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Jasper/Aya v. Aster/Eclipse, attempt no. 34


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As you may have guessed it by the title, I am having a teeeeeeeeny tiiiiiiiiny problem against Aster and Eclipse. I'm unsure whether my team isn't strong enough (between 60 and 70), my partner doesn't know how to use her Pokemon against theirs (I mean, I get she's new to the Gym leader thing but, are you serious?), or Aster/Eclipse are too OP. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Is your team the one you have in your signature? If it is then I'd probably bench Meowstic, Dedenne, and Lumineon for this fight because it is so difficult. There are plenty of good pokemon you can catch in the area you're restricted to that would probably go alright in their place. Clawitzer, Bronzong, Staraptor, Mienshao, Hawlucha, Braviary, Medicham, Rhydon, Machamp, Donphan, Avalugg, Golurk, and Druddigon all stick out to me. My advice would be find some ones you like that are likely to help you in the fight and train them up.

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It's probably best to just retire Mikasa for good. You've no doubt noticed that she's not as powerful as she used to be, and you already have a good Psychic-type in Desert Rose. I've never used Lumineon or Dedenne, but chances are you can find much better Water/Fairy/Electric replacements like Sheepcat mentioned, or train some up in the PC from before you left for Agate.

Good luck!!

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I seriously don't know how Ame manages to make the partner so bad and so frustrating that sometimes you wish you could fight them on your own. I know Hardcore partners are a lot better and I don't understand how either of us made them good or really bad. Anyways, this fight is a bit easier than Hardcore's but hopefully I can help a bit from my memory since it's been a long time since I faced them and due to a glitch I had to face them alone.

Aya's damage output is atrocious...no offense to anyone but you need to keep her alive so that you don't get doubled up by two mons since very little can survive two attack which would be four the next turn. You'll likely want to take down Aster first since he's physical but you'll want to ko Lunatone and Solrock ASAP since those two are your biggest threats. Keep your hard hitters such as Noivern and Delphox alive. I mean my Roserade was the only thing that could really take down enough pokemon on a 6 vs 10 fight, but I believe 65ish should be good even up to the gym leader so if you're still having problems I'd train up some of the weaker mons you have since this is a really good time to do it.

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Is your team the one you have in your signature? If it is then I'd probably bench Meowstic, Dedenne, and Lumineon for this fight because it is so difficult. There are plenty of good pokemon you can catch in the area you're restricted to that would probably go alright in their place. Clawitzer, Bronzong, Staraptor, Mienshao, Hawlucha, Braviary, Medicham, Rhydon, Machamp, Donphan, Avalugg, Golurk, and Druddigon all stick out to me. My advice would be find some ones you like that are likely to help you in the fight and train them up.

It's probably best to just retire Mikasa for good. You've no doubt noticed that she's not as powerful as she used to be, and you already have a good Psychic-type in Desert Rose. I've never used Lumineon or Dedenne, but chances are you can find much better Water/Fairy/Electric replacements like Sheepcat mentioned, or train some up in the PC from before you left for Agate.

Good luck!!

I seriously don't know how Ame manages to make the partner so bad and so frustrating that sometimes you wish you could fight them on your own. I know Hardcore partners are a lot better and I don't understand how either of us made them good or really bad. Anyways, this fight is a bit easier than Hardcore's but hopefully I can help a bit from my memory since it's been a long time since I faced them and due to a glitch I had to face them alone.

Aya's damage output is atrocious...no offense to anyone but you need to keep her alive so that you don't get doubled up by two mons since very little can survive two attack which would be four the next turn. You'll likely want to take down Aster first since he's physical but you'll want to ko Lunatone and Solrock ASAP since those two are your biggest threats. Keep your hard hitters such as Noivern and Delphox alive. I mean my Roserade was the only thing that could really take down enough pokemon on a 6 vs 10 fight, but I believe 65ish should be good even up to the gym leader so if you're still having problems I'd train up some of the weaker mons you have since this is a really good time to do it.

Some good feedback I'm receiving here!

My real heavy hitters on my team are Delphox, Lumnieon (which I might bench because it's at level 70 and is close to gaining another level, which means it would be a bitch to get it to listen to me), Arcanine and Dedenne. I did some EV training on Dedenne so its Iron Tail and Play Rough would hit a little harder, and Arcanine has Justified (but no egg moves rip in pepperonis). Delphox is my strongest in Sp. Attack + Magician, which helps in taking Rhyperior's Assault Vest. Lumnieon can help me against most of their Pokemon, but the matter of being overlevelled is too much to risk.

My plan is to bench Meowstic, Noivern and Lumnieon and trade them in for my Crustle, a Druddigon and a Staraptor. Gonna do some levelling up, and process of elimination with the Pokemon available to catch. Gonna be documenting each trial as I go, and I will post my results when I get a solid victory!

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There are a couple of things for this fight that could help.

Ideally to lead, your opening pokemon should be able to OHKO either space rock. Given the chance, aster and eclipse will both set screens which makes this battle far more irritating. Solrock is the first priority to take out if you are using a physical attacker as it carries will-o-wisp, otherwise Lunatone should be targeted so Aya can make the most of her special attackers. A fast water type with surf is probably your best bet here but there are very few good options nearby unless You have something in your PC.

You will also need a strong electric or grass type if possible because Eclipse's milotic is near impossible to take down otherwise, especially if Ame has forgotten to remove the illegal Calm Mind from its moveset.

A rain based sweep may also work as their team isn't well suited to dealing with water types outside of electivire, milotic and vileplume, while having numerous weaknesses throughout. It may also convince the AI for Aya to do something more sensible as the AI generally select pokemon that function best in a particular weather (She may send out tentacruel while rain is up to captalize on it)

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After trial and error, the victors of this battle are: Delphox, Dedenne, Crustle, Bronzong, Lumnieon and Arcanine! And Aya's Pokemon, but that's a given.

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