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Prehistoric-ono Run


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So I've had this idea for awhile and not wanting to EV train anymore in Reborn or Rejuvenation I've set up a file for this different run. I know there was someone doing an ancient run but I wanna go WAY back. Million year old pokemon only...So pretty much the fossil pokemon....And Relicanth...But I have enough rock/water types so I won't be using it.

So what am I using?


And maybe a suicidal perish song user for some of the bosses because I don't think I can cheese those fights with the dinos. Areodactyl is down in the corner because it's TOO OP AND NEEDS TO THINK ABOUT WHAT IT'S DONE aka that's the last pokemon I'm putting on my team of dinos.

They are all shiny and they got a egg move of my choice which are the following

Omanyte - Hidden Power Electric. It doesn't really know the move but I did fiddle with the IVs until I got that and I feel bad for that.

Kabuto - Stealth Rock

Aerodactyl - There wasn't any egg moves I wanted. It's OP enough as it is

Lileep - Recover

Anorith - Cross Poison

Shieldon - Stealth Rock

Cranidos - I forgot to edit this one. Thinking Hammer Arm or Crunch

Tirtouga - Knock Off

Archen - Steel Wing

Amaura - Discharge

Tyrunt - Dragon Dance

Some of those moves are clearly broken SO added challenge: I can not use an egg move until I level up my dino to the lowest level a pokemon naturally learns it according to the ORAS leveling ie Tyrunt will be able to use DDance at level 7 as Latios learns DDance at that level but Amaura won't be able to use Discharge until level 29 as that is when Electrike learns it. I'm not too sure about Cross Poison at this time since Parasect and Crobat learn it at level 1 and the next lowest is 47.

How did I pick which dino to start with? Randomizer! What I did was put the ten possible pokemon I could use in the pc and asked my friend to randomize one to ten three time and then I picked the corresponding pokemon to the numbers. After each badge, I will randomize a new dino BUT I need a physical badge. I'm sure everyone know which two fights I won't be getting a new teammate are. With that said, here are my first three dinos.




A refrigerator


OP birb until 50% health. I thought about putting Archen in the corner with Areodactyl but I figured Defeatist was enough of a hindrance to keep it in with the others.

I am looking so forward to this. Between the difficulty due to most fossils being VERY slow or some just not being that good(looking at you Shieldon) and being at the mercy of the randomize for my next teammate...Oh this is going to be so fun. I'm already seeing some fights being very difficult(Kiki, Samson, Ciel) but well I'm going to try my best to make this work.

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This one looks pretty interesting. I had thoughts of doing my own dinosaur-themed (possibly including dragons) run at some point, but besides being busy with other runs, my main hang-up was all the mons who'd be weak to Fighting... and there are a lot of powerful Fighting-type moves that can catch you off guard. Good luck with Kiki and Samson. *shudder* Let's hope the real life RNG takes mercy on you with the randomizer.

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Ooh, this looks cool! I like your rule on Egg Moves, as well. This run seems like it's gonna be a bit difficult tho, so good luck! Florinia shouldn't be too much trouble with Archen and Amaura, and by Terra you should have plenty of Rock/Water types, so yea, I can see Kiki and Samson being some of the most difficult. Julia, too, since two of your Pokemon are weak to Electric.

Anyway, I'd say let Anorith use Cross Poison from level 1 since Poison's only super effective on two types (Grass and Fairy). For the former, you already have two Pokemon good against, and for the latter, Fairies aren't that common, so yeah. Your call, though~

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Thanks you two! The way I see it is if people can do rock mono runs, why can't I do a modified version of it myself? I don't think it's as all doom and gloom as it might seem. Archen, who I lucked out on getting, learns Acrobatics at 28. Still might be a problem for Kiki but if I recall my regular run, Archeops soloed most of Samson by itself. To be honest, I think I'm more afraid of Charlotte and Ciel than I am of Kiki and Samson.

I didn't feel like playing World of Warcraft today so I worked on this file. First up, nicknames! Kabuto is now named Anarchy, Amaura is named Glacia, and Archen got two nicknames. The first was Yogurt.I had typed into google nicknames for Archen and one thread was called 'I need a good nickname for my Archeops, Yogurt is not an option' and I lost it. I later changed this to Zephyria(she will always be Yogurt in my heart).

So major battles...Well...


Zephyria was not impressed with an all grass team.


Or these two...For some reason they went after Fren's team and left Zeph alone. *SHRUGS*

Then it was the first real hurdle, Juilia. Well...You know I almost beat her at level 16 with the pokemon I had? I was one attack off but rollout from Electrode took out Amaura. So after three tries I went to grind to 18. I learned that at level 16, Kabuto learns mud-slap..After getting that well...


MPV goes to Anarchy, who took out four of Juilia's six pokemon and really weakened Electrode before fainting. Who would of guessed that one of the two pokemon weak to her would do so much damage.

Now it's fun time. NEXT DINO ON MY TEAM!


*SIGHS* OK let's add ANOTHER water/rock to the team right before the grass gym. I was hoping for Anorith.


At least the shiny sprite is pretty and unlike Kabuto, there's a usable water attack. Also I get to use Knock-Off right away as there are five pokemon that can use it at level one but even disregarding those, the next lowest is Skorupi at level 5.

Tirtouga might not be so bad in the long run. Although it suffers from 32 base speed as Carracosta, it has AMAZING base defense at 133 and a really decent attack at 108. Sp. Def, not so much at 65. It also can get Solid Rock as an ability, 1/4ing super effective moves. That might help it survive some of the harder battles. It's move pool is pretty great too. Defensively, there is Protect and Wide Guard. It naturally gets Curse and Shell Smash too(though that speed isn't going to help Shell Smash at all). Crunch, Smack Down, Aqua Tail, Rock Slide are all pretty great and it also gets Rain Dance to set up my swift swimmers like Omanyte and Kabuto. Looks like I got a physical tank on my hands to soak up damage and then hit hard back. Just that poor speed that let's it down.

This run is getting more interesting by the moment.

Edited by Twitchapher
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  • 2 months later...

OH HEY I picked this up again and to make up for it I played up until just past Kiki.

ALSO I learned I had an ​illegal kabuto. It learns Stealth Rock through Move Tutors, not breeding. OOPS not that I had really used it. So I gave it Knock Off and it instantly became 400% more useful.


Second Fern fight!


Nothing murder birb and ice dino couldn't handle.

Florinia took me three resets because I messed up. I think it took all my dinos to get her down.


So then it was randomize my next fossil!


Really wanted either Tyrunt or Canidos but fine. I can work with this.


This was just funny and took awhile but with Ingrain I health up any of the damage this trainers Sweppa or Metapod did. Horray for free levels!

Seems I missed the screen shot of me beating Taka but I beat Taka and he wasn't that hard. I had more trouble with the Tanglegrowths than anything else.

Last pulse fight needed one or two restarts because of future sight killing what I needed out at the time...BUT!


Corey came down to murder birb. I think I got him on my first or second try.


There wasn't anything note worthy to say about the Aster and Eclipse fight and Victoria's fight. Got them my first try.

Then it was Shelly....AHHHHH I had more problems with her than anything else. First, EVERYTHING KNOWS ENERGY BALL! When half your team is water/rock, this is a huge problem. Then there was Wormadam...Grass steel with no fire moves to handle it? Ya...Yanmega was easier to down then the Wormadam. FINALLY THOUGH


My whole team but murder birb was down. Thank you murder birb for being awesome. NEXT FOSSIL-


*sigggghhhhhhhhhh* Ok. Now that I have all the rock/waters out of the way...Shelly's badge meant one thing...MASS EVOLUTION!






I forgot to take a picture of Tirtouga evolving so he's a post Kiki shot.


Shade...Shade took...Three resets? Good news, most of my dinos have dark moves. The bad news? Everything knows energy ball. I had to time my attacks and kills so Chandalure had a bit of damage done on it so murder birb's acrobatics could finish it off in one hit.




I was hoping for this one before the second gym.

*one training montage later*


There was a Cain fight in there somewhere but murder birb took care of his team with sea lily downing his one water pokemon.

I think I was afraid for Pulse Muk but I downed it first try.


Cal's fight was...Easy...I thought I was going to have a harder time. I needed to reset once due to bad rng with burns. Murder Birb took care of Infernape and Magmortar and then super turtle downed everything else. Smack Down is such a fun move.


Victoriiiii-Oh you can guess what happened


Then it was Kiki...

Kiki was...

Kiki was...



I think I'm a bit more worried about Aya then I was with Kiki. Normally I just total her with a psychic pokemon but I don't have that or and real psychic moves. Murder Birb can only do so much as does throwing rocks at stuff.

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My rocks keep rolling with umm....EVERYTHING HAS A STEEL OR A FIGHTING MOVE! When you're playing a really restricted mono rock run yaaa it's hard. BUT we've made some great progress.



Then their was the Fern fight which took 3 tries...Steel types give me so much trouble.

Aya was the gym I was worried about but with some team planning well...I beat her my first go.




YES THE RNG LOVES ME! Seems I had suffered enough for the moment.


Yeeeeee that's a good dino for my team. The only one of my rocks that learns Earthquake naturally.

Not that it really helped since Noel has two fairy pokemon.

Anyways, first we saved some orphans


And then we threw rocks at Bennett and that was oh so satisfying. I forgot to take a screen shot.

Then we took on his mom...Now I did break the field but only after what...Four of her pokemon were down? She took a few times because dem steel moves.


For once I used a TM. Frost Breath went onto Aurorus for a better ice attack. Moving forward! Next teammate!


I was so stupidly happy. Canidos has Hammer Arm and also got Zen Headbutt. These moves has been so useful for my run.



I took on Sirius instead of Connal because I didn't want to deal with the good doctor...Plus I could throw rocks at Chandalure.


I did try Giant Steelix but with most of my team being physical attackers...Yaaaa...Perish Song cheese go.

I did not cheese the abra fight. Go go Knock Off between Hyper Beams.


Noel took some planning. I had to run back to the city for berries because I couldn't down his Wigglytuff in one hit no matter what I tried and then his Minccino with Skill Link Bullet Seed and Rock Blast...But finally I got his team down.


With Noel down that meant I got...Shieldon...


Why couldn't you be Aggron? Aggron is so much more useful. Buh. I'm bad at using walls. I prefer to just 'hit things dead'.


This was the aftermath of the Fern fight and I only lost Tyrantrum because I am not smart. Squishing his plants is always fun though.

There was a Cain fight I forgot to screen shot but eh. It's Cain. Next was faux Arceus.


Yeeee free exp!

Hopefully the last time I need to use cheese tactics.

Radomus was...Interesting. If I messed up, his Gallade would wipe half my team in no time. So I lead with Murder Bird and Killer Bug and let me tell you Killer Bug was MPV of this fight, downing at least four of Radomus' pokemon before falling to let my other fossils clean up.


I forgot to take a screen shot but it took me two tries to get Bennett down because Signal beam suckkkkkkssss~

Then there was Luna...




Poor thing didn't know what hit her.

Lead with Rampardos to Hammer Arm Bisharp down. Switched to Killer Bug. Killer Bug processed to down three of her team and weakening Umbreon enough for Omastar to clean it up with Brine. I showed Luna whose murder birb was better by throwing rocks at hers with mine. Took one try.


After battle photo of my team.


I now to think about the upcoming rematch vs Fighting types again because I will forever be stuck in fighting/grass/steel hell.

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Thank you Fg, it's been really fun and challenging! I've gotten a few messages of people who wanted my save file to try it themselves. Granted I have RPG Maker so I just ask for their save file and give them to it myself.

Anyways, short update just because it's gonna take me a bit to get to the next gym.

First off I was wondering what my Mystery Egg was so I checked it out.


That's Cottonee. My main file also had Cottonee. I smell hacks!

So while doing the Route 2 there was that mini boss Goomy.


Fell to one Acrobatics.





This was the second try...It would have been the first if I remembered Lucario had a Focus Sash.

Here's what my team looked like after I won.


Now why in the world would I lead with Bastiodon, a rock/steel type with x4 weakness to fighting types?

Easy. Bastiodon's egg move for the run is Stealth Rocks.

Bastiodon, with it's whopping base stat of 30 speed, outsped Hariyama. and put up Stealth Rocks. Stealth Rocks negated the Focus Sash. Now surprisingly Murder Birb could not one shot Lucario but Samson used all his potions on it and only used Extremespeed once. All I had to do for the fight was press C over and over and over again until everything was dead.

Now I'm not too worried about Charlotte. I've read how people easily solo her with Tyrantrum. Not only that, but I got the TM Rain Dance so I have two options. One, set up Tyrantrum with Dragon Dance and Earthquake everything to death or destroy the field before she can set it up and water everything down with my Swift Swimmers. I'm more afraid of the double jerk fight of Fern and Blake than anything else now.

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It's time for another 'I don't want to do the next fight so I'm going to sit here and write what I've done so far!'


Eclipse/Aster fight! The last one! I think I had to restart once...Then I discovered that Miloctic likes to use water moves and I have a Storm Drain fossil plant. Also when I got rid of Magmortar there wasn't anything TO take care of killer plant. It made for an amusing fight.


Second reset. I wasn't comfortable letting an Eruption off so I went with T-cheese. Send out Murder Birb and T-Rex and I WOULD have probably dealt with her whole team with just those two but SOMEONE missed their Rock Throw on Darmanitan and got 1KO back WITH a Rock Throw. So then the fight became the two Kalos Dinos. It might sound silly to put the Rock/Ice type out but...Aurorus knows Light Screen. That and Aurorus took care of the pesky Rotom while T-cheese DDanced away. That pretty much sealed Charlotte's fate and I proceeded to Earthquake her team and my own down.


I forget this fight but I think I just beat it until it stopped moving.


I choose not to give Blake the ring so I got the last what's his face fight for Waterfall...Pretty sad, I don't remember having any troubles with him.


Post Blake screen shot because I forgot to take a screen shot during the battle...HE HURTS A LOT ON THE MOUNTAIN TOP! My poor dinos. We still managed to beat him so it;s all good.


This was one of the fights I was worried about. That Mewtwo hurts. This was my second try. X-Scissor couldn't one shot Mewtwo and Nautilaus is slower than molasses so on my second try I lead with Omastar so I could set up Rain Dance and Surf to get some damage down THEN brought out Nautilaus once Omastar had fallen.



I have TWO victory windows against Terra because I soft reset for something and forgot to save after beating her! Not that it mattered. The first window was my first try on her. How to beat Terra with one pokemon, Omastar: Shell Smash>Rain Dance> Surf until everything is dead> Yell at Terra for using Scald when she should have healed> Spam Surf to win. Really, Shell Smashed Omastar two shot even Quagsire. That's impressive.


Post Terra fight screen shot. I didn't even use my five other pokemon.


Taaaannnnkkkkkkksssss.... Reset until Discharge paralyzes him, put up Light Screen, spam all your hard hitting moves until dead.


I like Taka so I kicked his ass. That key gave me some problems but after some careful set up I got him.

Now I'm at the fight I don't want to do...Fern and Blake...Urrrggggg how do I beat a Grass/Ice fight with rocks. I'll figure it out but...It's gonna be tough.

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Always nice to see you making progress. The upcoming fight sure is a huge Problem with your very onesided typing. I'm looking forward to reading how you outwit them. The most obvious approach would be to quickly focus down one of the two. Since your rock typing actually gives you an offensive advantage against Blake's ice that should be doable. The only mon in his party not weak to rock is Mamoswine, which is in turn weak to water, your second most common type. That only works though if Fern gives you enough breathing room. You could opt to focus down Fern first with most of your party and have a water/rock type ready to come in afterwards which resists Blake's ice to clean up. But either way I personally don't see you outstalling anyone and since Blake -for better or worse- doesn't have a hail setter, you can't even use that against Fern. You'll just have to find the biggest stick you have and bash them into the ground.

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Thank you BlackRum and we don't need sticks...We have big rocks after all!

Of course me posting only means one thing...


First try but man did it come down to the wire.

I thought long and hard about the lead pokemon and I went with a gamble, Tyrantrum. T-Cheese started with DDance, Outrage hit the partner pokemon and Blizzard missed. So I tried an Earthquake and...That didn't go so well. Then Outrage hit T-Cheese and well...No surviving that. The confusion on Hax did kill it though. One down. Next I tried to set up Omastar and the boosted surf managed to get Walwrin and Rhyperior down but falls, leaving Florinia to clean up what I started. I sent out Rampardos to Hammer Arm Mamoswine when that came out because I really didn't want to deal with that thing. Krookodile came out and between it and the Rotom Rampardos fell...And triggered Krookodile's Moxie. Scary, but it was still raining. Out comes Nautilaus with Swift Swim and a mean X-Scissor to take it down. Meanwhile Florinia is going to town on the Rotom and manages to kill it. Flo did a lot of work, downing Scizor. Naut hit Weavile with smack down before falling to Scizor. Jyxn came out so I sent out Zeph...U-Turn OP! One shot it then I sent out Lilly and Ancient Powered Froslass, almost killed it. Fern had sent out Serperior and was doing his thing. I have Giga Drain down on my notes so I must have finished Froslass of with it before she fell. then it was just a matter of murder birb going Acrobatics, Acrobatics and the fight was over.


This fight was much easier than the last one. I think I lost three pokemon. Juilia put her weight into it. With that, the very long three battles in a row were over. Victory was ourts....

Then I needed to prep for the next fight.



Ok, I was ready.

This fight pretty much became 'Throw rocks at it with Murder Bird, U-Turn out if they are faster and heal up'. Glacia took care of Glisor with an ice beam. All too soon it was time for that Mega Altaria....Well remember that Balloon?

Bastiodon has Soundproof. Sing and Hyper Voice won't work on it. So it tries to Earthquake but can't hit it since it's floating in the air. Many Iron Heads later.




Post Fight Picture


Episode 15 has been completed!

So, what did I learn? You don't see a lot of mono rock runs and for a good reason. It's hard. When you limit yourself even further, it's harder and we're still not out of the woods yet. We still have a steel gym to do and the fairy gym coming up with I know is just going to be full of fire, psychic and fighting moves because I will never catch a break with my rocks.

The Fossils that have been surprisingly useful:
Cradily- MAN THIS THING IS A BEAST! Surprisingly tanky with Recover and Giga Drain. Ancient Power gives me a chance for stat boosts and just to mess with people I run Confuse Ray.

Rampardos- My go to steel and poison killer. Head Smash, Hammer Arm, Zen Headbutt. I just have to watch out since Hammer Arm does slower it's speed and it's already slow as it is. A pretty good rock pokemon.

Omastar- This thing solod Terra...I mean come on. Reborn is designed not to be able to do that but Rain Dance, Shell Smash, Surf? Ya...Bye bye.

Armaldo- If Omastar sets up Rain Dance? Watch out. Even then watch out you better hope you're faster than this thing. X-Scissor is a great move and Cross Poison hurts those fairies. I've got Crush Claw(filler) and Smach Down on it too. It will be better when we get the Rock Slide TM. Armaldo has really pulled it's weight through this run.

The Fossils that I thought I'd use, but don't.

Aerodactyl- It's probably gonna see more use since I just got Acrobatics but wing attack was it's strongest flying move before that. Doesn't help that most of it's good moves are behind TMs we don't have or Tutors we don't have.

Kabutops- Again, should see some more use since it has Brick Break but if I need a water type I either go Omastar or Carracosta

Bastiodon- Well...It's a tank...I don't like tanks...In the box!

Beyond that...I use all of my fossils depending on the situation. I'm always at the pc deciding which ones to bring I mean heck, I didn't bring Murder Birb to the Terra fight. Didn't need to. Bastiodon made that Mega Altaria a laughing joke with a balloon. They all have their strengths and weaknesses and it's really fun to take a type not many people mono, limit it down farther to 11 pokemon and then say 'good luck everything can just about one shot you' and make it work. The impossible is very possible with some work. When episode 16 comes out I'll be sure to continue this and smash through any walls with these rock hard pokemon.

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