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"Even further curiosity than that, I would think, is how the spirits of all three shy from those of darkness but... I suppose flare up against those of light?" Terrin wondered aloud. "My teacher once told me that it was because the three classes of anima magic embody the spirit of the goddess Ignis. Thunder to cause a spark, wind to fan the flames, and fire as your end result. So they embraced and were emboldened by the light, but shunned the darkness. I never really believed it, but a nice little story, I suppose." Terrin just shrugged. "He was a Druid, quite versed in Dark magics. Always said I seemed to call on a certain kind of spirit, ones which didn't falter when faced with darkness, but perhaps he was just motivating me." As Terrin continued to muse on the subject, he just sighed. He hadn't spoken of, or even thought about, his magical education in a very long time. There wasn't that much he missed about Caelum. His mother and the old Druid were about the only things he felt bad about leaving behind him, in truth.

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After overhearing all of the chatter, Ecquis decided that he should end up doing something besides just lying down. A quick glance however showed that most of the people around him were engaged in some other activity. No matter, there is one thing I could do, Ecquis thought before making a whistling noise. After a pause, a jet black wyvern approached the ground, having a peculiar case strapped on to it. After landing, Ecquis went up to the wyvern to retrieve the case.

"Here's hoping the thing didn't get damaged," Ecquis said to himself as he brought down the case from the wyvern's back. Opening it revealed a somewhat large, ornate harp. After a quick look, Ecquis found that there was no damage to it. Good, it would be a shame if this were to break. It was a gift after all, Ecquis thought before plucking each of the strings, making sure the sound was right. Once done, he then began to play a short tune to pass the time.

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Rosalvya looked around the field, trying to find a suitable spot for her to practice the sword in peace, when she heard the nearby swings of a weapon. As she headed closer to the sound, she could see one of Saffron's knights practicing the axe. She carefully approached the area so as not to disturb his practice, and observed his swings. She never liked the axe as a weapon; it was too heavy, too slow to be practical. But his swings showed signs of control. Not like the brutish bandits she had encountered on her travels, who only swung with all their might. As his swings temporarily came to a halt, Rosalvya chose this moment to intervene.

"How long have you practiced the axe for? Your swings are very refined," Rosalvya said with admiration. "My name is Rosalvya, one of the Misguided Children. You are one of Saffron's knights, correct?"

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Dash was on the side lines of a game of ball, making sure none of the teams cheated. "Most of them are the kids of soldiers in our group, others are just kids that the boss wants to protect. You know like me!" He pointed a finger at himself and grinned. "Kids like me, we either steal from the docks or we earn our keep. Samwell isn't a very rich guy but he's influential in the town. He gives us food and sweets, and we don't have to fight. We just have to tell him about soldiers and dangerous things and the like." Dash looked down at his boots where he stashed his knife. "Although I want to fight too... "


"You've had a hard life Meredith I can tell." Saffron turned away from the water and looked at Meredith instead. "I don't want to be a hero. Just someone who can help people like you." She smiled and lay back her head against the grass of the bank. "All of this talk makes me restless though, for now I want to rest. Feri and Keagan have already filled my head with too many thoughts on future battles, conquests and politics. I think I've earned myself a little rest."


"Ah the Druidic arts. There is very little written about them, and they hardly ever write anything down themselves so their knowledge escapes me." Feri's eyes glint with even more excitement, he seems completely ready to learn even more. "A wise sage from 200 years ago theorized that spirits are drawn to a person's charisma. That the words we use are just ways to let out our own inner personalities and to resonate with the spirits of nature, and that the spirits that are drawn to us are much like ourselves. So I believe your Druid master might be very close to the truth."


Keagan looked at Rosalyva from the side of his field of vision. "I'm Keagan." He kept at his swings for a few more moments until he put the axe down and took a breather. "I have been training since I was 5. I took the axe from the master of arms in the palace. He said I had the shoulders for it. And I am not one of Saffron's knights. I am her cousin, I protect her because we are family."

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"A little rest would be nice huh?. Might as well get it while things are still quiet, serene. We can think about the craziness that is down the road a lot more later on. After all, you chose to be stuck with me. We're in this together from now on. We've got plenty of time. For now though, rest, and gentle caress of nature, they'll be quite divine. We've both more than earned it after that battle." She lay back as well, placing her arms behind her head. She rested her head where her fingers knit together. She just looked up at the clear blue sky. It was beautiful. Just like always. She almost thought of it as the ocean that was always above her. They said the reason the sky was blue, was that it was the colour reflected off the waves. She didn't know how true that was but... it made her always feel, that out there somewhere, Arborbrook's little lake... was always with her. She just silently watched nature now... retreating back into her mind. It definitely reminded her of those days where her and Gerson just sat in silence and watched the world move around them. She was glad that today, she had company for it once more. Even if she had just met her. It just felt, like she was meant to be here. Was it fate? Meredith was never sure she believed in such a thing. But, this sense of belonging... it had to be something.

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"Oh ho? Is that so," said Rosalvya. The distinction between the two didn't matter to her. Either way, he was intent on protecting Saffron. What she really wanted to know, was if they were allies worthy of fighting on the battlefield together.

"It would seem that you're quite well-versed in the axe. Would you care to indulge me in a little sparring then?" she said with a neutral tone. Rosalvya untied the sash that held her sword to her waist, and wrapped it tightly over the hilt so the scabbard would not come loose. To others, this would appear to be a friendly bout of sparring. But to her, it would mean a test of his strength, and whether or not she'd acknowledge him as an ally. She would not accept anyone who would hold her back.

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"Fighting doesn't really sound like all it's cracked up to be, really." Luka looked at Dash, a concerned look on his face. The boy seemed determined to fight, despite his young age. He's probably faster than me, but there's no way he could survive well in a fight. "Once you get on that battle field, you either die, or you kill the other side. And doing the latter is pretty difficult." I don't want to see you getting a bad injury. Or worse, dying.

Luka let out a sigh, shaking his head to get rid of the dark feelings in his head. "A kid your age shouldn't be out there, in danger of dying." Besides, you're like three years younger than me, and I can barely fight.

Edited by InnocentBoy
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"He's right, you know..." Maya called as she wondered over to the boy and Luka. She wasn't usually one to intrude, but well... there was no way she could avoid overhearing at least something of their conversation. The Killing fields were no place for a child... infact, they were often too much for even grown men, alot of the time. "I know it's probably not what you want to hear, Dash, but... even for a noble cause like this, don't get anything confused about what it means to enter the battlefield. There is no romance there, no glory and no honor...no rules, nothing is sacred. Just one objective- to destroy everyone who stands in your way, regardless of who or what they are." It seemed odd... hearing such overtly dark and cynical subject matter coming from a sister of all things... yet Maya kept on as if it were nothing... there was no intimidation on her face, no scare tactic in her voice... just the simple but blunt edge of truth.

"War clouds the minds of mortals, Dash, it sets minor tensions into the smoldering embers of tragedy, and major ones into a roaring inferno of suffering and chaos for all who are touched by it's blazing heat... I know you might think you're not doing enough, but there are just some things children should never be swept into."

She did try to lighten up though, the smile from earlier again on her face as she put a hand on the boys shoulder, hoping to change the mood "Besides, if you had been fighting with us instead of scouting, we never would've known about Saffron being in trouble... and where would we be now if that very important event hadn't happened? You're already doing far more than your fair share of help Dash, don't worry."

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Keagan chuckles. "I think you are like me. I don't say much with my words, but I tell tales with my axe. At your ready."

  Reveal hidden contents

Rosalyva is the first to act, scoring a hit on Keagan. He barely has the time to counter landing a blow on Rosalyva but getting hit for it.

  Reveal hidden contents

As Keagan readies himself for his own advance Rosalyva strikes at Keagan's arm making him drop his axe. Her next hit targets his legs making him fall. As he falls he outstretches a hand. "Yield. I yield." He admits, with a clearly sour look on his face. He raises himself up and dusts off his pants. "You are too fast to keep track of, I barely landed a blow. Who taught you to fight?"


"I know all that!" He sighed. "But if I fight, they won't have to right?" Dash looked out at the kids who were still playing their ball game. "They look up to me, call me 'Big Bro'. They really are sweet kids and I need to protect them. I want to be strong like you Miss Maya, Miss Luka! You all protect us in your own ways even if you don't fight. But you are still out there helping everyone. So if I join you I can protect the kids in my own way as well!"


With a gentle breeze and the gentle river it wasn't long until Saffron closed her eyes... Closing her eyes for a few moments lead to tiredness. "Zzzz..." Quickly Saffron fell asleep, snoring very softly.

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"You are quite skilled as well, to be able to hit me with an axe. I was confident that you wouldn't be able to strike me, but you've just proven me wrong," Rosalvya said with praise. She subconsciously held the area where Keagan struck her, as the blow ached slightly. "I taught myself the sword. It was a necessity if I were to survive by myself on the road." Rosalvya tried to hide it, but she was quite pleased with herself for winning the battle. It was said that one got to know another better by crossing blades. She certainly had no qualms about welcoming Keagan. With an outstretched hand, she extended a handshake to Keagan.

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She stared at the boy a moment, eyes stern... but finally she relented with a sigh of defeat


"Seems I can't convince you... a shame, that usually works on little ones..." She took another look over at the children, still playing over yonder. She turned back Dash, gandering up and down as she looked him over. "How old are you dash? You look 13, 14 maybe...? As much as I don't want to admit it, I suppose you do have a point... neither of us partake in any actual conflict...but still, the thought of you being out there where even someone like Luka often becomes a target still worries me though, quite a bit...so don't going thinking I'm sold on this idea."

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"Heh, that tired huh? Well, I'll watch over ya... well provided I don't lapse into sleep myself. What... a beautiful day." whispered to herself as she looked at the now snoring Princess. She definitely deserved the nap. Meredith was running on fumes herself. She, couldn't really fight the warm embrace of the wind very long. It's gentle caress lulled her to sleep as well. Her lids felt heavy... and as soon as she closed her eyes, she drifted away as well.

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"So you're saying I don't fear the dark or dark mages, so neither do the sprits I call with my magic? Isn't that a lovely thought." Terrin just smiled at this. He didn't particularly believe it, but it sounded like a nice concept, if nothing else. The mage flipped ahead a few pages in his tome to where he'd obviously been writing most recently, the scribbles seemed to be about utilising lance-wielding stances to better magic use. "If you don't mind my asking, where did you learn your magic? My understanding is that magic is taught very differently outside Caelum, so I'm curious to know how things are done in Dragao."

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Did he just call me 'Miss Luka'? Luka looked over himself, wondering what Dash meant by that. I look like a perfectly ordinary boy, so I don't know how he'd mistake me for a girl. Probably a slip of the tongue or something. Pretty easy to forget the second syllable of Mister. Ignoring his thoughts, Luka continued talking to Dash.

"Being here for them is protection enough." Luka looked to the little ball game, marveling at the energy of the little kids. "Playing with them, being a strong family member, making sure they're not alone or sad. Don't you think they're happy to have someone like that?" Luka closed his eyes, memories of his time with his father coming back to him. "If you were gone, I can't imagine they'd be happy to hear the news."

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Keagan met Rosalyva's hand with his own, in a strong handshake. He smiled. "That is impressive. I've only recently started fighting to survive; I can understand how much it changes you. I hope you'll practice with me again."


"I'll never die. Because of the kids, that's why I will never die." He explained, completely confident in what he was saying. "I might be 14, but I am faster than anyone, I'll do my job on the battlefield and do it well. No one will ever catch me, just you watch!"


"I'm an odd case; I'm a historian and a teacher first, a magic user second. I've been studying magic on the side as both a way to prepare myself for danger and as a sort of... Hobby. It took me a very long time to be able to call a single spirit; and even after 20 years of studying I don't consider myself even close to grasping the true nature of magic." Feri brought his gaze down at his tome, as if remembering the past through it. ​"But normal students who can afford seek out a teacher. It isn't very expensive, and many can join military service to learn the magical arts; if they have the aptitude for it of course."

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"Whoa there now...let's not get too overconfident..." She warned, rather lightly though. there really wasn't much point trying to change the boy's mind at this point...she was still worried to hell and back, though, precisely for this type of thing. "Arrogance has gotten plenty of people killed, and it'll kill plenty more before this mess is over... just like that Maris woman... I guess if you can somehow convince Samwell to actually let you tag along with us into battle, there's not much we'll be able to say otherwise, but still... don't forget that nothing is certain on that field." She removed her hand from his shoulder, staff at her side as she approached the river, gazing out over the water for a moment before glancing back...

"You might well be fastest, but I've seen too many lucky shots from an archer before... or a sword or lance that just happened to be in the right place at the right time... don't let yourself wind up like those poor souls. I can heal those types of wounds, Dash... but I can't heal the cockiness that leads to them in the first place. So...please, just promise...you'll be extra careful, if you coming with us actually ends up being a thing, okay?"

Yes, please do child... I really don't want or need another person as troublesome as Klaren around...

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"I'm sure there are plenty of people that would, in my position, say that if I've done in 7 years what you've done in 20 you're clearly lacking. Naturally, those people would be morons." Terrin just laughed, giving the fellow mage a warm smile. "I've met quite a few mages in my time, and the only self taught mage I ever met was my teacher. And from what I understand, it took him a lot longer than 20 years to get even where you are. Self taught mages are so rare because it's not something feasible to learn on your own, I think. So I would say you're an incredibly talented man indeed. And if you're gonna be around other mages like me and our team's token monk, you'll only grow." He explained. He felt like he was talking to someone younger than him, giving a lecture to an apprentice, despite this man being roughly his magical equal and far superior to him in years. But Terrin had a great respect for people he thought deserved it, and Feri had very quickly just become one of those people.

"I was actually training to be a soldier. A Knight in Caelum's army, that's what nobles tend to do back home when they have too many older siblings to have any chance of leading their family." Terrin admitted. "I like to think I'm still pretty strong and could handle myself with a lance if I picked one up. But one day at training, some guy, from a family just slightly more noble than my own, showed up to watch our training. Watched me and told my commander to discharge me immediately, that I was wasted soldiering. Apparently he saw I had an affinity for attracting nature spirits that I wasn't aware of, and so I gave up soldiering and started mage training the next day." Terrin explained, before laughing and flexing his arm muscles a bit to demonstrate his apparent strength. "And here I am now."

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"I already talked to the Boss, he said it was okay! You'll need me for scouting, and I'll do better with you all than around here." He reached out and grabbed Maya's hand with both of his. "But I'll be careful. I promise. I'll protect you, Miss Luka, And Princess Saffron. I'll protect everyone! Hey you can even start calling me Big Bro Dash! I'll be there for you like you'll be there for me."


"It's quite a story." He nodded in approval. "Thank you for helping our country even if you are from another Kingdom. I hope to grow with you, and your monk friend. And your knowledge of Caelum might become very useful in our journey to come."

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The monk waddled around the camp, taking in the sights around. His demeanor implied he wasn't a teeny tiny bit awestruck by the speech the princess gave, but that was probably because he was, well, Klaren, and Klaren could be a very indescernable person at times. All the rejections he'd suffered atfter that last battle seemed to have washed away and his spirit was back up and ready to do more of, well, Klareney things.

And so, that very same Klaren, who was just minding himself walking around, seemed to smell the fact he was mentioned, because, as Terrin and Feri both finished their speeches, he popped up behind Terrin all of a sudden and placed his hands on the mage's shoulders, peeking over his shoulder. Now, was Terring taller or shorter than him~? It'd be fun to find out. Klaren was bit under 180 cm, quite a thin and tallish individual, looking kind of lankily streched in his visage, and painfully pale, the earrings in his one exposed ear contrasting against the sun above. His arms beneath his robes were wrapped up, but that was old news. It was the same since he'd joined the little edgily-named group, he'd always had them and anyone who knew him even a bit would be able to guess why~~~


"Pee-ka-boo~!" The monk said playfully. "Hee-hee, did I maybe hear you maybe mention maybe me or maybe mmmmmmmm~?"

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She tried to smile... worries and thoughts aside, this was clearly happening regardless of her misgivings. But, at least the boy was willing to comply with that one simple request. She still could not look at him though, gaze glued to the shifting currents and shimmering light of the midday sun. Not with how much the boy's utter conviction reminded her of him. Yet another boy from the streets, taken from whatever life he might've been able to have by fate and molded into something far too heroic for his own good...

"...I'm glad to hear you say that,Fre-...Dash" She said, oddly quiet, so low that only Dash would probably be able to hear. Big Bro, eh? ... how bitter a taste the mere thought of those words left in her mouth, as she tried to continue. "And I promise... that no matter what, I'll never fail you...even if fate decides otherwise, I won't let you die on that battlefield."

Her eye's glistened. She turned and headed away from the two of them. Wiping them with the sleeve of her robe, she feigned as if she'd merely gotten something stuck there. "I-if you'll excuse me though...there's other things I need to tend to. It won't be long before we'll be back out there again afterall..."

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Ecquis had been busy playing his harp for quite some time. Most of his wyverns were asleep, though Mira was still attentive. She was always the one who paid attention to whenever Ecquis did anything musical. Well except singing. That didn't go very well for anyone involved. Deciding to take a break, Ecquis looked around the area. One one side of the river he saw Meredith and Saffron asleep by the bank. Naturally, he wouldn't do anything to interrupt something like that. Closer to him however, he did see Mayanna walking by the river. He decided to go and have a talk with her, seeing as how their last conversation took quite the peculiar turn. So, with harp in hand, he started to go towards her. As he got closer, he noticed that Mayanna seemed somewhat sad about something, or at the very least was bothered by it.

"Hello again Mayanna. Is something wrong?" he decided to ask her.

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"Oh...hello, Eqcuis..." She'd been so distracted she'd nearly bumped smack into the approaching man. She took her sleeve away from her face, stowing it behind her. "No, it's nothing... I was just talking with Frey...with Dash is all. Seems he's going to be coming with us into battle...Samwell's already given his blessing to it..." Quickly wanting to change the topic though, she let her gaze settle on the instrument in the Rider's hand.

"Oh, do you practice harp? I never would've thought...do Wyvern's enjoy the sound of music?"

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"Nothing I can do about it, then." Luka stood up, trying to look Dash in the eye. "But you better promise me something." Luka gave himself a deep breath as he spoke to the little kid.

"First sign of danger, you're not staying in harm's way. I may not be able to protect you, but we've got plenty of fighters to keep you safe." Luka gave the boy a smile, hoping to see him smile back. "If you get badly injured, you get out. Because if you die on me, these kids are going to figure it out eventually." Luka pulled Dash close, bringing him in for a hug. "Neither of us want to see them sad, so you're gonna live just to make sure they can smile when this all over." Just like him... He's still out there, I know it.

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"I've been playing for about 6 years now actually. This particular harp was a gift by one of the 2 people I can call friends outside of this army. That was during my time in Caelum actually. As for the wyverns..." Ecquis points over to his group, of which 3 of them are asleep and Mira is looking over to where Ecquis had gone. "Most of them get lulled to sleep, but Mira always loved to listen. It's how she got her taste in the fine arts I suppose." Ecquis finished. Though that answered her question, he did have a question regarding a certain name flub that he had noticed.

"Incidentally, when you were mentioning Dash earlier, you mentioned someone named "Frey"? Is that someone you know?" Ecquis decided to ask.

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"..." She just stood there, looking at him for a moment. There had gone just about any hope of glossing it all over, she supposed...but, well... she supposed there was no harm telling Eqcuis; he hadn't sent her tumbling to her death, after all, and he'd seen fit to share with her details of his own life. it could've been worse. Could've been a total stranger asking. Hell, It could've been that Wicked Klaren. Besides, she already kept so much internally to avoid putting her troubles on others... it was the way of the priest; they were to be the comforters and guides of the flock, in both times of war and peace. To ease their fears and suffering alike... even if that sometimes meant having to becoming masters at hiding their own. If she couldn't share it with a even friendly face like his, then who could she? Donalto and the other Greys were dead... and there was no way in hell she'd ever return to Rosalynd's chapel...

"I guess...there's no harm if I tell you..." She finally sighed. "I did promise to explain more earlier, didn't I? Before... Klaren interrupted." She turned, giving a sidelong glance back towards Dash and Luka, witnessing their glorious manhug.

"Yes... Freyl. He was my brother...after our mother died, he kept us both going, took charge... made sure we were taken care of, despite us having nothing... and smaller kids like us too, whenever we crossed paths. I guess I couldn't help but think... how much Dash reminds me of him, in a way...so protective of his little friends, like their his own blood. Wanting to do anything he can to help, even if it means fighting beside us...putting his own life at risk..."

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