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What are the odds for the Starter Randomizer?


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So today I decided to start my first Rejuvination run. Right now I'm about to chose my starter and I read it is possible to get Axew, Eevee and Ralts through the randomizer. I've been trying for about an hour or so to get one of these, but no luck so far. Are they still obtainable in 8.1 and if yes, what are the odds to get one?

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I'm pretty sure it's around 1/400 or 1/500 to get one, so you'll need quite some luck. I got mine in an hour, but some other people took days to get one.

If you really REALLY do want one, I wish you luck!

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iirc. the odds of getting a specific jackpot starter is 1/903, and the odds of getting any one of the 3 is 1/301 (mind you, I got these numbers a long time ago and I can't say with certainty that the odds are the same as they used to be).

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