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Marrowborne's Reborn Playthrough


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Hello everyone! After getting a grip on the difficulty of reborn, I have decided I am going to do a playthrough of my own. Originally I decided on a Steel-Type mono run, however after some thought, I decided a blind mono run might not be the best Idea so instead I am going to do something different. It will be pretty much a standard run, however with some self imposed rules. Which are as follows;.

1. No items during trainer battles.

2. Team is locked. Once I have a full team of 6 pokemon, I can not make any substitutions. Period.

3. After I challenge a gym leader for the first time, I am not allowed to backtrack and train. I have to battle until I win. This rule applies to all major battles as well.

4. No soft resetting. Something go wrong in a battle? Oh well, Adapt and Overcome.

Not much in the way of rules, but it does add a bit of challenge. Those are really it for the rules so, lets get started with my run!

I will be editing this post with updates, so let me know how you like the run so far :)

Start of game - Fern Battle

After walking away from the explosion and leaving Julia to examine the bombers handywork, I begin traveling towards Grand Hall. I talk to everyone on the way there, getting a Potion from some kind woman. I pocket it and meet up with Victoria. We head into the Grand Hall together, where we meet Ame again and she takes me back to choose my starter. I choose Chimchar as my starter, dubbing him Inferno.

After looking at his stats, I can honestly say I got lucky. Neutral nature, Solid IV spread and Iron Fist ability. Inferno is going to be a great physical powerhouse. After talking with Ame again, she takes Victoria to pick her new starter and Cain approaches me. After some flirting from him (oh stahp it you) we decide to have a battle. Surely one that will rock reborn down to its very core!

Seeing as we both only have one pokemon, I choose my trusty Inferno and he sends out his Nidoran. We take turns scratching each other, and it gets super intense. Inferno squeeks out a win though with 1 hp left and levels up! Cain congratulates me for winning the battle, and takes me to see Nurse Joy(?). After letting my pokemon rest for all of 10 seconds, Victoria and Ame find me and Cain. Ame takes Cain to register him in the Reborn League while Victoria challenges me to a battle.

-insert intense battle music here-

Victoria sends out her Tepig and I once again choose my trusty monkey. We spend a couple of turns trading blows, however a very lucky Critical Hit from Tepig knocks out poor Inferno. After having Nurse Joy rest our pokemon, Cain finds us and tells us that Ame is waiting to register us into the Reborn League. The hype is real.

Ame hands me a pokedex, pokegear, and some running shoes. She then leaves to go check on the interrogation and Victoria leaves to go check on Kiki, but not before she hands me 5 pokeballs and wishes me good luck. While watching the interrogation I do some thinking as to who I want on my team, and settle on going and catching a Stunky. I make a beeline to the alley where I know they are and battle the hotshot that is blocking my path. His stunky falls to the mighty claws of Inferno, leveling him up. He learns Ember and I put his new move to good use and handily defeat his Poochyena. The end result? Inferno is now level 10 and learned Taunt. Not bad at all.

The alleyway is littered with Trubbish, but my eye is on my prize and i manage to find a wild Stunky at level 6. I catch her with my second pokeball and add her happily to my team. Her nickname shall be Blaster, and she shall be a rock. She is holding a Pecha berry when I catch her (Score!), has the Keen Eye ability and Hasty Nature. Her IVs though....OH BOY DEM IVs. http://imgur.com/a/uLtS4

I heal up my team at the local pokemon center and head back to the Grand Hall, shifting Blaster into the hotseat and have her lead into the battles. I challenge all the trainers in the area, using Blaster as my lead and heading to the Pokecenter to heal as needed. Blaster cleans house, defeating all the trainers near the grand hall and on Opal Bridge (at least, those that I can challenge) and comes out at Level 8 and Inferno manages to level up to 11 thanks to the double battle. The pokemon the pair was bullying turns out to be a Zigzagoon. Zigzagoon joins my team, recieving the nickname Dash. Timid Nature, Quick Feet ability. Perfect attack IVs and the rest are mediocre at best. Dash is going to be a welcome addition to my team. (plus the only option I have of getting Aron)

I rest my team once more, buying some potions and a couple of extra pokeballs (potions outside of battle only). I begin making way towards Fern, battling other trainers along the way to improve my team. Dash is a challenge to raise at first, but makes decent headway towards progress.

I stand in front of Fern and save my game, ending my adventure there for now.

Current team


Inferno the Chimchar @Lv. 12

Bashful Nature

Iron Fist Ability

- Scratch

- Leer

- Ember

- Taunt


Blaster the Stunky @Lv. 10

Hasty Nature

Keen Eye Ability

- Scratch

- Focus Energy

- Poison Gas

- Screech


Dash the Zigzagoon @Lv. 7

Timid Nature

Quick Feet Ability

- Tackle

- Growl

- Tail Whip

- Sand Attack

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