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So I hear people want their favourite Reborn Dev to do an AMA...


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...And she did, people have been asking Ame loads of questions!

But I guess now you gotta settle for your favourite BRITISH Reborn Dev* because last time AMA season rolled round I had like no forum presence, whereas now I have like minimal forum presence so hey? why not

Ask away.

*I may or may not be the only British dev.

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Least Favorite Pokemon.

Favorite area in Britain?

Best and Worst Type?

Honestly there are very few pokemon that I actively dislike. The main one that comes to mind is Seaking because Goldeen is like this cool sassy fish and then Seaking is just like... a normal fish. And I hate it for ruining Goldeen's potential.

I honestly don't travel around the country much, although I love the view of the river from out the back of KCL's Strand Campus so I guess that? KCL's strand campus as a whole is really nice but it's not a great answer because it's one of the few places I travel to often.

Best is really close between Ice & Poison [Which is why we need an Ice/Poison type], but I think the outright winner is Ice.

For the worst, just thinking of the type which has the smallest number of my favourite mons, I'm gonna say Water. It has Palkia, & Kingdra, & Kabutops, & Popplio (And Goldeen!) and then a bunch of stuff I care way less about.

Is there an FBI in Britain (+other countries) or some kind of equivalent or is that only in the U.S.?

Also, what kind of advice would you give to an electric eel?

I can't speak for other countries but I think for us the Met Police is just more expansive than your cops and handles a lot of the FBI things, although there are probably focused/specific areas of government like HMRC which handles things which I would assume are FBI jurisdiction... Honestly I don't really know the American system so it's hard to say, and I'm hardly an expert on the British one either.

I would advise it to impart it's wisdom of electricity onto others. Like me. And sharks. Electric sharks and Electric Marcellos please.

EDIT: Because more replies happened.

When is tea time?

Favorite Will(y) in history?

Tea time as all the time there is not a single time of day where it is not appropriate to have Tea.

I am honestly coming up on a blank for historical Will(y)s. Willy Wonka was something I loved as a kid so, despite it being the obvious option, I'll go with that.

Favourite JRPG? Pokemon? Favourite JRPG to talk about?

We had some conversations on Showdown! and they were fun to do.

I really like JRPGs a lot, even if I probably prefer SRPGs a bit more. Final Fantasy & the Bravely series' come to mind as big standouts, I think Bravely Second probably wins for me on both fronts, although I could talk for ages about the FFXIII games (although LR is an ARPG). I assume you're asking for my favourite pokemon game, which, assuming I'm not limited to the main series, is probably Conquest. Otherwise new is good and I'm a big fan of Gen VI, and have high hoops for Sun and Moon.

And we have indeed had some fun conversations on Showdown, always glad to chat about games or whatever else!

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How long did it take you to get good at coding/ bug fixing?

What bug was the hardest to fix?

What is a Mumpelfink?

Now, I don't consider myself even remotely good at coding. I've been going at this as a hobby for almost a year now and I would call myself a beginner. I like to think I'm a quick learner, and I can say with confidence I've learnt a pretty significant amount in this year, but I'm not at a point where I'd comfortably say I'm good. That said, to follow the sentiment of your question, I would say around about the time Dash left the team was when I really started to improve quickly, because it was naturally then that it dawned on me that 'Oh, I'm basically gonna need to do the rest of these bugs all on my own, I should git gud.'

Also more recently in the last batch of bugs where Kuro was keeping a closer/more scrutinising eye on my work and progress I would say I improved leaps and bounds because they're a great teacher.

While not one specific bug comes to mind, graphics & animation bugs are the devil. I would consider the section of the scripts which handles graphics/animations probably one of the most complex and involved script areas, and so whenever a bug pertaining to that sorta stuff came up it was going to be a big time investment because it inevitably takes longer just to work through and see what is actually going on.

Shoutout to Cherrim, who wasn't reverting form when it lost it's ability (which is an issue Castform was also suffering from, incidentally) is something I spent a very long time on, and indeed I only partially fixed it and moved it on after spending like a week stuck on it or somesuch. Then I came back after the above mentioned period where Kuro was watching closely and I came up with a super easy fix super fast, but the length of time I spent on it without figuring said fix out gets an honourable mention, plus I do believe it was one of the last bugs I fixed.

I have no idea, just a word I got from god knows where, probably made it up, when I was a kid and I just sorta stuck with it I guess, even though I rarely use it anymore these days.

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  1. Which anime or game would you most like to be trapped in?
  2. A trolley speeds down a rail with a human tied on the track. You have access only to a lever which shifts the trolley to a second rail which you have been told has 0, 1 or 2 people tied onto it. Do you pull the lever?
  3. What single emotion would you most like to never have to feel again?
  4. The dimensions have collapsed and you are the sole human survivor. You can freely choose what kind of world you live out your days alone in. What do you want your new planet home to be like?
  5. Is there anything you'd rather learn to do on the project instead of scripting?

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What's the meaning of life?

Enjoy yourself and live your life in the happiest way for you, and try to help others do the same.

Also butts, tbh.

  1. Which anime or game would you most like to be trapped in?
  2. A trolley speeds down a rail with a human tied on the track. You have access only to a lever which shifts the trolley to a second rail which you have been told has 0, 1 or 2 people tied onto it. Do you pull the lever?
  3. What single emotion would you most like to never have to feel again?
  4. The dimensions have collapsed and you are the sole human survivor. You can freely choose what kind of world you live out your days alone in. What do you want your new planet home to be like?
  5. Is there anything you'd rather learn to do on the project instead of scripting?

1. There are loads of anime and games I'd love to be trapped in but like 90% of them would probably result in a quick and painful death for me because there's no guarantee I'd be anything other than some normal guy. Probably something like pokemon which doesn't require special powers on my part to be not-useless.

2. While the odds are in the favour of things not being worse if I pull the lever, inaction is easier. I'd see a distinct moral difference between not saving a guy and actively killing one or two other guys so... Yeah, don't pull.

3. For the sake of efficiency, frustration. Sure, there are some way worse emotions out there that I'd rather not have to deal with but I'm still here, so I know I'm capable of dealing with them, and they all come up WAY less often than frustration. Lots of things are frustrating, it seems like the most common unpleasant emotion so I'm sticking with that.

4. B​utts again, tbh.

Just a dimension where I could sleep a lot and lucidly dream so I can sort of forget that I'm all alone. I may not be the most social person in the world but I still like having people around, I'd need some sort of coping mechanism like sleep and dreams to deal with total solitude.

5. Rather learn? Not really, I really enjoy scripting, a lot more than I expected to really, plus it's a cool skill to have. That said, knowledge is cool and I'm always up for learning new things so while I think there's nothing I'd RATHER do, persay, there's a hella lot on the project that looks fun and/or I'd want to improve my skills on. (If you had a magic teaching wand that improved my awful artistic skills and made me a spriter I would so take that.) But yeah, scripting rocks, I'm just happy to learn and feel useful.

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inb4 more ethical dillemas:

- If you saw someone slowly and painfully being crushed by a rock in the wilderness and you knew you could in no way move the rock or save the person otherwise and the person asked you to end his life, would you do it?
- Is it ethical to grow fully formed, brainless clones for harvesting organs?
* Is it ethical to grow fully formed clones with developed brains for harvesting organs?
- There is a button and if you push it there is a 60% chance all suffering on earth will instantly cease and we would live in a utopian world but there is a 40% chance everyone in earth will die painfully? Do you hit the button?
- Would you rather kill 999,999 people by shooting them individually or 1,000,000 with a button press to drop bomb?
- You are a medical doctor and 5 people around you are slowly dying from blood loss.You know that they all have matching blood types. Would you drain blood from one of them (killing the person) to save the other 4?
* Furthermore, in case you do so, how would you chose the one to sacrifice?

Edited by Tartar
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1 +1 = ?

are you a thinker or a feeler??

why do u have bugs on ur avi if u destroy bugs??

favorite pokemon type???

As many jokes as there may be, the mathematician in me demands I say 2.

I don't see why I gotta choose one, I like to consider I'm pretty thinky and feely. I guess which is more prominent depends on my mood.

Often times bugs just need a good home to be rehabilitated into helpful productive game features.

Ice or poison. Probably ice.

inb4 more ethical dillemas:

- If you saw someone slowly and painfully being crushed by a rock in the wilderness and you knew you could in no way move the rock or save the person otherwise and the person asked you to end his life, would you do it?

- Is it ethical to grow fully formed, brainless clones for harvesting organs?

* Is it ethical to grow fully formed clones with developed brains for harvesting organs?

- There is a button and if you push it there is a 60% chance all suffering on earth will instantly cease and we would live in a utopian world but there is a 40% chance everyone in earth will die painfully? Do you hit the button?

- Would you rather kill 999,999 people by shooting them individually or 1,000,000 with a button press to drop bomb?

- You are a medical doctor and 5 people around you are slowly dying from blood loss.You know that they all have matching blood types. Would you drain blood from one of them (killing the person) to save the other 4?

* Furthermore, in case you do so, how would you chose the one to sacrifice?

-In theory, absolutely. I would most definitely want to do as he asked, although whether or not I found myself capable of it when put in the situation I do not know.

-I would lean towards 'Yes, it's ethical, but it's also really icky.'

*God no, that jumps icky right into unethical imo.

-This feels like a TERRIBLE idea and no matter the odds there are some gambles you just shouldn't take. 40% is a LOT. I have a box full of shinies in Reborn that tells me 1% is a lot.

-If I have to go through with one and follow through to the end then the bomb is the only feasible option there is no possible way I could individually kill all those people without turning the weapon on myself. Also if I absolutely have to kill a mass of people then one of these will take days and the other will take moments. Quicker option gives me more time to atone. Bomb all the way.

-Yeah, while inaction is easier, I think I'd have to go ahead and do this one. I can save four of them, after all.

*I mean, I'd really really hope either one of them consented or one of them was clearly an awful person. If neither of these happen, I really have no idea, I'm sure there'd be some medical criteria I could judge this on I guess.

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I'm sure there'd be some medical criteria I could judge this on I guess.

There aren't. Trying to save people based on utilitarian principles is absolutely illegal, by law every person has to be treated equal, and were someone to actually go through with what this scenario described they'd be charged with murder.

Despite how fucked up this sounds, if you rephrase it as "would you sacrifice the minority to save the majority" most people would say no. It's really about how you phrase the idea of utilitarianism... Despite this I still like the concept.

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How would you feel if Gen 7 introduced a Bug-type with a name eerily similar to Marcello?

Why did you cave?

What question would you like to answer?

What is the answer to your answer to the previous question?

If you could change any one thing about your past, that you are open to saying, without causing any form of temporal instability crisis, would you?

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So... how's that basement?

Cold. So cold.

How would you feel if Gen 7 introduced a Bug-type with a name eerily similar to Marcello?

Why did you cave?

What question would you like to answer?

What is the answer to your answer to the previous question?

If you could change any one thing about your past, that you are open to saying, without causing any form of temporal instability crisis, would you?

-If it's half as cool as our new electric beetle overlord I'll be a happy man,

-I​ mean, why not?

-'Omg Marcello how are you so damn pretty?'

-'I'm just that great.'

-I mean, most specific negative things which come to mind have lead to separate good things which I wouldn't really be willing to give up... I'd probably wanna make myself develop to work ethic I now have towards schoolwork like... 4 years ago.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Oh hey it's been over a week but someone replied and I missed it so whoops topic revival go.

How do you feel about Drumpf?

Also, who the hell are you?

-I honestly don't understand how he's gotten as far as he has, I genuinely don't get it. America is weird.

-T​he boss.

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