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Hi! This could probably just as easily be an introduction post as an addition to the development forum, alas it is going here because hopefully it can be much more than that.

For a bit of backstory, I started directly working on the game in Episode 13, after the last general-helper-person didn't have time to keep going. I started just by putting words into books in the library of field effects, but as the game continued I started doing house interiors, adding memes ame didn't find for 2 episodes, and general japery within the devteam. Some say I still am those things. I'm also pretty okay at fixing minor bugs that show up every episode, and am exceptionally good at terraforming route 2. For now I mostly work on animations, albiet sparingly compared to the other animators nowadays, partially due to my exceptionally bad work ethic and partially due to taking full days to get animations up to my personal standards.

tl;dr this topic is a place for me to put my own dev feelings and silliness outside of the more official topics, and a place where y'all can ask questions about how i do things or what i even am, inspired by a question in my ama that asked why I wasn't more active in the community!

That said, I never noticed until today that Ame showed focus blast, and everybody who responded said something that I'm so happy about because it means i get to show off the first iteration of me doing it before I made it actually acceptable for the game :]


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that is a super clean animation though oml

also i see that absol written in comic sans >:[

since i have absolutely no capacity to animate this is super cool to me and i wont try to understand but keep up the good work bc it looks fantastic fren!!! :]

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oh fuck you you're gonna make Chansey look cool with Seismic Toss fuckin stalllords man that's why I don't ladder anymore sigh must be nice at least they didn't make that thing fairy in gen6 good lord gen7 is gonna make that happen and introduce some shit so broken that it'll make it still stick in ou Ill quit mons

if real show Explosion By Inuki :]

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That's true, remind everyone of explosion's true form!
also I'm glad you're putting yourself out there because you (and your brand of humor) are a person more people need to know about and appreciate (y)
Off to a strong start with that literal focus miss [:

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In my ah-fucking-mazing experience with the move Focus Blast has more of a chance to bounce off the target and smack my own mon right in its face than actually do its job you should depict the sphere returning and doing damage to the attacker in honour of our collective feelings of getting blown back because we missed

at least Ame will never ever put TMs in Reborn so I'll only have do deal with the opponents hitting me on the first try

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that is a super clean animation though oml

also i see that absol written in comic sans >:[

since i have absolutely no capacity to animate this is super cool to me and i wont try to understand but keep up the good work bc it looks fantastic fren!!! :]

that absol deserved it it was named gardevior for like forever and i didn't have the font for the editor on my thing so i had to work with what i had okay

oh fuck you you're gonna make Chansey look cool with Seismic Toss fuckin stalllords man that's why I don't ladder anymore sigh must be nice at least they didn't make that thing fairy in gen6 good lord gen7 is gonna make that happen and introduce some shit so broken that it'll make it still stick in ou Ill quit mons

if real show Explosion By Inuki :]

not like this

I'll do you one better, have this crisp before and after to remind everyone of the greatness of what was my first animation and still my favorite


And then the revamped version where i had to literally change the editor to get the nuclear effect right because the editor is SHIT


(tbh im still not happy with the overall lack of any real effect on the enemy and will probably iron that out soon tm so there'll likely be a third iteration with more fire)

That's true, remind everyone of explosion's true form!

also I'm glad you're putting yourself out there because you (and your brand of humor) are a person more people need to know about and appreciate (y)

Off to a strong start with that literal focus miss [:


I'd give that proto-Focus blast a solid 8/10, it's super realistic at first but then it hits and breaks my immersion.

Yo if you wanna code that allows for animations when attacks miss i am all for it I'll do them all just you watch me

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I'm like 99% sure your perfectionism is better in the long run than my huge mistake ones that need 10000000 fixes.

Also Shia, Hyper Beam is in batch 3 (we're currently halfway through batch 2). So it won't be in E16 at least.

Will you sneak random rainbow dragon pulse into the game alongside your explosion.

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When I was laddering last night I didn't manage to hit focus blast until the fourth attempt, clearly you have an incomplete understanding of how it works. In all seriousness though I freakin' love it.

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is hyper beam included in ze animations? i hope it is :[[

awesome boomsies though!!!! <3 <3 <3

Yeah it's in wave 3 but I'll probably take that beams are cool! (I'm also taking roar of time though what I want to do with it is plagued with "holy shit this editor wants me to cry")


I'd like to see your take on Thief and Muddy Water (I imagine it will be a wave of Swalot)

Time to break the magic: as much as I much more enjoy doing animations that I can take cool or meme-like creative liberty with these animations would probably about what you'd expect.

To be more specific, I'd probably make thief the opposite of how i made retaliate, read: the same way but with a lot less honor. Darkening screen followed by an eyesparkle by the using pokemon, around 7 frames of quickly going behind the target, the hit, and then going back to its normal position. Depending on whether the actual stealing of the item is a different animation (or if it's dumb in essentials and nothing matters because life is a construct) the pokemon would either come back with a coin, or the normal bag/present whatever animation would play after though I'd much much prefer the first. That's in wave 3 though so I'll probably work on that when that's a thing (which will be reasonably soon actually!)

Muddy Water's probably more "exactly how you expect" and would probably just a brown surf like it is in gen 3.

I'm like 99% sure your perfectionism is better in the long run than my huge mistake ones that need 10000000 fixes.

Also Shia, Hyper Beam is in batch 3 (we're currently halfway through batch 2). So it won't be in E16 at least.

Will you sneak random rainbow dragon pulse into the game alongside your explosion.

Nah trust I'd much rather be able to throw rocks at something until it works instead of taking months to carve the earth how i want it, i seriously take way too long you've easily outdone my production by over 1000% by now and i totes respect that.

I'm down i wanna make a different animation for the sonic rainboom if anything

Has ame been feeding her bird???

probably not : (

When I was laddering last night I didn't manage to hit focus blast until the fourth attempt, clearly you have an incomplete understanding of how it works. In all seriousness though I freakin' love it.

Fun fact the actual first iteration had it miss 3 times but I couldn't make that look right without having to make an oppmove for it so i downsized to two before leaving the meme altogether.

in addition

[8:05:40 AM] Inuki: I've just been alerted to something.
[8:06:09 AM] Amethyst: oh?
[8:07:16 AM] Inuki: 2,ATTACKORDER,Attack Order,000,90,BUG,Physical,100,15,0,00,0,befh,"The user calls out its underlings to pummel the target. Critical hits land more easily."
this description is wrong.
[8:07:47 AM] Amethyst: is it?
[8:07:56 AM] Inuki: yes
[8:08:10 AM] Amethyst: is it not a crit move?
[8:08:50 AM] Inuki: 2,ATTACKORDER,Attack Order,000,90,BUG,Physical,100,15,0,00,0,befh,"BAD AND NAUGHTY POKÉMON GET PLACED IN THE BEE SPHERE FOR PUNISHMENT. "
[8:09:05 AM] Inuki: is what it's supposed to be
[8:09:18 AM] Amethyst: .
[8:09:19 AM] Amethyst: .
[8:09:20 AM] Amethyst: .
[8:09:22 AM] *** Amethyst has left ***
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Yo if you wanna code that allows for animations when attacks miss i am all for it I'll do them all just you watch me

I mean, I find that reeeaaallly tempting, but Ame might have a heart attack if I make it so every single move needs a new animation made for missing.


[8:05:40 AM] Inuki: I've just been alerted to something.
[8:06:09 AM] Amethyst: oh?
[8:07:16 AM] Inuki: 2,ATTACKORDER,Attack Order,000,90,BUG,Physical,100,15,0,00,0,befh,"The user calls out its underlings to pummel the target. Critical hits land more easily."
this description is wrong.
[8:07:47 AM] Amethyst: is it?
[8:07:56 AM] Inuki: yes
[8:08:10 AM] Amethyst: is it not a crit move?
[8:08:50 AM] Inuki: 2,ATTACKORDER,Attack Order,000,90,BUG,Physical,100,15,0,00,0,befh,"BAD AND NAUGHTY POKÉMON GET PLACED IN THE BEE SPHERE FOR PUNISHMENT. "
[8:09:05 AM] Inuki: is what it's supposed to be
[8:09:18 AM] Amethyst: .
[8:09:19 AM] Amethyst: .
[8:09:20 AM] Amethyst: .
[8:09:22 AM] *** Amethyst has left ***


Quality stuff there 20/20

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I'm like 99% sure your perfectionism is better in the long run than my huge mistake ones that need 10000000 fixes.

perfectionism is a terrible curse it keeps things from getting done because half of the time your trying to fix every detail and the other half of the time you don't know what angle to approach the move making a day of no progress I know from experience.

Also Inuki how old is that mushroom dance? I've seen it in the graphics folder for quite some time

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Has ame been feeding her bird???

probably not : (


well i didnt yesterday but that's cuz i didnt make any food yesterday...


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Perfectionism may be a curse, but it can also lead to some truly epic stuff if monitored correctly. Although if that means we have to balance out smooth af animations like Focus Miss alongside Mushroom Dances to keep you devs sane, then that's even better! Also, is there plans for dragon pulse in EP16? My Noivern desperately needs politely requests for some eye candy...

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This will probably be the norm for my posts i make because i feel like it, good luck.

Today's animation brought to you by this:

[9:51:42 PM] Inuki: speaking of concepts
[9:51:43 PM] Inuki: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/8/89/Nihei_Venusaur_Petal_Blizzard.png
[9:51:44 PM] Inuki: lets go
[9:52:24 PM] Amethyst: why do you hate yourself so violently
[9:52:28 PM] Inuki: i don't know
[9:54:13 PM] Inuki: however
[9:54:21 PM] Inuki: guess what i think it might be time for
[9:54:28 PM] Amethyst: what
[9:54:34 PM] Inuki: a change of scenery.
[9:54:39 PM] Amethyst: oh dear
[9:54:57 PM] Inuki: cause i think this might go along much better if i have the ability to trace
[9:55:07 PM] Amethyst: .....oh dearrrr.
[9:55:16 PM] Inuki: don't fret
[9:55:20 PM] Inuki: absol gets to have a new font!

[9:55:46 PM] Amethyst: im so glad
[9:55:53 PM] Amethyst: i swear to fuck i
[9:55:59 PM] Amethyst: if its fucking wingdings or whatever
[9:56:05 PM] Amethyst: i will literally delete t his game.
[9:56:17 PM] Inuki: a convincing argument
[9:56:20 PM] Inuki: but nah i think i can type that
[9:56:22 PM] Inuki: top, too

[10:09:16 PM] Inuki: this U-turn bug is very helpful
[10:09:44 PM] Amethyst: wh
[10:10:23 PM] Inuki: http://prntscr.com/c3s5dn
[10:10:40 PM] Inuki: i screenshotted to remove the previous graffiti
[10:10:49 PM] Amethyst: oh
[10:10:52 PM] Amethyst: i see!
[10:10:58 PM] Amethyst: i just manually cut it out oops

http://prntscr.com/c3sbtc i wanted to trace another thing for this but i couldn't find a good thing to trace to haha OOPSIE i added more than i was really going to.

[10:55:46 PM] Inuki: after 3 petals I've gotten lost as to which petal is which
[10:55:48 PM] Inuki: this is a problem
[10:55:54 PM] Amethyst: was more of an a-sail-ant
[10:57:30 PM] Inuki: so I have an idea.
[10:57:49 PM] Inuki: in reality there will only be two petals
[10:57:53 PM] Inuki: that will make things very easy
[10:58:03 PM] Amethyst: "easy"
she understands.





And there you have it: 5 hours later you have a fully finished Petal Blizzard, easy!....


(Not shown: 5 different ideas for petal blizzard being shot down one by one because petals are HARD.)

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Inuki the coin you used did you have graphics in between to have it spin or did you use the zoom options?, Also yeah petals are hard but do you mean to move to or to make I used leaves and then edited them to look more petal-like.

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