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Inuki- Filter? Uh, idk?

Ame-chan~ How I feel about bears? I thinkthey are awesome and cute when they are cubs. :3

Cobalt what you just asked me got me confused so I aint sure how to answer that.

Odybid, Where I am from? Somewhere in the USA where we got the best Hot dog and pizza ever in the central states~

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How do you feel about Drumpf?

Also, as one of the new and unknown people on reborn... well, I won't ask you what makes you feel the need to start an AMA. Instead, I will ask you... does it seem to you like new people start an AMA hoping for the numerous and kinds of responses that longer, far more established and well known members get? It seems so to me, and the number of replies seems to back this idea. How do you say?

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Well for Drumpf, I aint a person that has taken a damn interest in politics, lost all hope for it when 9/11 happened.

I feel like it is a great opportunity for people to know people a whole lot better, a way for people to understand them a bit more let them be in their life like a huge family from different states, countries, etc., etc., :)

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1. Well for Drumpf, I aint a person that has taken a damn interest in politics, lost all hope for it when 9/11 happened.

2. I feel like it is a great opportunity for people to know people a whole lot better, a way for people to understand them a bit more let them be in their life like a huge family from different states, countries, etc., etc., :)

1. Do you feel like you quit things quickly because they're hard? Cuz that's the vibe I get when people just give up because of X. Especially when X actually represents a tiny fraction of human beings who exist on this earth. So it isn't as difficult as it sounds. That's like saying the world is doomed because the Westboro baptist people exist.

Come on bro. We're stronger than that because we care about the future and we are fortunate enough to see how our actions can change it. Even my brother once said, the world is fucked up so why do I care if it ends? My reply was 'bitch, did you even try?'

2. I feel like it's a great opportunity to learn about people if you've been around or seen enough to ask the right questions. If no one knows you, how do they know to ask the right questions?

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People have different beliefs of 9/11. Some believe it was terrorism, some believe it was the government, hell maybe there are those that was both terrorism and the government, who is to say. But I stay out of politics because honestly I really don't give a fuck who becomes president or senator or vice president or anything politic related. That's my answer.

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People have different beliefs of 9/11. Some believe it was terrorism, some believe it was the government, hell maybe there are those that was both terrorism and the government, who is to say. But I stay out of politics because honestly I really don't give a fuck who becomes president or senator or vice president or anything politic related. That's my answer.

Politics is called politics because they make policies you have to follow. AKA the laws. If you don't care if they're fair at all, then don't care. You will when you aren't a slave but the company you work for owns your labor and creativity and copyrights the compassion you show on the job. Oh wait...

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Here are some vague choices about your outlook towards your own life and this world. Please be truthful with your answers Explanations might be helpful with my research and evaluation.:

1. Giving or taking?

2. Positive or negative?

3. Motion or stand-still?

4. Growth or atrophy?

5. Destroy or create?

6. Instinct or logic?

7. Order or chaos?

8. Composed or turbulent?

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Here are some vague choices about your outlook towards your own life and this world. Please be truthful with your answers Explanations might be helpful with my research and evaluation.:

1. Giving or taking?

2. Positive or negative?

3. Motion or stand-still?

4. Growth or atrophy?

5. Destroy or create?

6. Instinct or logic?

7. Order or chaos?

8. Composed or turbulent?

Can you be more black and white with this? You know, a question a reasonable person could answer with anything other than 'a bit of both?'

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