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Fire Emblem On The Forums: Ashes (IC)

Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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Klaren pouts at the group. Nobody was even noticing hiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmm. He then looks over at Terrin, Luka and the lady offering them a tour. He glares at her specifically with a frown on his face and wouldn't stop even if she looked back at him or otherwise reacted. In that scenario, he'd just pout harder.

Edited by Bfroger6
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"Alright, let's go then Terrin." Saffron motioned to get going, and start walking Northwards with Keagan. They walked at a slow step towards the huge tower that was the college. After a few moments Saffon turned to Terrin. "So have you been to the college before? It's my first time in this city, everything is so different from the capital."




"Understood, then please this way." Yasmin lead them along the north street, but soon enough took a turn westwards and into an older part of the city. It looked much less organized and the stones looked worn and old. "This is known as Old City, the reconstructed buildings and the still standing houses of the old city all remain here. Before Sergius the Flamewaker defended the city, it was actually named Forja, and was ruled by the house Ironhand. House Ironhand was wiped out in an ancient civil war. We now call this period as the Nohr Uprising, it took place shortly after the kingdom of Caelum was founded and as the country recovered house Nohr attempted to take the crown for themselves. They challenged the Ironhands to war and all of the heirs were killed in battle, while the head of the family died of old age. As such when Sergius the Flamewaker defended Forja, he earned the city as a reward in the war efforts and started the house Flamewaker. However we can still see remnants of Ironhand architecture, we believe this was their house symbol." She ended her speech right as they arrived at a statue of a fist. It was built from iron, the fingers closed in a fist pointing at the sky. "We also have reasons to believe that it doubled as a forge as we found ashes and remnants of minerals. What we know for sure is that House Ironhand were excellent craftsmen and their work spirit was inherited by today's craftsmen."  

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"Whooooosh-!" Klaren jumped and held his fist up towards the sky, mirroring the insignia on the alleged Ironhand house symbol, not caring much about how loudly he'd exclaimed his little vocalization of excitement. Or maybe it was boredom? He already knew all of this. Bla-bla, Ironhands, bla-bla Sergius...the only fun part was that they were actually walking around the city and seeing it all for themselves. So perhaps he was vocalizing both of these emotions at the same time? Like, he yelled 'cause he wanted to interrupt the tour-lady but he chose to say 'whoooosh' because he was actually happy? Mayhaps indeed.


"They had to have been really cool if they used their house symbol as a forge!" He added, putting a finger on his chin innocently, now that he'd probably attracted some attention onto himself. He grinned for a moment, his eyes glinting against the daylight as he first crossed his hands around his waist before stretching one out and pointing at the lady. "But you're wrong-!" The volume of Klaren's voice seemed to only raise with every word he said. "There was actually a survivor of the Ironhand lineage! Well...sorta. Tell us about Erik Pyre if you dare!" ...you eeevil possible-shopping-mate stealing lady!!!

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"Oh, goodness no. Before I headed out to Laguna Port, I very rarely ventured beyond the outskirts of Caelum. I've heard of the college, my own magic teacher mentioned it a few times, he may have studied here in his youth, but beyond that I know very little." He explained, before shrugging. "Senator Deth is hardly the most focused individual in Caelum, he would rarely stay talking on one topic long enough to say much of the place. Regardless, I very definitely want to see what it's like in there- And I'm sure any friends of Feri will be friends of us."

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"Feri sent a chore for us." Saffron elaborated. As they went further and further through the North tower, more people in robes similar to the earlier tour guide started forming the crowds that were around the stores and restaurants. The tower only got larger in the horizon, and the streets got busier and busier. "He asked us to research about the magical artifacts we saw. You remember the walking corpses in the village church? Feri says that if there is a place where will find information on it it will be here."




"Y-yes you are correct." The woman conceded. "But Erik Pyre was a bastard after all, and he wouldn't be able to inherit the family lands. Also he moved to Caelum and during the civil wars he made no move to come and aid his father." As she said this a carriage passed by at high speeds, throwing a dust cloud over them making Yasmin cough. "I'm sorry about that, people shouldn't drive so recklessly." She coughs more as the air begins to clear. "You picked a bad time to visit the city. Everyone is crazy because of the king's visit."

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"Well, it seems that everyone else has decided to go to a tour or the college. How about we stop by the shops and see what's around. Sounds fine?" Ecquis asks Maya and Dash, the two accompanying him. He had personally not gone through many of the towns in this country, but with his wyverns out of sight, he figured he wouldn't run into too much trouble. And so long as they passed off as visitors, which they sort of were, there wouldn't be any issues.

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"Hmmm? oh... sure, sure..." Maya said idly, finally returning her attention to the Rider and the thief. Interesting story, how the Ironhands had fallen and the lone sage had taken their ancestral seat and all their lands with just a bit of ingenuity and wit where they had failed. Not interesting enough to have drawn her into what was obviously a tourist trap, but still, twas a nice bit of history

     "Anyway, Dash, anything in particular you want to see? You mentioned Temples and Castles earlier, right?"

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"T-the king?" Rosalvya said nervously. That wasn't good news. At worst, someone from the king's escort might identify Saffron. "Um, what exactly draws his visit here?"


While she waited for the tour guide to respond, she quietly whispered to her group.


"S-should we be worried? Maybe someone should go warn Safforn."

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"A-ha! So you do know, but are just unwilling to admit your mighty statue-person's house was built upon heaps of liiiiiies!!!" Klaren strikes a victorious pose with his fist up, grinning widely, before Rosalyva disrupts him.


"Lilyyyyy...." He pouts. "Iunno, have Lou go." He shrugs in response, pointing at Luka whatever he was doing.

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Yasmin looks awkwardly at Klaren, unsure on exactly how to reply. She scratches the back of her head and turns to Rosalyva instead. "Today there is a meeting between King Roswell and the head of our city Harmon Flamewaker. I understand that the meeting is about Hearthlight's support of the war efforts." Yasmin explains. "The meeting is public, and is going to be held in the Glass Dome near the College. Everyone is welcome to watch but I imagine the seats are going to be pretty full, the meeting will be historic. And as per tradition, any citizen that is present will get a vote in the outcome of the discussion."



Radburn crossed his arms and frowned. "We should be worried. If it came down to a fight, I don't think any of us could take on the Royal Guard. Not even the great Radburn." Radburn told the others, making sure to hush his voice so the tour guide wouldn't hear. "And if the King is here there is a chance that General Garbhan is here... I've heard that General Garbhan shields the King himself in dangerous voyages. Man I'd love to see him in person..." 





Dash is bewitched by the sights, looking around and paying attention to everything. He doesn't even seem to be bothered by the smoke, coughing occasionally but still with an overwhelming look of joy. When Mayanna asks him a question, he responds immediately. "I want to see the market place! Or I'd like to go there first, and then see the rest of city! Everything is so big compared to Laguna. And expensive looking."

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"I don't think anyone will forget the walking corpses for quite a while... Even as someone that has seen similar things before, the whole ordeal was rather... Chilling." Terrin admits, before just shaking his head. "If we can find any information on what was going on, I'm sure that would, if nothing else, help us all sleep easier at night."

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Hoshiko, shockingly, stayed quiet. The King. . . ! A foul arbiter of injustice and tyranny, placed right before her! Rather, THE arbiter of such! Their greatest foe, the one that marshaled the legions of evil against them - or was he? There was that strange creature, the dragon-thing, and those horrible monsters. . . Was this an opportunity placed before her, to strike down evil. . . or a test? A test to see if she could see the true evil.


Her consternation was visible on her face. 

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Luka began to cough more from the dust cloud, leaning forward slightly. Darn carriage riders! I swear if I ever see you, so help me, you better wish I haven't learned to use a sword yet! Luka brought his scarf back over his mouth, glaring in the direction of the carriage. “Well, they should certainly should be more careful. A weak boy like me doesn’t do well with dust.”


Composing himself, Luka brought his scarf back down, patting the dust out of his clothes. As much as he worried over the princess’s safety, getting nervous would serve no help. Sending a glance in Klaren’s direction, Luka listened to his orders. “I’m on it.” Guess it’s par for the course when you can outrun everyone here. “I don’t suppose any of you have a cloak on you?”


Luka looked towards the tour guide, clearly unaware of why Luka needed to leave. You guys could be a little more subtle, maybe? “Our friend is a real big fan of politics, I'd rather go find her now and tell her while I still remember.” Luka put on his best smile for the woman, trying to not worry her. “Thank you very much for the tour, if you have one of those cloaks for sale for tourists, I’d be glad to take one off your hands.” It doesn’t look that bad, after all.


Luka started to prepare himself to start running, before realizing something. “Also, you wouldn’t happen to know where the College is from here? You can just tell me and I’ll go find my friend.”

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Mayanna, Ecquis and Dash move further and further into the market streets. The streets were littered on both sides with stalls; they saw the typical things you'd find in a market bread, fruit, vegetables, milk and eggs but more numerous than food stalls were the weapon stalls. For every food stall there were two craftsmen. Stalls focused on spears, on swords, on tomes, and even specialized blacksmiths such as craftsmen who only worked on hilts of weapons. Or maybe just sharpened swords. The choices seemed varied and the street seemed to stretch infinitely. There was a common trend though; craftsmen seemed hard at work but stalls seemed empty of stock. Maybe one or two weapons on display but every weapon seemed to have vanished. At last they come past the first staff stall where a man seems to be concentrated over a gemstone, engraving something on it with a hammer and a chisel. 




"These cloaks are for students of the College, we don't have them for sale I'm afraid." Yasmin smiles and points northward. "If you take the right street you will go to the main road and then just follow it to the College. Before the College is the Glass Dome, there should be quite the crowd gathered there. It's a shame the tour was cut short, but I hope your friend enjoys the King's visit! I'm sure the meeting will be to her pleasure if she enjoys politics."

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"It's... getting rather odd, isn't it?" Maya finally asked what had been prodding her mind for a while now, as the three of them watched the man work. She glanced back down the street towards the many other merchants they'd passed... "This many craftsmen and shops, yet nearly all of them seem sold out or close to it, regardless what they actually specialize in... it would be a little ridiculous to think the tourism around here could flow that strong. You ever see anything like this before, Ecquis?"

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"If more people were around it would theoretically make sense, but this is a bit of an oddity. Perhaps the things they are making aren't actually going to the selling block, but somewhere else?" Ecquis suggests, trying to think of another reason for the dropped stock. "I suppose we might be able to ask about it if we really need to, but for now lets see if what little stock there is happens to be of good quality."

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"But what else could it be going to...?" She trailed off, actually finding the vast myriad of possible answers that popped into her mind all too likely and too foreboding to dwell on. Instead, she simply shook her head "I... suppose you're right. Not like it's affecting us terribly much," "at the moment, at least..." then turning back to the Stave Stall, calling to the merchant as he toiled "Excuse me, ser? You wouldn't happen to still have anything available for sale, would you?"

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"Luka, before you leave, would you mind telling Saf- I mean, the others to meet us back at the statue when the sun begins to set? That way everyone will known where to meet up. If any of you run into Dash, Mayanna, or Ecquis, make sure to tell them the same," said Rosalvya. The circumstances couldn't be helped, and she'd hope that none of their descriptions were leaked to their pursuers. She turned over to the now pouting Klaren, and gave him a little tug on his robe. "Come on, let's go look for some golden thread you were after, hm? The sun isn't going to be up forever."


She waved to the rest of the group, as she began to drag Klaren away. Hopefully a distraction would be able to cheer Klaren up.


"By the way, what was that whole deal about that... Erik... Pier? Fellow? That you were making a big deal out of?" she asked, puzzled.

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"Lillllyyyyy, that's like, a great idea, let's go! Wheeeeeeeee~" Klaren lets himself be dragged by Rosalyva away from the group. He waves the rest of them goodbye with a big smile on his face proving that his pouting was nothing but a farce and that he was as cheerful as he could be.


"Oh, it's Erik Pyre, not Pier, Silly-Lilly~!" He giggles, placing a hand over his lips. "He was this surviving member of the Ironhand lineage, but 'cause he was a bastard and he ran off to Caelum nobody talks about him anymore and they all just say how the mighty mr. Flamewalker killed all of the Ironhands! It's not a big deal but I wanted to show that tour lady what you get for messing with the Evil Klarenfilia's scheming plans, heehee~"

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The craftsman looked up at Mayanna, his eyes met hers only for the slightest of a second before he snorted and went back to his job. His interest in a possible sale was way below his interest in his craft. "After I am done with this barrier staff, I might consider selling it. But I'm not selling it to outsiders, you are clearly not from the city." He chips a bit more before asking his next question. "Who are you? From the capital?"

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While the craftsman's back was turned, Maya tossed a quick glance to Ecquis and Dash both, before responding. Her eyes had made it loud and painfully clear; whatever she said, they should just play along with it...

    "No, actually..." she said without missing a beat. "I'm afraid I'm not. I'm from Greydale, off to the west. The bishop there, Mother Rosalynd, sent me on a mission of good will for the church, tending to the sick and elderly left behind during the draft."

     She almost wanted to vomit, felt the urge rise up in her stomach just from uttering the ungodly sentence alone, but she showed no sign, did not allow anything to break the facade. It... technically was not a lie. Years ago, it had been true, she really had been sent on a mission of Goodwill by Mother Rosalynd of Greydale, as had several other acolytes like her. The only difference, she'd never reported back. And had no intention of ever doing so either. But... dragging that bit of past back up right now was about the easiest explanation she'd thought of on the spot...

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“Hm, that’s too bad.” Probably wasn’t worth my money, anyway. “Again, thank you for the tour.” Luka turned his head towards Rosalyva, listening to her recommendation. The Dancer nodded his head before facing towards his destination. “I’m on it.” Focusing on the positions of any bystanders in his way, Luka followed Yasmin’s directions, speeding off towards the University and prepared to jump over any short walls. Before he got too far, Luka shouted back towards the others.


“Hoshiko, pay for the tour when you’re done!”

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"Hm." is his answer at first, as he remains quiet for a while more; 30 seconds pass and was done with the gem. He placed it on a staff and showed it to the potential customers. The gem was a bright yellow, and strange letters were written engraved on the gem. Mayanna would recognize these letters as part of holy texts, symbols that better explained the love of the Goddess than the modern language. "You will keep your mouth shut, and you will tell no one that I sold this staff to you. I will sell it for 500 Dragons, no less."

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