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[OOC/Sign-Ups] Myriad of a Thousand Worlds - Ashes of War


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Lols, ya know, I just noticed... we all seem to be spending extended periods of time in alleyways so far

guess ya'll are finally taking mah advice, huh?

I have the sneaking suspicion this may become a recurring theme throughout the mission XD

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  On 9/6/2016 at 7:02 PM, Dobby The Elf said:

cyborg mobility \o/

Lols man...

ya know what would be perfect for this whole mess right now though?

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I just imagine Jorgen scaling that facade, the guards all on the ground like "Oh shit!" with jaws on the floor, and this playing in the background... and it all just comes together so perfectly XD

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Woah, woah. Sorry, I didn´t realize! I read the last posts in a hurry and thought you´d already left. Sorry for the huge mistake Huk, I´m editing right now.

Edited so I only mentioned Jesse. You can make Luna go with him or stay close to the others, up to you. Please don´t drop, I just didn´t enough pay attention and screwed up

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Look, this jsut isn't fun for me anymore. I feel like anytime I post I'm either having to defend anything I post... justify why people shouldn't be blanantly meta'ing me... or if I don't post literally every 5 secs that people railroad me into stuff without my say. It's jsut not fun for me to be in this RP, It's stressful. Because people don't respect me as a player so I have to work to not be walked all over by the other players. And I'm sorry, but that's not fair to me at all. I'm jsut not going to be a part of this anymore cause it's clear to me, that as I said, my time and contrubtions jsut aren't valued here and I might as well not even play because people are playing my character for me and have been since the beginning. I shouldn't have to keep saying "stop doing X" in the OOC anytime anything involves my character.

So, I'm sorry, but I'm dropping. I jsut don't need the stress becuase that's all this RP has been for me thus far... a headache.

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It's fine to drop if you aren't enjoying yourself in my opinion but don't assume people don't care. There's been so much fuss over Luna precisely because people do care and want to avoid stepping on your toes. It's a little disrespectful to Notus and everyone else to suggest that they don't care.

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Ok, back from the break.

I´m sorry it turned out that way Huk, but do what you think is best. The whole point of this is to enjoy ourselves and, if that´s not happening, then no problem at all. Just keep in mind it was never my intention, nor I think it was anyone´s to disrespect you. For me it´s the opposite actually, you´re one of the writers I admire the most among the ones I had the pleasure to meet. Sorry friend.

But hey, moving on! Glad to see Lisa back in action! And now that the alley party is over, I´m back to doing a hella ton updates! Yey!


It´s worth the work though. Let´s get this going! XD

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