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Fire Emblem On The Forums: Ashes (IC)

Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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"It isn't my faith in you all that's in question here..." No. Just...no damn it, this had to stop, it was going to stop, and it was gonna stop now. Meredith really did have several points- they could finish this. No one was dying today, even if a few of their rank do happen to fall while taking down that pompous noblewoman of a commander... because just as it was Meredith's job to defend them, it was Maya's job to do everything in the power vested in her to save them. This was here...this was now. NOT.THEN. She could not let the past define her, or else those relying on her in the present would suffer for it.


"I...No... enough. Again, you're right, Meredith..." She said, eyes hardening as her gaze turned to the barren earth. She didn't know whether it was more because she was just embarrassed one of her allies had seen her so disparaged, or furious at herself for losing focus so easily when lives were on the line. Either way, it was an odd sight, the ground... so much blood mixing with the dust and dirt. But one she had gotten used to, in time. "Please, forgive me...You're all trying so hard, and we've already come this far... I shouldn't have let myself wallow like that, even for a moment. I know we can all make it out of this; just like you say... we just need to keep it together a bit longer."

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ZL7mt8W.png"Hah, I knew you'd come around!" She turned to face Maris. "Now, pay for treading on dignity and justice! Take this!" She did a spinning leap into midair, having her back toward her foe momentarily, until she flipped over, bow knocked, and loosed the arrow while upside down.

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"No need to apologize to me. Battle isn't easy. It's especially not easy for those in your ranks." She looked at the healer for but a moment. A soft smile on her face. "I don't envy you. If I die, I get the satisfaction of knowing I tried my hardest to do my job. Even a failure isn't entirely one, and I don't have to stick around to see it if it is. But, you hold the lives of many in your hands. And if it doesn't work, it's easy to see that failure and blame yourself, think that it's your fault... and fixate on that."and with those words Meredith turned away, but, she didn't finish speaking yet.

"Being a Solider is easy. It's the medics that are standing in what can only be said is hell brought forth to the mortal realm. I can easily hold up my lance and fight... but you cannot. I have much more respect for what you do, than any solider Mayanna. So, there's no need to apologize."

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She... honestly had no idea what to say to that. Those of her path were supposed to know humility and kindness; she was used to gratitude and thanks... not open praise. But still, to hear such a thing coming from one such as Meredith to boot... it truly did mean something. Which... only made it all the harder to respond.

"I...Thank you...Meredith" She finally settled on, voice barely above a whisper but the warrior doubtlessly would've heard it regardless. Her eyes drifted up to the other woman, giving a nod of newfound confidence before turning towards the engagement in the distance. "Now... let's end this. There's already been enough blood spilt on these grounds today, hopefully her's will spell the last few drops of it."

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Maris grit her teeth and clenched her free hand into a fist. "You openly mock the beauty of warfare, you make a theater of all that is great about fighting. You have no honor, I shall have your heads and bring them to the capital myself!"

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The lightning spirits seemed to be amplified by Terrin's antics. They fly forward gathering even more and more lightning from the air around it. The electricity shoots forward giving Maris no chance of escaping. It chains her in place leaving her unable to move;

And unable to dodge Hoshiko's arrow.

Maris falls of her horse, landing on her back with an arrow through her heart. "W-what I... I lost?" She seems calm and surprised. She gathers the strength to look down and see the arrow. "Oh." She mouths and her head falls back against the grassy floor. "General Garbhan... I... I am sorry" As she finishes those last words her eyes close.

All of the soldiers before the fight were cheering. None of them ever thought that Commander Maris Longgarden could ever lose; she was talented fighter and her sword was a gift from the general himself! Which is why they all froze in shock and fear as they watched her body fall.

There was complete silence until the horseback Troubadour exclaimed. "R-Retreat!!!" In a flash all of the soldiers were gone. Without a commander they lost their chances and wills to fight.

Final Results:

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As the battle comes to a close you hear a familiar childish voice. "Oi! I went an' got reinforcements! Just you wait I'm gonna save you!" Dash arrives with six armed men all from the Misguided Children. "... Or not. Did you all do this by yourselves!? How strong are you?!"


On the other side of the battlefield, others are just as awestruck.

"Is it over? The soldiers are retreating." She nudges her Pegasus to fly a bit further up confirming that Maris was indeed dead. She landed her mount, and immediately let herself off falling to her knees. "Thank the Goddess... Oh thank everyone we are safe."


"We aren't out of the woods yet Saffron. We do not know who these people are."


"Sir Keagan and I are of the same mind, we need caution Lady Saffron. We have many enemies and very few friends."


The girl got up and took a deep breath. "Well it's time we make some then." Holding the reins of her pegasus with one hand and her spear on the other she lead the trio through the trees and to the main group. Despite her wounds, the girl carries herself a practiced posture. Chin up, back straight, calm and meticulous steps. The other two walk in much of the same fashion, clearly all three have been trained in manners and posture. "Thank you brave warriors. I cannot thank you enough, you have saved the life of my companions and my own. I can never thank you enough." She closes her eyes and bows her head in sign of respect. The other two follow suit; although it looks a bit silly for the huge armored man to do it as well.

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"Yes, I'm glad that all of you were able to manage yourselves," Ecquis said to the trio. Morgan made a grunt of agreement in addition.

"What exactly were they chasing you for anyways. They referred to you as criminals if i recall. What crime could have brought all that attention onto you?"

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"No need to thank us. It's clear that you're on our side if the Dragao Army is after you. I was only doing my duty." Meredith bowed in turn, though quickly before standing tall once more. "Mayanna, think you can tend to her wounds? She looks gravely injured. Almost as badly as I was there for a spell."

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Terrin wasn't paying attention to the trio they had saved. He was too busy staring at his tome, thinking to the incredible power he had just managed to conjure up, somehow. Perhaps the spirits were angry they missed their mark earlier? Perhaps it was his worries about imminent death? Surely it couldn't have been... The pose?

"Hoshiko, I can't believe I'm saying this but great job there, some brilliant teamwork." The mage remarked genuinely as he turned to her, having also admired how true her shot had been after his incredible surge of magical power. From her comments right before the attack, it had seemed almost as if... She hadn't even realised she was being mocked? It seemed almost TOO cruel to inform her she was now. As long as she didn't start spouting off about the Goddess again, that is. I suppose it doesn't hurt if she thinks we're a bit likeminded and I have an excuse for some hilarious antics... He thought, before striking another heroic pose in acknowledgement of their teamwork.

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"No problem." Luka said to the strangers. They seemed to be safe. Though, a bit of gold or something would be a nice show of thanks. Probably can spare a few bucks when you got a Pegasus on ya. Looking at his allies, Luka was glad to see they were all alive and well. "So, what brings you to a battlefield like this?"

Edited by InnocentBoy
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"Of course." The priestess nodded. Infact, the staff was already beginning to flare to life again, much with the same intensity it had for meredith. She had honestly forgotten all about the strangers though, leading up to those last few moments before Maris went before judgement... mostly because her own people were at a far greater danger than them...

regardless though, wounds were wounds, and they were clear friends of theirs... given how they'd found them to begin with. The light steadily cloaked her hands before beginning to wash over Saffron, yet again a calming wave beginning to permeate to air, all notion of pain beginning to be wiped away like so much blood from a stained blade. "This won't take long..." She noticed the injuries sported by the Mage accompanying them too, while she was at it. "And I can patch you up as soon as I finish her, ser."

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"Thank you so much once more. I can feel energy returning to me, thank you." She allows herself a sigh of relief. He looks once at the older man who shakes his head, knowing full well what she would do next. She does it anyways. "Since you have no need for my thanks, I will give you my trust instead. Technically the only criminal in our group is my mentor Feri."


"Pleased to make your acquaintance." He sighs at the girl's stubbornness and bows slightly one hand behind his back.


"The big man in armor is my cousin, Keagan." The girl continues to introduce the group. Keagan simply nods at his introduction.


"I am Saffron, though that name might not mean anything by itself." She pauses mulling over if it's truly wise to keep going. "My full name is Saffron Dragao; I am the daughter of the last King Brandon Dragao the Third and the late Queen Eliza Dragao and in two months true heir to this Kingdom of ours. As for what I am doing here, my mentor Feri smuggled Keagan and I out of the castle. We are looking for an illusive group of freedom fighters; I plan to take down my uncle's tyranny and bring peace to all of Ignis."

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Rosalvya breathed a sigh of relief. There were far too many close calls than she had liked. Meredith's close encounter with death reminded them of how lethal the battlefield could be. Drenched in blood, Rosalvya would have thought she had died standing on her feet, had Meredith not replied to her. But it was all over. The three strangers approached them with poise, but despite their best efforts, there was no use trying to hide their injuries. They too, suffered casualties. The fields became noisy once more, as her allies clamored over their victory. She gave a weary smile and a quick nod of acknowledgement to Ecquis, before retreating into the woods. She preferred some peace and quiet after a battle. Seating herself underneath a tree, she began to hone her blade, while keeping watch for the enemy soldiers who had escaped. One could never tell if reinforcements were near.

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"Well, Saffron, you've at least met some of those Freedom Fighters. I am Meredith "The Undying". Long story that I'd rather not rehash right now.." She siad looking down at the ground a moment. She shook off the feeling, hoping none of them had heard of "The Undying". She was a decently well known Legend in Dragao and constantly toted as a morale story for young soldiers. A tale of exceptional heroism and what it was to do good service in the Military of Dragao. They'd hadn't known she flipped sides though. The irony in that.

Meredith out reached her hand to shake Saffron's. "I hope this is the beginning of something good. Glad to have someone such as yourself on our side. The same to you Feri, and you as well Keagan."

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Royalty, huh? Luka had an inkling the girl was important in some way. Keagan's armor reminded him of the ones he saw some Dragao soldiers wearing. Not only that, while not rare, having a Pegasus certainly meant you weren't a poor kid. Maybe I can get more than a few bucks in thanks.

Putting on his best smile, Luka gave a bow to the princess. Better act nice for a royal. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Princess of Dragao."

Edited by InnocentBoy
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"My name is Ecquis. The wyvern besides me is Morgan," he states, having dismounted to introduce himself. Having done that, Morgan started to fly off a bit towards Mayanna.

I guess she wants to get back to her petting session. That's fine then, Ecquis thinks to himself.

"So, if you're supposed to be the true heir, I suppose that means Maris and her troops intended to prevent you from taking power. Does anyone else know about this? Your lineage I mean," he asks Saffron. Ecquis never found himself observing royal power struggles before, but he could likely guess from some smaller scale examples he had seen through his travels.

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Maya damn near dropped her staff at the mere mention of the girl's name... though she was just as quick to snatch it up from the ground. It was a good thing the divine light of healing was nowhere near as volatile as anima could be... she'd heard more than a few stories of amatuer mages dropping their tombs or getting distracted mid spell and having the spirits lash out at them instead of their foes for such perceived lack of respect. Not that it mattered much anyway though, Saffron was more or less back in top shape now.

"I-it's truly an honor then, my lady" She stuttered with a deep bow.. though it wasn't long before her eyes drifted to those others who still needed attention. With that bit of a flustered acknowledgement, she made a passing sweep of the staff towards Feri and healed him as well before starting work on Morgan, letting the others continue as if she wasn't there. She wasn't that good at talking to nobles, honestly...never had any opportunities to practice. And besides, her talents lay here among the staunching blood and weaving light.

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Saffron sighed; maybe a bit too audibly. "Please; no titles. I am Saffron. Not Princess Saffron, not Lady Saffron, not Future Queen of Dragao Saffron. Just Saffron." Either way she extends her own hand, and shakes Meredith's hand.


"So you are part of these freedom fighters? The Misguided Children?" Keagan seems to think for a few seconds before continuing. "If all of your ranks are as strong as the eight of you, we might have a shot at this."


"Thank you, Sister. Your healing is much appreciated." Feri says with a nod. "We are wanted fugitive. I doubt anyone but the military knows of our escape. General Garbhan, the supreme commander of the Dragao Army, knows of our escape as he's been personally tasked with our retrieval and execution. It's why Commander Maris chased us down this far. However, I doubt neither the common people or the nobles know of our escape. Lady Saffron and Sir Keagan are the torches that will light this country in a blaze of revolution. And King Roswell is well aware."

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"Hmm, fret not Saffron. On the battlefield, all are equal. It's not a place for titles as much as those stuffy commanders would have the rank and file believe. It's really just an illusion to keep some semblance of order. I know this better than most. Honestly, I prefer not having to use some haughty title. They mean so little in the scheme of things. At least, in my experience. You have my promise at the least. I cannot speak for the others." Meredith exhaled rather sharply. expelling all of her nerves at once. A few had built over the conversation but, she could easily dispel them. After all, she learned from a star solider and was hardly starstruck by that old coot. To be frank, he hardly held the air of a well respected Great Knight. He seemed just like any old grandpa. Until you decided to spar with him. Then things changed in an instant.

"Feri, would they expect you to join forces with the Misguided Children? Regardless they are hunting us anyway, but they might just become that much more active in their search if they knew you were fleeing to directly join our rank. It's really a matter of semantics and logistics. If they know their are searching for two threats that are one in the same, they don't have to split their manpower, but if they don't know you've joined us... they don't have that luxury."

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"You would be surprised, the King himself dismisses the Misguided Children as rumors. As far as I understand only local authorities of Laguna Bay believe that the Misguided Children exist." Feri brings a hand up to his chin. "Which is actually a blessing in disguise the king will never expect us to march a direct assault on the capital so soon. We'll have to enlist the help of noble houses sure but they will surely help our cause. Tell me, how large are the Misguided Children's ranks?"


"A princess... Here of all places..." Dash seemed confused at all of this information, and so did the other members of the Misguided Children that had come along with him. "I think I heard the boss say we had around 150 fighting men."


"150?" Keagan crossed his arms and a stern look crossed his face. "That won't even be enough to fight the smallest of the Dragao sub-armies."

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ZL7mt8W.png"Thank you, Terrin. By the way. . . that pose. . . No, it couldn't be. You were simply swept up by my passion, no?" The archer took on a distant look for a moment before striking her own pose and holding it for a time that was aaaalmost uncomfortable. At Saffron's introduction, she struck another pose, though this one was slightly more casual; she put one foot forward and spun an arrow a bit before resting the broad-headed projectile on her shoulder - it was no wonder the things were driving through armor. "So you are the rightful heir to the land then? I consider it an honor to meet you and aid you in your quest. I knew I was here for a reason. . . Oh! But pardon my discourtesy, I am known as Hoshiko the Righteous!"

The talk of how badly outnumbered the Children were didn't seem to faze her. "Fortune favors the just. Even if we are few in number, we are strong of heart and soul, and I am sure the wishes of the people go with us. I don't think we will stay such a small thorn for long; nay, we shall become the mighty axe that fells the corrupted, gnarled tree of oppression!"

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"Heh, for once, I agree with the Champion. Aye, Dragao if it has any weakness it is that they are predictably dull in their tactics. Brutish and sloppy. Always have been since I've know their regime. Quite awful really. Anyone would make a better commander than a lot of their ranks." Meredith said without hesitation. Small numbers didn't mean that they couldn't triumph. Just that the likelihood was low. Clearly the Children had to grow their numbers regardless.

"Not to mention Keagan, I'm sure many would rally behind a figure such as Saffron. Gathering troops for our cause doesn't seem tough with her on our side. As Feri said, it's is you who will be a rallying point for the people."

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"I wouldn't count on it."


"From the uh. Pessimistic point of view." Feri's tone of voice seems to change, as if a bit sadder. "The people are scared of the Kingdom's army. While the country side is suffering the Capital is still strong and healthy, and people there support King Roswell. People fear to march against him. And there is also the fact that Saffron is the daughter of King Brandon, the Kingdom believes him a madman and a murderer. And they say blood runs thicker than water; there will be much opposition against her claim."


Saffron clutched her spear. "But we still have to try. The people cannot suffer like this!"

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Meredith crossed her Lance with Saffron's. "I believe in her cause. It may be a long shot or seem like one. But, it's the best break we'll ever get. To squander it with half measures and not having our hearts in thsi fight... well, it'd be a shame to the great people of this nation. We'd be letting them down to waver as such against tyranny. How can we call ourselves freedom fighters if we waver at the sight of the foe we fight? WE CANNOT!!! They say, that the only true evil in this world is when good men and women sit on their hands and do nothing. We have a fight and a cause. We must fight for the people of Dragao, and this is our best shot in years. So, I'm am with Saffron in this. The odds do not matter. These people need us. And we cannot free them if we do not even try. While pessimism is healthy and apt, we cannot afford it here. We the Misguided Children have no time for apathy, half measures and half heartedness. We msut be in this fight 100% NO MATTER THE ODDS!!! WHO'S WITH ME?!?!!"

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"Talks of corrupt kings and true heirs, armies and revolutions... this is certainly unexpected, isn't it girl?" Maya stroked the Wyvern's snout again as she finished up with the beast, staff hanging by her side. She'd honestly carried and used the thing for so long that she oft forget she was even holding alot of the time whenever idle...it had more or less become apart of her, over the years; there when needed, out of mind when not. "Who would've thought this is what we'd find out on the plains like this...seems it must be fate, in a way."

She gave a passive raise of the Staff at Meredith's declaration, though beyond that, she didn't give much else in acknowledgement... technically she wouldn't be doing any of the actual fighting so...oh, who the hell was she kidding, this was all just a thin ploy for her to give the Wyvern some attention a bit longer. She was surprised, how quickly she'd come to rather like the drake... she wasn't lying earlier when she complemented those scales. they really were beautiful creatures, despite what all the historical books and scrolls often slandered them as.

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Ecquis ended up walking over to Mayanna and Morgan, the latter enjoying the attention she was getting.

"It's nice to see someone willing to appreciate wyverns you know. They are quite colorful as well, with either blue, green, red, or black scales," Ecquis recounts, being familiar with wyverns and their biology. "Besides that..." Ecquis pauses. He considers for a moment how Mayanna would respond to what he wanted to show her. But, seeing as how Morgan is getting along with her, he decides that it should be fine. With that, Ecquis makes a distinct whistling sound. After a pause, another wyvern comes flying down to the ground. Unlike normal wyverns however, this one had no colored scales, instead having pure white scales. The wyvern makes its descent and walks behind Ecquis, wary of the girl in front of him.

"This is Cynthia. One of the few albino wyverns around."

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