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Fire Emblem On The Forums: Ashes (IC)

Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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"Pretty sure I'm holding up better than you, Teri~ And all thanks to Miss Maya~" Klaren answered Terrin with a playful undertone in his voice. Where he kept all his energy in that lanky frame of his was a mystery. Perhaps it was all bursting out now that it had been unhinged after the monk's rather long period of dreary and somber self-pity. He spun around once and when he turned back to Terrin he was faking a pouty face and was holding his hand over his chin. "Though I'm still disappointed that we couldn't go see what was inside that little fort there..." Klaren nudged with his head towards the building whose door they were trying to open when they were so rudely interrupted by those soldiers. "Ooooh, ooooh, what if there were more empty cells inside! Or a staircase into a dungeon! I would've liked to see some of that again~"

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"Blegh. That wasn't a very pleasant nap all things considered." Ecquis states after waking up. He is then greeted by the massing of more reinforcements to the west side. Looking to the east, he sees another troubadour nearby, and what appeared to be the commander a bit further back.


"Well let's try to take out their remaining source of healing while it's not too much of an issue," Ecquis says, rousing his wyvern and moving towards the troub.


Move to L17 and melee that Troub with le javelin.

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"I trust that you two will be okay on your own here. I'll go and join Saffron in the meantime. Please take care of Dash," she said with concern in her voice. There was nothing she could do for the boy, and the other two were more than enough to hold the line. Rosalvya turned and headed towards the others without looking back.


Move to T10 and hold

Edited by Stalkerkain
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(Ecquis will attack twice)



Attack: 15

Hit: 65%

Crit: 0%

Troubadour 2:

Attack: -

Hit: -

Crit: -


Ecquis' attack: 5, hit!

Ecquis defeats Troubadour 2 with 15 damage!


Charging forward javeline at the ready, Ecquis defeats the wounded Troubadour throwing her down off her horse dead.



Cheat Sheet:

Soldiers of House Nohr: Health, Location, Weapon
Fighter 1 (0/27) (F5) Iron Axe
Fighter 2 (0/27) (R2) Iron Axe
Fighter 3 (0/27) (T5) Iron Axe
Fighter 4 (0/27) (G11) Iron Axe
Fighter 5 (0/27) (B12) Iron Axe
Fighter 6 (0/27) (Y7) Iron Axe
Fighter 7 (27/27) (AA21) Iron Axe
Knight 1 (0/27) (C19) Iron Javelin,
Knight 2 (0/27) (AA10) Iron Javelin,
Mage 1 (0/24) (X1)
Mage 2 (0/24) (AC10) Wind
Mage 3 (0/24) (F19) Wind
Mage 4 (0/24) (H17) Fire
Mercenary 1 (0/25) (D6) Iron Blade
Mercenary 2 (0/25) (A8) Iron Blade
Mercenary 3 (0/25) (X2) Iron Blade
Mercenary 4 (0/25) (AC3) Iron Blade
Mercenary 5 (25/25) (B23) Iron Blade, Chest Key (1/1)(Drop)
Mercenary 6 (25/25) (Z24) Iron Blade, Chest Key (1/1)(Drop)
Monk 1 (12/21) (D17) Banish
Monk 2 (7/21) (H16) Banish
Pegasus Rider 1 (0/21) (A10) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 2 (0/21) (C12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 3 (0/21) (C14) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 4 (0/21) (R4) Iron Lance (Minor Arcana)
Pegasus Rider 5 (0/21) (G12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 6 (0/21) (H12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 7 (0/21) (J21) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 8 (0/21) (X11) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 9 (21/21) (X21) Iron Lance
Soldier 1 (0/27) (J4) Iron Lance
Soldier 2 (0/27) (K4) Iron Lance
Soldier 3 (0/27) (G11) Iron Lance
Soldier 4 (0/27) (X2) Iron Lance
Soldier 5 (27/27) (N23) Iron Javelin
Soldier 6 (27/27) (P23) Iron Javelin
Troubadour 1 (0/20) (S2) Iron Bow, Heal
Troubadour 2 (0/20) (M17) Iron Bow, Heal, Sleep
Gael (30/30) (O22) Iron Javelin


Reinforcements Health, Location, Weapon
Pegasus Rider 10 (0/21) (D14) Iron Lance
Troubadour 3 (0/20) (H16) Iron Bow, Heal, Sleep
Soldier 7 (0/27) (A18) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 11 (11/21) (AB13 Iron Lance
Soldier 8 (0/27) (AA11) Iron Lance
Soldier 9 (13/27) (Z11) Iron Lance Poisoned (2/2)
Soldier 10 (27/27) (B14) Iron Lance
Soldier 11 (27/27) (A15) Iron Lance
Soldier 12 (27/27) (B16) Iron Lance
Soldier 13 (27/27) (A17) Iron Lance 

Soldier 14 (27/27) (A10) Iron Lance 

Soldier 15 (27/27) (A11) Iron Lance 

Mage 5 (24/24) (A12) Wind
Mage 6 (24/24) (A13) Fire

Misguided Children: Health, Location, Weapon
Hoshiko (9/23) (I15) Iron Bow (31/45), Iron Longbow (19/30)(E) Vulnerary (3/3) Took a turn
Ecquis (21/26) (L17) Iron Halberd (32/45), Iron Javelin (37/45)(E) Vulnerary (1/3), Door Key (1/1) Took a turn
Terrin (24/24) (I19) Thunder (25/40), Vulnerary (3/3), Took a turn
Luka (24/24) (F18) Vulnerary (3/3), Soldier's Drums (20/20)
Klarenfilia (25/25) (I18) Lightning (15/40) Vulnerary (1/3), Blessed Iron (25/40)(E) Took a turn
Meredith (22/29) (Z10) Iron Lance (26/45)(E), Vulnerary (2/3), Iron Javelin (40/45), Glaive (20/20) Took a turn
Rosalyva (16/24) (T10) Iron Sword (32/45) Vulnerary (1/3), Iron Blade (38/45)(E), Slim Sword (31/35), Took a turn
Mayanna the Last (22/22) (E17) Heal (15/30) Vulnerary (3/3), Heal (30/30), Sleep (20/20)
Serene (14/26), (Y11), Fire (25/40), Vulnerary (1/3), Door Key(1/1) Took a turn

Allies: Health, Location, Weapon
Saffron (2/21), (S10), Nephele (-), Vulnerary (2/3)
Dash (0/23), (AA10), Iron Knife (31/40), Picklock (13/15), Vulnerary (1/3), Down (3/3)
Anna (15/37), (Saffron), Iron Club (42/45)(E), Hammer (12/20),


Other: Health, Location, Weapon

RudeGirl (19/19), (???), Poison Knife (39/40)(E), Yotsungand (20/20) Escaped
Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1 (50/50), (AA9)
Door 2 (50/50), (C20)
Chest 1 (AB2) (Opened)
Chest 2 (C23)
Chest 3 (AA24)

EXP tracker: 89/100  


[Player Phase Continues]

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"We've almost broken through, just a little bit more..." The healer was by Hoshiko's side with startling speed after her exchange of fire with the godless monk. As it was wont to do, the light began coiling around her battered body, restoring the wear and tear inflicted by the ruthless nature of killing field all around them. They were so close to freedom, even if the others were still too far to help. They could at the very least get away from the approaching troop of soldiers long enough to regroup, goddess willing...


"It's almost over..."



Move to H15, Heal Hoshiko, Benevolence

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Move faster already, I don’t want to get captured!


Luka dashed north east, quickly reaching for his scarf back from Hoshiko’s shin. “C’mon, Hoshiko, we need to get moving.” With a wave to Ecquis, he tried to get his attention. “You too, Mayanna!” Spinning around to get his scarf on, Luka began a dance for the two.


Move to I16 and dance Hoshiko and Mayanna

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"I... Yes, I do suppose that might be what's behind the door, yes. What a shame we won't get to find out." Terrin remarked to Klaren with a slight hint of sarcasm, before looking back at the massing reinforcements, and forward in the direction we were heading. "That looks like their commander over there... Looks like things might get pretty intense, pretty soon." He observed, admiring Klaren's optimism in a situation that could get very bad very fast with just a single wrong move.

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"We can totally handle it, though, 'cause there's nothing more intense than the blazing power of the friendship shared by an unlikely band of misfits!" Klaren threw one of his fists up in the air as he spoke and laughed. Terrin was getting too worried, they could handle this with ease~ Although he didn't want to have anyone getting mad at him again. He promised to be more careful and he was going to back that promise up from now on!

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(EDIT NOTE: While trying to be cool and add music I accidentally put everything in a spoiler and nothing makes sense and now everything is in a spoiler gomenasai.)


[Enemy Phase]


Poison damages Soldier 9 for 9 damage!


Pegasus Rider 11 moves to Y12 and attacks Serene






(Serene is hiding)

(Pegasus Rider 11 is hiding) 

(Meredith's Daunt activates!) 

(Serene's Vantage activates!)

(Pegasus Rider 11's Magic Sink activates!) 



Attack: 11

Hit: 75%

Crit: 0%


Pegasus Rider 11:

Attack: 12

Hit: 53%

Crit: 0%


Serene's attack: 24, hit!

Serene defeats Pegasus Rider 11 with 11 damage!






Soldier 9 attacks Serene




(Serene is hiding)

(Serene's Vantage activates)

(Meredith's Daunt activates) 

(Serene will attack twice)



Attack: 17

Hit: 97%

Crit: 4%


Soldier 9:

Attack: 13

Hit: 49%

Crit: 0%


Serene's attack: 92, hit!

Serene defeats Soldier 9 with 17 damage!



With quick reactions, Serene sends two flaming swords at once striking both of her would be attackers. The soldier who already looked very groggy and tired was the first to fall. The second sword unhorsed the Pegasus Rider, sending her flying down into the trees. 


Soldier 12 moves to G16


Soldier 13 moves to E17


Soldier 11 moves to G15


Soldier 10 moves to F14


Soldier 15 moves to A16


Soldier 14 moves to A15


Mage 6 moves to D14


Mage 5 moves to C15


Gael moves to I21 and attacks Terrin




(Klaren is supporting Terrin)



Attack: 10

Hit: 77%

Crit: 14%


Attack: 14

Hit: 73%

Crit: 0%


Gael's attack: 14, hit!

Terrin takes 10 damage!


Terrin's counter attack: 81, miss!



"I will strike the final blow myself," Gael says urging his horse into a gallop. Spinning his javelin he throws it at Terrin leaving a heavy wound when it hits. Terrin tries to counter with his magic but Gael's gallop gets him out of danger. "I, Gael, a worthy servant of House Nohr will bring you all to justice. Surrender to the King's Law; or fall beneath the weight of the mountain." 


Reinforcements have arrived from the East


[Ally Phase]


Saffron moves to N12 and drops Anna


Turn 12






Soldiers of House Nohr: Health, Location, Weapon
Fighter 1 (0/27) (F5) Iron Axe
Fighter 2 (0/27) (R2) Iron Axe
Fighter 3 (0/27) (T5) Iron Axe
Fighter 4 (0/27) (G11) Iron Axe
Fighter 5 (0/27) (B12) Iron Axe
Fighter 6 (0/27) (Y7) Iron Axe
Fighter 7 (27/27) (AA21) Iron Axe
Knight 1 (0/27) (C19) Iron Javelin,
Knight 2 (0/27) (AA10) Iron Javelin,
Mage 1 (0/24) (X1)
Mage 2 (0/24) (AC10) Wind
Mage 3 (0/24) (F19) Wind
Mage 4 (0/24) (H17) Fire
Mercenary 1 (0/25) (D6) Iron Blade
Mercenary 2 (0/25) (A8) Iron Blade
Mercenary 3 (0/25) (X2) Iron Blade
Mercenary 4 (0/25) (AC3) Iron Blade
Mercenary 5 (25/25) (B23) Iron Blade, Chest Key (1/1)(Drop)
Mercenary 6 (25/25) (Z24) Iron Blade, Chest Key (1/1)(Drop)
Monk 1 (12/21) (D17) Banish
Monk 2 (7/21) (H16) Banish
Pegasus Rider 1 (0/21) (A10) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 2 (0/21) (C12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 3 (0/21) (C14) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 4 (0/21) (R4) Iron Lance (Minor Arcana)
Pegasus Rider 5 (0/21) (G12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 6 (0/21) (H12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 7 (0/21) (J21) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 8 (0/21) (X11) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 9 (21/21) (X21) Iron Lance
Soldier 1 (0/27) (J4) Iron Lance
Soldier 2 (0/27) (K4) Iron Lance
Soldier 3 (0/27) (G11) Iron Lance
Soldier 4 (0/27) (X2) Iron Lance
Soldier 5 (27/27) (K21) Iron Javelin
Soldier 6 (27/27) (L22) Iron Javelin
Troubadour 1 (0/20) (S2) Iron Bow, Heal
Troubadour 2 (0/20) (M17) Iron Bow, Heal, Sleep
Gael (30/30) (I21) Iron Javelin


Health, Location, Weapon
Pegasus Rider 10 (0/21) (D14) Iron Lance
Troubadour 3 (0/20) (H16) Iron Bow, Heal, Sleep
Soldier 7 (0/27) (A18) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 11 (0/21) (Y12) Iron Lance
Soldier 8 (0/27) (AA11) Iron Lance
Soldier 9 (0/27) (Z11) Iron Lance 
Poisoned (1/2)
Soldier 10 (27/27) (F14) Iron Lance
Soldier 11 (27/27) (G15) Iron Lance
Soldier 12 (27/27) (G16) Iron Lance
Soldier 13 (27/27) (E17) Iron Lance 

Soldier 14 (27/27) (A15) Iron Lance 

Soldier 15 (27/27) (A16) Iron Lance 

Mage 5 (24/24) (D14) Wind
Mage 6 (24/24) (C15) Fire 


Mage 7 (24/24) (AD15) Fire 

Mage 8 (24/24) (AD16) Fire 

Fighter 8 (27/27) (AD14) Iron Axe


Misguided Children: Health, Location, Weapon
Hoshiko (23/24) (M15) Iron Bow (31/45), Iron Longbow (19/30)(E) Vulnerary (3/3) 
Ecquis (26/26) (K17) Iron Halberd (32/45), Iron Javelin (37/45)(E) Vulnerary (1/3), Door Key (1/1)
Terrin (21/24) (I19) Thunder (25/40), Vulnerary (3/3), 
Luka (24/25) (I16) Vulnerary (3/3), Soldier's Drums (20/20)
Klarenfilia (25/26) (I18) Lightning (15/40) Vulnerary (1/3), Blessed Iron (25/40)(E)
Meredith (22/30) (Z10) Iron Lance (26/45)(E), Vulnerary (2/3), Iron Javelin (40/45), Glaive (20/20) 
Rosalyva (16/24) (T10) Iron Sword (32/45) Vulnerary (1/3), Iron Blade (38/45)(E), Slim Sword (31/35), 
Mayanna the Last (22/22) (K16) Heal (15/30) Vulnerary (3/3), Heal (30/30), Sleep (20/20)
Serene (14/27), (Y11), Fire (23/40), Vulnerary (1/3), Door Key(1/1)

Allies: Health, Location, Weapon
Saffron (2/21), (N12), Nephele (-), Vulnerary (2/3)
Dash (0/24), (AA10), Iron Knife (31/40), Picklock (13/15), Vulnerary (1/3), 
Down (1/3)
Anna (15/38), (N13), Iron Club (42/45)(E), Hammer (12/20),


Other: Health, Location, Weapon

RudeGirl (19/19), (???), Poison Knife (39/40)(E), Yotsungand (20/20) 
Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1 (50/50), (AA9)
Door 2 (50/50), (C20)
Chest 1 (AB2) (Opened)
Chest 2 (C23)
Chest 3 (AA24)

EXP tracker: 17/100   

Level up!






[Player Phase]

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"Nobody messes with Teri on my watch." Klaren ran past Terrin and after the horseman, standing before him with his tome in hand. Before long, blinding light would engulf the man in a world of pain.


Moving to I20, attacking Gael with Blessed Iron

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(Terrin is supporting Klaren)

(Klaren is a masochist)

(Klaren is happy-go-lucky)



Attack: 5

Hit: 89%

Crit: 12%



Attack: 8

Hit: 69%

Crit: 0%


Klaren's attack: 4, CRIT!!!

(Blessed iron begins to glow)

Gael takes a devastating 15 damage!


Gael's counterattack: 85, miss!




Cheat Sheet:

Soldiers of House Nohr: Health, Location, Weapon
Fighter 1 (0/27) (F5) Iron Axe
Fighter 2 (0/27) (R2) Iron Axe
Fighter 3 (0/27) (T5) Iron Axe
Fighter 4 (0/27) (G11) Iron Axe
Fighter 5 (0/27) (B12) Iron Axe
Fighter 6 (0/27) (Y7) Iron Axe
Fighter 7 (27/27) (AA21) Iron Axe
Knight 1 (0/27) (C19) Iron Javelin,
Knight 2 (0/27) (AA10) Iron Javelin,
Mage 1 (0/24) (X1)
Mage 2 (0/24) (AC10) Wind
Mage 3 (0/24) (F19) Wind
Mage 4 (0/24) (H17) Fire
Mercenary 1 (0/25) (D6) Iron Blade
Mercenary 2 (0/25) (A8) Iron Blade
Mercenary 3 (0/25) (X2) Iron Blade
Mercenary 4 (0/25) (AC3) Iron Blade
Mercenary 5 (25/25) (B23) Iron Blade, Chest Key (1/1)(Drop)
Mercenary 6 (25/25) (Z24) Iron Blade, Chest Key (1/1)(Drop)
Monk 1 (12/21) (D17) Banish
Monk 2 (7/21) (H16) Banish
Pegasus Rider 1 (0/21) (A10) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 2 (0/21) (C12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 3 (0/21) (C14) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 4 (0/21) (R4) Iron Lance (Minor Arcana)
Pegasus Rider 5 (0/21) (G12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 6 (0/21) (H12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 7 (0/21) (J21) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 8 (0/21) (X11) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 9 (21/21) (X21) Iron Lance
Soldier 1 (0/27) (J4) Iron Lance
Soldier 2 (0/27) (K4) Iron Lance
Soldier 3 (0/27) (G11) Iron Lance
Soldier 4 (0/27) (X2) Iron Lance
Soldier 5 (27/27) (K21) Iron Javelin
Soldier 6 (27/27) (L22) Iron Javelin
Troubadour 1 (0/20) (S2) Iron Bow, Heal
Troubadour 2 (0/20) (M17) Iron Bow, Heal, Sleep
Gael (15/30) (I21) Iron Javelin


Health, Location, Weapon
Pegasus Rider 10 (0/21) (D14) Iron Lance
Troubadour 3 (0/20) (H16) Iron Bow, Heal, Sleep
Soldier 7 (0/27) (A18) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 11 (0/21) (Y12) Iron Lance
Soldier 8 (0/27) (AA11) Iron Lance
Soldier 9 (0/27) (Z11) Iron Lance 
Poisoned (1/2)
Soldier 10 (27/27) (F14) Iron Lance
Soldier 11 (27/27) (G15) Iron Lance
Soldier 12 (27/27) (G16) Iron Lance
Soldier 13 (27/27) (E17) Iron Lance 

Soldier 14 (27/27) (A15) Iron Lance 

Soldier 15 (27/27) (A16) Iron Lance 

Mage 5 (24/24) (D14) Wind
Mage 6 (24/24) (C15) Fire 


Mage 7 (24/24) (AD15) Fire 

Mage 8 (24/24) (AD16) Fire 

Fighter 8 (27/27) (AD14) Iron Axe


Misguided Children: Health, Location, Weapon
Hoshiko (23/24) (M15) Iron Bow (31/45), Iron Longbow (19/30)(E) Vulnerary (3/3) 
Ecquis (26/26) (K17) Iron Halberd (32/45), Iron Javelin (37/45)(E) Vulnerary (1/3), Door Key (1/1)
Terrin (21/24) (I19) Thunder (25/40), Vulnerary (3/3), 
Luka (24/25) (I16) Vulnerary (3/3), Soldier's Drums (20/20)
Klarenfilia (25/26) (I20) Lightning (15/40) Vulnerary (1/3), Blessed Iron (24/40)(E) Took a turn (+1)
Meredith (22/30) (Z10) Iron Lance (26/45)(E), Vulnerary (2/3), Iron Javelin (40/45), Glaive (20/20) 
Rosalyva (16/24) (T10) Iron Sword (32/45) Vulnerary (1/3), Iron Blade (38/45)(E), Slim Sword (31/35), 
Mayanna the Last (22/22) (K16) Heal (15/30) Vulnerary (3/3), Heal (30/30), Sleep (20/20)
Serene (14/27), (Y11), Fire (23/40), Vulnerary (1/3), Door Key(1/1)

Allies: Health, Location, Weapon
Saffron (2/21), (N12), Nephele (-), Vulnerary (2/3)
Dash (0/24), (AA10), Iron Knife (31/40), Picklock (13/15), Vulnerary (1/3), 
Down (1/3)
Anna (15/38), (N13), Iron Club (42/45)(E), Hammer (12/20),


Other: Health, Location, Weapon

RudeGirl (19/19), (???), Poison Knife (39/40)(E), Yotsungand (20/20) 
Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1 (50/50), (AA9)
Door 2 (50/50), (C20)
Chest 1 (AB2) (Opened)
Chest 2 (C23)
Chest 3 (AA24)

EXP tracker: 20/100   

Level up!


[Player Phase Continues]

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Let me not see you try anything funny again.


Klaren opened the pages of his book and a powerful burst of light emanated from it, blowing his robes around him as he extended a hand towards the horseman. Light began to gather around him in small spheres that he just shake off, before it exploded, leaving Gael alone in the blinding white. The Javelin he attempted to throw back at Klaren missed by around 5 m or so. Afterwards, all the light came back to Klar, fading away into tiny specks that lingered. He closed his book, stood to the side, staring up at the man who tried to hurt what he loved, letting Terrin shoot away at his leisure.


"Nobody messes with my friend."

Edited by Bfroger6
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After Serene's great display, Meredith finally had time to fully process what had happened to their ally, the young boy she'd hoped never really had to fight. But, Here they were. "DASH!!!" she was already close to him so she quickly moved over to the kid. 

"Hey, kid I dunno if you can hear me right now, but I'm going to move you. You fought well out there. I'm going to make sure you get help. I'll protect you until there's time to do so." Meredith was careful hefting him onto her shoulders, she didn't want to make his injuries worse or cause no ones of course. She found herself doing this for two allies today. She always had tried to save all she could in the past. This time... this time she felt like she actually made a difference for them. She was going to protect him. She'd not fail this time. 

"Let's hope the others end this, but until then you're with me Firecracker. Hope you don't mind providing me more support than usual."

Resuce Dash, move to Y10

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(Mayanna is supporting Ecquis)



Attack: 11

Hit: 71%

Crit: 7%



Attack: 1

Hit: 69%

Crit: 0%


Ecquis' attack: 13, hit!

Gael takes 11 damage!


Gael's counter attack: 54, hit!

Ecquis' takes 1 damage!



An exchange of javelin volleys, but clearly Ecquis' armor is much stronger as Gael comes out wounded but Ecquis almost unharmed. 




Soldiers of House Nohr: Health, Location, Weapon
Fighter 1 (0/27) (F5) Iron Axe
Fighter 2 (0/27) (R2) Iron Axe
Fighter 3 (0/27) (T5) Iron Axe
Fighter 4 (0/27) (G11) Iron Axe
Fighter 5 (0/27) (B12) Iron Axe
Fighter 6 (0/27) (Y7) Iron Axe
Fighter 7 (27/27) (AA21) Iron Axe
Knight 1 (0/27) (C19) Iron Javelin,
Knight 2 (0/27) (AA10) Iron Javelin,
Mage 1 (0/24) (X1)
Mage 2 (0/24) (AC10) Wind
Mage 3 (0/24) (F19) Wind
Mage 4 (0/24) (H17) Fire
Mercenary 1 (0/25) (D6) Iron Blade
Mercenary 2 (0/25) (A8) Iron Blade
Mercenary 3 (0/25) (X2) Iron Blade
Mercenary 4 (0/25) (AC3) Iron Blade
Mercenary 5 (25/25) (B23) Iron Blade, Chest Key (1/1)(Drop)
Mercenary 6 (25/25) (Z24) Iron Blade, Chest Key (1/1)(Drop)
Monk 1 (12/21) (D17) Banish
Monk 2 (7/21) (H16) Banish
Pegasus Rider 1 (0/21) (A10) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 2 (0/21) (C12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 3 (0/21) (C14) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 4 (0/21) (R4) Iron Lance (Minor Arcana)
Pegasus Rider 5 (0/21) (G12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 6 (0/21) (H12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 7 (0/21) (J21) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 8 (0/21) (X11) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 9 (21/21) (X21) Iron Lance
Soldier 1 (0/27) (J4) Iron Lance
Soldier 2 (0/27) (K4) Iron Lance
Soldier 3 (0/27) (G11) Iron Lance
Soldier 4 (0/27) (X2) Iron Lance
Soldier 5 (27/27) (K21) Iron Javelin
Soldier 6 (27/27) (L22) Iron Javelin
Troubadour 1 (0/20) (S2) Iron Bow, Heal
Troubadour 2 (0/20) (M17) Iron Bow, Heal, Sleep
Gael (4/30) (I21) Iron Javelin


Health, Location, Weapon
Pegasus Rider 10 (0/21) (D14) Iron Lance
Troubadour 3 (0/20) (H16) Iron Bow, Heal, Sleep
Soldier 7 (0/27) (A18) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 11 (0/21) (Y12) Iron Lance
Soldier 8 (0/27) (AA11) Iron Lance
Soldier 9 (0/27) (Z11) Iron Lance 
Poisoned (1/2)
Soldier 10 (27/27) (F14) Iron Lance
Soldier 11 (27/27) (G15) Iron Lance
Soldier 12 (27/27) (G16) Iron Lance
Soldier 13 (27/27) (E17) Iron Lance 

Soldier 14 (27/27) (A15) Iron Lance 

Soldier 15 (27/27) (A16) Iron Lance 

Mage 5 (24/24) (D14) Wind
Mage 6 (24/24) (C15) Fire 


Mage 7 (24/24) (AD15) Fire  

Mage 8 (24/24) (AD16) Fire  

Fighter 8 (27/27) (AD14) Iron Axe 


Misguided Children: Health, Location, Weapon
Hoshiko (23/24) (M15) Iron Bow (31/45), Iron Longbow (19/30)(E) Vulnerary (3/3) 
Ecquis (25/26) (J20) Iron Halberd (32/45), Iron Javelin (36/45)(E) Vulnerary (1/3), Door Key (1/1) Took a turn
Terrin (21/24) (I19) Thunder (25/40), Vulnerary (3/3), 
Luka (24/25) (I16) Vulnerary (3/3), Soldier's Drums (20/20)
Klarenfilia (25/26) (I20) Lightning (15/40) Vulnerary (1/3), Blessed Iron (24/40)(E) Took a turn (+1)
Meredith (22/30) (Y10) Iron Lance (26/45)(E), Vulnerary (2/3), Iron Javelin (40/45), Glaive (20/20) Took a turn 
Rosalyva (16/24) (T10) Iron Sword (32/45) Vulnerary (1/3), Iron Blade (38/45)(E), Slim Sword (31/35), 
Mayanna the Last (22/22) (K16) Heal (15/30) Vulnerary (3/3), Heal (30/30), Sleep (20/20)
Serene (14/27), (Y11), Fire (23/40), Vulnerary (1/3), Door Key(1/1)

Allies: Health, Location, Weapon
Saffron (2/21), (N12), Nephele (-), Vulnerary (2/3)
Dash (0/24), (Meredith), Iron Knife (31/40), Picklock (13/15), Vulnerary (1/3), 
Rescued (1/3)
Anna (15/38), (N13), Iron Club (42/45)(E), Hammer (12/20),


Other: Health, Location, Weapon

RudeGirl (19/19), (???), Poison Knife (39/40)(E), Yotsungand (20/20) 
Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1 (50/50), (AA9)
Door 2 (50/50), (C20)
Chest 1 (AB2) (Opened)
Chest 2 (C23)
Chest 3 (AA24)

EXP tracker: 23/100   





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19 minutes ago, Hukuna the Undying said:

"Let's hope the others end this, but until then you're with me Firecracker. Hope you don't mind providing me more support than usual."


"Oh, I would be glad to. Allow me to show you a blaze you've never seen before."


With that, Serene took up position behind Meredith, covering her back, a sharp glint in her eye.


Moves to Z10 and hold.



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(Mayanna is supporting Ecquis)



Attack: 11

Hit: 71%

Crit: 7%



Attack: 1

Hit: 69%

Crit: 0%

Ecquis' attack: 8, hit!

Ecquis defeats Gael with 11 damage!


"M-my house... Will stand strong." Were Gael's last words. Ecquis' javelin finishes him off, he dies on the saddle with a javelin sticking out of his stomach lodged in deep. 




Final Results

Soldiers of House Nohr: Health, Location, Weapon
Fighter 1 (0/27) (F5) Iron Axe
Fighter 2 (0/27) (R2) Iron Axe
Fighter 3 (0/27) (T5) Iron Axe
Fighter 4 (0/27) (G11) Iron Axe
Fighter 5 (0/27) (B12) Iron Axe
Fighter 6 (0/27) (Y7) Iron Axe
Fighter 7 (27/27) (AA21) Iron Axe
Knight 1 (0/27) (C19) Iron Javelin,
Knight 2 (0/27) (AA10) Iron Javelin,
Mage 1 (0/24) (X1)
Mage 2 (0/24) (AC10) Wind
Mage 3 (0/24) (F19) Wind
Mage 4 (0/24) (H17) Fire
Mercenary 1 (0/25) (D6) Iron Blade
Mercenary 2 (0/25) (A8) Iron Blade
Mercenary 3 (0/25) (X2) Iron Blade
Mercenary 4 (0/25) (AC3) Iron Blade
Mercenary 5 (25/25) (B23) Iron Blade, Chest Key (1/1)(Drop)
Mercenary 6 (25/25) (Z24) Iron Blade, Chest Key (1/1)(Drop)
Monk 1 (12/21) (D17) Banish
Monk 2 (7/21) (H16) Banish
Pegasus Rider 1 (0/21) (A10) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 2 (0/21) (C12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 3 (0/21) (C14) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 4 (0/21) (R4) Iron Lance (Minor Arcana)
Pegasus Rider 5 (0/21) (G12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 6 (0/21) (H12) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 7 (0/21) (J21) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 8 (0/21) (X11) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 9 (21/21) (X21) Iron Lance
Soldier 1 (0/27) (J4) Iron Lance
Soldier 2 (0/27) (K4) Iron Lance
Soldier 3 (0/27) (G11) Iron Lance
Soldier 4 (0/27) (X2) Iron Lance
Soldier 5 (27/27) (K21) Iron Javelin
Soldier 6 (27/27) (L22) Iron Javelin
Troubadour 1 (0/20) (S2) Iron Bow, Heal
Troubadour 2 (0/20) (M17) Iron Bow, Heal, Sleep
Gael (0/30) (I21) Iron Javelin


Health, Location, Weapon
Pegasus Rider 10 (0/21) (D14) Iron Lance
Troubadour 3 (0/20) (H16) Iron Bow, Heal, Sleep
Soldier 7 (0/27) (A18) Iron Lance
Pegasus Rider 11 (0/21) (Y12) Iron Lance
Soldier 8 (0/27) (AA11) Iron Lance
Soldier 9 (0/27) (Z11) Iron Lance 
Poisoned (1/2)
Soldier 10 (27/27) (F14) Iron Lance
Soldier 11 (27/27) (G15) Iron Lance
Soldier 12 (27/27) (G16) Iron Lance
Soldier 13 (27/27) (E17) Iron Lance 

Soldier 14 (27/27) (A15) Iron Lance 

Soldier 15 (27/27) (A16) Iron Lance 

Mage 5 (24/24) (D14) Wind
Mage 6 (24/24) (C15) Fire 


Mage 7 (24/24) (AD15) Fire  

Mage 8 (24/24) (AD16) Fire  

Fighter 8 (27/27) (AD14) Iron Axe 


Misguided Children: Health, Location, Weapon
Hoshiko (23/24) (M15) Iron Bow (31/45), Iron Longbow (19/30)(E) Vulnerary (3/3) 
Ecquis (25/26) (J20) Iron Halberd (32/45), Iron Javelin (36/45)(E) Vulnerary (1/3), Door Key (1/1) Took a turn
Terrin (21/24) (I19) Thunder (25/40), Vulnerary (3/3), 
Luka (24/25) (J19) Vulnerary (3/3), Soldier's Drums (20/20) Took a turn
Klarenfilia (25/26) (I20) Lightning (15/40) Vulnerary (1/3), Blessed Iron (24/40)(E) Took a turn (+1)
Meredith (22/30) (Y10) Iron Lance (26/45)(E), Vulnerary (2/3), Iron Javelin (40/45), Glaive (20/20) Took a turn 
Rosalyva (16/24) (T10) Iron Sword (32/45) Vulnerary (1/3), Iron Blade (38/45)(E), Slim Sword (31/35), 
Mayanna the Last (22/22) (K16) Heal (15/30) Vulnerary (3/3), Heal (30/30), Sleep (20/20)
Serene (14/27), (Z10), Fire (23/40), Vulnerary (1/3), Door Key(1/1) Took a turn

Allies: Health, Location, Weapon
Saffron (2/21), (N12), Nephele (-), Vulnerary (2/3)
Dash (0/24), (Meredith), Iron Knife (31/40), Picklock (13/15), Vulnerary (1/3), 
Rescued (1/3)
Anna (15/38), (N13), Iron Club (42/45)(E), Hammer (12/20),


Other: Health, Location, Weapon

RudeGirl (19/19), (???), Poison Knife (39/40)(E), Yotsungand (20/20) 
Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1 (50/50), (AA9)
Door 2 (50/50), (C20)
Chest 1 (AB2) (Opened)
Chest 2 (C23)
Chest 3 (AA24)

EXP tracker: 58/100   






"RUN!" Saffron is the first to react. The soldiers of house Nohr were all too confused and startled to even bar their way. Saffron leads the escape on her pegasus, Anna on her heels. Keagan, Feri and Radburn join soon after on the cart driven by Ian. Ian urges on the horses pulling cart, urging them to go faster and away from the danger. The party runs for hours without stopping, and never looking back. During the first hours you could hear some pursuers riding pegasus but at some point they gave up.  Eventually Saffron gives the signal to stop. Her breath is heavy, and her pegasus seems just as tired. "I think we've lost them..." 


It's already twilight, the sun racing to disappear from the sky.


Radburn is gathering firewood,


Keagan is setting up a tent,


Not too far Saffron is reviewing maps on the forrest floor. 


Feri seems to be preparing a firepit to begin cooking, 


Anna and Ian are untying the horses and letting them rest away from the cart leaving it unattended, 


Dash is still unconscious. He is laid out in mat near a tree. 

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 She'd planned on going hunting, but there was still the off chance of further pursuit. Instead, Hoshiko had climbed a tree, setting herself up a little archer's nest. It was surprising how she could manage to hide bright pink hair, but if you hadn't known she was there, you'd be hard pressed to spot her before coming into her range. She sat there, thinking and praying quietly as she kept up a careful watch.

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Hoo, he was heavier than he looked. Though it was running with someone slung over your shoulder that was probably the real reason she was tired. She was just glad that she had saved him. He'd have a chance to recover as soon as their medic could tend to him. He'd not lose his life for this. It was a relief but still she felt bad the young one was ever put in this situation. But, there was no going back now.

"Thanks for that Firecracker. I'm not sure we could've gotten away so easily if I had to do that on my own. Thank you." she said to Serene, after laying Dash down. She took care to make sure she didn't do any more damage again. She was weirdly afraid she'd break him. Or do something to end up doing more damage. She trusted herself the most with this and yet the least. She pushed it from her mind, the ordeal was over anyway, no sense in fixating on it. She slide down the tree, placing her head in the fold of her hands. Damn, running in full armour while carrying someone was rough. "Damn... I'm bushed."

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Ecquis had been generous enough to allow Terrin a wyvernback escape, but once they had arrived at their new campsite and things had settled down somewhat, the Thunder mage was nowhere to be seen. Indeed, a short while away from camp, hidden away in the forest, Terrin 's usual clothes lay, folded up neatly, on the ground. Next to this was Terrin, seeming intently focused as he did pushup after pushup. He had put on his old armor from his days as a soldier, as he usually did while training, for the added weight, even if he preferred maneuverability while on the battlefield. The armour was... something. Not the usual dull yellow colour of Caelish standard issue, but a vibrant gold-tint instead. But that wasn't all. Royal purple cloth hung down from his spaulders, similar cloth, only crimson coloured, from his waist. Not to mention the lime green trim all around the edges of the metal plates, it looked... Expensive, which was probably the nicest thing that anybody could say about the ensemble. But Terrin regardless continued his strength training, ignoring the fact he looked more like a jester than a soldier or a mage.


"Forty more, and then the fun part of the training begins." He assured himself as he continued, focusing in front of him where he had placed an old iron lance- snapped in half, worn out, rusted, just generally no use to anyone. But he focused on it regardless.

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