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Interest Check: Yet Another Fate RP


Decisions, decisions  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Which setting do we want to use?

    • AU changed as little as possible from the original, making room for OCs, in the Fourth War
    • AU with heavy modification to possibly allow broader ranges of viable Servants and more player customization at the cost of a less robust base setting, minimum Second War
    • Neutral/other (post your thoughts!)
  2. 2. How many players do we want to seek, and who will play who?

    • Seven. Everyone plays a Servant/Master pair. Additional slots may be available for important side characters.
    • Seven. Everyone plays a Servant or Master, but not a pair.
    • Up to fourteen. Seven Masters, some people may play multiple Servants or a Servant and a Master, but not a pair.
    • Some other number/no opinion (post it!)
    • Attempt to put together a Great Grail War, which would require a minimum of fourteen players or for multiple people to play 3+ characters.

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So, as many of the older members know, we've had a few attempts at Fate RPs. As they will also know, all of them crashed and burned on the first or second in-universe day. Because I am apparently incapable of learning from the mistakes of myself and others, I would like to ask: is anyone else interested in giving it another shot?

For people who don't know what Fate is:

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We could go a few directions with it:

1. We could follow canon Fate closely, making modifications to let people play as their own characters. This would start with the Fourth Grail War, located in Fuyuki as normal, but with different participants of course.

2. We could do something similar to the Fate/Reborn and Fate/Empty Vessel settings. An original setting that uses most of the same systems from the source material. This would let us play even more fast and loose with the rules than usual, but that's both a good and a bad thing.

3. We also have to pick the scale.

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eh screw it, I missed the last few ones you guys tried (just really didn't have much time back then to really get around to checking em out and making something) but I'll bite.

Granted, my knowledge of the Fate Universe is pathetically limited... but eh, if I was willing to watch all of To Aru just to get enough basic background to make Makoto...

So yeah. I probably won't be of any actual input in discussions, but I'll give it a try if it gets running

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hmm well i voted and well I promise to keep my mouth shut about things!!!!( i'm serious about that)

honestly keeping it closer to cannon Fate is easier then you avoid a lot of disagreements since you know cannon source to fall back on to.

you should keep it at just seven people playing both servant and master pair. i think that was the most successful one tried here(well at least if you keeping with cannon).

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Yea I don't think that's even remotely accurate. It might be my bias but I feel like Fate/Reborn ran much better than the original Fate Rp on here, as it actually did get into some actual battles. The only reason si we lost a lot of players, so I don't really agree with the logic of a servant/master pair for every player being more successful since it... really didn't end up as so I don't think

I also personally kinda despise Masters... They just aren't interesting to me... I just have 0 desire to play them. Noooooone. I just don't find the prospect of it interesting personally. I nearly 100% prefer playing a servant.

Rules wise, Up to y'all. I'm not really too picky on it myself. While I do like the ability to mess with it a bit, I can understand how it makes it a bit more complicated. ((I jsut like it cause you can really get some "what if thiiiiis?" moments and they are really fun.))

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Actually, why not remove Masters from the equation? Just do a 7 way free for all battle royale with the prize being the grail? Having Masters adds depth, but we lack the number of active players necessary for it to work. We can have the Servants forcibly summoned or something.

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yeah i can understand that.(i avoided playing in Fate/Reborn for reasons). though it terms of getting players it was a bit easier r with the pairs( that is if you where to stay with cannon Fate).

yeah actually i agree with Acqui remove the masters much more fun that way. (only because she ninjad what i was going to say here.)

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Well I've tried to participate in all of the Fate rps here except the one I hadn't set even been on the site for, so like, yes

I have no clue what to vote for, though, cuz I'd be fine with anything. Just like, having only Servants would be a nice little experiment or something, now that people have started mentioning it

(I'll guess that opinion would be the 'other' option on the poll then)

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Like I've probably prodded at you a while back on Showdown, I'm up for a shot at this, though I've only been in the First War, anyway. Stick with the consistency, I suppose; unless players are pooling in at a significant level for the next few days I'd probably think sticking with a lower player limit is the better way to go, and I'd very much prefer diversity and customization in Servants.

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I'm interested in this.

I voted for AU changing as little as possible because I'm new to Fate and thus I'll probably want the vanilla experience :P

I also voted for seven characters, because I believe fourteen is probably going to be far too much.

Everyone plays Master/Servant, but not a pair, because from what I've heard the Master/Servant interactions are pretty important, and just having one person talking to themself might not be a perfect option.

Just my two cents.

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  • 7 months later...

Voted, I would also like to join this.

Edited by Enkidu
Nvm, Forget the reason. I was gonna add more but It will stay like this.
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