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Fire Emblem On The Forums: Ashes (IC)

Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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"I see. My hometown at least still exists, or I think it does. I never did consider going back there. Not that I could even if I wanted to." Ecquis replied. He decided that asking about the fire could wait another day.

"When I had to leave, I actually went up towards Yukihana. The mountains were a bit of a trip, especially without everything I would need to get through, but I managed it somehow. If you don't mind me asking, what were your travels like?"

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"I drifted from town to town, collecting whatever information I could. My travels were lonely, with nothing but my sword to keep me company," said Rosalvya, as her fingers traced over the scabbard, noting the nicks and scratches. It was strange to think that a young girl like her was able to get her hands on a blade, let alone use one. She had received it from her savior; well, "received" was a strong word. No matter how well she tried to keep it maintained, it couldn't be helped that the sword was beginning to show signs of wear. It was only a matter of time before she'd have to replace it. "Travelling alone during war times isn't safe. I've had to fend off bandits on more than one occasion." Not wanting to ramble, she decided to ask Ecquis a question instead. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't seem to speak of your journey as voluntary. Why would that be?"

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"Well, due to a particular incident, I more or less got forced to leave town. I don't particularly feel like talking about the specifics now, but I had to gather whatever I could and leave within 3 days or else. That was about 9 years ago now," Ecquis said rather quietly. The incident in question wasn't particularly pleasant, especially considering the conditions he had to leave in.

"I suppose the only saving grace was that my departure was around this time of year, so I didn't have to deal with the winters of Yukihana immediately. Well, that and the wyverns I ended up taking with me. They've more or less been the only family I've ever had," Ecquis finished, his tone sadder than it normally would be.

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who am I kidding...this is pointless. She barely even paid attention to what is in the bags anymore. One way or another, it really didn't matter that much. So long as the staff by her side was intact, she could pull any of them back from the brink of most things... or at least try to. Yes, try to... Because trying was all there was; trying and failing, and watching as it all ends up the same regardless. Trying to tell myself anything otherwise is just self-delusion at this point...just accept it already. It'll be easier if you just don't get your hopes up.

The was a hand on her shoulder, just as she was finishing with the supplies. She expected it to be Meredith or perhaps Ecquis. She really didn't feel like facing either right now, to be honest. Or any of them, really. "I'm not much in the mood to talk..."


"Aye. I can see that. You should really try smiling a bit more though, ya know... been such a long time since I've seen that."


She froze, dropping one of the bottles of salve unto the ground where it hit with a dull thud before tumbling in the dust. That...that voice...no...no, you can't be...She turned, slowly... hesitating as she gazed over her shoulder, not wanting to believe it, but not daring to simply ignore it either. And to her horror, there he was. Just as he'd appeared all those years ago.

"H-how...?I saw you...the plaza...the stage, the crowd...no...t-this can't-"


"...this is really no way to be thinking, ya know." He glossed over the question like it was nothing. "Everyone's gonna be counting on you to help out, and here you are, standing around, mopping. What do I always tell you? It's gonna be alright..."


"...you're wrong. So, so terribly wrong..."


"Oh? And just how am I wrong, pray tell? You're still alive and well...it wasn't all a waste. I'd call that alright enough in my books. So long as you're still safe..."


"Alive? Well? Safe? At what cost, you fool!? Papa, Mama, You, Donalto, the Greys! All of you! you think this is alright, how this cycle has continued over and over again!? It's not, damn it!!"


"..." the man gave no response, only looked expectantly towards the others in her group. Only then as her own gaze drifted to them as well, did Maya realize just how loud she'd let herself get in her agitation... there was no way in hell at least a good portion of them hadn't heard the little tirade. Great...just great... she'd probably drawn attention... the very last thing she could've wanted right now.


By the goddess...this whole mess just keeps getting worse. "You-" He was gone by the time she turned back around. No footprints in the dust, no rustling of leaves in the undergrowth. The horses stood as idle and oblivious as ever, some grazing, others staring off or simply snorting at her previous, abrupt volume. Whatever weight of a palm she'd felt on her shoulder felt as if it had never been there at all, not even the lingering sensation of pressure that fades in a few seconds...

It was like he'd never been there to begin with. Not even Maya herself was certain of it...could it have really all been in her head? There certainly wasn't any evidence of it being real... and it wasn't like fully-dead men got up and started walking again, not without it being the product of either a miracle or a horrible abomination against nature.


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"I... sorta feared something like this. Perhaps I should've been more proactive. No... there's no way I could've know this was how bad this was. But, suddenly the hesitance in our first battle makes much more sense. I just wish I had known this before now. Maybe... I could've done something. Well... better late than never."

"Hey, Hoshiko... I'm going to get some fresh air. We can continue this discussion in due time." She said this, though it was an excuse hiding the real decision... the real course of action she was about to take. She started to hang back towards the sister she had previously talked to. It was only a small talk before but... the warning signs were there. Something had happened in her past. Meredith had seen it in soldiers during the war. She herself dealt with these things, though... probably not to this level. While she struggled with her past... it wasn't as personal. Meredith tried to be as discrete as possible when approaching. She didn't want to seem threatening, she didn't want to frighten Maya, especially if what she was experiencing was still happening. She tried as best she could to indicate to the others that'd she'd handle things, though, it was pretty difficult with just body language to work with, while also trying to not startle Maya.

She spoke, level, calm, and direct. "Maya, I'm going to take a walk a little aways from the group for a bit clear my head. I tend to like company for these walks though. You want to tag along?"

For those that knew her, it wasn't really out of Meredith's character to do so. The woman did at times go be on her own. She enjoyed a bit of time to herself to think, and decompress. How well this unit knew her... well... it was hard to say as they were mostly all new faces. They had worked together hopefully enough time that it was known though. She hoped that this would allow her to remove Maya from the group at large and get her away to a more manageable situation. She hoped the others would realize what she was trying to do and hopefully not interfere... or stare or... escalate the situation. She hoped that brief heart to heart she had with Maya previous would be enough that she trusted her now. She didn't let any of the concern show on her face. She didn't let any of it show. She had to hold that facade so that Maya didn't get the wrong impression. Offering an out to this awkward situation would hopefully help Maya to calm her nerves quicker and, in a healthy manner.

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Well... at least she's not immediately interrogating me about...that..."Oh...s-sure..." She already knew full well where this was most likely heading, and even despite having some faith in Mere, she still dreaded it. Well... at least the story would be told alone. It was best the rest of them didn't hear it anyways... she didn't know how many of them would've believed her, but why bother chancing that it would distract from the goal ahead? Afterall... the sooner Roswell's head was on a pike, the sooner she could leave them before it all happened yet again...that was, of course, assuming she even could stop things from happening again "Lead the way... I suppose."

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"Family, huh?" Rosalvya smiled. "I envy you for that." It seemed that Ecquis wasn't going to elaborate on how he was forced out of his hometown. If Ecquis didn't want to talk about his past, that was fine too. Rosalvya was sure that everyone had a secret or two. "What made you decide to go North?"

Edited by Stalkerkain
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"Miss Maya is so weird~" Klaren mentioned happily to no one in particular as he turned to watch her leave with Meredith, a bit envious she didn't invite him on her walk. "But I like her anyways." He finally added, turning back around and dusting off his robes, ready to continue the journey. He'd gotten enough company by now to satisfy him so everything was a-okay. This way he'd have a bit of time to make happen that idea he had on writing about his favourite journals in his journal~

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"Of course. Just follow my lead."

Meredith set out, just hoping the sister was behind her. She didn't want to keep looking back as if she was checking on her constantly. Meredith really didn't want to give off the impression that she as babysitting her. Maya was fully capable she just was trying her best to accommodate. She had done it before for another solider once. She, never really asked why... or what it was that bothered the man. But, just being there helped him, someone taking what he was seeing seriously, rather than writing him off as a nutcase and nothing more. So, she'd once more extend that courtesy. Sometimes all one needed was someone to believe them and be with them.

They were decently far from the group now, they could still see them, but they were surely out of earshot, probably even if they yelled a bit. However, Meredith just kept walking. She carried her lance behind her head, draping both arms around it as she walked. She had yet to say a word. And for now she would remain as such. If Maya wanted to talk, she would. Meredith wasn't about to force anything out of the girl. It was up to her to make that step, and to take it. It was within her hands. Meredith figured that... in this case the lack of control over what ever she was seeing... was part of the issue. So, she wanted Maya to feel as if she had full control over what she would do in this situation. Sadly... she was no expert on these things. She was only going with her best guess, and what her heart said to do. So, she waited for now.

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Why isn't she saying anything? Why... why drag me out here... if you're just going to stay quiet? She could feel it. The awkward silence growing as they walked. Growing like the yawning abyss of death... the jaws of oblivion gaping wide and preparing to swallow everything whole. Eventually, she could stand it no more. She stopped dead in her tracks, giving a glance over her shoulders at the others far in the distance.

"Meredith..." she called as the other woman kept walking. "enough. I know the real reason you brought me out here..."

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"Well, you tell me then, what did I bring you out here for?"

She tried to remain as relaxed as possible. It was getting rather difficult to maintain composure for sure. But, she had to. For Maya's sake she needed to remain calm and collected. If she was to help her at all, she couldn't afford cracking at the moment. She'd been under worse stress in much more life threatening scenarios. And yet... this was just as hard... if not harder. She dusted off a rather large rock nearby and sat down. She motioned for Maya to sit next to her once she caught up but singleing placing her palm on the rock next to her.

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"Well, I don't know if you're aware, but wyverns arent exactly well liked in Dragao. Though at the time I didn't know that as well as I do now, I at least knew that going through Dragao wasn't a very good idea. So I went to Yukihana. It wasn't too long of a trip since my former home was right near the border, but it was still a tough one. Despite that, the wyverns did make the trip a bit less of a struggle," he replied. Thinking back, Ecquis did wonder slightly what would have happened if he went to Dragao. Probably nothing good considering how his more recent arrival went.

"Speaking of which, I think I'll be taking a little joyride if you don't mind," he says before making a whistling noise, calling Mira down from the skies..

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...so we're playing this game now? She sighed, sitting down beside Mere begrudgingly and letting her staff fall to the ground beside her. She stared at the barren ground of the road, once lush and fertile ground long since beaten into submission by so many countless feet over the centuries... just like her own soul. His face, his voice, his cloths... it was him exactly as she remembered, right down to how he talked to her. One way or another... she was certain. That was beyond a doubt Freyl. Regardless whether he was a specter or a mere delusion, his words still rang in her mind even now

You're still alive and well...it wasn't all a waste. I'd call that alright enough in my books. So long as you're still safe...

"...I saw him, Meredith. It's been years and years since it happened... and yet there he was, right there with me... trying to cheer me up." She gave a laugh, a bitter one, more of a scoff, really. From the folds of her vestments she retrieved an old book, bound of ebony leather and worn thin with age, pages yellowed and binding bent- it was obvious as she opened it the thing had seen more than it's fair share of use, and had Meredith ever fought Dark Magic users before or looted their bodies, she might well be able to identify it as none other than a Tome of Sin.

"As if someone like me deserves such a thing. He always did try to be the noble one, always putting me and other urchins before himself; what we wanted, what we needed, how we were doing...always for me, always for some younger kid we found, never once for himself. Fought for me, stole for me, even picked up this bedamned book and the magic it taught because he thought it would help him better protect me... I don't deserve his kindness, his efforts...not anymore. Not after...everything I've caused...everyone I've failed to save..."

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"So, he's still with you. Who was he?"

The only question that was really on the woman's mind. She wanted to better understand. to better get the picture. obviously he was close to her the way she spoke about him. Tight... the kind of bonds that could strangle the heart in grief. Meredith had no idea what had happened. She wasn't sure it was right to ask. So, she kept it focused on the subject. If Maya anted to divulge she would.

The words at the end though, struck to close to home however. She had failed to save people once. She had failed to be the hero she wished to be. however... the blood wasn't on the hands of another. The blood was on her own hands. She killed them herself to survive. The people she swore to protect.They had attacked her first of course however... she wished that instead of fight she just let them kill her at times. She couldn't really hold the emotion very well anymore. Her eyes got misty, with the dew of sorrow. She managed to hold it, but... just on the brink.

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"My brother..." was all she said, closing the book. "The only one I had, really...after our parents were gone. Wasn't the first one I failed...that was mama. But he was definitely the first one to get killed because of me." She could still remember it, even now, despite so many years trying to forget that awful moment... that look in his eyes, those words he whispered... the screams afterwards... yes, Freyl may have been the first to explicitly die because of her, but he hadn't been the last..."look at us though, sitting here, talking about it as if it actually changes anything. Whether what I saw was actually him or just some sad delusion, mine is still cursed company either way...I don't even know why I'm risking this, being so selfish...

I had a rule, Meredith. I was supposed to follow it, stay distant, never more than a few days at most... stay long enough to help, but never to put down roots. And it was working, for a time at least... and then I went and broke it to join you all...I know beyond a doubt, if I'm linger too long it's going to happen all over again, and I just dread even thinking about it...good people, people like you and Ecquis and the others... I should never have brought my curse to you all. Enough kind souls have paid the price for it already."

Only then though, did she finally notice Mere's eyes, as she looked up again. She knew naught what the woman would be misty for, but... maya couldn't blame her either way. She'd done more than her share of crying, till eventually there was no point even doing it anymore... "Meredith...are... are you alright?"


"Surely you don't know the company you keep. To me, the name "Undying" is a curse. It was not forged out of heroism... just the fervored want to survive. I cannot die. No matter what happens... I never die. No matter what horrors I inflict I just don't die. It wasn't a matter of luck in that first battle. I've done terrible things... I've killed the people I was sworn to protect. Of course, they attacked me... but... I still broke my oath. I killed my own country men. Their blood directly stains my hands... I think it's their way of punishing me. That I have to live with the images of their faces every day in my head.That I can't die until I make amends for what I've done. I don't even know if it's possible."

Meredith placed the spear across her lap, she turned it over and over. Just staring at it. She heard the words Maya had said but... she didn't really believe them. She didn't want to refute her feelings but... the woman did nothing wrong. She only thought she had. "Maya... I don't know what happened. But it isn't your fault. You didn't drive that weapon through anyone. I don't care how many people have died around you... it's not your doing. This world is cruel. And much more cruel to others. You can't save everyone... when you try, you end up bloody and alone. But, in my case... you end up with the blood of everyone on your own hands as well. I killed them. I choose to. Me. I'm the one who decided my life was more important... and in doing that I became what I never wanted to be. They called me a hero for it. A twisted mockery of my own dream... as if to spit on my own person. If anyone's cursed... at least you didn't choose yours. My curse is of my own making. It's penance for the wrongs I have committed."


"you sound just like the old man" she muttered. "Don't blame yourself, you can't save everyone, this is fate...but see, there's something inherently different between us, Meredith. Even though you may well have walked this road of your own free will... you still possess the power to determine your own fate. You choose to atone, and look at you now. Maybe you aren't the shining knight who is free of blood, but like it or not, what you're doing here... you're still a hero of sorts... just not the one they make you out to be... false heroes are born of propaganda and lies and care only of fame and coin. Real ones though... they actually care about the validity and justness of their actions, and when those actions don't sit well in their conscious, they try to set things to rights.

I don't see you bearing the colors of Roswell's forces, and your words rung true enough to stay even Rosa's blade... whether you'll let yourself believe it or not, Meredith, you are a true hero... despite whatever you might've done or the mistakes you made. You can atone for those sins, and your curse can be broken, with enough determination..."

She gathered her staff and stood, eyes fixed on the sky overhead, recalling for just a moment, the sweet taste of freedom Ecquis and Morgan had given her... however fleeting it had been. "But I'm not like you, nothing like you at all. You don't understand what I mean when I say my very presence brings death. Surely... you've had to notice something off about how our opponents act, when I'm near one of you trying to help. They don't even so much as look at me, Mere... just rush for someone else, even when I'm the most logical target, the most vulnerable.

And even in those rare cases where they have in the past, before I came to you all... they always hesitate or change their minds or...something. I've seen swords originally meant for me instead change their course to cut down friends, mages scouting out targets decide to avoid me for no reason, even Archers taking aim pause and ultimately change their quarry at the last moment. And that's exactly the way my own mentor died...Don't you see, Meredith?"

She turned, staring right at the woman, eyes a strange and undecipherable mix of clashing emotions."Your actions might have led you down this road, but they can also just as well give you a way out of it now. But whatever malicious force follows me? I'm a slave to it, it's pet. regardless what I do, what I say, what I try, the hands of Fate that should strike me down always divert to someone else... always servers another's thread... and then they just laugh at me as I try so desperately to stop the inevitable... for she knows there's only so many times I can bring someone back from the brink so rapidly in succession... but for Fate, there is no such limit to how many times her shears can flash and snip."


Her hand clenched the staff as she continued, fingers white as bone as she shook, shaking her head and she grinding her teeth. There was no sorrow there, anymore, no dejected reminiscence, only fury, fury all too obviously meant for no one but her own self. "My very existence is like Poison... Mere; simple as that. From my own brother, to Noble Bandits, Smugglers trying to get food and medicine to the poor, to Freedom Fighters like the Misguided Children, It's all the same. I'm just a Viper who doesn't have to bite. Where I go, good men and women will always end up taking the death sentences meant for me. I can't stop that...I'll never be able to stop that... not unless I remove myself entirely. But before I do that... I want to see Roswell pay...for everything. For the lives he's wasted, the suffering he's caused his own people, the name of the Goddess that him and that false prophet of a high priestess are sullying."


"Even if I atone... those people never get their lives back. My curse isn't that I can't die. It's that while I'm alive I will forever remember their faces. I will forever remember that I broke my oath of my own decision. No matter how many I save... I shouldn't be here. I should've died back then... with the rest of my ill-fated unit. But, if I die now those people lost their lives for nothing. I killed them for nothing. So... I can't. My words to Rosa weren't something courageous.. I hoped she kill me."

She place her hand on Maya's shoulder. But, didn't look at her. She breathed deeply.

"Fate is what you make of it. You have the same control of yours as do I. No matter what I do in the future Maya, I made my fate in the past. I can never change what I did to those people. You may be a Viper by your own words... But, I am a monster and always will be. I killed innocents just trying to stand up for themselves. I will always be that hideous monster. No matter what I do... Fate didn't cut their strings. I took Fate's scissors from her hands and cut their strings myself. So, there is a vast difference between us. While you can take the reins of your fate... you can still control them. I have proven that when I control them... I do terrible things. And yet... we are the same. We blame ourselves for things we couldn't know at the time. We blame ourselves for the faults we didn't control. Don't blame yourself. You deserve better than to punish yourself for the cruel twistings of fate. Those deeds don't stain your hands and they never will. They aren't born from you. At least you never took an innocent life by your own hands... you never lied about who you were. I have done those things. The world sees me from what I've put forth. Even if I change that image... the stone I carved myself... will always be there. My curse will never lift. I'm an oathbreaker. The worst of filth in this world. Anything I do in the future will never be enough to atone. Good people died for me to be here. They lost their lives for the greatest kind of traitor to live. The person who betrayed them self. You want to know why I can't die Maya? I died a long time ago."

Meredith said this and with a about face, she walked away. Not in a huff, not in a hurry. She just faded into the distance. A walk... of an injured soul.

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Year 1020, 5th of First Heat

In the early morning, the party noticed a pillar of smoke coming from not too far ahead. Dash ran ahead to investigate and quickly enough he came back with a surprised look on his face.


"T-there is a village on fire, I can see houses burning. And there's a girl just... Standing there near the fires." Dash lead the party forward the pillar of smoke came closer and closer to their field of view, and the air started to become hard to breathe. Eventually they arrived at a single burning house with a girl inside it.

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"Mmmmmmm... Yes... More... More... Hotter... Mmmm~"

Serene held her palms close to the blaze, indulging in the feeling of hot, hot fire licking against her skin. She let out moans of excitement as she felt the burns, the fire taking her to increasing levels of sensuality. She longed to throw her entire body onto the flame, but she couldn't; not yet. She had things she had to do. As the burns started to creep upward along her arms, she clenched her legs together and released a long, primal howl, then collapsed to the floor, panting. Brow shining with sweat from both the heat and her exertion, she turned her head to face the group of interlopers who had so rudely intruded upon her special private time.

"Eh? Who're you cinders? Do you know how difficult it is to find a nice blaze like this? Can't you let a girl enjoy some burning-hot action in peace? "

Edited by Code: PIRULUK
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Klaren was on his toes the entire travel time. He was looking forward to the desert sands he'd never seen and kept adjusting the band on his head. Just imagine all they could do there~ And if they got into trouble, all the better.

So he wasn't really happy when they took a detour toward some burning old village. Sure, it'd be fun if a ledge dropped onto one of them and broke something, but the deseeeert had a mirage Meredith in a bikiniiiii!

However, as the girl's words reached his ears...


"Did someone mention burning hot action~?" The monk clapped his hands as he peered through the door of the burning house and caught the visage of the girl. Was she doing what she thought she was doing? Ooooh. Very kinky~ Still, there was a sense of urgency present, even for Klaren, as the smoke begun burning at his throat. "I'd be all in for that any other time but it'd be a shame to ruin my new headband, you know~ So would you come with us? Pretty please?"

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"Again, who are you lot of matchsticks supposed to be?"

Serene kept her head tilted back, not moving from her spot.

"My mother told me not to follow strangers. Maybe it would help if you could satisfy my burning curiosity by unstrangerifying yourselves, hm?"

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Klaren shifted and stood in the door frame, looking around at the burning building's infrastructure.


"Matchsticks? I don't think I get what you mean... But like, if you really wanna know who we are, you're gonna have to come outside with me now. There won't be any introductions made if a grid falls on you~ And besides, we're just on our way to the desert where we're gonna go throw each other into sandpits and play beach, tee hee~ What do you say, hmm?"

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Having followed Klaren near the burning house, he was able to see the girl within it. That being said, she seemed to be...enjoying herself for lack of a better term. While the situation wasn't the greatest, he could at least answer a few questions for her.

"Well, for starters, my name is Ecquis and the man over here is Klaren. I'd tell you more, but I would prefer if we handled that outside of a burning building. Is that alright with you?" he decided to ask the woman.

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Klaren, we found a new friend for you. Luka watched Ecquis and Klaren rush off to save the girl who certainly seemed to be enjoying some nice hot fire. Standing a decent distance from anything that could burn him, Luka spoke to the girl inside. “We’re merely a bunch of travelers, Miss.” Luka didn’t feel like telling the truth, so he gave what was close enough. “But we can’t stray when there’s someone in danger.” Maybe you can give us gold bars, unlike Princess over there. “The name’s Luka. I’d ask yours, but you probably won’t need one soon if you stay in here long.” Luka reached for one of Serene's arms, hoping to try to pull her out of the room.

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Serene pointedly ignored the person that had failed to answer her request for identification, then nodded at the suggestions of the two men with the long, billowy hair and the effeminate appearance, reluctantly allowing herself to be pulled away from the comfortable warmth of the burning house. Standing upright and dusting off the ash from her clothes, she seemed about to speak to them, but then frowned as she realised that the flames that burned the house were starting to die out. She placed her left hand on her tome, under her cloak, and snapped the fingers of her right hand, causing the fires which enshrouded the house to blaze forth with renewed vigor. Smiling in satisfaction, she turned to the group and made her own introductions.

"Merely a kindling of travelers, you say? You lot look a bit too heavily armed for that, but hey, not my policy to sort ashes. Name's Serene. I like to burn things. Scorching pleasure to make your acquaintance."

After giving her name, she glanced at the pink-haired archer, pouting a bit.

"Hey, don't slam it till you try it. Not even willing to bathe in the flames of the Goddess? Such lukewarm faith. You should do it someday, might be an illuminating experience."

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"Well then Serene, its a pleasure to meet you," Ecquis stated, going outside next to Cynthia. Noticing that the flames engulfing the house were renewed once more, Ecquis had a few questions. Not all of them necessarily relevant, but still.

"So, were you someone who lived in this village, or were you just passing by. And...were you part of the reason for why this house was on fire by any chance?" he decided to ask. Given her reactions inside of the house, Ecquis could guess that this woman enjoyed fire very much...perhaps too much. But that's not something for him to judge really.

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