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Lf thoughts on my team.


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Hey everyone ! I've been hovering around the forum for the past few days and noticed a lot of you guys have very different teams and since I've been questioning mine a lot, having some critics on it could be of great improvement not to get my ass served to me in episode 16 !

So, up to Ciel i had Blaziken, Heracross, Luxray, Gardevoir, Seismitoad and Meowstic. It was pure crap. I managed to win most of my hard fights thanks to my Speed Boost/Adamant/Shiny/Queen of England/King of the First Men and the Andals/He Who Brings Fury Blaziken that I reseted X times cause I had been told beforehand that this game was hard af. But god how cringe it was. This team was so bad with so many flaws. Finally managed to beat Ciel (which was countering my Overlord Blaziken and Moxie Heracross so hard) thanks to a Sturdy Stealth Rock Golem and a Destiny Bond Qwillfish paired with my Trick Room Gardevoir... And I decided I had enough with this shitty team. So I got myself my Exp. Share and farmed the hell out of Clown Indra in order to build a decent team. Here's what I have now (all of them are lvl 80) :

Ignite (Blaziken, Shiny, Male)


Speed Boost

- Brave Bird

- Fire Punch

- Bulk Up

- Hi Jump Kick

Capone (Honchkrow, Shiny, Male)



- Fly

- Suckerpunch

- Night Slash

- Psych Up

Nessy (Milotic, Male)


Marvel Scale

- Surf

- Waterfall

- Recover

- Hydro Pump

Pinkie (Heliolisk, Female, Shiny)


Dry Skin

- Surf

- Thunder Bolt

- Grass Knot

- Volt Switch

Pantzer (Rhyperior, Male)


Rock Solid

- Stone Edge

- Earthquake

- Poison Jab

- Megahorn

Lancelot (Gardevoir, Male)



- Psychic

- Moon Blast

- Trick Room

- Calm Mind

As for the items, I'm leveling up some Pick Up pokémon to get some Leftovers at least. Got also Black Sludge, Toxic Orb and one Life Orb. Don't know (if you can) where to find Choice Specs, Scarf, or multiple Life Orbs. So I've been giving them elemental Arceus plates thingies. They are not EV trained (thought it would be enough only to have good Natures and Move Sets), but have decent IVs and so stats (especially Capone which is a genetically enhanced monster) but I never ever did strategy in a pokémon game (I only know from watching some from streams). Only Pinkie is bred straight from the egg. I also have a Moxie Heracross and a Heracrossite, also level 80. So I had a few questions regarding this team, which I never really tested but in my mind :

- Is it any good ? Got a pretty decent type coverage, I think, with pretty decent pokemons.

- Blaziken is a god, the others are decent, but I quite don't like Rhyperior. Didn't have the luck to get an Excadrill from the Mystery Egg so which good Rock or Ground type could I use instead ? Was maybe thinking of Aggron but quite not sure. And I really don't feel like using Bunnelsby. Its horrible. Maybe just a solid other type with access to Stone Edge &/or Earthquake ?

- I recently learned that Milotic could get both Scald and Ice Beam from breeding. Is that true ? If yes would it be really worth to breed another one from scratch for these two moves ? Or shall I better wait until we get decent TMs ? (Didn't think about it when I started leveling him up).

- Been thinking about what to play in E16. Since we may have access to Mega Evolutions (only 4 stones are available right know if I read well on the forum), is there any you do plan to put in your team ? Never played X/Y nor ROSA so I don't really know if they are that much game breaking (and since I don't think I'll get a Blazikenite any sooner...). Are they ?

- If we get to the 9th floor in the Dept. Store in E16 and get Evolutionary Items, which pokémon do you think would be good around the core of my team ? Was maybe thinking about Weavile if we can have a Razor Fang. I would then ditch Capone for a Gliscor or an Archeops and could then also ditch my Pantzer. Do you think it is a decent idea ? (Since my Capone can't learn Acrobatics !!%ù@!!# and I didn't bred him so he would have Brave Bird).

- Also, last question, how could I get my Pinkie (Heliolisk) Hyper Voice ? Can't seem to find how.

Sorry for all the "noobish" questions and the approximative english and thanks by advance towards anyone reading this post and answering it !

Have a nice day !

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Hello Althah!

Alirght now lets start.

1st Endure my bad english for the next few minutes while you read my post

With one view your team is pretty decent and you can counter almost every type expect fairys i think only your Rhyperior can but i dont think that he is fast enough to do the first hit and that makes him kinda weak anyway.

About your Rhyperior you could change him for an Aggron (as you said) but sadly earthquake isnt availble yet,Some another choices are Flygon and Nidoking if you want.

For your Milotic well i think that depends on your Milotic's IVs if he have beast IVs keep him if not well change him and try to learn the Ice Beam and Scald by breed (tbh i dont really know... i think he cant learn any of these http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Milotic_(Pokemon) use it the link on googlechrome).If you really want to replace him you could use Lapras instead (HYPE! :) ).

Well for your Honchkrow tbh i dont really know whats going on there since my Murkrow have Bravebird from the start probably the moves are rng so if you want you can breed him with a ditto or change with Gliscor or Archeops as you said.

Finally for your last Question your Heliolisk can learn Hyper Voice from toturing the only trainers atm on the game are on The 7th street and on Circus if i am not wrong so if you cant find your move there then isnt availble yet.

I am really sorry but i cant answer on your rest of your questions because i dont really know whats gonna happen on the next episode i mean on what items we gonna have access :( .

Alringht now i am gonna post my current team if you want go ahead and check if you want to get some ideas

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I did some research and tbh about the milotic thing i dont really know.... i found this http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10935 check the green latters
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Thank you for your answers.

I indeed misread about Milotic's breeding. And since it's IV's where like horrible I ditched him from the team. Same for Rhyperior. IV's weren't really good, and his good physical bulk was not compensating for his horrible special bulk and double weakness to water/plant (and low ass speed). Figured out some replacements.

Dundee (Feraligatr, Male)


Sheer Force

- Waterfall

- Crunch

- Dragon Dance

- Ice Punch

Bred this one multiple times and got really decent IVs and movesets. Think he'll work pretty fine as my water type.

Kamina (Flygon, Male, Shiny)



- Earthquake

- Dragon Claw

- Iron Tail

- Rock Slide

Still not sure about his moveset or nature (hesitating between Adamant and Jolly). With these guys I have 4 physical attackers and only 2 special so I was mb thinking on playing Flygon more as special but not so sure... So i'm letting it be physical for now since his ATT stat is way higher than his SPE ATT.

Decided to keep Honchkrow, his 300 ATT stat with the Suckerpunch stab and Moxie hit just way too hard. Plus I like him a lot, hehe. About Heliolisk I saw a trainer here with Hyper Voice on his on his trainer card but maybe it was from another game or the officials ones so I thought maybe I had miss a TM in the game. Apparently not, so he'll keep both Thunderbolt and Volt Switch. Also, here's for you Azodian : http://prntscr.com/c5ad27 (the Shiny Charm helps :P)

By the way what exactly is Misty Terrain ? Can't seem to find how it synergizes with my team ? I could consider it because Trick Room was just the ace up my sleeve to beat trainers with better pokemon which I really needed to outspeed. With this team I hope I won't need it, especially since a lot of them are really fast or have speed boosting moves. Sorry about this noobish question, I couldn't emulate X/Y or ORAS so Reborn is the first game where I handle Fairy types xD

Anyway thank you again a lot for your feedback and all your answers !

Edited by Althah
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Btw it was in this guide that I saw the breeding for Milotic. In E15 additions. So is it Reborn-exclusive maybe ?


If it is actually I might reconsider breeding an other one. Feraligatr is good, but is just a worse water type Blaziken, and I don't think its in any ways better than a well-bred Milotic.

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For my Heliolisk I've got:

Dry Skin


Damp Rock


-Rain Dance


-Magnet Rise

Magnet Rise is great for trolling ground types so you can wash them away with Surf.

I feel Thunder + Rain Dance is a more efficient combo if you want to really take advantage of Dry Skin and also because Thunder has its accuracy boosted to 100% while in the rain so basically you've got a 110 power move with increased chance to paralyze compared to Thunder bolt. Heliolisk's speed should be enough to quickly set up before the enemy starts attacking.

If you really want to keep Volt Switch or Grass Knot then I guess you can give Rain Dance to your Milotic and replace Hydro Pump with it.

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Well since it's written as "E15 additions" and last edit was in 12/2015, are you sure about that ?

Edit for 5hift : I really dislike Thunder because it has only 5PP. Sucks if you have to do some long-ass even with 12 pokémon double battles and stuff like when Team Meteor attacked the estate in the mountain. Probably is better in strategy but since Reborn, as hard as it is, is still an adventure game I feel like having more PP is better. Could say it's a personal choice. I truly entrust my Heliolisk to take care of her targets only with her Thunderbolt, SPE ATT stat and the fact the move is super effective ^^

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Thunder has 10 PP.

While that isn't a lot its still pretty reliable. You can drop enemies pretty quick if you got Rain dance going.

Rain Dance can also benefit your Milotic but as for your Blaziken it might prove to be a hindrance.

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  On 8/14/2016 at 1:29 AM, Althah said:

Well since it's written as "E15 additions" and last edit was in 12/2015, are you sure about that ?

Pretty sure. The TM system changed when we made the conversion to Gen VI. We get infinite use TMs now, but we can't breed them down anymore. You could try just to be sure, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.

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