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Christopher Nolan's Pokemon XYZ: A Pokemon Reborn Hardcore Ash Run

Lord Chespin

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Hey! So, I remember that when I first joined the forums, somebody suggested a "Ash run", or a run where you could only use Pokemon that Ash has caught. I tried an undocumented one a couple years ago, but I never finished it, and lost it when my computer's hard drive crashed. Now that the XYZ Anime's almost over, I've decided to boot a new Ash run up, and document it this time, in Pokemon Reborn Hardcore!

Here's the Pokemon I can use:

-Bulbasaur Line

-Charmander Line

-Squirtle Line

-Butterfree Line

-Pidgeot Line

-Pikachu Line

-Primeape Line

-Kingler Line

-Muk Line

-Tauros Line (and I have to catch 30 of them)

-Snorlax Line

-Lapras Line

-Chikorita Line

-Cyndaquil Line

-Totodile Line

-Noctowl line

-Donphan Line

-Heracross Line

-Treecko Line

-Swellow Line

-Corphish Line

-Torkoal Line

-Glalie Line

-Torterra Line

-Infernape Line

-Powerful Staraptor Line

-Buizel Line

-Gligar Line

-Gible Line

-Snivy Line

-Tepig Line

-Oshawott Line

-Pidove Line

-Roggenrola Line

-Sewaddle Line

-Palpitoad Line

-Scraggy Line

-Sandile Line

-Greninja Line

-Fletchling Line

-Hawlucha Line

-Goomy Line

-Noivern Line

Well, that seems like a lot, but keep in mind that a lot of these guys are either too powerful to be implemented yet, or are in the lower tiers of Smogon. So, here's the team so far:

frogadier.gifFrogadier (Male) - Lv. 28

pikachu-f.gifPikachu (Female) - Lv. 26

primeape.gifMankey (Female) - Lv. 28

butterfree.gifButterfree (Male) - Lv. 27

grimer.gifGrimer (Male) - Lv. 26

noibat.gifNoibat (Male) - Lv. 27

Here's the Pokemon in Ash's PC:

hoothoot.gifHoothoot (Male) - Lv. 18

pidgeotto.gifPidgeotto (Male) - Lv. 26

Here's the bosses Ash has to face:

electrode.gifJulia (Boom'd!)

cradily.gifFlorina (Defeated!)

Spr_3r_000.pngCorey (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngShelly (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngShade (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngKiki (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngSolaris (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngAya (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngSerra (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngNoel (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngEl (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngRadomus (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngLuna (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngSampson (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngCharlotte (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngM3G4 T3RR4 (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngSeel Ciel (Undefeated)

I think that's it. Wish me luck, and here's hoping Ash actually beats the Elite Four this time!

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Update #1: Pilot

Well, the tutorial battles weren't too bad for Ash. For Cain, Ash led with his Froakie, and Cain led with his Nidoran-Male. Froakie was able to tank a scratch and dodge a second one, then took out the Nidoran with a pound and two bubbles!

Victoria was a little trickier, but still kind of easy. Her Tepig did some serious damage with a critical-hit tackle, but Froakie lived and KO'd it with two bubbles! With the two of them down, it's time to build a team!

The team so far:

froakie.gifFroakie (Male) - Lv. 8

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Interesting run, but as an FYI he did have a Haunter and Raticate which the latter will save you from so many headaches that are about to head your way in the demon we call Julia. Gonna call it right now that you will deeply regret picking a water starter instead of a grass one (though you did beat both Julia and Florinia with a water mono which was golden).

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Okay, this actually sounds interesting to see how it goes.

Main question: Are you going to keep it more authentic and make sure you have Pikachu in your team at all times? Or are you not going to go for pure authenticity for the sake of avoiding being handicapped at certain times (*cough*Terra*cough*)

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Interesting run, but as an FYI he did have a Haunter and Raticate which the latter will save you from so many headaches that are about to head your way in the demon we call Julia. Gonna call it right now that you will deeply regret picking a water starter instead of a grass one (though you did beat both Julia and Florinia with a water mono which was golden).

Well, he only had the Haunter and Raticate temporarily, so I'll pass on them (although I might change my mind about Haunter, just to see what you did for the Haunter event). I don't really regret picking Froakie, since Ash-Greninja is a thing, but it took me almost a week of constant trying just to get by Julia (and I still have PTSD about Florina), so maybe I'll eat my words.

Okay, this actually sounds interesting to see how it goes.

Main question: Are you going to keep it more authentic and make sure you have Pikachu in your team at all times? Or are you not going to go for pure authenticity for the sake of avoiding being handicapped at certain times (*cough*Terra*cough*)

Once I get Pikachu, I'm probably going to keep it on the team, like I did with Commander the Lanturn back in my Electric Monotype; however, I'll bend the rules a little, and make it so that I can evolve it (because let's face it, ain't nobody beatin' Reborn with a Pikachu).

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Once I get Pikachu, I'm probably going to keep it on the team, like I did with Commander the Lanturn back in my Electric Monotype; however, I'll bend the rules a little, and make it so that I can evolve it (because let's face it, ain't nobody beatin' Reborn with a Pikachu).

I accept that challenge. So glad you didn't say Hardcore.

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I accept that challenge. So glad you didn't say Hardcore.

Well, that applies to Hardcore, too. =P

Update #2: The Grasshole Enters

Well, Fern was tricky, but Ash managed to beat him on his second try. On TEH URN, Ash led with his Pidgey, and Fern led with his Lombre. Pidgey managed to land a gust, but then Lombre took him out with two bubbles, so Ash sent out his Hoothoot next. Hoothoot got smacked by two growls, so his pecks did almost nothing, but "almost nothing" isn't that same as "nothing", so he was able to slowly chisel away at Lombre while tanking Absorbs and bubbles. Fern tried to heal Lombre, but Hoothoot managed to get a critical hit and do serious damage with a peck; unfortunately, Lady Luck proved her impartiality and took out Hoothoot with a critical-hit bubble. Noibat came out to avenge his fallen brethren, and while Fern used up his last potion, Noibat was able to tank an astonish and end the Lombre with a gust!

Up next came Fern's pseudo-ace, his Servine. Ash swapped out to Grimer, and he managed to poison it with a poison gas; Servine, however, managed to land a wrap, and the damage slowly ticked away at him. Grimer then got smacked by a leer, but was able to lower Servine's accuracy with a mud-slap, tank a vine whip, and disable the Servine's vine whip; Sadly, he fainted to a tackle the next turn. However, Froakie was able to come in, tank a tackle and a wrap, and take out the Servine with three quick attacks (and poison damage)!

All that remained was Fern's true ace: his Roselia. Ash sent out his Butterfree, and he got off to a rocky start by being instantly poisoned by a poison sting. Fortunately, while Roselia set up a growth,Butterfree was able to spam confusion and shrug off two mega drains; this allowed him to KO Roselia before fainting to poison damage, with 7 HP to spare! Onward to the Mosswater Factory!

The team so far:

froakie.gifFroakie (Male) - Lv. 15

pidgey.gifPidgey (Male) - Lv. 12

hoothoot.gifHoothoot (Male) - Lv. 12

butterfree.gifButterfree (Male) - Lv. 14

grimer.gifGrimer (Male) - Lv. 12

noibat.gifNoibat (Male) - Lv. 14

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Update #3: Meteor Strike

Well, Aster and Eclipse were actually really tricky, as most of Ash's team was weak to either fire or electric. On TEH URN, Ash led with Grimer, Fern led with Roselia, Aster led with his Electabuzz, and Eclipse led with her Magmar. Poor Grimer fainted to an ember and a swift, but Roselia was able to land a mega drain... on Magmar. Fern... are you an idiot? Anyway, Ash's Frogadier came out next, and he was able to turn the fight around by confusing the Magmar with a water pulse! This caused the Magmar to injure itself, leaving only the Electabuzz to do pathetic damage with a swift and let Fern to continue to be as unhelpful as possible by using mega drain on Magmar. Eclipse tried to use her potion on Magmar, but Frogadier finished it off with a water pulse, allowing Fern to try and paralyze Electabuzz because, as mentioned above, he's an idiot. Luckily, Fern's Roselia fainted from a fire punch, letting Fern's Lombre come out and actually do some semblance of damage with a bubble, which in turn let Frogadier take out Electabuzz with two water pulses after tanking a low kick and a fire punch! With the Mosswater Factory a smoldering wreck, it's time to take on Julia!

...I'm not looking forward to this...

The team so far:

frogadier.gifFrogadier (Male) - Lv. 20

pidgey.gifPidgey (Male) - Lv. 15

hoothoot.gifHoothoot (Male) - Lv. 15

butterfree.gifButterfree (Male) - Lv. 14

grimer.gifGrimer (Male) - Lv. 15

noibat.gifNoibat (Male) - Lv. 16

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Wow, this is a really interesting run, especially with the rules. When you put the list up there it really surprises me just how many pokemon Ash ended up having. Are there any specific fights you foresee having trouble with, Julia excluded?

Good luck on Julia!

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Wow, this is a really interesting run, especially with the rules. When you put the list up there it really surprises me just how many pokemon Ash ended up having. Are there any specific fights you foresee having trouble with, Julia excluded?

Good luck on Julia!

Thank you! Aside from Julia, I'm a little worried about Corey, since I won't have many good psychic- or ground-types, and Shelly, because Perma-rain.

Hey, you should totally make the same decisions you think Ash would make when they come up. This is shaping up to be a really interesting run!

Thank you! I'll try to make similar decisions to him.

Also, since Julia's really tough and I have to do some grinding, I might not be able to update for a while (made harder by the fact that I'm going to be in a two-day car trip home from Key West). I'll try to get this updated by Monday at the latest!

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Hey, look, I updated something on time! What are the odds?

Update #4: Gotta Get That Boom Boom Pow

Well, Julia was just as hard as I remember, although Grimer helped immensely with its ground-type coverage. On TEH URN, Ash led with Grimer, and Julia led with Magnemite. Grimer tanked a sonicboom and popped the air balloon Magnemite held with a pound; unfortunately, he took massive damage from a charge beam and missed a mud bomb, forcing Ash to heal it with a super potion. Grimer's aim was better on the second try, as after tanking another sonicboom and charge beam, he KO'd the Magnemite with a mud bomb!

Up next came Julia's Emolga. Despite being rather tricky to deal with on other runs, it went down pretty quickly this time: Frogadier managed to confuse it with a water pulse and it hurt itself, allowing Frogadier to end it with two more water pulses, making Julia use up her first super potion as well!

Julia decided to stop messing around and sent out a way more threatening Pokemon: her Heliolisk. Noibat came out, and miraculously, Heliolisk used two hidden powers, a rain dance, and an eerie impulse before using a prabolic charge; this let Noibat lower its defenses all the way with four screeches (he missed one), and allowed him to heal Grimer with a super potion before fainting to the parabolic charge! I slipped up and sent out Pidgeotto by accident, but he was able to KO the Heliolisk in one hit with a quick attack!

Julia's Voltorb came out next, and it was slightly trickier than I expected. Pidgeotto stayed out, and he barely survived a charge beam to lower the Voltorb's accuracy with a sand-attack. The Voltorb then proceeded to miss three charge beams in a row, allowing Pidgeotto to chisel away at it with some quick attacks and make Julia use up her last super potion! After two more quick attacks, Julia rage-quit and blew up her Voltorb with an explosion, taking Pidgeotto with it.

Julia's Chinchou came out next, and Ash swapped out to Grimer. Grimer tanked a water gun and poisoned the Chinchou with a poison gas, cutting through its eviolite boost. Despite getting paralyzed by a thunder wave, Grimer was able to land a mud bomb and lower the Chinchou's accuracy; this then caused Julia to pull a shocking move: she swapped Chinchou out for her ace, Electrode! As she did this, Grimer was cured of its paralysis with a parlyz heal, and dodged a sonicboom to poison the Electrode with a poison gas. Electrode landed a sonicboom the next two turns, allowing Grimer to land two mud bombs with 8 HP remaining. Having run out of super potions, Ash used a berry ice cream on Grimer... only for Electrode to KO him with two charge beams. Well, luckily, by this point the poison had taken its toll on Electrode, and it fainted to a quick attack from Frogadier!

All that remained was Julia's weakened CHinchou, and while Frogadier disobeyed orders at first (which allowed Chinchou to set up two free charges), he obeyed Ash for just long enough to fatally injure it with a quick attack, leaving it to faint from poison after futilely firing off a thunder wave! With Julia down, it's time to head to the Slums!

The team so far:

frogadier.gifFrogadier (Male) - Lv. 22

pidgeotto.gifPidgey (Male) - Lv. 19

hoothoot.gifHoothoot (Male) - Lv. 17

butterfree.gifButterfree (Male) - Lv. 17

grimer.gifGrimer (Male) - Lv. 18

noibat.gifNoibat (Male) - Lv. 17

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Update #5: The Apprentice

Well, Victoria was kind of tricky, but not nearly as bad as Julia. On TEH URN, Ash led with Noibat, and Victoria led with her Scraggy. Despite getting his attack lowered by an intimidate, his accuracy lowered by a sand-attack, and hit by a headbutt, Noibat was able to lower the Scraggy's defenses with a screech and take it down with two wing attacks!

Up next came Victoria's Kirlia, and Ash swapped out to Grimer. Despite taking massive damage from two confusions, Grimer was able to end it with two sludges (with 4 HP remaining, as well)!

Victoria sent out her Poliwag next, and Ash sent out Butterfree. Butterfree tanked a bubble beam and put it to sleep with a sleep powder, allowing him to chisel away at it with gusts and a confusion. Victoria used up her two potions on it, and it even managed to wake up and land a bubble beam again, but it was too little, too late, as Butterfree took it out with a gust!

Victoria, running out of options, sent out her Pignite, and Ash sent out Noibat again. He managed to survive an arm thrust and set up a screech, but before he could use a wing attack he got smacked hard by a flame charge, causing him to faint. Frogadier came out next, and he did insane damage to the Pignite with a water pulse; the Pignite tried to use sunny day, but it still fell to a quick attack the next turn.

All that was left was Victoria's Makuhita, and Ash swapped out to Hoothoot. Hoothoot set up a reflect while Makuhita set up a focus energy, and beat the Makuhita within an inch of its life with an uproar; unfortunately, the Makuhita then took him out with two force palms. Luckily, Butterfree was able to swoop in and KO the Makuhita with a gust, ending the fight! With that over with, it's time to enter the slums!

The team so far:

frogadier.gifFrogadier (Male) - Lv. 22

pidgeotto.gifPidgey (Male) - Lv. 19

hoothoot.gifHoothoot (Male) - Lv. 18

butterfree.gifButterfree (Male) - Lv. 19

grimer.gifGrimer (Male) - Lv. 19

noibat.gifNoibat (Male) - Lv. 19

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Update #6: Thug Lyfe

Well, the Scraggy Gang took a couple tries (mainly because of Tyson), but Ash got past it eventually. On TEH URN, Ash led with Grimer and Pidgeotto, and the Gang led with Stallord and Dragonborn. Pidgeotto got badly poisoned while hitting Stallord withb a gust, and Grimer got slammed with a headbutt after poisoning Stallord and Dragonborn with a poison gas (although Stallord shed its skin, recovering from the poison). The next turn, Pidgeotto got lucky with a critical-hit gust on Stallord- and just in time, as it used amnesia; Dragonborn, meanwhile, did serious damage to Pidgeotto with a brick break, and Grimer poisoned Stallord again with a poison gas. This time, it stuck, and while Pidgeotto fainted to a drain punch, he was still able to damage Dragonborn with a gust while Grimer tanked a brick break and damaged Stallord with a pound. Our newest team member, Mankey, came out, and she set up a focus energy while poor Grimer fainted to a headbutt and a drain punch. Noibat came out to avenge him, and while Mankey was able to KO Stallord with a karate chop, Noibat was able to KO Dragonborn with a wing attack!

Up next came Tyson and the Gang's leader, Big Boss. Mankey did massive damage to Big Boss with a karate chop while Noibat tanked a payback and lowered Big Boss' defense with a screech. Unfortunately, Mankey fainted to a fire punch from Tyson and a brick break from Big Boss before he could counter attack and Noibat fainted to a thunder punch from Tyson after getting off a thunder punch. Butterfree and Frogadier came out to pick up the torch, and together they took out Tyson with a water pulse and a gust while Butterfree tanked a brick break! With only Big Boss remaining, he tried to land a swagger, but failed; Butterfree, meanwhile, tried to use a poisonpower and missed, and Frogadier did some serious damage with a water pulse. Frogadier then paralyzed Big Boss with a lick, and while Big Boss only marginally dented Butterfree with a brick break, Butterfree tried to use poisonpower and failed, because I'm an idiot and forgot you can only be afflicted by one status at a time. It didn't even stick thanks to shed skin! Frogadier was able to damage Big Boss with a quick attack, but fainted to a payback immediately afterwards; fortunately, this let Butterfree take out Big Boss with a with two gusts after tanking a payback! With the gang defeated, it's time to go to the Coral Ward!

The team so far:

frogadier.gifFrogadier (Male) - Lv. 22

pidgeotto.gifPidgey (Male) - Lv. 20

mankey.gifMankey (Female) - Lv. 20

butterfree.gifButterfree (Male) - Lv. 21

grimer.gifGrimer (Male) - Lv. 20

noibat.gifNoibat (Male) - Lv. 20

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Update #7: The Bigger, The Better (Thank you, Commander, for this new scene)

Well, Cain was a lot harder than I anticipated, but Ash was able to get past him. On TEH URN, Ash led with Frogadier, and Cain led with his Grimer. While Grimer was able to lower Frogadier's special defense with an acid spray, Frogadier was able to survive and started to spam water pulses; Cain had Grimer use a minimize and even used a potion on it, but Frogadier's aim was true, and he KO'd Grimer before it could even get another attack in!

Up next came Cain's ace, Nidorino. Ash swapped out Greninja for Grimer, and although he was able to do some damage with a mud bomb, he still took massive damage from a horn attack; thus, Ash swapped him out for Frogadier. Luckily, Nidorino missed a double kick, so Frogadier was able to get a free switch in. This let him do massive damage with a water pulse, and although the Nidorino did massive damage to him with a double kick, Frogadier survived and took it out with a lick and a water pulse!

Up next came Cain's newly-evolved Dewott, and Ash swapped out to Mankey. Unfortunately, Mankey got KO'd by a razor shell immediatel after setting up a focus energy, so Butterfree came out next. He tanked an air slash and did some damage with a confusion, but missed a sleep powder and fainted to a razor shell after Dewott set up a focus energy. The Dewott sweep continued as Noibat came out and fell to two air slashes, but he was at least able to weaken its defense with a screech. Pidgeotto then came out, and miraculously dodged a razor shell; this let him KO the Dewott with two quick attacks!

Cain's Venonat was a pushover, or at least it was in comparison to his Dewott; while it was able to poison Pidgeotto with a poison powder and did some damage with a bug bite, Pidgeotto was still able to KO it with three gusts!

All that remained was Cain's Gastly. Ash quickly healed Frogadier while keeping Pidgeotto on the field, allowing Gastly to land a confuse ray; despite this, Pidgeotto was still able to land one last gust after getting hit by a curse. Luckily, although he fainted to poison and curse damage that turn, Pidgeotto was able to give Frogadier a free switch-in with his fainting, allowing him to outspeed Gastly and KO it with a water pulse! With Cain defeated, it's time to save the Obsidia Ward!

The team so far:

frogadier.gifFrogadier (Male) - Lv. 23

pidgeotto.gifPidgey (Male) - Lv. 21

mankey.gifMankey (Female) - Lv. 20

butterfree.gifButterfree (Male) - Lv. 21

grimer.gifGrimer (Male) - Lv. 21

noibat.gifNoibat (Male) - Lv. 20

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Update #8: Day of the Tangrowth

Well, the Tangrowth was a lot harder than I expected, but Ash got through it. Ash led with Noibat, and ZEL led with the Tangrowth. Noibat fainted fast to two acid sprays, but he was able to fulfill his job in that time span: set up two screeches. Butterfree came out next, and she dented the Tangrowth with a confusion and two gusts before fainting to a knock off and two acid sprays. Mankey came out, ready to abuse the Tangrowth's low defense with a focus-energy boosted fury swipes, but the combo didn't do too much damage at first, and the Tangrowth was able to fire off a mega drain and set up a growth. While she was able to knock Tangrowth down to the yellow with a second barrage of fury swipes, it still took her down with an acid spray. Ash sent out Frogadier next, and for once, things went right, as Frogadier was able to land a critical-hit lick that paralyzed the Tangrowth! Sure, it healed back some of the damage with a mega drain, but it looked like Ash had a fighting chance... then ZEL used a super potion, fully healing it. ...Is this how Ash feels every time he loses a championship? Anyway, Frogadier was able to slowly chisel away at it with a lick and a round, but got KO'd by a knock off. This led to the second-to-last Pokemon on the team, Pidgeotto, coming out, and miraculously, Tangrowth was immobilized by paralysis for most of the turns Pidgeotto was out! Sure, it landed an acid spray, but it failed to KO him, and he took it out with a few tackles! With the Tangrowth down and the Obsidia Ward saved, it's time to challenge Florina!

The team so far:

frogadier.gifFrogadier (Male) - Lv. 24

pidgeotto.gifPidgey (Male) - Lv. 23

mankey.gifMankey (Female) - Lv. 22

butterfree.gifButterfree (Male) - Lv. 22

grimer.gifGrimer (Male) - Lv. 22

noibat.gifNoibat (Male) - Lv. 22

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Update #9: Kicking Your Grass

Well, Fern was kind of tricky, but Ash managed to get past him. On TEH URN, Fern led with Ludicolo, and Ash led with Noibat. Noibat tanked a nature power-turned-tri attack, and he lowered the Ludicolo's defense with a screech followed by a wing attack. Fern had Ludicolo use a water pulse (which did pathetic damage), and then used a super potion; however, Noibat was able to end it with a wing attack!

Up next came Fern's Grovyle, but it was kind of pathetic. It only used a fury cutter and a leaf blade, but since Ash swapped out to Butterfree, it did pathetic damage, and Butterfree managed to take it out with three gusts (making Fern use up his second super potion)!

Fern's Ferroseed came out next, and without a fire-type, it was a little tricky. Ash sent out Primeape (I grinded Mankey up a little), and he tanked a gyro ball to take it out with two karate chops. ...Okay, it was trickier in context.

Fern sent out his Servine next, and Ash sent out Grimer. Servine set up a growth, but Grimer was able to poison it with a poison gas. Servine fired off a mega drain and a leaf tornado, but Grimer lived and KO'd it with two sludges and poison damage!

All that remained was Fern's Roselia, and Ash sent Butterfree back out. Roselia fired off a poison jab and a mega drain, but Butterfree lived and seriously damaged Roselia with two psybeams, causing it to get confused and KO itself! With Fern done, it's time to move on with the Floral Family and fight the big sister- Florina!

The team so far:

frogadier.gifFrogadier (Male) - Lv. 25

pidgeotto.gifPidgey (Male) - Lv. 25

primeape.gifMankey (Female) - Lv. 25

butterfree.gifButterfree (Male) - Lv. 25

grimer.gifGrimer (Male) - Lv. 25

noibat.gifNoibat (Male) - Lv. 25

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Update #10: Operation Desert Storm

Well, Florina was hard as always, but she could have been much, much worse. On TEH URN, she led with her Cacturne, and Ash led with Primeape. Prmeape managed to knock it down to the red with a karate chop, and while Cacturne was able to retaliate with a needle arm, Primeape was able to survive and keep on swinging, taking down Cacturne with two more karate chops (and making Florina use up her two super potions)!

Up next came Florina's Tropius, and so Ash swapped out to Grimer. While Tropius set up a dragon dance, Grimer poisoned it with a poison gas; Tropius set up a fly next, and Grimer prepared a minimize. Despite this, Tropius was able to land the fly, but Grimer held on with 7 HP and did serious damage to it with a sludge. Tropius set up another fly, but Grimer was able to get healed by a chocolate ice cream while Tropius kept harvesting sitrus berries. Fortunately Tropius missed a fly, got hit by a sludge, and missed two leaf blades while Grimer set up a second minimize and fired off another sludge. Tropius missed one last leaf blade, and finally fainted to one last sludge!

Florina's Grotle was sent out next, and Ash decided to keep Grimer on the field to take advantage of his minimize boosts. Grimer dodged a seed bomb and set up a poison gas, but got slammed by a sand tomb and (since KO'ing the Grotle got him overleveled) disobeyed Ash; fortunately, he was able to land a sludge the next turn after dodging a seed bomb. Grimer got healed by a chocolate ice cream the next turn while dodging a seed bomb, and almost got Grotle down to KO range with poison damage; however, the Grotle then used synthesis to heal itself back to two-thirds health. Grimer was able to knock it down to below half-health, but then he disobyed Ash, allowing the Grotle to set up a stealth rock before fainting.

Florina's Grotle came out next, and Ash once again kept Grimer on the field. He managed to dodge a drain punch, but disobeyed Ash, allowing Breloom to try again and successfully land a drain punch (although Grimer was able to land a sludge, not that it did a crazy amount of damage). Breloom then ended Grimer's sweep with a retaliate, so Ash sent out Butterfree, who managed to survive stealth rock and a retaliate with just two HP to KO the Breloom with a gust!

Florina sent out her Gourgeist after her Breloom, and Ash sent out Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto lowered Gourgeist's accuracy harshly with a sand-attack, causing the Gourgeist to miss a bullet seed. The same thing happened the next turn (Pidgeotto lowered the Gourgeist's accuracy, and the Gourgeist missed), and then Pidgeotto started spamming gust while dodging bullet seeds. He managed to lower Gourgeist's health all the way to the red before Gourgeist could land a hit, and while Gourgeist was able to knock him down to only two HP, he survived and ended it with one last gust!

All that remained was Florina's Cradily. Pidgeotto set up one last sand-attack before fainting to a rock slide, and Frogadier came out after he fainted. After coming out, Frogadier spammed smokescreen, dodging one rock slide while doing so; unfortunately, he got hit by a second rock slide, and fell to it. Up next came Noibat, and he sacrificed his turn to heal Butterfree before fainting to a rock slide. Primeape came out swinging to avenge her fallen brethren, and she got healed with a chocolate ice cream while dodging a rock slide. She then set up a focus energy while Cradily set up a curse, and spammed karate chop while dodging all of the Cradily's attacks, ending it with three karate chops! With Florina defeated, it's time to save the Jasper and Beryl wards!

The team so far:

frogadier.gifFrogadier (Male) - Lv. 25

pidgeotto.gifPidgey (Male) - Lv. 26

primeape.gifMankey (Female) - Lv. 26

butterfree.gifButterfree (Male) - Lv. 25

grimer.gifGrimer (Male) - Lv. 26

noibat.gifNoibat (Male) - Lv. 25

Edited by Lord Chespin
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Update #11: Day of the Tangrowth 2: Tangrowth Harder

Well, Taka was a pain in the butt, mainly because of that Tangrowth, but Ash managed to get past him eventually. On TEH URN, Ash led with Primeape, and Taka led with his Lileep. Primeape was able to do massive damage with a karate chop, but then she got hit with a confuse ray; she then went on to injure herself in confusion, giving Taka a free turn to heal Lileep with a super potion. Amazingly, though, she managed to snap out of confusion the next turn, tank a mega drain, and do insane damage with a critical-hit karate chop! Taka tried using his other super potion, but Primeape just took it out with two more karate chops!

Up next came Taka's Gligar, and so Ash swapped out to Frogadier. It got off a quick attack, but Frogadier shrugged it off and KO'd it with two water pulses before it could attack again!

Taka sent out his almighty PULSE Tangrowth next, and so Ash sent out the Pokemon you've all been waiting for: Pikachu! She confused the Tangrowth with a sweet kiss, tanked a sludge bomb, and set up a thunder shock before fainting to a second sludge bomb. Noibat came out next, and he set up two screeches before fainting to two sludge bombs. Pirmeape was the next Pokemon to stand against the arboreal wrecking ball, and she was able to set up a focus energy safely due to the Tangrowth being immobilized by paralysis. She then did considerable damage with an assurance, but took massive damage from a giga drain; she was at least able to fire off two more assurances before fainting to a sludge bomb. Running out of options, Ash sent out Butterfree, and he managed to survive two sludge bombs with 7 HP remaining to KO the Tangrowth with three psybeams!

With the Tangrowth defeated, Taka sent out his ace, Chatot, and Ash swapped back out to Frogadier. Frogadier did some damage with a water pulse, but got confused by a chatter; despite his confusion, he managed to land a second water pulse on the Chatot, which actually confused it! This caused the Chatot to hurt itself, and let Frogadier KO it with one last water pulse!

All that remained was Taka's Klefki, and so Ash swapped out to Grimer. Grimer took massive damage from a foul play, then missed a mud bomb; all he could do was just watch as Klefki KO'd him with another foul play. Butterfree came back out, and he fell to a foul play as well. Running out of options, Ash sent out Frogadier and healed him with a chocolate ice cream, allowing him to survive two foul plays and do some damage with a water pulse. Unfortunately, Ash had run out of chocolate ice creams, so he slightly broke the rules and revived Primeape using a cotton candy. Frogadier fainted to a foul play immediately after, but Primeape was able to come out, set up a focus energy, survive two foul plays with just 4 HP, and end it with two karate chops! With Taka down and the Beryl Ward sorta saved, it's time to save the Beryl Ward (or what's left of it)!

The team so far:

frogadier.gifFrogadier (Male) - Lv. 28

pikachu-f.gifPikachu (Female) - Lv. 26

primeape.gifMankey (Female) - Lv. 28

butterfree.gifButterfree (Male) - Lv. 27

grimer.gifGrimer (Male) - Lv. 26

noibat.gifNoibat (Male) - Lv. 27

Edited by Lord Chespin
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