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Sweet, I get the Thief animation I requested! Ty Inuki. It looks nice. Could use a bit of Clockwork Orange flavoring, but that's ok :)

Was kinda hoping to see that Dunsparce kick the shit out of that Absol then steal its wallet as the Thief animation but hey, that works too.

tbh i don't even know if im happy with it but it exists now and it works well enough and apparently i need to learn to leave well enough alone so WEH but i don't really know how i would make it better, at least using this concept DOUBLEWEH

Inuki the coin you used did you have graphics in between to have it spin or did you use the zoom options?, Also yeah petals are hard but do you mean to move to or to make I used leaves and then edited them to look more petal-like.

I used zooming to spin it, I think it was 100 75 50 25 11 25 50 75 100 repeating. And nah, most of the difficulty of petals for me is getting lost after about 3 when they're being put close together and I have straight up no idea which petal is which. I really wish there was a paste last cell feature instead of having to paste the whole frame so i /could/ go petal by petal without wanting to die

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nah, most of the difficulty of petals for me is getting lost after about 3 when they're being put close together and I have straight up no idea which petal is which. I really wish there was a paste last cell feature instead of having to paste the whole frame so i /could/ go petal by petal without wanting to die

if your good with graphics gale I'd recomend making 2 sheets 1 with the petal graphics your going to use and one that has the petals your going to use but with various colored petals so you can tell them appart better then switch out the colored petal sheet for the original when you get the move done don't know if that seems helpful or not but thought id try to give advice ^_^

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Favorite meme/moment when helping Ame?

So my first iteration of Dynamic Punch went a little something like this

[10/28/2015 4:44:30 PM] Amethyst: ,
[10/28/2015 5:10:48 PM] Amethyst: ................INUKI WHATEVERTHEFUCKYOURMIDDLENAMEIS CLARK
[10/28/2015 5:11:01 PM] Ðan: .
[10/28/2015 5:11:04 PM] Amethyst: This
[10/28/2015 5:11:06 PM] Amethyst: duynamicpunch
[10/28/2015 5:11:08 PM] Amethyst: LOLLLLLLLL
[10/28/2015 5:11:09 PM] Michael McGlynn: no part of that is his actual name
[10/28/2015 5:11:10 PM] Michael McGlynn: fyi
[10/28/2015 5:11:17 PM] Amethyst: do i look like i care
[10/28/2015 5:11:22 PM] Ðan: I don't know
[10/28/2015 5:11:22 PM] Ðan: :c
[10/28/2015 5:11:32 PM] Ðan: I can't see you :ccc
[10/28/2015 5:11:32 PM] Michael McGlynn: you seem pretty invested in this based on your reaction
[10/28/2015 5:11:49 PM] Amethyst: i fucking hate him right now
[10/28/2015 5:11:53 PM] Amethyst: but i love him so much too
[10/28/2015 5:12:00 PM] Ðan: what
[10/28/2015 5:12:08 PM] Ilyusha: this is everything I wanted
[10/28/2015 5:12:14 PM] Amethyst: he made
[10/28/2015 5:12:18 PM] Amethyst: the dynamic punch anijmation
[10/28/2015 5:12:23 PM] Michael McGlynn: we know
[10/28/2015 5:12:24 PM] Michael McGlynn: he told us
[10/28/2015 5:12:25 PM] Amethyst: .
[10/28/2015 5:12:28 PM] Amethyst: i haste you
[10/28/2015 5:12:28 PM] Ðan: same
[10/28/2015 5:12:28 PM] Amethyst: al
[10/28/2015 5:12:30 PM] Amethyst: l
[10/28/2015 5:12:30 PM] Amethyst: rewjiosdfcx
[10/28/2015 5:12:33 PM] Ðan: get lewled on
[10/28/2015 5:12:35 PM] Ilyusha: as a note
[10/28/2015 5:12:37 PM] Amethyst: i have been lkewled on
[10/28/2015 5:12:43 PM] Ilyusha: now that you've reacted exactly as I wanted
[10/28/2015 5:12:55 PM] Ilyusha: you can import it for the real one
[10/28/2015 5:13:06 PM] Amethyst: i

[10/28/2015 5:23:58 PM] Amethyst: legend has it
[10/28/2015 5:24:11 PM] Amethyst: that on the night of the full moon if you go to a dark and quiet place, and listen real closely
[10/28/2015 5:24:28 PM] Amethyst: you can hear on the wind, the memes of the wild inuki
[10/28/2015 5:26:39 PM] Ðan: :'c
[10/28/2015 5:26:43 PM] Ilyusha: :[
[10/28/2015 5:29:17 PM] Amethyst: The punches both look great, no concerns, other than the fact that your cheeselord level is reaching critical heights but what else is new
[10/28/2015 5:29:28 PM] Ilyusha: :]
[10/28/2015 5:29:41 PM] Michael McGlynn: isn't he great
[10/28/2015 5:29:50 PM] Amethyst: he's pretty great, can't lie
[10/28/2015 5:30:15 PM] Michael McGlynn: always changing the game on you
[10/28/2015 5:30:45 PM] Michael McGlynn: next thing you know the champion of reborn is john cena himself

For reference, the animation was blank for the first.. as many frames as it takes for the announcer to say "AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA" and then punched when the music dropped

I'm also a fan of accidentally not removing Techie Johnathan's Rayquaza, and am very happy that it's still referenced in the field effect guide on the site and subtly ingame in e16 coming soon to a theater near you

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Let me explain something to you guys.

I'm normally a very tolerant person.

I do things in a way that's generally referred to "staying in my lane"

But when someone puts a budew into my esteemed editor

and doesn't change the name on the health bar

I have no choice but to retaliate.

This is definitely not filler while i stop trying to be a human trash can!!!!!!!!!!!!


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LOOK inuki i couldnt just let that poor Absol keep on getting beaten up by our dangerous animations, i had to put a more suitable crash dummy in and not every one has time for extreme make over: animation editor edition like you do okay

but i dindt deserve this

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Also, for the people watching at home, what are they named?

and who is the girl in that ad..............

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I feel like you may be missing the point.

What you really need to be asking is "Why is the devchat called 'Wow?! Such Banana!'"

It's a chat with you and Ame. If there wasn't an arcane meme in there somewhere, I would be dissapointed. I would have been just as happy with a chat called "The 420 Channel"

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Back at again with a new computer and a new lease on life
aka im going to attempt to make an animation that doesn't require a phd to keep up with (I'm looking at you petal blizzard.)
This animation will probably be brought to you by

what better album to make zen headbutt to after all
Unfortunately Dat Boi might be causing some problems, I doubt any pokemon's forehead is where his is, so we have to pray this doesn't look awful
fuck it we're bringing diancie back tbh
turns out i used the entirety of midnight machines to completely remake the testback
....it seems i do that every time i make an animation
haha oops
..except i closed it
please ignore the diancie i brought it in for the testback im just happy to be playing this file again
og rainbow squad that got rainbow nerfed i cry every time
early sonicboom or riot

look it's pretty, and if you're thinking to yourself "but inuki diancie is almost as tall as dat boi what was the point of any of this"
shut up.
Lemme be real with y'all for a second
This style of animation i really just don't like cause it seems incredibly hard to do right. When going in like that with no particle attached to it, it's pretty simple and you can do whatever you want with the pokemon.
With a particle though you kinda have to keep the pokemon as it is and use the speed of the movement as your only way to show how fast or what the pokemon itself is doing during that movement, and give you only have like 2-3 frames of information to give it's just kinda weh
pls note im not calling anyone out for animating that way cause they probably do it a lot better than i do i just personally hate doing so.
THAT SAID NOW THAT I REMEMBER THAT (lol.) i could've kept dat boi
oh well he's always coming in our hearts

the rest of making the animation is BORING and so is the animation kinda but here's the current result but now the mail's come and my mom woke up and i have SMTFE now so for now im done:

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