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1. How many episodes are you planning to make in total of Rejuvenation?

2. How much time do you aproximately spend on Rejuvenation?

3. What do you do outside of making rejuvenation (ie. jobs, hobbies etc.)

4. You're forced to become a Magical Girl (Wizard?) in the Madoka Magica Universe, what do you wish for?

5. Favorite anime(s)?

6. What is the meaning of life?

7. What does your family think about you spending such huge amounts of time making Rejuvenation? And on that note, what do they think about the game?

8. What is your favorite easter egg in Rejuvenation?

9. Why did you make intense mode of Rejuvenation so easy? =(

9.1 Is there an ULTRA Intense Super Duper Difficult mode in the plannings for Rejuvenation?

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I forgot this thread existed, rip rip rip rip rip x 66666666

ok let's go.

Ghost is indeed the best type.

Oh yeah, one major question I forgot to ask.

What the fuck do the females in rejuvenation eat for breakfast, does it make them mini hulk's or something???

Broccoli, obviously. That's what makes them green.


also I liiiike you jan >//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<


Do you play Smite?

I do not. I play League, though, because I hate myself.

How do you feel about Drumpf?

Make Donald Drumpf again.

1.What got you into making a pokemon game

2.Will you nerf the op chandelure which Narcissa has cause the flame burst really hits hard and if u get anything to counter it well ghostly wail is always an option so yeah.

1. Though Reborn inspired Rejuvenation, that wasn't my first attempt at making Pokemon games. I think I answered this before but my answer tends to vary because I'm not 100% sure what exactly got me into it. I think I just saw other fangames and said "I can do this too".

2. Maybe...

1. How many episodes are you planning to make in total of Rejuvenation?

2. How much time do you aproximately spend on Rejuvenation?

3. What do you do outside of making rejuvenation (ie. jobs, hobbies etc.)

4. You're forced to become a Magical Girl (Wizard?) in the Madoka Magica Universe, what do you wish for?

5. Favorite anime(s)?

6. What is the meaning of life?

7. What does your family think about you spending such huge amounts of time making Rejuvenation? And on that note, what do they think about the game?

8. What is your favorite easter egg in Rejuvenation?

9. Why did you make intense mode of Rejuvenation so easy? =(

9.1 Is there an ULTRA Intense Super Duper Difficult mode in the plannings for Rejuvenation?

1. I think about 17. One episode will have 2 gym battles, and the second to last will be a story episode only. You'll have all the badges at this point, then the final episode will finish the game w/ Post game...

2. A lot. Almost all of my time.

3. I work at this payroll office so I work with excel spreadsheets a lot of the time. Which includes filing, sorting and all that other boring stuff.

4. Probably to control time tbh, but we all know how that goes on.

5. I REALLY love Zatch Bell(Konjiki no Gash!!). It was my first anime and it will always be an anime dear to me. Other than that, I would say PMMM and Stein's:Gate. (Just watched Steins:Gate recently and I fucking loved it.)

6. Delicious food, and great moments with friends. It's true.

7. My dad doesn't know because I haven't really told him about it. My Mom knows about it and she's upset that I don't charge people to play it lol- But that's moreso due to ignorance on how copyright works and yada yada.

8. An Easter egg that's not currently in the public release. Oops, does that mean I was working on Rejuv regardless of the hiatus thread? Maybe.

9. Difficulty is relative to the player, I think. I've heard "Intense is broken, Intense is too hard", but I also hear "Intense is too easy". So IDK.

9.1 That's classified information, friend....

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