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Gates of Sky Pillar, In the Pre-Dawn hours of Morning...

Lexington adjusted what little was left of his coat as virgin snow cascaded about his feet. The tattered remnants trailing about his gaunt form did little to distill the chill of the wintry slush, another harsh wind blowing in as the old Ampharos gritted his teeth. What few warriors had made it back with him milled about the rock laden shore, finally home but still looking just as miserable as they had upon the killing field. Reminded him all too much of the old days, before shadows were even a concern and the only thing to fear was war and the rumors of war; Men and Pokemon alike had those same empty, listless expressions, every time, after every battle, it never failed to catch at least a few in the service. Shaken by the deeds they had done and seen and fearing the deeds they may have to do and see next, unable to cope with the grim reality of combat, unwilling to forgive themselves for even making it back at all when so many of their brethren lay rotting in lands so far removed from home. To think he had broken his vow for this. Some of these poor fools were no more than mere lads... and this little "Aid" campaign they'd been sent upon had probably ruined many of them for the next many years, if not the rest of their lives.

"Open the gates, you filthy swine, don't just stand there and stare!" he called to the first Guardsman he caught sight off atop the wall, a construct of stone and steel cobbled together from whatever scrap could be found floating in the ocean and forged together with as much heat as the Enclave's smiths could muster. Spanning the entirety of the Enclave's Shoreline and reaching some 12 feet at it's shortest portion with a myriad of clashing materials, about as geometrically symmetrical as drunk's napkin doodle. It was an ugly little thing to behold, but a functional one nonetheless... though perhaps it's success could not be attributed as much to it's integrity and strength as the reputation of the defenders lurking just beyond it... even Shades knew to fear the Servant of the Sky God, so long as he was present, they'd not dare a direct assault on the island.

The Guardsman, a Grumpig of all things, took obvious offense to the comment as he stared down at the old mon and his troops, though his training had obviously taught him well of speaking back to an high officer. "I'll send the orders, sir. But... what happened to the rest of your troop? Surely, more than just 34 of 300 made it back-"

"What the hell do you think happened to them, you dense fool?" Lexington answered with a snap of electricity, arcing high enough to set the pig's hair on end. "I may be a legend, but I can't work miracles, not anymore... the Enclave at Whirl Island and Bell Tower are all dead, whatever survivors might have lingered there were corpses by the time we arrived... but the Shades were in as top a shape as ever. Now open these doors. Alot of these boys are wounded, even if you can't see some of the scars they bear."

Almost as if in answer, the gates yawned before the old hero. Without another second, he beckoned his underlings within, watching as they milled past and lingering once they were gone.

"My... condolences, Commander Lexington..." The pig offered from his lofty perch, seeming to have forgotten his indignation at the sight of the mens' pitiful states. "may we repay the beasts for every brother they slaughtered. God have mercy on their souls."

"What good will avenging them do? Retribution does not bring back the dead, boy. It is an imperfect and fleeting solution, It erases neither the memory of past transgressions nor the consequences of it, if anything it only fuels the fire for greater war. If you take anything away from seeing our defeated forms today, then take that." He began through the gate, pausing one last time before the gaping abyss though.

"And boy?"

"Yes, sir?"

"If God still gave a Ratatat's ass, we wouldn't be in this mess to begin with."

A resounding slam of steel and stone, and he was gone.


Enclave at Sky Pillar, Morning

The Sky Lord's Enclave. Held as the last truly safe bastion within the four corners of the world, built of thousands of tons of primordial stone and as ancient as time immemorial. Kept safe by it's motley wall and fleet of ever vigilant Aerialist alongside defenders lurking just beneath the wave, kept pure of the shade by the twin plates of Sky and Draconic lineage harbored atop it's summit in the Sky Lord's summit.

For many, the expansive monolith had become the last place they could truly call home. For others, it had been home since the very first of the days after humanity. Housing it's own military, it's own production of sustenance, it's own economy, governed by some of the most powerful beings left uncorrupted in the world. Young or old, pitiful or strong, healthy or sick, it mattered not, by orders of the Sky Lord, any and all whom were uncorrupted by the Shade's touch were to be welcomed in. What had once been naught but a lonely temple dedicated to a god who few would remember if not for an ancient feud, had become a city of survivors in it's own right... and as far as many were concerned, the last hope to right the wicked hands of fate.

And the city buzzed like countless beedrills after the return of Lord Lexington and what remained of the host he had been sent off with some three months ago. Strained with news of such pyrrhic results even when a troop was commanded by the Living Legend of wars past himself, public morale flagged. Some said the geezer had lost his touch in his decades of retirement since the death of the false angel, others spoke of Shadows who grew stronger with each and every kill they made, the only possible way even Lexington could've failed... others still worried more about what would happen to the refuge they had found now that their closest and last allies in Johto had been routed and destroyed, apparently long before their reinforcements had even arrived.

And yet others still whispered of other matters. Matters beyond this war that had been lost... matters of a gathering to be held in the Sky Lord's Chambers come Noon today.

but whatever the future held, one thing was certain of the community's fate: From this day onward, there would be no going back. There would be no more respite. For they were the last of their ilk now, the final and greatest targets of the adversary. The final battle for dominion of the earth was no longer a matter of "If", but "When". And it was a battle that more than a few were certain would be pointless to fight.

The light however, still burns for now. Despite the encroaching darkness, there shines a path of radiance through the night... for the Rulers of Sky Pillar were far from done, their best yet to be revealed.

Little did a few brave souls know of the roles they were to play in the coming days.

And even less of the trials and tribulations they would face...

((OOC: Make a post introducing your PC. Anyone who fails to respond within a weeks time will be poked by me, so... get to it.))

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Beaches of Sky Pillar, Morning

  Reveal hidden contents

"Did I really find one?!" Genis asked himself in his excitement. He was walking along the coast looking for anything of value to sell. He always had a keen eye for spotting things and this helped him search the bays for any washed up goods that may make their way onto shore. But what made the kid so excited? Surely it was something of extreme value right? Well if you can find a rusted nail which it's end point has been dulled to the point of questioning if it'll pierce any material let alone keep two items together then yes. The ice type jumped for joy and then rushed back to his home. Well, by home I mean hut and by hut I mean a tent like structure made by two decent sized pieces of scrap metal. The "house" was located in the far outskirts of the city. He could barley sit in his house without hitting his head. On the floor lie a myriad of different kind of leafs as some sort of cushion and right out side a makeshift box made of washed up wood and bark from the beach, a decent sized plank of rotting wood and a small jar of ink that costed almost all he had scavenged in the past week and a half.

He grabbed a decent sized rock and hammered the nail to attach the box to the plank. The rusted nail sticking out behind what seems like a crudely made mail box. He dabbed his finger.. well.. claw in the ink and started writing on the box. "Home of Genis" was written on the front of the box and he then stuck the mailbox into the ground outside his house. The box swung with the wind and the pole lay stuck in the ground. Barely anyone knew Genis in Sky Pillar so why would he need a mailbox? It didn't matter to him, he always dreamed of living in a house peacefully with his family and what house isn't complete without a mailbox? ....or family. Either way, with his big smile he crawled into his hut and lay on the leafs. He wanted to enjoy this happy feeling as long as he could. He wouldn't know how long this joy would last and he might as well savor it.

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Tres gave the Lapras of Union Cave their sincerest thanks, and bid them farewell. The road to Hoenn was not a smooth ride, with countless Shadow Tentacool and Tentacruel assaulting them midway through. Lapras's Freeze Dry and Tres's Shock Wave repelled them over and over, and only when they reached the waters near Sky Tower had they given up chasing. Lapras took the route near Whirl Islands, a supposedly safe area, but there was nothing but swarms of Tentacools and Tentacruels.

The dawning sunlight was cast across the sea, the waters were basked in sparkles, like a thousand Staryu flashing left and right.

He noticed the Ampharos walking into the gate, its size and shade seemed familiar. They had seen this Ampharos in their database before...but where was it from? They tossed the thought aside. Their first and foremost objective was to seek refuge in the enclave.

"Sir Grumpig, I am Tres, from Kanto's Saffron City. I request refuge here in the Sky Enclave. May I enter?"

Edited by IntSys
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Tres, Gates of Sky Pillar, Pre-Dawn hours

"Huh, the hell did that come from?" The pig jumped in surprise at the sudden adress, obviously blind to the Space Duck's approach with his eyes on the rising sun. Funny, given a psychic type as himself should've had little issue sensing another organic creature approaching... but then again, a construct created by long dead humans wasn't exactly organic, was it? His eyes narrowed upon locating the digital water fowl "Oh... one of you types. Yeah, sure, you could come in... just one issue, how do I know you ain't corrupted?"

A pointless question, honestly; one that should've resolved itself, given that if had the duck been among the shade he wouldn't have bothered requesting permission at all. But one the Pig seemed intent on getting an answer to regardless... perhaps the fact that, unlike the mind of a natural life form, a living computer program's brain was a far harder thing to probe and furret out treachery in, had something to do with...

or perhaps he simply didn't like Space Ducks who interrupted his daily ritual of watching the rising sun, as his father and grandfather before him since the days of old.

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"Sir, if you may, look afar and you'll see a lone Lapras sailing off to Johto. That Lapras ferried me all the way from Johto's Union Cave to here. Look a bit further and you'll see the dead remains of corrupted Tentacool and Tentacruel drifting along the waves. Lapras and I fought them on our way here, it was not an easy task by all means." Tres paused for a second, then continued.

"I've noticed the complete lack of corrupted Pokemon near the waters here. Something about this place scares them away, am I right? If I were a corrupted Pokemon, I wouldn't be able to get this far in here. These information, on top of my conscious reasoning, should be plenty."

Edited by IntSys
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Tres, Gates of Sky Pillar, Pre-Dawn hours

The Swine took stock of the Duck's claims, stroking his chin as his eyes scanned the horizon and bore into the Fowl even more. "I don't quite like your answer, space duck. But damn if your logic and testimony don't stand firm. Fine, you may enter-" As soon as those very words left his mouth, the gates again yawned forth just as they had for Lexington and his pitiful army. "But duck, before you go, know that you will find little technology to tinker with. I expect you to find a way to occupy yourself that doesn't involve terrorizing or otherwise harassing your fellow Enclave members- god knows the last thing we need is a repeat of the Rotom Incident... Head to the Temple and find either Master Draidon or someone wearing a scholar's robe, they'll get you set up with housing and rationing.... er, though, technically, I guess you wouldn't be needing either... so go just get, go on about whatever business you have here, I'm rather busy."

Without even bothering to watch him leave, he returned his eyes to the sun. Tres was, at least for the moment, free to go.

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"I can do well without technology." Tres thought to themselves.

The heavily renovated Sky Tower was at sight. The Sky Tower they had seen in the data prior to the end of mankind was vastly different from the Sky Tower right now, but you could still see the similarity if you look close enough.

The little duck strolled through the bustling city, and indeed, there were no computers within sight. A slight disappointment, but at least this place is safe...right? They asked around for directions, and found themselves in the temple.

The temple was considerably warmer than the outside, but temperature didn't really bother Tres.

They looked around for this Master Draidon, who, according to the information they got, was a Druddigon. They've only seen a Druddigon on a Pokedex, due to how rare Unovan imports are in Kanto.

Edited by IntSys
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"Snow? Juuuust had to be snowing today." an older Breloom grumbled as she opened the door of her home. She held her small two fingered hand out as the white flakes gently landed on her palm. They kissed it sweetly, a small cold marking their short presence, before they vanished on the heat of her skin. She wiped the touch of dampness from it as she went back inside and closed the door. Grumbling all the way. "It just had to snow today of all days when an important book arrived. WHY???!!? I hate my rotten luck." She waddled up to a rather hefty looking tome. It was worn, aged beyond belief. Her new prized possession. She had it retrieved for her by one of her boys down at the shop. In this particular incident it was the rather... eccentric Ricardo. A Persian with a rather odd flair. Either way, the job had been finished and without damage to the genuine article so, Clarice could care less.

"Where is something I can cover this with so it won't get damaged?" she thought to herself as she frantically rummaged around her place. While her place was ice and orderly, it didn't really help her to ever remember where she put her belongings, especially in the event where she didn't really know what she was looking for. Eventually she found an old haversack in the back of her closet it. It would do nicely. It was nearly the perfect size for the book as well, so, a fortuitous find indeed. Now, she didn't have to worry about the snow damaging what could be the current last copy of this knowledge remaining in the world. She would make sure to change that though. She was going to have to carry the haversack however, as it's straps were broken. So, she just carried it under her arm, as she would've carried the book normally. "Alright, let's get this treasure to the Book Trade"


She stepped outside into the stark chill. It was chillier than she had thought the first time. She drew her scarf closer around her face trying to keep the frost from nipping at her nose and face. It was a gentle frost, but... the cold had a horrible way of creeping where it wasn't wanted. The snow was still gently falling as she made her way through the last bastion of the uncorrupted. The small town that existed around the Spear Pillar. She walked her typical route back to her Book Trade the one she walked nearly every day now for the past few years. It was very familiar to her. Luckily for her, the snow deterred many from being outside so, today there wouldn't be many greetings and she'd not have to be civil. She hated being stopped every 5 seconds by someone saying hello. She was a busy woman after all. So, while she was cursing the snow earlier, now she was glad that it was falling. It saved her the time, and the effort of having to put on a friendly face. For once, the streets on her way to her little shop weren't buzzing and bustlin'. They was still the dim hum of a city, but nothing like it normally was. Clarice smiled at this. No loud noises... nowhere near as many Pokemon to deal with. Ahhhh, it was a great day. She hoped to arrive at her destination soon, and it should've went quickly due to the fact that she didn't much in her way this morning.

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Septhis, wandering the Outskirts closing in on his Destination

Why wasn’t there anything idiosyncratic?

But only the dawn before had promised a change in the seemingly blessed, exquisite gift of snow, casting a view upon the barren lands as bright as the spotlights that once shone upon Sephtis. It was the sole change after a seemingly unmarked journey alone; recalling the words of various travellers, wandering aimlessly amidst the corrupted world, the quilt of vast white indicated a checkpoint to the destination he desired. That was the last time in his path that a genuine smile managed to coerce his zip-like mouth; the last time he was given a motivating cogitation.

The days before he learnt of the news seemed to appease him more than the endless walking. Entertaining the thought of how many a day it had been since time froze for him, he traced back to the bitter, albeit exciting times of the past before. Precarious as it was, fending for himself against many a plague of Shadow Pokemon was an activity he yearned for amidst the nothingness of his current time. His flair for the dramatic, above all things, was greater than a Snorlax’s appetite for food.

Alas – five days, if he could remember correctly -- there was no discord. The plague of shadows dissipated as he traversed into the new waters. A good sign for many, but Sephtis was not one to pass his days so mundanely. There had to be something, even if a little, that could provide him with just enough entertainment he needed for every day. And thus he waited, for something – anything different, even as miniscule as a Joltik -- to provide his days with disparity and dissonance.

Yet many a night and day had breezed by in such a simple, repetitive way, and all of Sephtis’ plans seemed….uninspired. Only a dancing wisp, in which he formed in his hand as it engirdled him, accompanying him as he wandered towards his destination alone. Hope and anticipation for a difference in each day melted away as the seconds ticked to minutes, to hours, to many a day up until now, like a flame’s incandescence on a candle.

The stagnancy of each day that passed excruciated him, always no different from the other; like a dancer in a music box, the days only consisted of monotonous walking with his flame dancing around him wherever his feet took him. The light of the bluish flare would cast a glimmer of blue upon the purity of the whitened stages he traversed, offering the warmth that the apricity of the sun’s rays refused to bestow upon him; whereas the night would accentuate the flame’s ghastly glow and provide him with the slightest vision he needed to move forward. Five days, five nights, it all had been the same. The same waltz of his wisp and the fixed, albeit steady tempo of his footsteps, stopping only to rest when they gave way or when the shrill of hunger and thirst hindered him. The sky was the only one that could grant his wishes for change, and even then, she had little to offer. Only his wisp and his mask stood by his side.

He may not have moved, but his mind certainly swirled with each second. Whom better to appease him than himself? He was in the time before today the brightest star of his own theatre, as he luxuriated himself in the glory he once garnered before the disasters conflicted the world. He remembered himself pulling the strings as his puppets danced. He remembered garnering the simpers and screams of all who watched him perform. All who watched the Banette at the moment would find him drunken, delusional, mad, locked in a past of memories, perhaps in fear or rejection of the present even as he moved forward.

Had the perilous journey confine him to appeasing himself in such a stupor? Did the journey make him madder that he already was? All artists are mad, he reminded himself, and that hadn’t changed a bit since his birth. He was an artist, one in search of his rightful place in history and the calamitous world set into place before him. The journey had did little to sway his ever elusive passions for the art. He wouldn’t be here if there wasn’t a spotlight worth fighting for, a stage foretokening the wonders that would satiate his fervency for the arts.

I could dub it a lust, the words entered his mind. And pray the sole stage come before me in due time.

Like a single star at nightfall, that purpose was his only content, his sole reassurance. He would find himself bombarded with questions that unconsciously popped into his mind as his journey grew closer to its end as his surroundings gave him increasingly obvious hints and clues: What a promise to my eyes will the stage give me as I debut? What but my shivers of the winter’s breeze provide me with – cold or excitement? As the ever-encroaching promise of his destination grew closer, his curiosity and muse inflated along with it.

Long enough Sephtis had waited, and eventually, his prize stood before him. As the morning’s rays cast themselves upon the ground below them like the spotlights adorning every stage he performed in, an illecebrous view of beach and sand welcomed him, as further into the distance were gates and Pokemon gathered there. That alone provided him with the strength and motivation he needed, as his mouth moved, an anticipant, complacent smile painted on his face. The curtains had risen and an audience he could finally interact and entertain now presented itself before him. The notion enunciated itself in his mind then:

I have arrived to my theatre.

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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A small green blur shot down from the main stairs of the Sky Pillar, her small form huffing and puffing with strain as she made rapidly for the gate. She leaped over a cart full of cabbages, knocking it over and continuing toward her destination with a hurried apology. All the merchant Hypno could do in response was to wail plaintively, "My cabbages!" in his frustration before touching his hand to his head and levitating the vegetables back into his cart via telekinesis.

He's back! He's back! the Chikorita thought to herself as she approached the gate. However, when she got their she was met not with the three centuries that had left, but a mere smattering of the force that once was. In a panic, she rushed among the survivors, looking for her friend's trademark red and gray markings. Finally she found him, letting out a gasp of shock. On the back of an old, weathered Torterra lay Epee, a Bisharp and the first friend the Chikorita had made at the Sky Pillar.

"Epee!" she shouted as she got near, jumping up onto the Torterra's back. But her friend was wounded, breathing heavily.

All he could muster was a faint, "Poppy? Is that you?" before she nuzzled his head affectionately.

"Hang in there, Epee. I'll fix you up. Won't be the first time or the last," she promised. The leaf on her head began to glow pink, emitting a golden aura that wisped gently down and enveloped the Pawniard. His wounds began to fade as the light bathed him, disappearing from his skin as a puddle in the sun. When the leaf stopped its light show, Epee blinked twice and sat up, appraising his savior.

"You just keep getting stronger don't you, little one?" he asked. "Thank you," he said, smiling sadly. "But there are other Pokemon here who need your help more than I do," he continued as he gestured toward he remaining forces with a bladed arm. "We can talk later. Go aid the others," he finished.

Poppy nodded and nuzzled the Bisharp once more before moving among the mass of wounded, seeing other healers doing the same (as was customary on the return of an expedition). As she passed wounded soldiers she tended to them. Some were worse off then others, but it seemed as though the journey had killed the most heavily injured of the party.

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Arthur, Somewhere in the Sky pillar's territorial waters, In the Pre-Dawn hours of Morning

It was pre-dawn. Daybreak is nearing in the Hoenn region. After days of traveling from Kanto to Hoenn by sea and avoiding the shadow mons along the way, Arthur emerges from the ocean surface and was relieved knowing that he finally made into the sky pillar's territorial waters.

Arthur floats in the middle of the sea and scans his current location, from there; He saw an island from not a far from him, It has a tall tower on top of it that seems endless as it reaches the heavens above. Just like in the description, looks like I haven't hasn't lost my touch yet. Arthur can't help but to release a small chuckle.

"Yep, this is the place, good old emerald scales fancy manor and now the home of refugees Pokemon from all over the globe. Might as well join in and find out if the rumors are true" Arthur thought to himself as it puts a warm smile on his face.

Just before as the ambitious wartortle was about to swim towards the island's shore and planning beat the morning sun. Something caught his eye, A large fleet of Pokemon is returning to the same island's shore. They appear to be the island's military forces from the way they are position and organized.

"Oh, boy. that can't be good. Looks like my arrival here might get a little bit interesting." Arthur thought to himself and sighed. Arthur dives back in the waters again, paddles his stubby legs and swims towards the so-called 'promise land'.

Arthur, Rocky Shores of the Sky pillar, Morning

Alas the morning sun beat Arthur, The young wartortle arrives at early morning by rocky shores of the sky pillar. He could have arrived a bit sooner if it wasn't for these pesky Tentacools and Wingulls that keeps on bumping and chatting with him, delaying Arthur every minute on his way towards his destination. Either way, what is important is that Arthur made it, He dries up his wet clothes by the bay as prepares to enter the Sky enclave's gate.

Edited by Ragnar
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"What is going on down there?" Sansa muttered to herself as she glanced down. From her perch on a small tower she could see the small group that had come in the gates. "Could that be the group that had got sent out? I thought there were supposed to be more." she thought, she had heard how a large force had been sent out somewhere, but she didn't know much else about it; she had only been here for a little over a week now.

As she continued watching she noticed various Pokemon going to meet those that had returned. "They must be going to find their friends...": she let that line of thought trail off, it wasn't as though she had anyone like that here.

She let out a sigh and flew down closer to the ground and the group. "I mean, I can still help though" she said to herself as she looked around for a Pokemon who looked like they needed help and wasn't already being helped. Upon spotting one she closed her eyes and upon re-opening them there was a quick flash followed by a translucent star moving towards the injured Pokemon.

"That'll have to do" she said to herself as she began to fly back up to her previous perch.

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Nocturne, Outskirts of the Wall

  Reveal hidden contents

Nocturne's blue eyes inspected his opponent carefully, watching Lily's movements for the slightest hint of what she would do next. The Gardevoir watching him right back, her red eyes meeting his in a silent dare. A dare which the aggressive dark type was glad to take. He rushed forward at an extreme speed, barely being able to be seen as anything more than a black and red blur as he closed the distance between them. Once he was mere feet away from his target, he jumped up with his left claw outstretched above him as if he reaching towards the sky to grasp the sun itself. His hand was shrouded in a black and purple aura as he brought it down swiftly, aiming to slash at Lily's body with his Shadow Claw.

But the psychic type wouldn't allow herself to be hit so easily. Her body became outline in a light blue that shone brighter each passing moment and seconds later she disappeared, leaving only empty air in the spot she once was. Nocturne's attack hit nothing as he fell back down to the ground with a thud, turning around to look for his missing opponent. He spotted her quickly, she had teleported a moderate distance away to his left. The Gardevoir watching him with a teasing smile, she was trying to egg him on and he knew it. He wasted no time and ran towards her once again, his right hand slightly outstretched from his body as he got closer. A small sphere of black and purple circles began to grow in his claws, getting larger as he got closer. By the time he reached Lily, it had grown bigger then his hand. He then halted his advance just a few feet from her and brought his hands together, cradling the orb of dark energy in front of him before thrusting his hands forward and shooting a beam of black and purple circles from the orb towards the psychic type. But just as expected, she teleported away before the attack hit her.

Unfortunately for her he was already prepared, twisting his body around immediately to look for where she could have gone. He spotted her standing behind him, a couple yards away. He turned his body completely to face her, immediately smashing his left hand down on the ground. A dark shadow quickly raced forward from across the ground, closing in on it's target before she even realized what was happening. Lily tried to get out of the way, barely beginning to glow a light blue but it was too little too late. The shadow claw rose from the ground and slashed down across her body, the force launching her backwards and tossing her onto the ground. The claw dissipated as Nocturned walked forward to check on his fallen opponent.

"You may be slippery but you really can't take a hit. Your too delicate." He bent down slightly, offering her a hand to help her back up.

"I am not delicate, that claw just hurts like a bitch." She muttered, grabbing his hand and letting him pull her up to her feet. She brushed the dirt off her body once she got up, then looked up at the sun to see how much time has passed. "We should head back, come on." She grabbed his hand and pulled him along behind her

The dark type chuckled and followed along, "All right, guess I could use a break from chasing you around." He moved up to walk beside her, the two then began making their way back towards the gates at their own pace.

Edited by Shadow Sketches
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Gan-Mac...somewhere in the Sky Pillar

Cold...bitter cold. If only I could lie here and perish so blissfully. Such a burden knowing if I die, it could be the end a prosperous future.

A figure cloaked in a cloth of blue so worn it could even be considered grey to some. The owner opened his eyes glaring at cold wall built to suit an ancient dragon. He reached his thin arm to grasp a wooden stick with his sharp handed claws. The thin bodied figure manged to get his feet using the large stick that some have mistaken for a giant spoon. For now, it was going to have to serve as a walking stick as the figure pushed forward a bit. Slowly making his way toward a crooked cone upon the ground. Miraculously, the cone decided to fly and land upon his head matching in color to his cloak.

He turned his head and noticed a black book in the corner. He reached he hand out once more lifting the book into the air. He flipped page after page glancing at the ink that had filled its contents nearly full noticing that the first few pages were slowly fading but still legible nonetheless. Nothing seemed to be out of place as he put the book in his small bag, hidden by the cloak alongside his other one. I don't know why I even bother with this book, he thought to himself. It's not like anyone will be able to read it in the future anyways.

His concentration was broken when he heard noise of mons all chattering away. He walk closer to the mons talking, something he usually avoided at all costs, hearing enough to get a full picture. "So, he has returned it seems. There's 30 or so more men alive than I predicted. Only a fool would go out there with such a large number and expect to come back alive."

He then looked at the wall one more time. Though I suppose being stuck in this place has weakened me so staying here forever would spell doom as well. Ever since that day my powers are nowhere near as honed as they used to be. I couldn't even teleport to break a fall...without hitting that blasted wall. Inertia is hard to stop without full concentration so it'd be understandable, but I'm far better than this.

He continue his way slowly to see what few men had survived such a massacre.

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((BTW, it would help keep track if everyone were to include the PC names, location, and time at the beginning of their posts...))

Tres, Sky Pillar Interior, Early Morning

The duck's wondering eventually led him into the lower reaches of the temple, passing by guardsmen and scholars who eyed him in passing but spared little time to stay and chat. The early morning sun had long since faded behind him as he ventured further towards the Tower's center, the mammoth columns of it's exterior replaced by muraled walls and alcoves, many of which flaking with as much age as the structure itself. Eventually he found himself in corridor narrower than most he had encountered, lined with a myriad of runes and sigils from floor to ceiling- the pictographics accompanying them suggesting they outlined the tale of the Sky Lord and the Meteor oh so long ago when the world was still young. One side presented the mighty elder wyrm blasting a great mass of fire and stone out of the heavens with the Fire of the Gods, the other presenting the constructs destruction and the emergence of a strange being of scarlet and teal from within...

The greatest thing of note though perhaps, was the only other being standing there with him. A young Togetic sat on her haunches, gazing up at the mural which despite the fate of others, had seemed to have defied the wears of time in nigh perfect condition. Her eyes remained on the old tale even as she sensed the duck's approach.

"You really shouldn't be in this place, you know," She began, her tone suggesting she couldn't be bothered to remove him though "Artificial Life and Sacred Grounds of the Lord have seldom mixed well in the past... but, well... you're here now either way, I suppose. Tell me, duck, have you ever heard the legend of the Sky Lord and the Star Rider before?"

Genis, "Home of Genis", Morning

The boy's attempt to hang onto the fleeting joy he felt bloom within his heart was cut short by the sound of shouting from the beach. It was being carried by the wind, but it still sounded close even without it being broadcast on the currents; a gruff voice arguing something and a far calmer one retorting with an odd steadiness...
The question was though, would Genis be willing to leave his warm bed of leaves to investigate. He was an Ice Type afterall, many would've chosen to say 'bollocks' to leaving the warmth of their home and going out into the bitter cold to look into something that didn't involve them... but snow and chill were the life blood of his kind. Leaving wouldn't affect his comfort level, even if he were to try to pile more leaves atop himself and snuggle in deeper...

Arthur, Rocky Shores, Morning

As he dripped his cloths dry, a cheerful whistle caught his ears on the wind as the snow continued to fall. None too far in the distance perched a Quagsire with tufts of white fluff erupting from where his ears would've been, swaying to and fro as he let the weather beaten length of wood and twine in his hand dangle into the chilly waters below. It was a bit odd, really... seeing a water type using of all things, an old fishing rod... let alone the fact that despite his kind typically being hairless, he had sprouted himself a rather thick set of locks on those ears holes

The old mon's whistle was only broken by his detection of Arthur nearby, giving a wave and wide smile to the boy as the line pulled harder and harder in his grasp, obviously hooked on something

"Aye, top of the morning to ya, laddy! Wonderful weather we're having today, ain't it?"

He seemed to be part ice type as well, given the remark... Most would not qualify freezing temperatures with decent snowfall covering the earth as "Wonderful" otherwise.

Gan Mac, Poppy and Sansa, Great Plaza, Morning

The wounded had been gathered in the Great Plaza before the Temple, as Gan had found for himself. He had arrived to the bustle of healers of various species rushing about, the pink glow and yellow streaks of Heal Pulses and Wishes and Softboileds being fired off as those yet to be tended were shuffled forward. In his examination of the scene however, he hardly had time to notice before a young Chikorita dashed right into him within the crowd, unable to have seen him there with so many taller beings about the place obstructing her view... It seemed she too was among those healers who had turned out for the return of the former war hero.

Sansa meanwhile, was free to witness the bustle of orderly chaos from her high perch, the eyes of a hawk easily picking up the interactions of all below... even the grass type colliding headlong into the psychic fox-man on the outskirts...

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  • Veterans

Basil - Sky Pillar

  Reveal hidden contents

"A snowy morning...bleak skies..and just 'ole me" Basil mused as he looked up to the sky while he slowly scuttled out of the little house he called his own. Well he shared it with a certain Spoink, but the energetic little kid was usually out and about, leaving the Drapion alone. "Just how I like it..." He muttered as he looked towards the massive gates to the enclave. Basil could hear the quiet muttering of the few who passed by, how of the hundreds of men sent to Johto in search of survivors at the enclaves, only a select few returned alive though most if not all were quite injured. "What to do, what to do." He wouldn't be much help with tending to the injured, he was very much so in the dark as to how to heal others, unlike an old friend of his from back in Unova or that little Spoink he shared his house with. Perhaps that's where the kid had gone, he'd always had a penchant for helping others. "Well, being indecisive isn't gunna help me get anything done any time soon sooo, time to find myself a bouncy 'lil pig."

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Tres, Sky Pillar Interior, Early Morning

"Sky Lord...Rayquaza, the Star Rider...Deoxys?" Although Tres had never heard of the legends by such names, he quickly put the names together. He had seen the very same pictographs before, but only in the form of mere data.

"Both meteors were sent from outer space, one brought peace, and the other brought destruction." He said, "The dragon born from the first meteor...that would be Rayquaza, the lord of the this very enclave."

"The second meteor brought an invader...Deoxys. When it came forth, the meteorites embedded within Rayquaza's body had decayed. Losing power, He could not use the power that quelled Groudon and Kyogre." Tres stopped for a second, then continued. "However, mankind was able to recover Rayquaza's lost power through a meteorite and a lone descendant of the Draconids, allowing Him to break the meteor and conquering Deoxys."

"An amazing page from Hoenn mythology." Tres remarked, "Correct me if there's anything wrong with my data. Humans write history differently from Pokemon, after all."

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Clarice, Clarice's Book Trade, Early Morning.

A small bell jingled as the door that closed the Book Trade off from the bone chilling frost flew open. Safety had been reached for the Breloom. She was thankful no one tried to stop her to talk on the way to her store. She praised the weather one last time under her breath as she plodded into the shop. The light wind made the door a bit of a hassle to close, but she eventually got it with a mighty heave. She breathed out slowly as she began to pat snow off her clothes and shake it free from her skin where it was sticking. The white powder that managed to remain fluttered down, most dissolving in the heat of the building before even reaching the ground.

Clarice heard the plodding of feet coming towards her and the starting of the company greeting for a customer "Hi!!! Welcome to Clarice's Book Trade! Home of every book... Oh... Boss. Hehehe... well, this is a bit awkward. U-ummm, you're in a bit later than usual. You're usually here before everyone else."

"Sven... what did I tell you about about greeting customers before you're even in view?" Clarice began with a scolding right away. She glared daggers at the employee in front of her. It was the newest to the team. A small, and quite rotund Delibird.She was wondering why she even let him on the team to begin with again but then remembered that it was a favour to Ricardo. Sven was apparently a friend of his. How close she didn't know. However, Ricardo and the silly bird seemed to think he was cursed. Apparently he could never hold a job for more than a week or two. Sven would usually cause some crazy freak accident within the time he was there. Somehow, every time on in the first two weeks. So, Ricardo figured that maybe he should get a job at the book trade. Mostly because the whole town at this point knew the rumours and refused to hire him. So, Clarice decided to, out of the "kindness of her heart." Moreso it was to get out of a debt Ricardo thought she owed him but... details. It had been a month now. Ricardo and Sven weren't sure how. All Clarice had to say to them was "I don't believe in curses. Therefore, they don't work under my roof." It was either that, or the fact that she threatened Sven that if anything happened to her books he'd be a goner. That lifted the "curse" real quick.

"That if they can't see the white of my smile, they just might never seen the white of the pages." he mumbled half-heartedly. He looked down at the floor utterly defeated, and a bit embarrassed.

"Good, not so hard to remember. So, remember it next time. Be glad I wasn't so offended that I'd leave you here all on your own to deal with customers."

"But, Claaarice, you do that regardless when you hole up in that dreadfully stuffy office of yours. Meeeeow."

Speak... no even think of the devil and he arrives. Well, fashionable late as always. The lithe form of a rather large panther-like cat came into view. He was your rather average Persian, at least... in looks. His personality was a different story. He was a strange one for sure. Clarice knew he was a bit off when she first hired him and she never really shoo the feeling. She could never tell if he was just a tad eccentric, actually addled in the head, or just putting on a show for his amusement, but she could care less. He got results. Well, unless he was here shootin' his mouth off. "See how clever you are when I've got your tongue pal" Clarice thought to herself but stifled the comment. The snark still came though, just in a less... depending on one's outlook, burst. "Oh, right, Maybe that's cause as the owner of this place I've got important paperwork to be doing so that this place doesn't run into the ground. Poor baby Ricardo... can't even manage his floor job needs his boss to do it for him. Almost sad enough I could cry. Anyway, it's my store, what I say goes. And, if I wanna sit on my ass I will. However, you should full well know that I probably work harder than the lot of you combined." Clarice dusted off the last of the snow from the haversack as she said this.

"Well, snark aside Boss Lady, what's in the sack?" Ricardo said pointing his nose towards the haversack. He flicked it with a strange grace. It was weird how much he could put into such a tiny movement. He was an expressive one. It was clear he had a good sense of his body, down to even his body language. Even tiny muscle movements. Clarice would almost care if she wasn't massively busy.

"A knuckle sandwich if you don't get away of my way. Besides, you know what... You delivered it to me." Clarice sighed. She was hoping the slackers still wouldn't have been here so she could retreat to her office in piece but both of Blues Brothers here had to keep asking stupid questions or cracking bad jokes. It was nearly enough to give the Breloom a headache.

"Oh, so it's that. I'll get out of your way then." Ricardo said quickly stepping out of her path. Sven didn't quite get it at first and stayed planted where he was. He didn't really notice Clarice staring at him with a look of utter contempt. SO much so the buffoon had the audacity to ask yet another question. "Wait, you delivered Boss something Ricky?"

"Sven now isn't the time man she's going to punt you out the "Doggy Door" if..." before he could even finish the thought, suddenly the poor friend he was warning was hurtling through the air. His body flew a t break neck speeds. He nearly broke the sound barrier as a loud CRACK resounded around the room as the poor Delibird went sailing directly towards what seemed to be a boarded up hole in the lefthand wall. He smashed through sending bits of board everywhere and popping a giant hole in the wall. He landed out in the side alley, creating a little mound of snow as he slid fast first into a wall.

"Fix that will you? Or get Barnes to do it when he's in. Do tell him it wasn't Noble this time though. That pooch has finally learned his lesson I think." Clarice said shaking off her fist. A faint blue aura lightly drifted away off her hand. It dissolved in the air. "I'll be in my office." With that, the Breloom marched off towards her room without another peep.


The Office was a rather classy affair. Well, it had a sense of professionalism to it, but a more down to earth style. It was certainly more than most Pokemon could muster in a sense of decor. However, Clarice took pride in the spaces she occupied for long amounts of time. After all, one should have the best and treat the rooms they stayed in the most with the utmost care. Make very sure they were comfortable. She had a big high back chair, leather that sat behind her large oaken wood desk. It was a rather well carved affair, having a few geometric light reliefs cared into it from place to place. The most elaborate of these of course as the trimming all around the top and the edges of the piece. A lot of the rest of the room was full of shelves and shelves of books. Some lines were neat and tidy. Prim and proper. Others yet were overflowing with excitement and could barely contain themselves on the shelf. Others yet were sloppy and all over the place. Books of all shapes and size could be found. Some minuscule, others gigantic. The whole room smelled of that old book smell as a result. It was Clarice's favourite. The one of knowledge, and a good story. A book well used.

She settled into her big comfy chair and leaned back for awhile just starting at the ceiling. Maybe she was a bit harsh on Sven there... Na. She quickly pushed it from her mind. Though, she couldn't help but feel a little bad for doing that too him. He probably honestly didn't even know. However, hitting the annoying bastard felt so good in the moment. But, that joy was fleeting. She'd probably not apologize for it, but she at least felt terrible for the action It was the most Sven would even get. Clarice then trying in an effort to refocus her mind else where, clicked open the haversack. She slammed the heavy tome on her desk. Pens and quills went flying everywhere as well as some... other things from the heap of mess on her desk. "I should... probably work on cleaning up a bit. Not now though. Later! I've got work to do." and with that she begin to pour over the tome. She had a lot of work to get done here.

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Arthur, Rocky Shores, Morning

"A pleasant morning to you too, Padre" Arthur greeted back the local Quagsire with a toothy smile as he immediately covers his shell with his clothes and hopes the friendly blue bipedal pokemon didn't notice his scars with its small beady eyes.
"As for the weather, I think you're unaware of what season your island is in right now, my friend. But hey, if you think this is a wonderful weather, don't let me stop you. " Arthur said, forcing a chuckle, puzzled about the water fish's weather preferences.
"as for me, i prefer the tropical weather, it reminds me a lot closer to home." Arthur said to the water fish Pokemon as looks at the ocean. "The Name's Arthur by the way.." Arthur said as he crossed his arms. "I see you're a bit busy, So..uhm, do you want me to help you with that?" Arthur said as he sees the Quagsire has caught something at the end of its hook and decided to offer some help.
Edited by Ragnar
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Tres, Sky Pillar Interior, Early Morning

"Hmmm... impressive... well, not really." She remarked. "Perhaps if you had to recall all that from an organic memory, but computers have it so easy when everything can be stored in 1s and 0s and 2s... regardless, you have most of it right, as far as a human would be concerned. But oh, humans, those poor poor fools, ever so arrogant even in death. Always writing themselves into history where they have no right to be. Did you know that the original version of this mentioned nothing of those Hairless Infernapes getting involved? Long ago, just after the end of the Arcadia and the dawn of man, down from the heavens descended the scourge of the stars... Deoxys may be the name the humans gave it long after the fact, but since the very beginning, it was known as Star Rider. Star Rider came to earth atop a massive mount of flame of stone, a beast of hellfire great enough to destroy all caught in it's wake, Humans, Pokemon, Plants, Everything, leaving the Sky Lord little choice but to act in defense of the world. Upon the decimation of his mighty steed by the Sky Lord's power, out emerged the scourge, and enraged, he did battle with the Sky Lord for days, high above the earth as man and mon alike watched in awe."

She finally turned her eyes away from the mural, looking directly at Tres with eyes that seemed capable of piercing solid stone. "It is unknown where the scourge came from, how he came to be, or why he wished death upon the world... but in the end, it mattered not; the Sky Lord stood victorious over all 4 forms of Star Rider, and in one final blast of his great flame, reduced it to naught but shadow and ire, dooming the Star Rider to forever fade from the cosmos, turned to ashes and dust. The humans did nothing to help, they were powerless as the sky lord saved them all from extinction... it was only years and years after that some king, seeking to assert his people as divine in lineage, crafted the version of them using the power of their hearts to allow the Sky Lord to regain his lost power, and such it has been ever since. A lie perpetuated throughout the generations of the Draconids... only to come true in it's own way thousands of years after the fact... but that's is another matter entirely, one you should ask the Champion Stratos if you want to hear of. Tell me though, duck, why have you tread so deep into this place, violating hallowed grounds with your unnatural presence? Surely you can't have just been struck with a sudden case of wonderlust..."

Arthur, Rocky Shores, Morning

"Hm?" He looked lost for a minute, before noticing the tugging line "Oh, no laddy, this be nothing,"

Without another word, his entire form glowed a deep scarlet as he yanked upon the rod with everything he had with as much ease as one would sling a sack of potatoes to the floor, sending the hooked Gyarados on the other end soaring through the air and landing upon the rocky shore with a mighty splash that threatened to soak him and Arthur both all over again. The old mon slung the rod over his shoulder with a satisfied grin at his catch.

"Aye, see laddy? Nothing, old Gilgamesh here is a big pushover when you use the right bait."

"Aye, jack you dirty cheater you mixed in those damn roots again didn't ya!" The Sea Dragon roared, picking himself up from the barren shore... surprisingly without the enraged hellfire and endless rampaging many had come to expect from one of his race. "I thought ya said 'never again'!"

"Eh, Gilga, it was just for old times sakes, don't yer panties in a bunch now. Besides, brings back memories of Fisher and how he caught ya, now don't it?"

"Heh, memories? I'll tell you about what brings back memories, how about that time when Moma tried to..."

The two continued at length for a while. It seemed as though they had completely forgot about Arthur as they sat there going over the past, constantly one upping each other with recollection of crazed events and harebrained schemes... one way or another though, it was quite obvious the two were well acquainted... and that whatever madness the fishing rod had been about was not an isolated occurrence...

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Sephtis, attempting to Enter the Gates, Dawn Hours.

Excitement welled upon Sephtis as he indulged in the first few steps closing in on the Enclave, his single eye attempting to capture every wonderful sight he expected to be given upon setting foot on the sacred ground. He was a newcomer, in all, every bone in his body inching to explore every nook and cranny of what lied behind the ancient ruins. He knew as much of the place and its residents as they knew him; little, if nothing at all; such was the contrast he searched for, where everything was new, a mystery, disparate and novel all its own.

Just a little more, he thought. And the stage will be mine.

He strolled towards the rampart made of a quality unknown to him, caressing his chin as if admiring the quality of the work as it towered before him. A shambolic piece of work, but stable. Who had made such a thing? He entertained a few thoughts of the wall’s construct before his attention turned to the guard standing above the wall in patrol. He had already presumed such a promising place was not without strict security. And yet the very sight of discord, of moving people, the scent of moving air and life, all shielded behind that wall, were all enough to pace his heartbeat tenfold. He just had to get in.

“Salutations, my fine garrison.” He said, loud enough for the guard above to hear, tilting his head downward with a sly smile plastered upon his lips as he courteously bowed before the figure in introduction. “ ‘Tis indeed such a splendid sanctum established here; far and wide I had travelled in pursuit of what lies beyond the very gates before me. Would you grant a humble actor the permission to enter such a distinguished stage?”

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Genis, "Home of Genis", Morning

'Well, that didn't last long' Couldn't he have enjoyed this a bit longer? There was so much gloom and dread within the people these days. I guess any joy in this world just had to be cut from everyone. Just what were those pokemon yelling about? They woke him up with all that yelling so he might as well go see what it was all about. But what if it broke out into a fight? Compared to most pokemon here he barely lift a finger to them. So if it was a fight there was no guarantee he'd make it out in one piece. It's not like he has anything better to do though, and maybe this cold would slow down the assailant. He always seemed to be good at running. With that he pulled himself out of the comforts of his home to go a little eavesdropping.

Genis, Beach, Morning

As soon as he saw figure-like objects on the beach he went behind a rock and hid. Moving closer and closer trying to keep himself hidden just so he wouldn't be dragged into what's happening. Not much eavesdropping if he gets caught, right?

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Tres, Sky Pillar Interior, Early Morning

"The gatekeeper directed me to this temple, he told me to look for either Master Draidon or any scholar, who would set me up with housing and rationing." He answered. He started to regret coming to this temple, considering he didn't require any of the mentioned, and only needed to sap electricity occasionally, and even then, it could be substituted with simply Leppa Berries. A house would be nice, but he could easily do without. But it seemed like this process was similar to the immigration process of the human world, mandatory for refugees here.

"I have a question as well. May I ask what grudge you have against unnatural Pokemon? The gatekeeper was quite passively hostile toward me as well. Am I simply...lesser of a Pokemon than you are? Is this place not for me?" He asked.

Edited by IntSys
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Septhis, Gates of Sky Pillar, Dawn

Bird Christ, another weirdo... well, he seems clean enough...but he's a loon if ever I've seen one... damn acceptance policy, forcing us to let even the crazies in... The Grumpig muttered mentally after probing Sephtis' mind for a few seconds. The Gates opened nearly immediately, though the ghost type found his body seized by telekinetic force and locked in place before he could take a single step.

"I'll let you pass," the guard began. "but I ask that you respect the laws of this enclave and the rights of your fellow denizens... for the love of arceus, don't start any trouble around here, things are going to get bad enough with public morale dropping after the General's return...we don't need anyone adding to it with chaos. If you agree to abide by those conditions, you are free to go."

Genis, Beach, Morning

The wind carried the sounds of discord directly to the boy's ears as he sat in hiding, the snow and rocky outcropping partially obstructing veiw, though he could see enough... 7 figures total, 3 on one side, 4 on another. The trio seemed to be made up of two hulking Pangoros and a much smaller, beige panda, his arms crossed and eyes flickering every so slightly as his scarf fluttered in the wintry wind, the wide brimmed hat atop his head billowing with it. The other 4 meanwhile consisted of an Shiftry, Malamar, Bisharp, seemingly by the snarling Tyranitar baring down upon the small Panda, his body already in a stance suggesting combat was near...

"We had a deal, you little shit!" The Large psuedo legend bellowed. "You go back on your word now, and I will end you, and your little muscle mons there too! You get the stone, we pay the Pokets! That was the fucking agreement Folie!"

"Yeah, well, I'm afraid the deal has been altered..." The Spinda replied, cool as he could be under duress. "Ya see, Mac, I did some poking around, and uh... some of the shit I heard you guys have done 'round this place, it don't sit too well with me and my boys here, does it? Mars, Ares?

"Not one bit, ya scumbags..." one Pangoro replied

"You think you're hot shit around the streets, don't ya? Think you can step to this?" said the other.

"There ya go, Mac." Folie began again, a crooked little smirk stretching across his mug. "So here's how this is all gonna go down... that payment? You're still gonna hand it over. But I'm keeping this Mega Stone. Oh, and by the way, I expect you all to turn over a new leaf, stop this bullshit acting like gangsters, the thug life didn't chose you. You're strong, all of you, you could be using that strength to help folks, especially now of all times with the other Enclaves dead and gone-"


"Well, damn," Folie said. He cast a glance to his own men. Despite his words, his grin only grew. "there guys, see, I tried... I really did. But, like we talked about, they just don't see it our way. I didn't wanna have to do this, but... ya guys leave little choice now. If you won't stop-"

A hyperbeam illuminated the snow and ice of the beach as he spoke, turning the sand into glass as it arced it's way towards the three of them. Folie was quicker on his feet than he seemed though, leaping up and over the beam just as his eyes took on a scarlet hue, burning bright like a star as his entire body did the same.

"I'll Just have to stop you myself!"

His tiny fist connected near instantly with the side of the Tyranitars face. Hard, sending the Rock/Dark type reeling back as his fellow gangers rushed to his aid, the Shiftry hurtling a storm of razor sharp leafs at the Assailant as the Bisharp and Malamar both came for him with arms gleaming a deep violet, blades of psycho kinetic force extending from them as they used the barrage as cover. Folie vanished into naught but shade and ash as the attack approached, Mars and Ares coming in with fist burning in Verdant radiance as they side stepped the storm, delivering sharp blows into the mugs of both dark types and sending them flying like ragdolls across the melted sand and glass.

They shitry took a low stance as he eyed the bears, preparing to fire another barrage just as the third Panda appeared before him at point blank range, his body's radiance growing ever greatly as he grabbed the fool of a sentient tree and drove his tiny fist through his teeth, sending blood and enamel splattering the earth as he tossed the screeching mandrake aside, only for Mars to deliver his own harrowing blow and sending the thug flying as well.

All that remained was Mac. Rubbing his cheek, spitting out the blood and fangs Folie had drawn with his blow. There was fear in his eyes as the bear many times smaller than him looked on expectantly, that same grin plastered on his face as he stalked closer... Mars and Ares waiting behind. But that fear turned into rage as he glanced at his fallen comrades; their blood staining the sand a deep scarlet. With a mighty stomp, he rent the earth before him in twain, sending massive pillars of stone erupting towards the heavens right beneath Folie as he approached...

only for the Panda to let the pillars carry him high into the air, somersaulting as he unleashed the full brunt of his gained power as his ability pumped ever more energy into his assault, one that should've exhausted most assailants by now, but not him, never him. Mac readied his fist, cloaking it in condensed moisture and freezing it with cryogenic force as he rushed forward, a war cry fit for only an apex predator escaping his massive maw as he charged forward like a freight train. They collided with a resounding crack of a sonic boom, forcing back Mars and Ares as the two locked forces, Folies aura only burning hotter as he pressed ever onward, Mac quickly losing ground as he attempted a barrage of more of the freezing fists, Folie meeting all of them with his furious mits, faster, faster, harder, deadlier, driving the rock type closer towards the shore line with every passing moment... until at long last, he sprang himself forward with the momentum of a miniature meteorite, blood and green armor plating showering him and the sands as he slammed his forehead directly with the Gangster's in between blows... sending him reeling back, stunned as crimson trickled down his face and his feet entered the shallows, only for him to collapse to his knees in the waters.

Laughter. That was all that filled the air now, Folie's laughter as he prepared for one last blow...

"There guys, see, I tried... I really did" He repeated, still chuckling maniacally...

"Eh, boss, don't ya think it's over now?" Ares couldn't help but chime in

"Yeah boss, if ya kill him, we'll have a lot to explain to the guards..."

"Killing him would be a favor to everyone who lives around here!" Folie retorted, still prepared to do what must be done. "You guys saw it, we gave him a chance for peace, he didn't want to take it! He brought the reckoning on himself!"

"Boss, what are you gonna tell Titania you did today, when you get home?"

"Yeah boss, are you gonna tell her and the kids you murdered someone as they lay defeated and bloodied?"

"That the message you really wanna send to the little ones?"

"That the conversation you really wanna have with the missus?"

"...Fucking hell... fine. The Scum Bag lives, for now." Folie dropped his stance, the aura fading into thin air as he glared at the Rock Type. "But listen to me, Mac. That shit I said, paying us, turning over a new leaf, you're gonna do it, M'kay? You work for ME now, you don't own the streets, you don't own your gang, you fucking work, for ME now. Got it?"

The T-tar only whimpered...

Folie's fist ignited scarlet. "I said, GOT IT!?"

"Y-yes Folie"

"What did you call me?"

"Y-yes boss, yes boss, yes boss! Anything you say, we'll stop the ganger activity, we'll be good... We're yours, we're yours!"

"Good. Don't forget, because next time, mercy won't be an option. Not for you, not them... not for anyone." With that, he turned and walked away as the Tyranitar collapsed in the water, sobbing as his blood tainted the waves red and his ruined armor floated about him.

Folie's gaze went almost immediately to the tall rock formation in the distance.

"Hey, kid! How long you intend to stay hidden like that? You're not very good ya know, I picked up your scent a mile away." He gestured towards the weeping new recruit. "You enjoy the show though? This is what happens when ya treat people bad, justice comes out of nowhere and whips your ass into shape!"

Tres, Sky Pillar Interior, Morning

"Hmph..." She scoffed, still staring with those piercing orbs. "It is nothing against your kind, persay... but rather with the concept by which you came to exist. Surely you must understand, as a mon of God, I cannot condone the arrogance of man. He attempted to play god too many times to count, you and others like you such as the false angel are just the prime physical manifestations of this arrogance. Forgive me, but it is your fate that I must regard you this way. You are, by your very birth, an example of the force which ultimately led to the destruction of this world... avarice, pride, envy... you carry no sins of your own, but of your creators? Too many to count. Too many to expunge."

As if that whole conversation was over, she turned and walked away, wings tucked behind her back, not before calling over her shoulder though "Well, what are you waiting for, Duck? Come, we've things to get arranged, you've sullied this place with your presence long enough... I don't intend to allow it to persist any longer than it absolutely must."

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Tres, Sky Pillar Interior, Morning

Tres stayed silent. He had years of fun talking with his very creators, easing their pressures. The way the Togetic insulted his creators were harsh, yet, he could not fight back for the deceased. Not because of cowardice, nor conformance to her boundless pride, but simply because he could not afford the cost.

His very existence to their natural kind's eyes was an object, a target to impose their hate and loathing of humanity upon. They upheld their natural status with pride, and they discriminated against him. To his eyes, they're not any better.

He recalled a page from the Pokedex: Togetic, the Happiness Pokemon. To share its happiness, it flies around the world seeking kindhearted people.

"So much for all that..." He thought to himself, then he followed the Togetic.

Edited by IntSys
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