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Fire Emblem On The Forums: Ashes (IC)

Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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"Well, you feel bad don't you?" Terrin rather straightforwardly reminded the monk. "Whatever you may have wished has no bearing on these events: They happened. And you clearly understand how awful it is." Terrin just shrugged. "I used to know someone obsessed with death and corpses. Always wished he could see it up close. Difference is, when he got his wish? He was over the moon about it. So you're already a better man than him as far as I'm concerned." Terrin firmly told the monk.

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"I...don't understand..." Klaren had been prepared to take a metaphorical beating, but instead, he got comforted... As much as it felt nice, it confused him, ticked him the wrong way, as they say. But he didn't want to focus on that thought. Instead, he wanted to accept what Terrin was saying, even if it didn't want to sit properly with him yet. He also couldn't seem to be able to force a smile, despite her eager attempts.


"It wasn't nice at all... I thought it would be something I could put into my journal...but it wasn't. I don't wanna feel like this, Teri... And I thought maybe I could try something about the crystal with my magic, but everyone was ready to destroy it... C-can't we just go to the desert and have fun..?"

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Luka’s eyes went towards Hoshiko’s arrows. Lost in his sad state, his inner thoughts came out. Hoshiko could've heard him if she tried. “I’m certainly lucky to have not seen them.” Looking to the ground, Luka continued, unaware of him speaking out loud for anyone to hear. “But, surely these people weren’t. Some of them might have known the soldiers that demon had brought to life.” Luka’s hand began to clench, trying his best to hold back his emotions. “Families trying to protect their own, dying only to be brought back to kill those they love. Death might’ve been a better state to them than having to kill someone that shares the face of someone close to them.”

Luka’s tried not to think about them. He hadn’t seen them now, which means he still didn’t know where they were. He was going to find them. He was going to bring them home. He was going to live out his own optimistic goal. “They’re gonna come home, alive, and not whatever abomination these things were.”

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"Farewell. May you rest peacefully in the bosom of the Goddess."

The same moment when Hoshiko loosed her arrows, Serene unleashed her magic. As the fires raged to life, consuming the bodies and the firewood, roaring, rising in a large fiery dance that was both haunting and beautiful, Serene closed her eyes and allowed the sensation of heat to wash over her. The fires surged throughout the church, touching every corpse as a loving mother does her child. Each body was systematically set alight and purified. As the fires continued to blaze hotter and higher, Serene - her eyes still closed - began to sing.

Edited by Code: PIRULUK
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"If the crystal survives, I suppose you can try your idea. Right now I'm just glad you know these horribke things aren't worthy of your journal. And anyway..." Terrin paused momentarily, before playfully kicking a little dirt in Klaren's direction. "It's like we're playing in the desert already." He smirked in an attempt to lighten the mood.

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"Wow, that's mean, Teri, hee-hee~" Klaren giggled at the joke. "And, uhm, thanks for listening to me~ People don't do that quite often. I don't wanna take any more of your time and I need to think a bit about things, so I'll see you later~"

With an eased heart, Klaren waved Terrin goodbye and went on his way.

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Luka shut his eyes, the light of the flames near blinding him. Listening to the sound of Serene’s singing put a sense of peace in himself. “Those creatures kind of remind me of the people in Dragao. How fitting that they wear the same armor.” Luka spoke, no one in particular he intended as a recipient. “Brought into a battle they never wanted to be a part of. Only difference is how long their battles will be. This one ended in an evening. Dragao is still fighting their war.”
Luka looked to his side, Hoshiko’s bow grabbing his attention. “How I wish I could hold a weapon like that. Maybe then, they would be home in my place.”
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Hoshiko's first arrow hit the crystal straight on plunging into it's insides. Fire started to leap out of where the arrow struck in light embers. The second arrow shattered the crystal into a thousand pieces, each piece floating down slowly. At first each piece individually glowed yellow or orange, but quickly they lost their color and became black. Shrieks echoed in the hall, as if people in anger and pain were stuck with the flames and the broken crystals. But the voices subsided as quickly as they appeared. The church lit on fire fairly quickly and the bodies were the tinder that kept the flame fed.


At the front of the church was Saffron standing next to the singing Serene. She refused to look away; these were burning people. They too were victims of the rule that she was trying to stop. It was until the church was well ablaze and starting to fall apart that she finally moved. "Thank you Hoshiko, Serene. I feel like these souls have made it to the heavens." She turned to everyone else, and raised her voice to make sure everyone would hear. "Thank you everyone; All of you. Moments like these are part of saving our kingdom as well." The princess took a glance at the church once and then turned for her pegasus. "Let's get on our way. We still have daylight; we will continue on our path."

Later that day

The party only stopped for camp when the sun was completely set. Tents were erected and the still unconscious surviving soldier was lain down in one of them.

In the middle of camp, Feri had set up a fire and was boiling food in a large pan surely to be the food for tonight.

Anna was next to the cart that the merchants owned, taking stock and writing it down in a small notepad.

Ian was a bit further away, sat against a tree apparently not doing anything.

Dash was next to the fire nose stuck in a large book.

Keagan sat on a fallen over log, polishing his armor to a shine.

Saffron was close to the tents, brushing the fur of her Pegasus.

One of the tent's flaps came loose, a woozy and lightheaded Radburn exited one of the tents wondering where he was.

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“Saffron.” Luka approached the princess, hoping to have a short talk with her. “I never did get your response about how you felt about me commanding your allies.” Well, more so I didn’t get a thank you, at least. Perhaps she had been busy focusing on the battle. The princess's allies certainly focused more on fighting than some of the Misguided Children. How the heck do we always find time for a bit of chit-chat during battles, anyway? “I’d imagine Feri was expecting to be led by a warrior, not a Dancer of all people.”

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"Oh... you're awake."

The half-hearted words came from a woman sitting next to the entrance of Radburn's tent. The clear marks of tears fallen there, the clear signs it had taken place. Though, it was probably strange from a woman clad entirely in armour. "Come, sit. I'm sure you have a lot of questions, and well, if anyone should answer them it should be me." Meredith motioned to the blanket she was sitting on. There was just enough space for the man to sit next to her.

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Ecquis had gone slightly further away from the fire along with all of his wyverns. He didn't want to take up too much space from everyone else. Ecquis was sitting on the back of his red wyvern, holding an rather large, ornate longbow. Been a while since I've messed with this old thing, Ecquis thought to himself before deciding to get up.

"Now then, what do I feel like doing?"

Edited by Zetaark
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Hoshiko was, somewhat unusually, pacing about the camp rather aimlessly, if with a definite degree of frustration on her face. I was so useless last battle. . . I could barely defend myself, let alone help take down all of those horrible things. That isn't what a hero should be like, not at all. They should be able to stand by themselves, not constantly run in and get hurt so bad they need their friends to rescue them. . .

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Maya stared into the flames as they danced, the church still fresh in her mind even now. She doubted she'd ever truly forget, to be honest. The bodies weren't anything new, she'd seen sights like them countless times on a battlefield. No... what truly stuck with her was... the fury. The sensation of wanting to do more than simply give the dead peace... of wanting to bring retribution and ruin... that desire for blood at the sight of the Demon's handiwork... perhaps she was more of her father's daughter than she thought.

"This is the path I chose. I told him I wanted to help people, wield the staff just like he did...but perhaps...perhaps I should've tried to follow the other way he helped people. Maybe I should've taken up the blade, become another avenger like him and Freyl..." Even as she said it though, the words sat ill in her throat "Oh who am I kidding, I wouldn't be cut out for their path even if I had tried it...I'm far more like her. Perhaps I should've let her teach me how to bend others with my voice afterall..."

Her ponderings however, were interrupted as she noticed someone close by sticking their hands into the flame, like some sort of idiot who didn't know the first thing about getting burned... only to find it was none other than the strange mage as she lifted her gaze. She could see the other burn scars up and down the woman's arms, doubtless from her pleasure session earlier. She made to ask whether the woman was simple, stupid, touched by lunacy, or perhaps all three but thought better of it at the last moment. She had been the one singing the dirge earlier, after all, and she'd taken far more care with purifying that awful scene that Maya would've ever expected her too...strange though her... apparent affinity for burning was, at least she was capable of some form of respect. And she would be lying if she said she hadn't been thankful for it.

"Those will turn vile if you don't have them tended to..." She said, eyes still on the woman's burns from earlier in the day. She was resillient, Maya had to give her that, being able to fight at full strength despite having already gotten herself a bit singed...and then carrying the things the entire day too; she'd managed to get Hosh,Rose, Klaren and even the stranger back to their best... somehow the pyromancer had slipped her mind entirely though. "And they'll only get worse if you keep insisting on burning yourself. You surprised me though, despite my first impression when we found you in the house... that dirge you gave the dead...perhaps I was a bit too quick to judge you. Just like with Klaren..."

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Serene turned her head as she heard a voice of concern behind her. It was the sister that seemed to travel with this group. She laughed and withdrew her hands from the flame. It was about time, anyway. The burns were progressing.

"Well met, sister. Ordinarily, I would offer a donation and ask for a warm blessing, but that seems a little pointless since we share coffers in this little group."

She tilted her head in appreciation of Mayanna's concern.

"As for these burns, they're a necessary - if unfortunate - byproduct of my love. And though I may betray many things, I will not betray love. I thank you for your concern, but I don't think I'll ever stop embracing fire. It's just a part of who I am. If it's any consolation, however, I usually stop myself before the burns can progress beyond first-degree. Of course, if you feel inclined to heal these even though I will undoubtedly incur them again in the future, I would be much obliged."

Serene patted the ground next to her, ignoring the smarting pain that shot through her arm as the fresh burns on her hand touched the soil.

"As for the send-off... I did as any servant of the Goddess would have done in that situation. Friend or foe matters not once they are dead. All dead are equal, and equally deserving of the final embrace of purifying fire. Though I am no stranger to death, I have not yet lost my capacity for respect. It was not the first time I had sung for the dead, and I doubt it will be the last."

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Last time around, there was a certain other character which peaked Klaren's interest. This pink-haired girl which was so fanatical about the Goddess and kept going a bit away from the camp after battle-he'd said he'd follow her after the next battle, which was now. Except she wasn't going out of the camp, just like, marching around. Ooooh, maybe that's what she always did, but now their increasing friendship had gotten her to the point where she didn't have to be shy about it around people. That totally made sense! Besides, the fact they were still at camp made it less work to sneak up on her...


"Pee-ka-boo!" Klaren suddenly jumped out from behind one of the tents right in front of Hoshiko, shouting into her face with a happy smile on his face.

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Terrin sat near Feri, smiling at Serrne and Mayanna, as they were also by the fire.

"While it's probably best I talk to Saffron about this, I'm still not entirely comfortable speaking so casually to Dragao's future Queen." Terrin admitted, folding his arms as he peered into the pot Feri was cooking in. "Not to mention I'm curious about what you're cooking. But regardless, I wanted to ask about what exactly our plans will be once we reach Caelum." Terrin furrowed his brow, wanting to be able to help as much as he could. He was aware Maya and Serene could hear his words, but it was hardly a secret conversation.

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"Yes well, I thank you for that," Mayanna said as she took the place beside the mage, "hopefully it'll be the last time the dead are mistreated so... but it probably won't be. There are some men in this world capable of rivaling even a demon's depravity, if they lust after something bad enough..." She simply let the sentence hang off into oblivion as a slight glow came from her staff, washing over Serene's arms and returning the skin to healthy state. It wasn't long before she tried to change the subject though.

"I'm just glad at least one of us can do it when it's needed. For most of those I've seen fall, singing a dirge has always been the furthest thing from my mind...in fact, I can't even remember the last I just did it for leisure, honestly. My brother would probably have said it's a shame that I keep letting all that talent from mother go to waste, but I guess it can't be helped in the end..."

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Saffron turned her head to look at Luka and smiled. "Hello Luka, and did I not? My apologies. I didn't mean to be rude." She was now working her pegasus mane, scrubbing hard to remove any vestiges of dirt out of it's pure white mane. "None of us mind it, in fact we welcome it. Feri is an expert historian but doesn't have much of a mind for warfare. I was never taught the subject, my father didn't see a need for a Queen to know warfare in peaceful times. Keagan is the only one who had wild dreams about what the Misguided Children would have been. He thought that a resistance movement would hide away the strongest and most apt warriors. No that you all aren't skilled, but... Not in the way Keagan was expecting I think." She let out a small giggle as she pondered what Keagan originally had imagined. "So in conclusion; I welcome your strategic input Luka. If you have the mind for it please keep guiding us and fighting in your own way."


"Oh." He looked on Meredith with interest and then seemed to grip his forehead in pain. "Owch... I feel like I've been run over by five ox wagons and a dragon..." He sat down next to Meredith and after his pain mostly subsided he asked. "Who are you? Where am I?"


"Good evening Terrin, this is bear and wild pumpkin stew. Keagan went hunting earlier and caught a rather large beast. More than enough to feed us all" Feri said keeping his eyes on the pot, stirring it very slowly. "You shouldn't be afraid of approaching Lady Saffron. She would be very saddened to know you won't approach her because of her status. But either way I have no qualms answering your question; Our first task upon reaching the border will be to evade the Dragao blockade. The merchant routes should still have safe passage and I'm sure Anna and Ian will be able to help us get through there. Afterwards we will cross the desert in the direction of the capital Natarjah. We will seek an audience at the palace." He brought his hand up presenting it to Terrin. On his ring finger were two rings, wedding ring, and behind it a golden signet ring, with a red dragon on it's front. "We will hope to gain audience with our proof of royalty. Hopefully the Ignis, Lua and Sol will listen to us. It is best to appeal to them first rather than the senate; Caelum's senate is famous for being slow and indecisive in their decision making."

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Serene sighed in relief as the healing light washed over her burns. She enjoyed the feeling of fire, but the resultant burns... not quite as much. She nodded gratefully to the healer and grinned.

"Not even for leisure? That's a burning shame."

She cast her eyes towards the other side of the flame, where Feri was showing a ring to Terrin. Her eyes narrowed as she continued to speak.

"It's in times like these, when the fire of life threatens to burn out at any moment, that small leisures become ever more important. It reminds us that there's more to life than the battles we fight. That's how I see it, anyway."

She got up and glanced over at Meredith and Radburn. The armored woman had asked to see her earlier, and now was as good a time as ever.

"Now, burning thanks for the treatment, and the chat, but I do believe that the lady with the flaming hair wanted to see me, so I'll be off."

As she walked toward the two soldiers, she glanced back and smiled again, speaking while walking.

"I'd love to hear you sing sometime. I'm sure you'd light the place up."

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"I am Meredith "The Undying". This, well you're with my small outfit of misfits after what happened." Meredith wasn't... ever good at this type of thing. She didn't like being the bearer of bad news. Telling people of the misfortune that had befallen them. Especially when it was one that had befallen her once. At least she was there for the occurrence, she had seen it unfold. She didn't have to come to believe it afterwards.

"I don't know how much you remember, but... you were the only survivor of your unit. Those creatures knocked you out and tried to bring you to their master. A Mage called, Ignexus. We tried to reach your band before, however, being swamped to our ears in those... things we couldn't get to you in time. A pair of merchants down the way were the only reason we had enough strength to break through and save you." She sighed heavily, trying to hold back emotions that were just bubbling under the surface. grief, pain... things she couldn't identify. She tried to keep her voice level, but it was nearly impossible. She knew at some points she wavered.

She saw the fire mage from earlier coming towards them in the distance. though, she kept her attention on the the man next to her. "I don't even know your name and I'm breaking this news on you... I apologize. However, I thought you should know when you awoke, rather than be left to wonder. I've been waiting for... hours to do so."

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"The palace eh? Of course it would make sense to first appeal to the one group where I have no connections." He lightly chuckled. "If we ever need to get involved with the senate, or the church, the wealthier merchants, or even the military to some extent... Well, do let me know, I know the right sort of people here and there." He shrugged. Of course the palace was the best idea, though it was a shame he couldn't particularly offer much in those dealings. The mage closer observed Feri's hand. Not looking at the signet ring, but rather the wedding ring. He was curious, but said nothing. At best, the wearer of that ring's twin was left back in Dragao. And at worst... Terrin felt wrong prying, so he just smiled after taking a few moments looking at the rings.

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“I’m glad to have this honor, Saffron.” But you know, I wouldn’t mind a few gold bars. Luka let out a laugh, somewhat more audible than Saffron's, from hearing that Keagan of all people was the one to think so highly of a ragtag group named the Misguided Children. Luka looked over his shoulder, seeing Keagan polishing his armor. For such a serious guy, you certainly don’t look like the type to have fantasies about professional tacticians in a resistance led by a pirate.

“Say, where did you get your Pegasus?” Luka put his hand to the winged horse’s mane, hoping that such a graceful creature would be rather nice. “I can’t imagine it’s easy to own one, especially one capable of entering a battlefield.” Man, I remember all those kids asking their parents for a pet pegasus. Luka tried not to think about the time he asked his mother for one. Sadly, she said no.

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After pacing a bit deciding what he was going to do, Ecquis decided to head towards the merchant pair, seeing as how everyone else seemed to be engaged in something. He decided to keep the bow with him though as he walked over, leaving the five wyverns grouped together.

"Hello Ian. Anna. Taking stock of the goods are we?"

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"I doubt you ever will..." said Maya, as the mage walked away, "but we'll see, I guess... maybe I'll find something to get me back in the mood someday, maybe I won't..." with that little talk done though, she was soon alone again. Something else nagged her now... something physical rather than mental. She reached into her robes and pulled out the small vial of Vulnerary, staring at it before the flames... she'd completely forgotten about the thing, honestly, and well... she didn't need it at all.

"Why did I even take this in the first place? how long have I had it?" The answers escaped her, but it didn't matter. She started scanning the camp site, loooking for the monk, wherever he may have gone...

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