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Doing a Run


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Now I know I already made a post but that is a different run from this one. I was thinking of doing a run, It's not a mono-type run or a dual-type run or The Flash Run that I have on Reborn. I just wanted to clarify that. It's just a run for my YT channel.

If possible, Blitze, male shiny Lightningrod ability, Naive with decent IVs, Two Eevees, Male and female non-shiny, Female have Hidden Ability and Male with Adaptability, both Modest with decent IVs, and Male Shiny Froakie with Protean, Naive with decent IVs.(Replace the Starter with The Shiny Froakie)

If possible please.

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why are you complaining about file downloads when you put up your file to download?

how will people tell what you are doing when you don't saying anything any which way and have to look into your file to see what you have to work with?

Do you want advice or for people to alter your file for you? wtf do you want?

Why are you so unreasonable?

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