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So got any Warfarmers here?


I've clocked in about 900+ hours on this game, something is wrong with me.

What's your favorite Waframe(s), primary, secondary and melee weapon(s)?

Thoughts on the lore and gameplay in general?

Hows your sanity holding up from farming parts for hours on end?

I guess my favorite Warframes would have to be Excalibur and Mesa.

Excal is just an all around good frame for running missions and Mesa's 4th ability is just too goddamn good to not abuse the crap out of.

Really like the design of the Soma Prime with all those moving parts and the ability to absolutely shred apart hordes of enemies and Akstiletto Prime are insanely good sidearms with their crazy critical chance and damage.

Really lookin forward to the story quest coming up in the next update. Previous few updates have really changed the game a lot and I feel Digital Extremes is just getting started.

EDIT: Where are my manners. Add me: Tricky5hift

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I was playing on PC for a while. I believe I was using a bow mostly and probably some sort of assault rifle, I can't quite remember. I wouldn't be opposed to getting back into it if people had interest. I didn't play a lot but it is a ton of fun.

That being said, my life will be pretty obligated to Legion once it drops so there will be times where I won't be around for anything, but eventually I'll be restricted by daily/weekly resets, so we'll see what happens.

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I was playing on PC for a while. I believe I was using a bow mostly and probably some sort of assault rifle, I can't quite remember. I wouldn't be opposed to getting back into it if people had interest. I didn't play a lot but it is a ton of fun.

That being said, my life will be pretty obligated to Legion once it drops so there will be times where I won't be around for anything, but eventually I'll be restricted by daily/weekly resets, so we'll see what happens.

When was the last time you've played? If you haven't played in about 1+ years then oh boy, you're in for a treat. DE has done some massive work on the game, revamping the parkour system, changing the Void drops, new starchart, new PVP modes(PVP is still terrible anyways), raids, daily sorties, STORY QUESTS, and a metric shit ton of other stuff.

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I play this on my PC. I don't play it very often because the loading screens hate me. I prefer to just play on my own

I'm running Mag with the starter bow bow so I can snipe all the things (IIRC I've got some form of stealth affinity from doing it a lot). I have dual heat swords for melee and some kind of machine pistol thing for my secondary IIRC, I never use my secondary unless it's one of those tower defense levels. Usually if I'm spotted I just switch to melee and go nuts until I can find a console

I haven't really done much, but it's the only FPS game I've ever enjoyed (largely because I like the stealth/sniping mechanics) so I do play it sometimes

My steam is KosherKitten, should have a sexy Kuro as my avatar

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save me

Warframe is great and I feel great playing it 95% of the time. For several months now, Warframe has been my favorite game. Favorite frame has to be Ivara, hands down. I love the stealth aspect of her and and the most satisfying thing has to be just chilling out in the middle of a war zone, completely undetected. Beyond that, Inaros is a close second with his pocket sand finishers and Frost so that I may satisfyingly break apart frozen chunks of the enemy.

Favorite primary is either Dread or Braton Prime. Depends if I want to be stealthy or loud and brash. Following that, favorite secondary has to be Telos Akbolto. Love the magazine capacity, puncture damage, and the gas damage/healing truth proc. They're reliable as hell. As for my favorite melee weapon, I've recently fallen in love with Destreza. I'm one lucky son of a gun to have gotten the Vulpine Mask as as drop from some enemy who clearly didn't need it. Those melee finishers are tight- don't like the enemy, that's fine, shove your rapier down their throat. Excellent stance for an excellent weapon.

Username is Arkhidon.

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Oh boy, don't remember the last time I've played (maybe 6 months ago?). Think I got up to rank 8 (or whatever the system is, I could craft all the weapons basically).

I mained Frost Prime, and had Vauban, Mesa, and Excalibur as sides. Only reason why I quit was because once Mesa came out, I literally didn't have to do anything. Hold down her ultimate and read a book, I suppose. Excalibur was the same.

I mained a Paris Prime, because I wanted the game to be a testament of my aiming skill, not how much I could carpetbomb an area with a Boar Prime + Mirage (or whatever ridiculous thing weapon my friend used).

Punch-through is the most hilarious mechanic in the game, I love it.

Of course, being the hypocrite that I am, I caved and got a Synapse and a Soma and more hilarity ensued, as well as discovering that Thunderbolt made my arrows explosive.

Secondary weapon had to be the Vaykor Marelok. Reminds me of those old-west revolvers, and required me to have precision aiming.

Melee was the Dragon Nikanas because katana.

Gameplay was some of the best I've ever seen for it's genre, and the only reason why I quit was because of the lack of mission/story content. This talk of Warframe is tempting me to check back in.

I have like, 3 primed point blanks saved up that I could probably net me some platinum so maaaaaaybe. Especially I hear there's an archer-specific frame? Oooooh.....

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aaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy we got some tenno in the neighborhood, neat.

my IGN there is Black_Telos

Lore is alright, nothing too deep but it can have some glorious moments. (Second Dream anyone?)

It's enough to get you hooked.

Gameplay is what makes the game, imo. It makes a grinding game be a fun grinding game. That's an accomplishment if i say so myself tbh.

favorite frames got to be excalibur and nezha.

excalibur cuz he's good at everything and is easy to make pretty, and 90% of my platinum is spent making frames look pretty.

nezha because he makes you feel like this guy with all the impaling going on:


that and he's stupid broken and i like his design

Favorite primary got to be Vulkar Wraith, since it's basically one of the best snipers in the game made even better, and can serve as great stealth weapon too with a Hush mod.

Favorite secondary's vaykor marelok cuz steel meridian and bullshit damage. Also Azima because it's basically a secondary Soma that doesn't run out of ammo, and it can shoot disco frisbees of death too.

No really. Steel Meridian weapons are great. "If it took more than one shot, you weren't using a Vaykor."

Favorite melee is between Dragon Nikana and Broken-War, and sometimes Covert Lethality Heat Dagger if i'm feeling particularly stabby.

Did i mention that Steel Meridian is objectively the best syndicate? Casual reminder:


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I recently started playing it, but now I'm taking a break because I've got other games I want to play.

I tend to play solo most of the time, though. Which can be a problem because my main weapon right now is a sniper rifle. Yeah.

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I recently started playing it, but now I'm taking a break because I've got other games I want to play.

I tend to play solo most of the time, though. Which can be a problem because my main weapon right now is a sniper rifle. Yeah.

Imo sniping is better for solo than a more crowd focused build. But I'm still a newb so don't rely on that info too much

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I played it for a while on PS4. I think I'm at a point where I somehow have to get the good/rare mods to get anywhere further.

Yeah getting the mods can be an issue for newer players. But depending on the mod, you can always find somebody willing to give you a spare or help you farm them.

Oh boy, don't remember the last time I've played (maybe 6 months ago?). Think I got up to rank 8 (or whatever the system is, I could craft all the weapons basically).

I mained Frost Prime, and had Vauban, Mesa, and Excalibur as sides. Only reason why I quit was because once Mesa came out, I literally didn't have to do anything. Hold down her ultimate and read a book, I suppose. Excalibur was the same.

I mained a Paris Prime, because I wanted the game to be a testament of my aiming skill, not how much I could carpetbomb an area with a Boar Prime + Mirage (or whatever ridiculous thing weapon my friend used).

Punch-through is the most hilarious mechanic in the game, I love it.

Of course, being the hypocrite that I am, I caved and got a Synapse and a Soma and more hilarity ensued, as well as discovering that Thunderbolt made my arrows explosive.

Secondary weapon had to be the Vaykor Marelok. Reminds me of those old-west revolvers, and required me to have precision aiming.

Melee was the Dragon Nikanas because katana.

Gameplay was some of the best I've ever seen for it's genre, and the only reason why I quit was because of the lack of mission/story content. This talk of Warframe is tempting me to check back in.

I have like, 3 primed point blanks saved up that I could probably net me some platinum so maaaaaaybe. Especially I hear there's an archer-specific frame? Oooooh.....

Mesa actually got nerfed not too long ago. Her 4 now has its own aiming reticle that gets smaller the more she uses it focusing the line of fire. Not long after she was nerfed, she was buffed so that her 4 now takes damage mods from your secondary weapon into account making them absolutely amazing when it comes to damage scaling.

favorite frames got to be excalibur and nezha.

excalibur cuz he's good at everything and is easy to make pretty, and 90% of my platinum is spent making frames look pretty.

nezha because he makes you feel like this guy with all the impaling going on:


that and he's stupid broken and i like his design

Favorite primary got to be Vulkar Wraith, since it's basically one of the best snipers in the game made even better, and can serve as great stealth weapon too with a Hush mod.

Favorite secondary's vaykor marelok cuz steel meridian and bullshit damage. Also Azima because it's basically a secondary Soma that doesn't run out of ammo, and it can shoot disco frisbees of death too.

No really. Steel Meridian weapons are great. "If it took more than one shot, you weren't using a Vaykor."

Favorite melee is between Dragon Nikana and Broken-War, and sometimes Covert Lethality Heat Dagger if i'm feeling particularly stabby.

Did i mention that Steel Meridian is objectively the best syndicate? Casual reminder:


Oh man, Nezha is hilarious with his slide passive. Really makes speedrunning certain missions a real breeze.

I also love using daggers with Covert Lethality. About a week ago when they released a sort of fan mini-event where you had to fight level 9999 enemies but had godmode, Covert Lethality daggers could kill them those enemies in just 1 slice if they were open to melee finishers.

Imo sniping is better for solo than a more crowd focused build. But I'm still a newb so don't rely on that info too much

Sniping can be a little tedious with so many enemies on a map. A pretty popular sniper loadout would be with a frame that utilizes good Crowd Control like Frost, Banshee, Nova, and Nekros(with augment). These frames can slow down enemy movement to a crawl making them easy targets with your sniper allowing you to get those headshots super easy.

Feel free to post screenshots displaying your cool looking frames. A pretty big part of this game is centered around decking them out with sweet looking cosmetics and making them look totally badass.

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  • 1 month later...

I suppose I'm necroing, but I didn't want to make two threads for one purpose -_-

I just got done with juptier! the last corpus defense in the New Strange questline is hellish when alone, you need to be in constant motion or the objective gets burned down super quick. thankfully Nyx and Hek Pulled me through.

so far fpr warframes I have Mag, Nyx, and Valkyr; Frost and Rhino are crafting as we speak. For weapons I have Hek (shotgun), Boltor(an automatic spike-launcher), Dread (edgy bow), Paris Prime (golden bow), Cestra (auto-pistol), Kraken (accurate pistol), Cronos (sword), Fragor Brokk, (hammer) and Atterax (whip)

most fun has got to be grineer extermination with Valkyr, Hek, and Atterax. shotgun everything down until you hit a bombard, then ult, butcher it, and recover health off of anyone in reach. also love riplining around the map.

Next steps are probably going to be finishing saturn and maybe Howl of the Kubrow (ive been companionless all this time). next weps are gonna be Kulstar, a pistol-rocket launcher, and Lex Prime, to actually have a decent pistol for once.

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Kubrows are neat and all, but their AI is less neat. Fortunately, the drop chance of Kubrow Eggs has been significantly increased and they may also pop up as Alert rewards. I used a Huras Kubrow for a while until I got myself a Carrier Prime- I hate to say it, but sentinels really are more convenient, and Carrier is the way to go. That or Kavats.

Also, your post isn't a necro, so don't worry about it.

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  • 1 month later...

So I just finished The War Within and it was kinda neat. I'm not a fan of the stereotypically poor voice acting in MMOs, but TWW wasn't so bad- finding out about Teshin was very cool, since he's an interesting character. To anyone else who has completed it, what choices did you make and how did they influence the outcome?

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Ha! Didnt know a topic like this existed.

Let's see, my nick is GaDemICE (feel free to add me), i started 3 years ago, but im still MR14 cuz im taking huge breaks (some of them being year+) and rather than leveling mastery fodder weapons, preffer spending my time with my current ones and crafting only those that i find to my liking.

Some basic stats here


These are my favorite things of every category. Though i do not use them all in the same setup.


Valkyr. by far my favorite frame. I am a melee player. Therefore i am naturally favoring the frame that makes melee most enjoyable. Apart from that, i like her berseker theme, and the playstyle she supports. My favorite activity is put Heavy Metal or dyamic Nightcore, get into a survival, and lose myself there for an hour or so.

I also like Saryn and Ember..

Vaykor Hek. Replaced Ogris as my fav weapon after its release. I liked shotguns, tho not warframe shotguns so much, until this. The sound it makes is awesome. You hear it, and you know that someone had a bad time. And ofc it heals my Inaros too :D

Atomos. A pocket flamethrower. For when someone asks you if u got fire....

Jat Kittag. Because what screams Hammer Time better than a jet-powered hammer?

Adarza Kavat because screw smeetas who never give you what you want at a speficic time.


Isn't he gorgeous? xD

As you can maybe guess, i'm infinitely hyped by this:


Even more than TWW...

I normally play every night after i return from work, till i go sleep. Doing the sortie and then whatever. Would love to do stuff with more playmates (don't get any weird ideas).

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

ugh I heard the cyst cure is only temporary and I just NOOOOOO like it would look sweet on chroma and nidus but I do not want that shtuff anywhere in the same galaxy as my valkyr. The pet's sweet tho, once I get more free time and finish farming Valky P I'm gonna go finish Glast Gambit and farm nidus. I also want literally all of the new weapons, from the javlok (it's a spear that's a rocket launcher) to the Hirudo (finally a decent sparring weapon. doesn't look half bad either). aaaand now that index mods have come out again it's making me want to pick up the Penta again


sidenote: the Zarr is now my favorite weapon ever. 



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