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Looking for a sturdy Dark type to fight Radomus



As stated in the topic, I've been having trouble with fighting Radomus, and I realize my current team isn't quite suitable against his Slowking and Gardevoir. I can breeze past his Gallade, Metagross and Malamar with just Dedenne, Delphox and Noivern, and can occasionally beat his Reuniclus with Meowstic. All of my Pokemon are around the same levels as his team (except Arcanine, which is only at lv. 50). So I'm asking you all for some help; where in the world can I get a good Dark type that I won't have to level up too much? Something dual typed like Houndoom or Krookodile would be cool.

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If you joined Team Aqua, by this point you will have been able to chase away Team Magma from their alleyway. There's a Houndour waiting beyond where the leader was.

Whoops.... I joined the wrong team then. Oops

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Scratch that, you get a Houndour for chasing away Team Aqua if you joined Team Magma (Looked up Chubb's guide). Guess they just wanted to give you a way of gettign a Houndour regardless of which faction you joined.

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In my opinion the best dark type pokemon where you are in the game are Zoroark, Honchkrow, Crawdaunt, Drapion, Krookodile, Pangoro, and Sharpedo. Houndoom would be on the list but it relies on crunch for a dark type STAB at this point and that doesn't really compete with the aforementioned pokemon. If sturdy dark types are what you're looking for then I'd put emphasis on Drapion, Krookodile, and Pangoro.

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you dont mean this Radomus do you? Radomus rekt - https://youtu.be/pKdXg0gMFh4

Anyway I tried going with dark pokemons but they dont quite cut it because of the field(unless you can get 6 of them that is). I would recommend exploiting the field effects which are pretty extreme. Like 2x damage against confuse targets, nasty plot and calm mind also got buffed.

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Hang on now, I did make a distinction between dark types and sturdy dark types. Don't just act like I didn't.

Sorry. I didn't mean any offense by it, I just found it funny because sharpedo is about as far from sturdy as you can get amongst fully evolved dark types.

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I did a little extra grinding with a Drapion I caught in the wasteland and basically laid waste to his Slowking with both Drapion and Delphox (and a little help from Noivern and Lumnieon). Think I'm gonna drop Drapion in the daycare for more level raising and keep it on rotation. Thank you so much for you guys' help on this one!

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Sorry. I didn't mean any offense by it, I just found it funny because sharpedo is about as far from sturdy as you can get amongst fully evolved dark types.

one can also make a case for sharpedo being on the top 5 list of squishiest fully evolved pokemon in general :P

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Drapion is great, especially to throw in some toxic spikes.

However, the real steamroller in this fight aren't dark types: Dark types tend to get shredded by gardevoir and her moonblast (Rip in pieces, Pangoro)

If you want a real steamroller, you need bug types, or more specificly bug-steel stypes. And out of these, the king for this fight is Escavalier. You see, they have absolutely nothing to counter a pokemon that is only weak to fire, and escavalier has 135 attack, 105 defense and a whopping 105 special defence, only offset by its pathetic speed (Though, its pretty much game over if you or his pokemon cast trick room. There is nothing to stop this monstrosity then; its basically a legendary pokemon in terms of strength once that happens). Though it isn't really a sweeper due to its nonexistant speed, you can classify it as a steamroller: It moves slow, is hard to stop, and pretty much annihilates everything in its path. Though the metal ant thingy has far better speed, it has nearly half its special defence. But go for escavalier, EV train it on attack and sp.Def and then steamroll them. Keep metal head for 1-shotting gardevoir. Pretty much everything can be one-shotted by Escavalier in this gym, and probably everything once you pull off a sword dance.

My own tactic was to start off with with Noivern and Drapion, spike up the floor and shred Gallade immediately, and then wait for the inevitable psychic to take out noivern, AND THEN I REV UP THE STEAMROLLER and make short work of his team in 5 turns time (Do switch out Drapion with your flame pokemon of choice to decimate Metagross)

Edited by colers25
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