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[OOC/Sign-Ups] Myriad of a Thousand Worlds - Ashes of War


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Does anybody know where Misara has been placed now?


Misara walked around aimlessly for around half an hour. The city was bustling with movement, stores open, angels passing everywhere, and lights coming from the windows of the tal buildings indicating activity in the magic ateliers. Some human merchants had carts on the streets selling their wares as well, though those were few compared to any other big city.

After some time, she started to notice some people looking in a weird way towards her - specially from city guards. Some angels had an high sensibility to demonic magic, being trained to recognize their presences from the times of war, and though she was only half-demon, it was a given a few of them would feel something off about her. Most were not that happy with demons coming into their home - Angels were the very last to enter the Alliance because of their lack of trust in that particular race.

She was turning around a corner when something bumped on her legs and fell to the floor, letting out a startled scream. Looking down she saw a little girl, probably around ten years old from her looks, sitting on the floor with a face like she was about to cry - what she promptly did a second later.

"Oooouchie! I hurt my tail!" she said revealing, much for the older girl´s surprise, a row of sharp and menacing teeth. Then she changed to an angry tone "Watch out were you´re going miss!"

You never responded to notus's last section for you from what I saw.

Luna & Lucille

[in wait, because lunchtimeandi´mgonnabelate)

Also, just realized that notus never did follow through on that update he had for Lucille and Luna... well, not like it matters much anymore...
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@ Strat: Aaactually I was going to have you find Jesse & Lisa, but since you´ve already gone that way I just let things roll. Also yeah, if I don´t post something for your chars in an update you have free rein ;)

Now woah woah. Acquie?! Of course! I wasn´t planning on opening any more slots, but hell if I won´t make an exception for you XD.

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Alright, so like, got the brunt of the post ready to go and shizz... but uh, still need to do a bit more research about this bird...

damn it's hard to find references on like, ice birds from actual mythology not named Articuno

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Giant Eagle from Norse mythos eh? I could make it work (with a baby one or something... cause there's no way in hell a fully grown one would just be chilling out, flying over the fucking city without being noticed)

Though, I thought up of something while I was fucking lost on the way home... we'll see I guess.

EDIT: Screw it, when in doubt, walk with the romans...the roman obsession with their precious golden bird figurines has given me a nice little idea for forest-lore surrounding an entire species of golden plumed eagles from another world...

for any who don't know what I'm talking about with the "Ivory Towers" (or rather, missed the announcement I made when I finished editing her final appearance, since... the original app was rushed as fuck to get in on time) hover your mouse over the text...

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I know posting is fun and this is about to sound... really anti-climactic and weird, but... y'all in the fight scene really need to slooooow down and chillax a bit. You need to give Notus some time to breathe and actually reply. Like, more and more pending actions just are getting tied on and it's getting to the point that any reaction from him will have to magically catch-up somehow... all of your attacks past Lexi's are just assuming hers worked. You... don't know that it has yet so how are you continuing it exaaaactly? Just relax a little. from a host's prespective there is such a thing as too much posting, and when all that stuff is coming at you at once it can be suuuuper hard to keep track of. Because one action is hard enough... when the players start layering them on top of each other in quick succession it becomes nigh impossible for them to do anything since you just are taking control out of their hands by ramming so many actions down their throat that they can't possibly react to them all.

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Yeah... plus at the rate you're going, you're either gonna end up killing the poor guy before anyone else even arrives, or forcing him to stop playing around and actually get a bit more aggressive about totally wrecking you instead of just letting the never ending chickens do it... which you'll probably regret if he does. and as an aside, you might want to edit some of those post after lexi's, for uh... all the exact same reasons hukuna cited about how you assumed her attack just magically worked as intended despite notus not having the chance to respond yet

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lol yea I'm not trying to be a party pooper, and I know hwo easy it can be to get carried away and want your character to do cool shit too! But, sometimes we need to chill out, relax, and wait for replies. lol. Just watch for your opportunity. ((and like you can totally attack some of them cockatrice or something. Those little feelers are going to not be fun if they pile up.)) or have them obverse something or get their thoughts on the current goin's on.

But yea at times, gotta let the host reply before you pile more onto the "resolve" pile.

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Please wait a bit folks, I´m a bit busy now but I´ll have a post on soon! I´m feeling bad about NPCA#457, poor guy´s got the whole team to beat him up.
While that, Misara is just up against a bunch of guys, protecting a kid. What could possibly go wrong, I wonder?

Aalso, I did an edit on this morning´s post earlier regarding Gabriel. Dunno if that was noticed.

Noir... this is kinda full right now, but do send your sheet. I will think about a way to make it work with more people, and if I succeed I´ll shoot you a PM

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Yeah... plus at the rate you're going, you're either gonna end up killing the poor guy before anyone else even arrives, or forcing him to stop playing around and actually get a bit more aggressive about totally wrecking you instead of just letting the never ending chickens do it... which you'll probably regret if he does. and as an aside, you might want to edit some of those post after lexi's, for uh... all the exact same reasons hukuna cited about how you assumed her attack just magically worked as intended despite notus not having the chance to respond yet

Well, her power sort of has "do whatever the fuck I want" written in it. So it's not necessarily the worst assumption... But also she didn't actually destroy the shield at all anyways? I specially recall using the word "pierce" and then slashing upwards, so unless it somehow melts when stabbed by black fire then it's not going to be more than a long gash, like a fresh knife cut (P sure gash was the description I gave IC as well). And that assumes the shield can't regenerate itself or some other shenanigans...

TL;DR even if it did work as intended, the intention wasn't actually to drop the shield, more just to test how it responded to damage. And also how RNPCA457 responded to having what I assume to be a pretty tough shield pierced with little effort by the teenage girl

(Also TBH I stretched letting her use her powers in this fight for the sake of the reveal, since there really wasn't a clear cue for how RNPCA457 felt about her powers. But based on how our private discussion went I was under the impression she was supposed to use them here. In the future I won't be so lenient, cross my heartsies)

As for overwhelming Notus, all I can say is that I've been posting one-for-one with his posts (well, I think a little less actually?) I can dial it back if need be, but that's usually the acceptable standard in my experience

I´m feeling bad about NPCA#457, poor guy´s got the whole team to beat him up.


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To be fair it was 1v3 fight, we just followed up what Tachibana did during that scene that we were all in. I didn't intend to disrupt anything. But anyways i'm glad we soften RNPCA#457 for ya guys, you'll probably pulverize this guy to a pulp considering the incoming party is compose of a nightmare beast, a blind beastmaster, and a super enchanced cyborg.

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Uh strat, I was under the impression that Luna and the angel were around the corner and out of sight

Well, I assumed he most likely ran smack into her before he ever actually completed the turn, thus still kinda leaving him and Luna more or less in sight (plus, that's just assuming she failed to grab him, since notus seemed to be implying the poor bloke was a bit frozen in fear at that exact moment in which he saw either way... and if she did manage to get him, she basically would've slammed him up against the wall, so, yeah... I wasn't too worried about whether they were visible) I mean, the update was a bit ambiguous on that exact front, so... I just took a liberty or two in the interpretation of positioning, left the exact wording ambiguous to allow ease of editing later and called it a night.

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That liberty kinda makes Jorgen look like a moron. Huk did say in his post Luna slammed him against the wall but idk which one >>. I'll edit my own post if I have to but this is confusing

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That liberty kinda makes Jorgen look like a moron. Huk did say in his post Luna slammed him against the wall but idk which one >>. I'll edit my own post if I have to but this is confusing

Eh, yeah... sorry about that buddy, it was just getting pretty late around here and I wanted to have that last bit up before I went to bed since you had just posted and we'd arrived at the scene together and all. more to avoid... you know, me having to do some massive timing fuckery/catch like with the Aquila Eagle post because a bunch of folks did shit and advanced stuff and kinda muddled the general sense of timeline before I could get it up...seriously, got ninja'd so many damn times on that one....

God damn mythologies of the world lacking any giant ice birds... what the actual hell, how has no culture ever developed that particular myth when there's shit like the phoenix and thunderbird?

EDIT: Actually dobby, it might not be too far fetched if Jorgen actually did see Luna and the angel and simply presumed lisa another potential threat/ unapprehended accomplice since... out of everyone she's the only stranger present. I mean, that whole situation looks like it was designed to be chaotic, and Lucille neglected to tell him much of what was actually going on so... a bit of confusion as to whether Lisa is friend and foe is probably justifiable for him. You did say in your previous post how he was ready to neutralize the threat, and quick...plus you were debating on whether to let jorgen continue as he has been or show off a bit of the original aggressive/gung ho brawler you like originally intended so...could actually work out if ya think about it.

just a potential idea to try to fix the madness I've caused XD

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Ufff. Sorry about the delay folks, but now it´s up. I´m just a bit suprised by how no one flinched when seeing Luna, not knowing it was her. Other than that, everything going smoothly XD

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