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Expressing my Eternal Gratitude to Pokémon Sapphire


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I don't believe it to be an exaggeration when i say that video-games are a big part of the lives of the majority of members of this community.

It is therefore not strange that video-games have impacted each and every one of us and our lives in various ways. A mere example would be how Pokémon has brought this whole community together. Video-games can impact people through evoking feelings like brought joy, entertainment, hope or even provide things such as insight, motivation or a purpose in life. Sorry if that sounded corny or pretentious, thought I really do believe video-games to be able to achieve this, and I can say that with much certainty because they have done so for me.

Gaming and video-games have been a lifelong hobby for me, and various games have impacted me and my way of thinking in many different ways. The game that has affected my life the most would be Pokémon, more specifically, Pokémon Sapphire.

At an early age my parents moved from my country of birth into the country I live in now.

In truth it was a frightening and confusing time, leaving your whole life behind you and everyone you know to move to a whole new environment where you didn't know anyone, nor could speak the language.

At the I didn't know anyone, and the language barrier between me and others was difficult to overcome.

Though at the time my school environments, was heavily into Pokémon. I therefore asked my parents whether they'd buy me and Gameboy, and after some convincing they acquiesced to my request.

And once I got myself a Gameboy the game pretty much took over my life for the better part of three whole years.

If anyone has seen the recent Pokémon Sun and Moon commercial with the Japanese kid emigrating to Hawaii and bonding with others over Pokémon, that's pretty much my story.

I've never been particularly sociable, or good at making friends throughout my whole life.

Though through joining that Pokémon community at my school I got many new friends, a few of which have stuck with me until the present day.

I remember fondly the memories of battling, trading with others. Even things such as solving braille codes, and even brute forcing solutions to unlocking the chambers of the Legendary Titans. It all so much fun.

Speaking with others, spreading rumors, discussing the games and the TV-Shows, all of this was facilitated and started by acquiring one small blue cartridge.

At a time where I needed friends and stability, Pokémon provided me with a crucible through which I could bond with others. For that I will always be thankful to the series.

Pokémon has and continues to have a profound impact on my life... It isn't an exaggeration to say that the moment that has defined my life and has led me to where I am today is Pokémon.

If at some point in the future I go on and do great things, and some random scientist invents a time-machine and decides to change my path through life, he'd probably go back and prevent me from starting to play Pokémon, and if he does, he'll succeed in his mission.

For guiding me to the path in life I have taken to reach the place I am at today, for that I am eternally grateful to Pokémon Sapphire-

I'm sure my story isn't unique, and that we all have a story about that one special game that has had a profound effect on our lives life, Pokémon sapphire is merely mine.

If you want to, you can share your story too ~ I'm sure we all have wonderful stories that we can share with one another.

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I can honestly relate. Pokemon Sapphire was the first Pokemon game I ever played (Well, maybe games like Stadium or something, but Sapphire was the first main game I played). From there, I've played games like Colosseum, XD, Crystal, Yellow, etc. And while I haven't played Alpha Sapphire recently, it makes up for the Sapphire game I had lost a few years ago (It is in a better place now, wherever it is.). I honestly also have to thank my sister for getting me into Pokemon. While she doesn't exactly play Pokemon as much anymore, she still enjoys it, and so do I, despite my enjoyment for Elder Scrolls these days (I've been thanking my aunt for that one, especially for getting me into videogames in general)

And while I've been desperately trying to get Pokemon Emerald (Like how I desperately tried getting Crystal), I've always cherished Sapphire.

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