning this out, aren't you?

Also, Pyon, Klaren has Vulnerary (2/3), not full, cuz he'd used it once this fight~

Thank you for pointing that out!

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TFW Klaren seems to not understand the meaning of "they make vulnaries for a reason" or "Patch yourself up"

I am not surprised honestly. Not like it matters terribly much in the end anyway, given mr.dragon is gonna get murdered this turn anyway.... (but oh the scolding that he will get for this...negligence...actually no...she won't even scold him, me and zet already got something better in mind...)

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Level ups incoming! As well as Anna's stat page!

Hoshiko the Righteous

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Terrin, Son of Lady Aisha

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Meredith "The Undying"

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Mayanna the Last

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​"I mustn't fall behind..."

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"I fought in our back lines clearing out undead out in the forrest."

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"Let's see those brutes catch me now!"

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"Like coins falling into a purse."

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Fu fu fu fu fu... Perfect segway into my next question!

After all of this talk of dragons and churches is done there will be a small timeskip in which Saffron will distribute the funds given by Samwell. Now would you guys prefer for there to be a party money system where everyone shares from the same pool of money or I split the money I have planned and everyone has their individual sums? Either way shopping will be done OOC and the shop will be revealed after le timeskip.

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I trust everyone with the group money. Individual money sounds a bit annoying to coordinate, with us having to basically ask others for their money.


"I'm sure we can all share the money well." But if you buy 20 Iron Swords, someone's losing a limb.

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Pooled sum seems fine to me overall. But yeah, no one person just trolling out with it.


"If I find out anyone's been tampering with the funds, I'll be leaving you to the wyverns. They're quite hungry right now you know."

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Screw distributing the wealth equally, just pool the cash together and keep it simple.


"Let's not let money become a dividing issue here... we've enough challenges ahead of us as it is."

Plus, I would very much appreciate it if someone were to oh.... maybe go over to the body of the Troubadour who died near the east edge of the map and perhaps loot her Javelin and Heal... since I got dudes to heal up and shit... and homework to finish...and you guys are just blirzkreiging this thing XD

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"Well, that settles it then. Good." Better Meredith than any other of you lot anyway... you're decent enough company, but I wouldn't exactly trust some of you with the power of the purse...

((Seriously though, I'm not joking about this. Please someone go and try this before the scene ends, since my hands are tied at the moment and I can't test the post battle looting theory myself. i honestly just wanna see if Pyon will let you keep it.))

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