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Fire Emblem On The Forums: Ashes (IC)

Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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"How abou' Yukihawootsits. I hear' it's always snowin' is i' true?"



"Oh I see the Ignis the Sol and the Lua." He calmly took a sip out of his tea and put the cup down. Then much more loudly and surprised he exclaimed. "The Ignis the Sol and Lua!? I doubt even I could get an audience with them. And I've tried! Numerous times, listen Terrin my boy you hold love for your dear old teacher don't you? I must ask something of you, the Lua she holds something of great value an ancient treasure, a tome older than this country. A weapon wielded by the great prophet, it's of incredible value. The powers that tome wields, the secrets within them: I MUST KNOW THEM. So in your meeting, could you possibly steal... Ahem I mean... Borrow this tome and return it to me? Obviously if you get caught I will do everything in my power to get you out safely." 

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"It is indeed usually snowing, and its always cold. One of my wyverns could actually blend in with the snow to an extent, which turned out to be useful on a few occasions. Though in general, they weren't too pleased with the cold, but we managed," Ecquis notes, recalling his time in the snowy country. "Some places there are actually rather nice, though I don't recommend going on a trip through there unless you're either very prepared or very resourceful."

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Serene calmly disrobed and slowly descended into the bath, a light blush coming upon her cheeks. This was the first time she was bathing with another person, aside from... well, it didn't really matter.


More to the point, while she had shown her nude body before Meredith on numerous occasions now, none of them felt this... intimate, as it were. Somehow, there was a difference between stripping in the wild and stripping in a bath, despite the observer bearing the same set of eyes. She lowered herself into the bath and crossed her arms across her chest, sighing as she felt the water lap away at her fatigue. As she soaked, something occurred to her, and she decided to speak up, the comfort of the water loosening her tongue.


"You know, Meredith... it's strange. Back in the desert, when you threatened to take off your armor right then and there, I found it pretty funny, but also found it strange. You seem to be kind of... I don't know, variable? In terms of how you act. Sometimes you sound really reliable and really serious, but sometimes, like back then, you sound way more laid back and less, I don't know, rigid? Even when we're alone like this. Sometimes you're really serious and grave, other times you seem a lot more happy-go-lucky. I guess I'm just wondering which one is the real you."


She laughed and scratched her head.


"I'm talking nonsense, aren't I? I don't even know what I'm saying."

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Meredith smiled as Serene stepped in, it was nice to have some company. She was glad it was Serene. She'd not had much of a candid talk with any of the other woman in their crew... maybe Maya, but she didn't seem the type for such an outing. She sank back into the water placing her arms behind her head. She didn't hide any of her body this time, she didn't feel the need to hide any of her scars anymore. lt was... a relieving feeling. Almost as good as the heat melting away her stress and worries. Though she quickly found Serene's words making her think more than she had in awhile.

She paused for a moment considering the fiery woman's point despite her quick dismissal of the subject. Perhaps, she was a bit inconsistent... "l don't think you're wrong. But, both are who l am." she said, as if just to fill the silence before it became awkward. But, even having blurted it out, not really thinking it over for long she would stand by it. Meredith crossed her leg over the other with a resounding splash of water. She twirled her scarlet red hair on her index finger, pondered what she'd say next, how to continue moving forward. lt was always so strange talking to this woman. Meredith always felt so... vulnerable around her. lt probably didn't help that she was naked quite a few times that she did, she felt like she had nothing to hide behind, that she just saw through her. Even if she had been in her armour... she'd probably feel just as naked around her. 


She closed her eyes, and started to think aloud. lt'd be sloppy, but Meredith figured the raw truth of it would be the best way to go. "lt's... hard to exactly... say. Or, maybe it isn't and l'm just not so good at words. l was just a soldier once, that was easy. l just hit things, problem solved. l'm in charge of people now. They have ta depend on me. l'm their leader ya know? This just reminds me what the man that taught me how ta fight always told me. He always told me ta never lose my smile... the wild exuberance l had. Maybe that's why l still try ta hang onta it. l always dreamed of being a hero. lt's hard ta be who l was before l had all this responsibility on my shoulders. But, l think he was trying ta tell me that responsibility doesn't have to keep me from being who l am. l'm just.... l don't know. l hold people's lives in my hands now. l'm the one they look to in times of need. l'm the one who leads them. l feel like... l need to be perfect. l... suppose you've seen more of me than anyone else. You've seen me... when l'm vulnerable. When l'm just a woman, a person, a human. Not a legend or a leader held above others as some kind of... exemplar. A role l never chose. l never truly intended ta be a leader. But, l feel as l must do my best now that l am. For everyone's sake, for my own. Serene... lt's like... you just see through me."

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"I'm plenty resourceful, I be' I could survive longer up there than you could. If I liked the cold that is..." 



"... Of course not! It was simply a joke! Terrin understood it was a joke! I would never suggest stealing a priceless tome that would advance my studies of magic beyond measure! I'm a respectable senator yes." He crossed his arms and nodded as he said this. Then he took another sip of his tea, and thought for a few moments. "Well, if you are intent on meeting with the Ignis and her spouses. Oh! The current Ignis is a woman by the way, a young girl named Ignis'Efari. Her husband is Sol'Fael and her wife is Lua'Magi. I don't know much about them, as I wasn't part of the committee that originally chose them. But dealing with the Ignis might as well be dealing with dark magic, one wrong move and they will have your heads." 


The senator paused again, considering how his words were coming across. "Not to say that they are cruel, in fact everything I've heard about them indicates otherwise. But like all people of Caelum they are proud. And pride will dictate their actions. As a show of pride the Ignis will never directly speak to you, instead letting her spouses do the talking. You must do the same, whoever is the center piece in your meeting cannot speak either. If you get the Ignis to speak, it will show that she is truly interested in what you have to say, and from there you will be able to negotiate on your own terms. Next, go in armed. The guards won't try to stop you, these royals have been taught to fight from the moment they could hold weapons and they won't be scared of anyone who comes in. They will have their royal weapons with them, so you should show pride in your ability as well."


He took a long sip from his cup emptying it and putting it down. "Finally, be challenging. In Caelum meetings are battles of will. I have no doubt in my mind that you two must have fought you ways into Natarjah considering how it looks outside these walls. Treat this like any other battle, you go in there to survive and get what you want. I think this is the best advice I can give you."

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"Well if you don't like the cold, Yukihana isn't nearly as great a place to be as it looks," Ecquis chuckles before continuing.


"I also would hope you have experience with hunting game and the like, since that's where most of your meals come from. You won't run into stray people around there too often, though it's technically not impossible," Ecquis pauses, recalling his first meeting with Alvis.


"Though, once you manage to find a good source of food, surviving isn't too terrible, so long as you have a place to stay in the event of blizzards. But if I recall, I ended up leaving Yukihana mostly to see what Caelum would be like. Alvis didn't know much about it, and I was from Dragao anyhow, so I figured I'd go see what it was like."

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"I do trust you are, in fact, joking, Senator. If we win enough favour in our meeting I will ask the Lua about the tome for you." The mage said, somewhat sternly, before turning to his companion with a smile. "Stay armed, be challenging, and earn the interest of the prideful? Y'know, I'm starting to think you may well have been the best choice for this mission after all Hosh, perhaps moreso even than me." He mused with a reassuring nod towards her.

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Serene kicked her feet, splashing the water around as she digested what Meredith had told her. Then she spoke up.


"Y'know, it's not all that important to live up to others' standards. Look at me. I may not be a general, but I still held a leading position. But I never felt the need to change who I was. Even when I was sending people - friends - to their deaths, I never changed. I sent them off with a smile. I still did what I wanted to do. I still had so many sweet, hot, burning, passionate sessions with f-"


Serene caught herself on the cusp of launching into a speech about how wonderfully sensuous fire was, and coughed to regain her composure.


"A-anyway, my men actually called me "the crazy fire bitch" at one point. What I'm trying to say is that just because you're a leader, doesn't mean you need to act any differently. So what if you're a legend? Who cares? It's not like you wanted to be one. Responsibility? Sure, you have responsibilities now, you give orders that might involve sending someone to their death. But I know for a fact that I'd rather be seen off by a cheerful, joking, kind-of-quirky Meredith than a solemn and serious one. And I'm pretty sure the others share the sentiment. I mean, really, who in our motley crew is going to appreciate gravitas? Klaren?"

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"l suppose you're right... the only time l've lead troops before was a rather dire situation. Maybe l've been letting that colour how l am when l lead. But, it's not like that anymore. l'm no longer a soldier that found themselves in command of a group after her commander fell in an ambush. l choose to lead this band. Besides... being serious all the time is tiring." Meredith laughed, perhaps she did need to just be herself more. She'd been told the same lesson by two people now... it couldn't have been that far off base if that was the case. Meredith played with the water with feet as well, as she thought. She playfully splashed some at Serene before speaking again.

"l feel like... l do too much talkin' when we do. l don't know much about ya Firecracker. Any good stories from the soldierin' days? Anything you can tell me about yourself? Or, you prefer to be the mysterious type?" Meredith smiled waiting to see how Serene would react. She was rather curious about the mysterious fire mage they had picked up some time ago. "l just figure l've told ya things that weren't easy, l'd hope you open up to me some too. Ya don't have ta though not goin' force ya too."

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Serene laughed as the water hit her face. Then she sank below its surface and bubbled a bit before coming back up.


"I mean, I don't particularly mind, but what do you want to hear? For things about myself, I'd like to think I'm pretty open about the type of person I am. As far as soldiering goes, there was that one time I set fire to the mess hall. And the other time I set fire to our stores. And that time I set fire to the command tent. Oh, right, there was also the time I set fire to our stables. That was a riot. What would you like to hear about? It's hard to answer a question when I don't quite get what the question is."

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"l should've guessed there'd be a lot of fire." Of course it was fire. Meredith wondered how Serene was in charge of a unit so long given that penchant...command all had their heads up their ass she didn't know how'd they take it in good humour. She was about to say as much. "How did the higher ups not get their panties in bunch after all that? They always got so furious over the tiniest infractions. You definitely have ta tell me more about those incidents for sure."

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"Hm, mostly it was on account of my ability. Not many people were quite as attuned to the spirits' whims as I was, even when dealing with non-fire magic. Naturally, when they urge me to burn something down, I'm not really in a position to refuse - so my situation is rather unique. That, on top of my tactical ability, meant that even when the upper brass had enough and moved to have me charged with destruction of property, their higher-ups remanded the order on account of my war potential. You should have seen their faces. It was hilarious. Even that Cloudbreaker woman we just killed - I served under her once. That was the time I burned down the command post. From what I've been told, she put in a request to have me officially court-martialed and executed, but it was changed by one of her bosses to a transfer request instead. That was funny."


Serene placed a finger to her lips, as if she'd just remembered something.


"Actually, from what I've heard, I was due for promotion to a higher rank multiple times in the course of my service. But my, uh, penchant for arson disqualified me from that. So I remained as a middle-ranking officer. Well, not that I'm complaining. The higher-ranking officers don't see much action in the field. If I'm off the field, I have nothing to burn - and that's not a good thing. Because if I don't have an outlet for these... uh... urges, I'm likely to end up torching an innocent village somewhere. That's how strong the urges are, when they come. Think about it as trying to hold in a sneeze, but while stark naked on a mountaintop in Yukihana while drenched in cold water, and you might be able to understand maybe a fraction of how difficult it is. It's part of the reason I joined the army, really. Gave me an avenue to channel my fire, so that I wouldn't unleash my power on a village. Not again."

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Meredith was enjoying hearing of these things. She would've enjoyed the look on the brass's faces... she was never a fan of those stuck-up no good men who were certainly too big in their britches. But, the last words out of Serene's mouth... haunted her. "Cause if your a monster, what does that make me?" Words probably not for her to have heard in their last encounter... but, now. They had much more meaning all of a sudden. A revelation that made the room uncomfortably silent for a time. Meredith wasn't sure... how to... respond to such a thing. She swallowed, the feeling threatening to catch in her throat.



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A shadow flitted across Serene's face for a brief moment before disappearing.


"Yes, again. It happened once before. I think I was five? Maybe six? I'd always had fun playing with the spirits, even as a child. In fact, back then, I was probably even more in tune with them, before I received training. We would play together, and I would have fun with them as they flitted around me. But one day, for some reason - I don't know why - they were agitated. Bothered. Excited. Upset. I reached out to them, to try and understand them, and before I knew it, I was channeling them, and my village was burning. I remember sitting by myself in the ruins of my dining room, flames bursting up around me. I didn't really understand it at the time. But that was the day I became alone in this world. My parents were caught in the initial conflagration. The rest of the village managed to get out before the fire spread to their homes. But they all knew - they all saw me. They saw me sitting in the middle of the fires, unharmed. I no longer had a place among them. I left my village the next day, and I've been searching for a place to belong since."


Serene placed her hands in the air and gazed at them for a few moments, as if looking at some invisible scar. Then she hugged her knees to her chest.


"Sickening, isn't it? The same fire that took my parents' lives, the same fire that destroyed my home, and I can't bring myself to part from it. I cherish it. I love it. I nurture it. I live for it. I have no right to call myself their daughter - fuck, I have no right to call myself human, at this point. A proper human would feel more regret, would avoid the fire. Not me. That's not what I did. That's not what I'm doing."

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"l see. That's what you meant then... what you meant when you said you were a monster." Meredith thought to herself. She shifted over towards the woman... careful not to touch her. She, wasn't sure how she'd react if she did right now. She just sat along side her. "You're not a monster... at least. Not to me. Maybe l'm wrong but... l don't believe you wanted that to happen even if it had. You were just a child. None of us know better in those forming years. l can't imagine what it's like with spirits that invade your thoughts or influence you as well."

She looked at the ceiling, clutching where the burn was on her stomach. lt weirdly began to ache ever so slightly. Maybe it was, just her imagination though. She looked at Serene, her eyes misty... "Regardless of any of that... whether it was in your power or not, you have a home here. l'm not sure if you've noticed, but l don't think there's a person in this outfit that's anything but an outcast in some form or another. lt was... something l looked for l'll admit. People that didn't have anything to lose, or nothing to go back to. After all, they'd fight the hardest to save those that couldn't fight for themselves. We know best what it's like to lose, so we know one of the greatest pains there is. l... tried to not get attached this time. l remembered what it was like losing all those faces l used to know that day... during that ambush. l remember all their faces... l remember my friends and comrades being slaughtered 1 by 1 as l was powerless to do anything but survive. Surviving was the hardest part. l no longer had somewhere to go. l saw the horrors of Roswell's so called "Holy War" nothing but a disgusting farce by a man who greeds for nothing but more power. l couldn't go back to that... l couldn't go back to my home, that country... it's not the place l knew when l was younger."


She leaned back, placing her head on the stone... it was cold as ice compared to the heat in the water but, she didn't really care. She just looked up at the ceiling. "The Misguided Children... a family. But, not one l could belong to. l was a soldier of Dragao and they knew it. Samuel wasn't ever that way that l know, he was happy to have anyone to fight for the cause... but the rest of them. They always looked at me like l was a monster. They judged me with those eyes of theirs trying to force me out by burning me with their scorn. lnstead of let that happen... l asked Samuel to give me a command. l told him l was an officer and it wasn't a lie. l was promoted to quite the rank for my service in that fateful battle. After all... a story about a Legend was all the better if she was promoted after. Gave troops something to aspire too. Anyway, l digress, l've never told him l've never led a unit in my life. Never led one that wasn't under the stress of combat... under the stress of losing our commanding officer. That l'd only led i the heat of the moment. He still doesn't know that but it doesn't matter. This wasn't about being in a position of power." She tilted her head in the direction of her friend.

"lt was about creating a place for people that had no place. l wasn't wanted there... l'm sure there were others that'd be treated that way. Ecquis? They were afraid of his wvyerns and therefore... also afraid of him. Hoshiko? Everyone thought she was a loon. l don't knw if l believe that Goddess has spoke to her and sent her to us either but... l do know that she could fight and that her belief in her cause would be a boon. l looked past the surface for a moment, something others weren't willing to do. Klaren? Thinks that one explains itself. Maya... she wasn't originally my pick. Samuel placed her here. l don't 100% know why, but l'm sure he has his reasons as she was the last to join that had anything to do with the Children. Thunder Blunder... the others refused to fight with a noble, even one from another country, at their side. Apparently, to them what was the point of fighting noble class alongside it? lt was shortsighted. Now, lf he'd get his aim together maybe he'd prove himself, he honestly probably be better off picking up the lance again." She said with a bit of a smile.


"You, Me, Radburn, and Renee? All Deserters. No one here's perfect. But... that's the point. There's no people l'd rather fight alongside. Even if you don't feel at home... you can stay here. There's always a place for you in my band of criminals, vagabonds, runaway royalty, crooks, misfits, and outcasts."

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"Well, I hope the leaders of the city don't find honor, justice, and the Goddess too challenging." She frowned for a moment. Was he making fun of her? No, of course not; it was hard for anyone to stand up before the goddess's chosen hero. "Did you have any other advice for us?" She elected not to comment further on the tome for the moment; Terrin seemed to have come up with a good method of handling such.

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"Other advice? Well yes plenty! Never combine high level thunder magic with weaker wind magic, thunder spirits do not like to be subdued you see and instead of being tamed they will instead lash out and ruin your day." He gave a quick magical advice and chuckled, the diversion was definitely intentional. "If I want you two to take any advice from here today, is that regardless of all our traditions, all of our silly politics and banter: the senators and royalty of Caelum are people like anyone else. The people put a lot of responsibility on our shoulders and we have to bear with it for them. I am sure Ignis'Efari wants nothing more than to protect her people, but she is also young. If all else fails, appeal to her as a human being. There are very few real monsters in this world, most have just taken the wrong path." 



"I don' really like i' here much either. Too much sand." She sighed. "Wha's the nices' place you been too? Why don' we jus' go there?"


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28th of First Heat



At around midday, the party arrives at well... The party! It's held at a mansion about four stories tall and Goddess knows how wide. At the entrance several finely dressed men and women linger talking and gossiping. Anna goes in first, showing her and Ian's invitation. The guards look over the guests, asking each one to leave any weapons they are carrying at the entrance but otherwise calmly let them pass. A long red carpet leads the party through the mansion. It ends at a set of double doors that is opened by a servant. They entered the ballroom of the mansion full with guests music, and food! 



"Welcome everyone, make yourselves at home. Grab a drink, grab some food, everything is on the house! We all deserve a little party after what we've been through."






"Thank you, both of you. You don't know how much it means to me that you chose to accompany me on this meeting." Saffron told Hoshiko and Terrin as they walked down the heavily decorated hallways of the palace. She was armed with her usual spear buckler and armor. She sighed heavily as they stood in front of two incredibly large doors, going up almost two stories high. The guards slowly opened the doors. "I'm counting on both of you."



The three walk into an oval room, filled with blinding radiance. The midday sun shined through large windows at the top of the room and reflected onto the walls that were covered in gold polished to a shine. The whole room reeked of perfume, and polish. Opposite of the entrance was a mountain of pillows, each of different color and pattern but all of them looking incredibly comfortable. A young man sat somewhere in the middle of this mountain of pillows, closer to the summit was a girl, and at the peak was clear as day the Ignis. In front of this tower of pillows were three seats, clearly meant for the three guests. 



"Ahem." The man got up from the pillows and stood, head held up high in an incredibly dignified posture. What the senator said seemed to be true, at his side was a rapier sheathed in a cover of gold. The other royal had a tome, and the one at the very top held a golden bow. "Welcome travelers, you have traveled long to get here. We congratulate you on your bravery to make it this far into a warring nation. May I introduce you to Lua'Magi daughter to Senator Baki."



With a piercing gaze, Lua'Magi inspects each of you taking a specially long time to glare at Hoshiko. It's clear in her face that she is not impressed with what she sees. 


"I will also introduce you to Ignis'Efari, the heir to the Great Prophet's wisdom." 



While it was clear as day what the Lua thought of the three guests, Ignis'Efari was the textbook definition of enigma. Her face was emotionless, simply nodding as her name was said. 



"I, am Sol'Fael, together the three of us rule this sandy kingdom known as Caelum. And who might you be?" The Sol sits down and gestures to the party. His face holds a grin of excitement, like a cat's curiosity. 


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Terrin nods respectfully towards the three young rulers, before beginning his own introductions. Unlike where he usually had his tome strapped to his side under his cloak, he had ensured both his Thunder and Static tomes were fully on display and, in fact, had the broken remains of his old javelin strapped to his back as well. It may be useless now but it was a meaningful weapon to him, and he felt it appropriate to bring it.

"We appreciate your congratulations, and granting us an audience. We were able to make it here on account of the many allies we have gathered on our journey, and hope only to acquire more. I am Terrin, son of Lady Aisha. I grew up in this Kingdom, before embarking on a journey to discover where my true calling was in this world." He explained, briefly, before gesturing to Hoshiko with a proud smile on his face.

"This is Hoshiko the Righteous, noble warrior of Yukihana, and a true friend." He introduced, before turning to Saffron standing between them, and then back to the rulers, particularly looking at Ignis as he continued to address all three of them.

"And this is Saffron Dragao, daughter of King Brandon, and the future Queen of Dragao." He introduced finally, deciding to not yet elaborate on their reasons for being present as it seemed apparent enough, not to mention it was a good chance to give the three rulers or Hoshiko a chance to speak now.

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"I know of Lady Aisha, she has made dealings with my father and certain... Advances." Lua'Magi clearly choosing her words careful on that matter. "I also know of King Brandon, but I have heard that the current King is named Roswell is he not?" 



"Yes, Roswell is Brandon's brother. Roswell took over the throne after Brandon stepped down for murdering his own wife."



"Oh so she is the daughter of a murderer and the niece of the man who wants to destroy our Kingdom. How pleasant to meet you." Cold words struck like cold knives against Saffron. Her expression twitched ever so sightly, and her grip around her spear tightened but otherwise she did not speak. Lua'Magi's glare saw all like a hawk looking for any sign of weakness. She turned this glare back on to Hoshiko. "We haven't heard of your lineage, oh true friend from Yukihana. What clan do you come from?"

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Mercer immediately started regretting his decisions to come as they walked up the the mansion gates. He felt like a black sheep as he wore his tattered and dusty rags compared to most of the guest's fancy, well-maintained dresses and clothing. Needless to say he felt a bit more than awkward, like he wasn't meant to be there. It also didn't help he didn't have his axe nearby, it made him feel vulnerable. Once he got inside he kept his head down and grabbed some lamb chops (Assuming they they lamb meat at the party) and cup filled with water. After which he headed to one of the back corners of the party and kept to himself, occasionally taking a bite of his food and a drink of water.

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Hoshiko looked back defiantly, unfazed by the woman's glare. "I am from the Ishikawa clan, in the borderlands near Dragao. Daughter of Idou Ishikawa, one of Yukihana's finest swordsmen." She carried her longbow in one hand, the well-used and better cared-for weapon strung; if one was to make a show of force, it didn't do to leave one's bow unstrung. "While my clan is honorable and strong, my true allegiance lies first to the Goddess and her justice, as her chosen hero." The archer put one foot forward as she continued to speak. A small part of her sent a silent prayer up to the Goddess in thanks; there weren't many people here, so there was nothing here that could unnerve her. Other than the reek of that perfume. . . "I would think that, here in Caelum, you would understand better than most that a person is more than their lineage, though. Saffron's cause is the end of this war, and of that villain on the throne now; whatever Roswell claims Brandon did is irrelevant."

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