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[OOC/Sign-Ups] Myriad of a Thousand Worlds - Ashes of War


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Soorry guys, I was travelling again so I didn´t get the time to post lately. As Tachibana pointed out, this might be getting a bit too fast for some people (and that´s something I´ve been thinking for some time Tachi, it´s not just you that might have this problem.) So, what do you say if we slow a down a bit? I´ll refrain from posting in a scene until everyone involved on it has answered or made clear that no answer is needed, and I ask that you guys also try to not carry on too fast.

Can we give it a try?

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I mean, personally I felt that up till now with the exception of a few scenes, the pacing was decent enough... I for one have even been explicitly waiting for a certain number of post before continuing with Lucille individual scenes, so...

but then again, I was around for both Ymora and the original PA and have seen just how fast shit can get, so... my definition of "too fast" is likely different from alot of you guys, probs the same for anyone else who was there too.

But... I guess if some folks feel like they can't keep up, we can slow it down, yeah...just try not to overcompensate for that either, cause uh... we all know the issues that overly slow activity has caused in the past around this place. Tends to be like Arsenic for these types of things...

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What I´ve been feeling is that some scenes are going faster than others. But again, that´s a minor issue as of now, if you compare to stuff like Ymora XD.

Aaaanyway, the post is in the works guys, just today was hella crazy with school work and exams. Tomorrow morning most likely I´ll have it all written.

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So, as a heads up, I'll be leaving for a college visit tomorrow morning and won't be able to post until Sunday night most likely. Feel free to bunny Raziel to the hotel and leave him to question our little pal if we don't get that far before then.

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It didn´t take long afterwards for the little group to start dispersing. First to leave were the humans, then Iceliste, Juliet and the angels, leaving Ledoroch alone with Gabriel. The blue demon started preparing for leaving as well, but before that he looked deep in Gabriel´s eyes. "Listen Gabriel, I was serious before. I mean, when I said you could come to me for help anytime. No matter what kind of problem you have, I´ll try my best to find a cure, I promise."

He packed his last things and looked at the street with vacant eyes. "This world´s already seen too much suffering. I vowed to do what I can to fix things, but it´s a job that will take more than just one generation and more than just one race. If I help you now, I´m sure someday you´ll end up repaying that favour to someone else."


"Bargus? Oh yes, I think we´ve got a guest that fits your description. Just a minute." The angel at the counter checked some light screens and then resumed answering Raziel "It seems he is on the restaurant, sir. Do you want me to take you there?"

((Psssst, notus buddy, i think ya edited Raziel's section into the wrong post. The one ya wanted was this below; having it in the above sets the event as happening just after lucille has just found Raziel and he asks her if the prisoner is awake yet. But yeah, the chronologically correct post to be edited was this one right here:))

Jarvis & Rhaeza

The combinination of Jarvis´ slap and Rhaeza´s sincerely surprised statement seemed to get across to the man and make him a bit more conversation-friendly. He massaged his cheek where Jarvis had hit, and gave them a suspicious look. "What, then you´re really after the killers too? Under whose command are you working? Do you have any credentials to prove what you´re saying?"


"Well, of me the best mage of course, the title says it! And beating Miss Valerie in combat for the Academy, when I do that - I mean, when I did that - I got mister Haze to be my servant and buy me all the toys I wanted! Yeah, that´s it." she said, stuffing her chest and raising her chin in a pretty comic attempt to look proud. Then she resumed answering the second question. "Oh, and this city stinks! Everyone treats me as a little kid. There´s all those adults acting like they know it all, and Mr. Haze doesn´t let me play on the streets. I´m here just for watching classes after all..."


Haze took a glance towards the door and exitated a bit before following Bargus, but ultimately left Cana on the care of his subordinates, oblivious to what happened inside the room.


The waiter arrived soon, and Haze asked for an appetizer and water. "Well then, I´d be really interested in talking with this friend of yours. Actually, your group looks quite interesting, judging from the ones I´ve seen at least. What are you looking for in Marblegate?"


Now Ledoroch raised both eyebrows, unable to hide his surprise. Still, it didn´t go past that gesture. "Oh well, I thought I sensed something... odd about you, but never thought that would be the case." He told Gabriel. Then, realizing he might have sounded rude, he continued. "I apologize. Actually, you´re not the first case I´ve seen of a vampire wanting treatment for their condition. I understand it must be a terrible burden for you, but unfortunately I still haven´t found a way to revert that... At least not with blood magic alone. I could try a complete blood transfusion , but once someone becomes a vampire, the body itself transforms too much for me to do anything." He sighed. "Maybe I could do something if I worked in tandem with someone able to modify your body. That would be quite the intrusive process though."

Misara & Karol

The inside of the mountain, although having many ellaborate carvings on the walls, was mostly wide rocky corridors and rooms of the same blueish white stone. It looked like a gigantic cave complex, with the corridors having enough space for a crowd to get past them without any problems.

They got past some rooms being prepared for the lectures that would take place in the following days, all of them spacious and full of confortable chairs, and ended up in a huge pair of metalic doors, with the sign 'Ceremony Hall' hanging on the wall beside it. Soon after their arrival, an angel came out of the room looking at a clipboard with a concentrated expression. Seeing the girls, he stopped what he was doing and talked to them. "Oh hello, are you here for the meeting? Can I help you with something?"

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Oh. So thats why I couldnt find it. Yeah, Strat is right.

(Also apologies for apostrophies not working correctly. Chromebooks have pretty bad keyboards lol)

Edit: Ninja´d

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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