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Introducing the Prime Mehster of New Mehland!


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Wow that title goes way back for me.

I guess because I'm bad with introductions, I'll just lay this out in the most structured way possible.


- My first Pokemon game was Blue.

- Favorite generation is 2nd Gen.

- Favorite Type(s): Water, Fighting, Steel, Flying.

- Favorite Starter: Totodile (Big surprises can come in small packages)

- Favorite Overall: #448.

General Stuff:

- I run year round, cross country in the summer and fall, track & field in the winter and spring.

- When I'm not ripping my hair out and spending hours studying and grinding to beat Florinia playing strategy games like this one, I usually play FPS's or Sandbox games.

- I love cars. Especially supercars. If they are Italian, they are probably hanging as posters in my room or standing around as a model.

- I've practiced martial arts for about ten years now, so I can kinda relate to my favorite pocket monster by coincidence.

- My favorite subject is physics, I also started taking classes in Java this past year.

I'm more of a reader than a forum participant, but after going through these forums many times throughout my playthrough of EP15, I thought it would be worth it to join, seeing the community is quite helpful and outgoing, and the developers actually seem like pretty cool people. Not to mention seeing that legendary post by Timber Dragon pretty much hyped me through the entire game, and was the post that got me into actually looking through the forums in the first place. And I guess that's it for me, I hope this post is up to standards, but in reality, I'm just struggling to ramble on pointlessly drop walls of text about myself.

Also, EP16 Hype!

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