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[OOC/Sign-Ups] Myriad of a Thousand Worlds - Ashes of War


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Name: Jesse Nuscoupe

Race: Human/Demi-Angel

Class: Sniper/Assassin

Primary Weapon: Jesse wields a high powered sniping rifle that helps him take down both humans and monsters alike from a reasonable range.

Backup Weapon: some sharp knives and some garrote wire just in case he feels like delivering a silent takedown to his unsuspecting victim.

Appearance: Jesse appears to be a normal looking teenager wearing a high powered rifle rested on his back. Jesse stands 5'7 tall and has a thin athletically built frame. The demi-angel has a messy dirty blonde hair, blue sharp eyes, wears a printed shirt, a pair of comfy shorts and a pair of trendy chucks the humans of this earth use to wear.

Personality Overview: Jesse's character is a bit childish and overcompetitive even in the smallest matters. He dislikes failure and easy gets frustrated when something doesn't go his way. Jesse likes to prove himself worthy by any means necessary. Other than that, He's quite friendly and easily to get along to if you get past his immature superiority complex.

Skill Level Overview: Jesse is a deadly hitman, a nimble acrobat, an expert marksman, a hand-to-hand combat specialist. His superpowers: x-ray vision,invisibility and ability to phase through solid matter.

Jesse's stealth ability lets him transform himself into a wraith-like figure that slowly fades away from existence. This ethereal metamorphosis has a fade time and requires a lot of concentration before Jesse's powers really kicks in.

Upon achieving full invisibility, Jesse channels into a different dimension, gaining power. He sees the real world different now like some fictional midget wearing a mystical ring of power. Jesse gains unworldly powers enabling him to heighten his senses and phase through non-living solid objects, transforming himself into a formidable unseen assassin. (Literally.) This ability benefits Jesse either in engaging his enemies with his gun or melee attacks.

Jesse is most dangerous with his rifle while in this form. Being invisible lets him go undetected from a great distance while firing and reloading bullets at a breakneck speed, taking out multiple enemies at one go within his line of fire. After unloading and unleashing a hail of lead, His rifle overheats and needs to recharge for another round before using it again. His vision drastically improves as well. Jesse gains the ability see through objects and bypass any obstacles blocking his sight like some sort of an x-ray vision. It has a large range and can detect his enemies within 10km of his vision.

As for melee combat, Jesse can strike enemies while maintaining his invisible form. He moves much quicker and strikes a lot harder.

Also while in this state, Jesse's heart beats slower making him almost untraceable to his foes. the downside is: He can quickly suffer from exhaustion as his breaths get shorter in maintaining this form; or worst, his Heart can permanently stop beating if he stays in this form for too long. Unlike any angels, Jesse doesn't have any wings. Jesse also displays no feats of enhanced strength outside his powers and only relies on his human strength.

Backstory: Jesse is a part of a secret order of angels that swore to protect their race in a different world. A fraternity of demi-angels who blends in with the humans and who takes its orders from their mysterious ringmaster they called "The Silent One". These angels must give up their wings and halo in exchange of becoming part human to join and show their undying commitment to this organization.This angel cult trains their members in mastering the art of assassination the human's practice such as using guns and knives in dealing with their enemies. Some say some members goes beyond that practice as they use a much darker method than demons.

This brotherhood was recently disbanded for reasons unknown. None have seen and heard from the fraternity or their ringmaster ever since.Despite the cult's break up, Jesse remains true to the fraternity's teachings and continues to fight for the angel race in secrecy. Now that the multiple worlds have open. He saw an opportunity a start a new. He travels to Myriad and joins in with the Alliance to help him track and gain information about his possible new 'targets'.

Edited by Ragnar
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Ragnar, your character has a few issues, but nothing too serious. First, in your rifle description, scratch "any distance" and "regardless of race". That´s a bit too OP for a sniper, everyone has limits.

Another one is the secret society thing. Just as I pointed out to Cool Girl, if it is something from outside Myriad and your char changed worlds later than that´s ok, but I´d prefer those things not to have an impact in the story as a whole.

As for the IC, I am waiting for a few people who already contacted me to post their characters, although I do think it is best to set a date for starting this. Sooo, does next Tuesday look good?

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Name: Rhaeza

Race: Werewolf (Monster)

Class: Night Blade (Spy)

Primary Weapon: Khukuri

Backup Weapon: Wristbow


Rhaeza typically wears an open black trench coat with some black, black, and touch of white. He doesn’t look that different from a normal humanoid with the exception of his amber eyes with vertical pupils, and longer canine teeth. He has long dark brown hair, and a short full beard. In his werewolf form his is just over a foot taller (normally just under 6 foot), and has dark brown fur over all of his body, a tail, a canine face, and long sharp claws. Basically a stereotypical werewolf, but there seems to still be an intelligence in his yellow eyes.

Personality Overview:

Rhaeza is more of a listener than a talker, but he has a lot of stories to tell. He trusts slowly, but forms strong bonds when he does. For the amount of stuff that Rhaeza has been through, he is more talkative than most would be in his shoes. He doesn’t usually like to talk about a lot of his previous “jobs”, for fear that he would be viewed as bragging and arrogant, but if you can get him talking he may ramble on for hours about stories of how he survived by the hair on his beard, or how scared a guard so dearly that his heart stopped...

Skill Level Overview:

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Edited by M_Cowher
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Figured I'd rework an interesting character I didn't get to fully play out into something... of my own twist. Hope you enjoy Notus.~ Lemme know if it's coooooooool.

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I thought I'd take part, really. Here's my character sheet for my character.

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Thank you for your time. I await your decision.

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Niiiice, really nice! Huk Sensei, Bom is in and she was a neat surprise for me! I'm eager to see her in action in that new form XD.

Inno, Karol is looking great as well! Accepted for sure.

Aand just to remember, my goal for postin the IC is this Tuesday! So anyone still needing to edit/submit characters please do so until tomorrow night. The game is almost on!

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Alright, re-submitting my form! Also, I'm a little sick right now (I have stomach flu) so I'll try my best. Just letting you know.

Name: Misara Vorera (this is her full name, you can just call her Misara)

Race: Cambion (Half-Demon)
Class: Warrior
Primary Weapon: Demon Sword. The Demon Sword can also act according to her heart and emotions. For example, if she accidentally stabs someone she doesn't want to, the Demon Sword will not stab to the point of death
Backup Weapon: She has small daggers/knives that she can use as projectiles or in melee combat
Personality Overview: She is extremely cold-hearted to anybody, especially humans. However, for some reason, she starts to want to learn about humans, but she still acts cold toward them telling them that she doesn't really care whether they follow her or not, whether they like her or not. She will show no mercy to her opponents and will not hesitate to kill if necessary. She also acts calm even though the opponent looks very strong and even though she knows she'll lose, she still acts calm. During her spare time, she likes to train and hone her skills. Yes, that includes hunting for food, if she's asked to do it. However, once she joins the alliance, she slowly and little by little starts to interact with her allies and hanging out with them, whether it's an individual person or just all of them. She also loves to fight, so if she likes someone or makes a friend, she may ask for a sparing match.
Skill Overview: She has combat experience where she can fight with her demon sword and she can aim small knives/daggers at you. She even has close combat and hand to hand combat experience. However, she does have weaknesses. Her first weakness is that if she is stabbed by someone she loves, which can be a human or if she is stabbed by another demon or an angel, she cannot heal and could die. Her second weakness is that if a loved one dies at the hands of her enemy, she will go insane. She will pretty much lose her sanity and turn into a full-demon. Pretty much a monster who goes on a rampage and is out of control, which means she could kill her allies. Her third weakness is that if she sees someone that looks familiar to her (like the half-demon that she thought), she will panic and will be unable to move. Pretty much PTSD.

Backstory: It is said that once a year, a demon comes into Misara’s town and takes one woman in exchange for the village’s safety. The women that left with the demon never came back, presumably taken away to be concubines or toys for his liking. Misara’s village lived in fear of the demon, and when she turned 16, Misara, an orphan whose background was shrouded in mystery, was chosen to go as the next sacrifice. Everything she had was to be lost, her freedom, her happiness, destined to live a life where she is illicitly bound, to be at the mercy of a monster. She was not going to take it anymore.

Out of selfishness and fear, she concocted a plan to end her life, ignorant of the consequences of her actions. In a fit of rage, the loathed demon wreaked havoc upon her village, burning it to ashes and killing everyone in it. Misara couldn’t run forever, though; eventually, the monster caught up to her, ready to take her as his own.

Reacting to the demon’s rage, an unknown power awakened in the desperate moment that gave Misara the strength she had never imagined. Bestowed with the sudden gift of demonic lineage, she sparred against the demon that had terrorized her home and with the evil demon’s own sword, sliced him in two, and avenging her homeland. To this day, she keeps the demon’s sword as her trophy and keepsake, as a reminder of her achievement and who she now really was.

Misara’s father was a demon and her mother was human. However, when they gave birth to her, they discovered that she was only human. Her father said that it's possible that her demon powers have not awakened yet. We do not know what happened to her mother. However, it is rumored that her father was killed by someone. But, we do know that they abandoned her to the village that she was at. The information on her foster parents are unknown. It's also revealed that when she transformed, she may have been struck with amnesia meaning that she does not remember some things about her past or herself.

After the half-demon's defeat, she learns that her village has been burned down. She no longer had a home. She then goes on a journey in hopes of finding her place in the world, having lost everything – and longs for acceptance, and, if denied that – domination. She eventually comes across the alliance and learn about the war and why the alliance is formed. She then decides to join the alliance as she believes it may help her find the answers that she's looking for.

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I did a little tinkering, basically gave Raziel slightly more offensive presence with light (through heat). And made him a little more survivable through ice armor (Since as it stands pretty much anything could kill him. I think of this as the "Mage Armor" spells in Elder Scrolls except...not awful.)

Hope this is alright. Can be changed back if need be.

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Name: Lucille Blood

Race: Human

Class: Beastheart (Mage/Warrior)

Primary Weapon: Beastheart- Lucille's innate power to both control beasts and channel their natural abilities to use herself serve as her main weapon. Her constant companion Bora serves primarily as a mount in combat, charging and tearing the enemy apart with incredible strength and vorpal claws and withstanding even heavy blows thanks to his thick hide, though Lucille can also take up the battle directly and fight alongside the bear as partners, given she can perfectly mimic his immense ursine ferocity, strength, speed, and durability, turning what was already fearsome opposition into an even more devastating force as master and beast both tear through the ranks side by side.

Backup Weapon: Sound Magic- Having been tutored in the various ways of magicks, Lucille has learned over the years how to use her knowledge to control and shape the raw power of sound towards a vast myriad of uses, including many combative ends such as slicing targets with condensed blades of sonic energy, emitting ultrasonic frequencies, blasts and screeches to deafen and disorient attackers, forming projectiles and barriers made of pure vibration, etc.

Appearance: 5'6, a lean and athletic young woman in her early twenties. Some might say there's an almost feral beauty to her, with her wolfish grin and visibly pronounced canines and shaggy, dark blonde locks framing her heart shaped face and flowing down to her lower back. Her eyes hold notable defects in the form of featureless, platinum-white irides with no visible pupils. When actively using her gift however, they morph into vertical Draconic slits surrounded by a ring of reflective, radiant verdant.

She's never been a fan of armor, cladding herself instead in naught but vestments of hide and fur that offers far more defensive value than one might think at a glance, soft to the ordinary touch yet nigh damnably tough against assault, flowing from her shoulders to her bare thighs in a cascade of silken black fur, plates of bone mounted to her shoulders as pauldrons. A fang of the purest snow white dangles from her neck on a cord of sinew, and the only exception to her abstinence to metallic armor are the pair of ornately engraved, Elven bracers on her arms bearing the insignia of a Fallen General, worn as trophies and proof of her greatest triumph. She forgoes the use of any gloves or boots, leaving her hands and feet bare.

Personality Overview: Adaptive, pragmatic, and oft times restless, Lucille has been described as closer to beast than human for good reason; though she is ultimately the one in control, over the years the qualities and mannerisms of her bound companions have nevertheless had their impact on her behavior, especially apparent in her tendency to act more on instinct than careful forethought or planning, letting her senses and intuition guide her final judgement above all else the majority of the time.

Just like a predator, Lucille recognizes that there is a natural order to the world, one that is quite simply at it's most basic core: For there to be life, there must be death as well, for they are bound and equal halves of the same coin. Things live, things die, and things move on, that's simply how it is, and there are simply some lines one should not try to cross... hence, those who actively attempt to defy the natural order by enslaving the spirits of the departed to raise undead, or by prolonging their own sad existence through related macabre means will quickly gain her ire. As will those who kill simply for the sake of desire and greed, rather than having some Justifiable reason behind the act.

Likewise, both her compassion and opinion towards non-monstrous races seems to be rather...poor, even towards her own kind, and though she doesn't usually go out of her way to be curt or hostile, she doesn't make much of an effort to be amiable towards them either.

Skill Level Overview:


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(~Physical Combat~)

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  On 8/23/2016 at 7:41 PM, Cool Girl said:

Yeah, I know that. I'm just saying that to your character 'cause I had a gut feeling your character said that.

There isn't anything to base that off of aside from what you as a person knew. Misara wouldn't be able to know unless maybe she gets that kind of thought a lot and is very insecure about it. Doing something like this is known as metagaming, using what you know in an RP when your own character wouldn't have a clue. Metagaming is frowned upon if the host is lax and outright banned if not.

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I handled it, no worries. ((Guess that's one advantage of me being in this RP...))

((also as a note, single line posts are a bit...bleh as well. They aren't typically against the rules or anything just that single line posts give veeeeery little introspect into the character, and are pretty matter of act and tend to be rather... uninteresting. They jsut serve then bare minimum that is needed to advance soemthing but add very little to it.))

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What Huk said. Essays aren't expected but start with how a character says something then maybe try some expansion into what the character may be thinking, maybe what their expression or body language is like.

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You know, one of the best points of having experienced players around is that they can make this kind of correction if I kick the bucket and disappear forever am busy in the afternoon XD. Thanks guys!

Cool Girl, what they said is totally correct. Don´t worry too much about it though, everyone makes those little mistakes in the begining. That´s the handy thing about the edit button here. ^_^

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