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Lord Chespin's 100th Post AMA Spectacular (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the AMA)

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Well, I've just hit 1,000 posts, and I figured that since all you hip kids are into AMA's these days, I might as well do one as a milestone celebration. It was either this or do a belated introduction, but I figure most people already know me, so yeah.

But first, it's time to get some groundwork out of the way.

My real name is Thomas Ryan Dayton. I live in Huntington, New York, and I'm going to be a Freshman at Adelphi University. I have two straight parents, an older sister, and a dog named Piper who, despite being about 10 pounds, thinks she's Conan the Barbarian. I'm white, male, straight, and cis so, basically, everything that's wrong with the world. I have Aspberger's, and I have no girlfriend (Ladies~), although I am friends with several girls IRL. I'm a massive fan of TVTropes, and I'm actually the one who made the page for Pokemon Rejuvenation. I'm planning on making my own Fangame, Pokemon Alliance, but I want to learn a bit more about programming before I make a post about it.

So, yeah. Try not to ask me too many meme questions. Other than that, happy asking!

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whats the TvTroupe?

yay somebody noticed me

Anyway, TVTropes is a website that you can find here. It's a Wikipedia-esque website that seeks to analyze media by breaking down recurring elements into "Tropes", concepts that don't need too much explaining (think literary elements, but more specific).

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Why did you think your AMA would be a thing? I don't even know OF you, much less know you directly.

I have this feeling that AMA's were for people who made a presence of themselves enough that people would be leaping at the opportunity to learn more about a person, get that person's feelings about a thing going with the world today, etc. Maybe what I'm getting at is... as a person who knows you not at all, what kind of important and pertinent questions did you expect or want me to ask you?

personal experience and studies says says I want to find out and care more aobut what my friends and close acquaintances feel about things. If to the vast majority of people you are neither of these things... what is it you expect?

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